!deleted6348 avatar



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!deleted6348 avatar

Don’t worry, by buying so many studios they will invest more into gaming, and we’ll get better games than ever!

Monopolies are never good, kids. Attempted monopolies are just about as bad.

I’m also real tired of the copro euphemisms going around trying to hide that they’re firing people.

!deleted6348 avatar

We’ve tried layoffs, we’ve tried cutting funding, revoking investments, and still they refuse to be profitable! We’ll close them now to show them how they failed.

!deleted6348 avatar

Yeah I think expectations are too high, where people expected a perfect game like cities skylines forgetting that when it launched it was also a very rocky start.

Gamers in general are just very entitled, and very unforgiving

!deleted6348 avatar

It wasn’t polished yes, graphics were not great and people were justified being disappointed and returning it if they felt like it was game breaking

But the vitriol is what I mean, the pure hate, the threats to developers, the anger thrown at them. That is what I’m referring to. If some graphical issues make you so mad that you need to literally threaten people then I think you shouldn’t game anymore. That’s where I say entitled and anger issues.

!deleted6348 avatar

Maybe they’re learning from Sony. That barely anyone runs out to get another console for exclusives, way more people will wait or just not play the game. They’re mostly just leaving money on the table

!deleted6348 avatar

I think I’m perfectly comfortable with not using subscriptions.

I’ve replayed mass effect a dozen times. Cyberpunk 2077 4 times. Witcher at least 6 now. Why would I want to start renting my games over buying them?

!deleted6348 avatar

And people think I’m crazy for buying physical discs of movies and having 20+ hdds spinning

!deleted6348 avatar

I can get a 20tb HDD right now for $300. When I am talking about 100s of TBs it makes a difference

!deleted6348 avatar

Bingo. AI is shockingly good at building simple things, helping with direct questions about items. It cannot replace humans in its current state.

At this point it’s CEO bluster just like the blockchain, where the suits are talking about technology like they personally handcrafted it while the actual engineers are sitting in the back of the room thinking “uh, there’s no way it can do that”.

I think we’re going to see a couple hilarious cycles of some shit thinks they can replace humans with AI, fail spectacularly, and then quietly go back.

!deleted6348 avatar

Well, for one, I play role playing games. So, I like to experience different roles, different ways of thinking, and playing as someone like FemShep or female V in Cyberpunk offers a much different perspective on life than if I played as a male. I’m a male, I go outside as a male, why do the same thing in gaming?

And for a second reason, if I’m playing a third person shooter why would I (a straight male) want to stare at a man’s ass for 120ish hours?

!deleted6348 avatar

They should have known this would happen, I mean, after X-Men origins wolverine…

!deleted6348 avatar

Ah, the marketing department had to justify their existence, didn’t they?

!deleted6348 avatar

Very cool. I try to keep tabs on the game, every time I start but then I get bored around 20ish hours in. Something about making the same factory over and over, but I’ll have to give it an honest shot now

!deleted6348 avatar

They do, but they only get you so far. I just gotta push my way through it. I remember that green engine, had to make huge factories multiple times for that thing

Starfield design lead says players are "disconnected" from how games are actually made: "Don't fool yourself into thinking you know why it is the way it is" (www.gamesradar.com) angielski

apparently this is in response to a few threads on Reddit flaming Starfield—in general, it’s been rather interesting to see Bethesda take what i can only describe as a “try to debate Starfield to popularity” approach with the game’s skeptics in the past month or two. not entirely sure it’s a winning strategy,...

!deleted6348 avatar

Starfield has it’s negatives for sure, but he has a point about what the communities have been like (including here on Lemmy).

There have been so many armchair gamedevs who overnight know intricacies of engines, how programming works, how 8 year old computers should be able to run brand new AAA titles at 120fps. It’s been just exhausting reading these conversations.

For example, one thing I read again and again was “Starfield just wasn’t optimized, they easily could have reduced memory and bumped framerates”. Which any actual programmer will immediately feel a pit of dread in their stomach because we’ve been asked to reduce ram usage or speed something up, and that is a daunting task in our simple little apps - let alone a major AAA game.

Again I’m not saying Starfield was perfect. It has a lot of flaws, biggest one for me is that it felt like a game that came out 10 years ago in terms of how it played. But it didn’t deserve the overall destruction it received online. Any developer knows that the only people who can say “how” their game could have been done better were the ones who actually wrote it.

!deleted6348 avatar

I’m guessing some hyper-triggered gamer who saw there was a girl playing or something equally stupid

!deleted6348 avatar

Unfortunately this is just the norm when a company buys another. I give props to the employees thinking it is still Bungie, but it’s not. The second that deal was finalized they became sony employees, and even if on paper they were still Bungie they were always going to become Sony employees.

But business swallows little business. And big business doesn’t care about the jobs it leaves behind, or the people. Bungie as we knew it is dead

!deleted6348 avatar

Yes on paper that’s how it’s all laid out. However anyone who has been through a buyout knows that no parent company intends for the child company to act separately indefinitely. The shotgun clause in there saying they have to do well financially proves it to me. What company hasn’t gone through hard times before? Sony may be playing the long game but they’ll get control eventually, they always knew they would. It was inevitable that this would happen. Guarantee it was written this way probably with projections on when it would likely happen.

Which is why I say as soon as a buyout occurs the old company is gone. The cool culture you had, the lenient bosses, the small company style benefits? Gone. It may take a bit, but they’re going away. Papa business is here and he only cares about the profit margin, not the people, not even the product. They may say it’ll stay the same, but drip by drip the company will change, and a few years later you’ll realize you aren’t working for that cool smaller company anymore, you’re working for the big corpos conglomerate.

!deleted6348 avatar

Yep, sounds like they aren’t getting my money for a year

!deleted6348 avatar

All it took was 5 years of development to get a teaser.

Bioware has constant layoffs and budget cuts then daddy EA wonders why they have trouble shipping games

!deleted6348 avatar

Could be either. No matter what it’s mismanaged, somewhere it’s to blame there. Could be EA, could be Bioware.

All I know is they could be alternating Mass Effect and Dragon Age every couple of years and just be pumping out profit - if they were managed well and had good investment. The fact that they’re not just seems to me like EA/Bioware are just leaving money on the table

!deleted6348 avatar

Yup, it’s obvious once you connect everything why Microsoft is doing this. They’re monopolizing the game market - and most gamers couldn’t be more excited. When I was on Reddit I called out how competition was good and this was bad and was always met with the majority of people saying “nuh uh, they’re going to put them all on game pass for only $9 a month!”

Kids let me tell you the story of Netflix.

'Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition' Arrives on Netflix December 14 for Mobile (about.netflix.com) angielski

Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition is coming to Netflix on December 14 for Netflix members on the App Store, Google Play, and in the Netflix mobile app.

!deleted6348 avatar

So, to make a splash in the gaming market Netflix is choosing… one of the worst releases of all time. Interesting strategy there. Unfortunately it will still probably sell like crazy.


including through one of the most iconic series in history, without any ads, in-app purchases, or extra fees.

So to be clear - They obviously have been thinking about in-app purchases, ads, and extra fees. Hoo-boy there service just sounds swell.

!deleted6348 avatar

Yep, I’ve seen this film before - and I didn’t like the ending.

Played this game with Netflix. It kills be because all of these kids think I’m stupid for not buying game pass. That I’m old for wanting to own my games. Except it’s just a teaser, it’s obviously a loss leader for Microsoft. They want it on all screens because that’s how monopolies work. As soon as it’s everywhere they’ll jack up the price and start removing content - but by that point there’s no where else to get the content. You either end up paying twice (or more) for the game you wanted - or you just lose it forever.

!deleted6348 avatar

Monopolies generally are evil

!deleted6348 avatar

I will never not be mad at that.

Let’s take the show halo fans have wanted for decades now, bring in a bunch of people who know nothing about the franchise, forbid them from learning about the franchise, and then we’ll market to people who don’t care about the franchise.

Corpo marketing big brains right there. Halo has one of the largest followings in gaming and still that wasn’t enough. Hell the fans would have encouraged others to watch but nooo had to make it bland and generic for non fans. And they didn’t even do that well!

!deleted6348 avatar

It’s a lot of things, but what I said there was true. They literally forbade the writers from playing any of the games or reading the books. They wanted to “attract a new audience” and “make something new”. So now instead of the TV show all of us fans wanted we have something with master chief and if you squint your eyes it might look like a halo plotline

!deleted6348 avatar

50% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. Idk what the idiots in corporate marketing were thinking, but in my dreams they were all fired.

!deleted6348 avatar

It’s good for a niche market, people who have multiple people living in the house where they have to share a TV, but don’t need to share the PlayStation. In that one niche it makes sense to me

In every other way though, why not a handheld?

!deleted6348 avatar

I think it’s interesting how other people play. I never plan out my road systems. Highways I have a rough idea, but I personally like the challenge of figuring out that I’ve run out of space and I need to fix it. It ends up feeling like a more realistic city to me, with grid systems meeting that were never meant to collide, weird bits of space, it all makes it feel authentic to me

!deleted6348 avatar

Playing through CP2077 for the 4th time now, this time with the dlc. Really does change the flow of the game, just a couple missions in so far.

In a couple weeks I’ll be spinning up a new factory with friends in Satisfactory too! Getting excited for that.

Shameless plugs for both !cyberpunk2077 and !satisfactory for those interested

!deleted6348 avatar

Everyone should start prepping for cheaper and crappier “AAA” titles moving forward.

!deleted6348 avatar

Yup. They’ll let smaller studios take risks on new IP and buy them if it’s profitable. They get the wins but none of the losses.

!deleted6348 avatar

It’s insane to me how poorly they treated workers before and got away with it, but then decided to just keep pushing the envelope like the workers would never say that’s enough.

Game devs get shit from all sides. They’re pushed to work hard for long hours, during crunch they’ll frequently miss weekends and nights from their families. It is common that they burn out and their family life suffers. Most developers in the community avoid game studios because they know what it’s like, so studios attract Jr developers who are less qualified and don’t know any better. And we haven’t even talked about the putrid shit they get from gamers when they release a buggy game, that they probably did know about and desperately wanted to fix but execs forced them to release anyway.

Yet they still want more from them. And now execs are all shocked Pikachu that they’re finally organizing to unionize. And they absolutely should

!deleted6348 avatar

Don’t forget we have a whole community of Ficsit Pioneers over here too, over at !satisfactory

Very excited to start a new factory on U8!

!deleted6348 avatar

makes sense, it’s their most successful hardware product. I’d be surprised if they didn’t

!deleted6348 avatar

Another example of under funded giant corporate projects and then shocked Pikachu that they aren’t wildly profitable. They’ll never understand you can make a wildly profitable game, but it requires investment

!deleted6348 avatar

I understand why they are, but now that CP2077 is more stable I’m going to miss red engine. It gives night city such a unique feel, and I worry unreal is going to make it feel like all the other unreal games. I’m not a game engineer so I’m assuming that will be much easier, but still, will miss it

!deleted6348 avatar

Because we all know how Bethesda’s reputation was ruined by Skyrim.

!deleted6348 avatar

Probably still trying to figure out why they can’t log into their laptops

!deleted6348 avatar

I’m OOTL, why is GOG such a big deal? Isn’t it just another storefront like steam?

!deleted6348 avatar

This took a while for me. Higher education means higher wealth, which gives way to higher density. Also I’ve found that Office zoning is much, much more important, check and in the zoning panel what the negatives are to that and try to raise it. Office zoning gives way to higher wealth, and thus higher zoning.

Remember that if education needs bolstering it will take time, those sims need to go through elementary, highschool, then college, and it’s good to invest in the technical and medical universities. That will help attract offices.

Definitely not a bug, just the formula from CS1 has changed.

!deleted6348 avatar

Yeah pay special attention making sure everyone can access it, then as they grow office demand should jump up! Low skill labor makes industrial jobs, high skill labor brings office jobs. I like how they did it, in CS1 workers either worked in industry or commercial and offices were pretty much ignored. Now offices are massively important

!deleted6348 avatar

This is exactly it. It’s more fun to shit on a game release because it gives a sense of superiority. “I know better than everyone else, this game should have been done this way and that way” and bolsters self confidence.

There are without a doubt some really good arguments for things that could be different, but the vast majority of things I read are self aggrandizing people talking about how they all know how it could be better - and that’s the arrogance that really bugs me. That any of us who don’t know anything about the source code could say at all that it should run better.

Saying “I wish it ran faster” is one thing. Saying “I know it could run better” or “Other games run fast, this one should too”, or in regards to this article “lol they did this thing that’s so stupid” and just the self backpatting for figuring it out. Software engineering is hard alone. Gaming engineering on top of that is just ridiculous. I have 14 years of software engineering under my belt and I still know they are doing things in this game that I would not be able to. Anyone who says they know better than the engineers are the same as the people who sat in my CS102 class and told other students they were smarter than the professor. You aren’t. Everyone knows you aren’t. Please stop acting like you are

!deleted6348 avatar

You don’t understand. I watched a YouTube video/took CS102/have a side project I’m totally going to finish. I totally know just as much as these engineers with 10+ years experience who put the last 5+ years into the project.

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