!deleted6348 avatar



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!deleted6348 avatar

That’s my only real gripe with the game, there are zero tutorials or guides for how to do things. Things like base building I spent half the time googling trying to figure out how to do it. That happens all the time in game, things I’m sure they thought were super intuitive but they are not

!deleted6348 avatar

Man they really have upper the recipe for plut. haven’t they?

Good work pioneer. Your allowed 2 minute break has expired. Get back to work.

!deleted6348 avatar

I’m surprised, did you not use oil/fuel/turbofuel? Usually my power plants go Coal -> Fuel -> Turbofuel -> Nuclear

!deleted6348 avatar

Fair, turbofuel is hard one, not a lot of sulfur on the map, requires rebuilding (or starting a whole new) fuel plant, and depending where you are it may be worth going to full nuclear first. Have fun, Pioneer!

PS there is !satisfactorygame , it’s a bit dead, but when I get back into it I’ll be posting there

!deleted6348 avatar

Runs great on my 5000 series AMD CPU and 3000 series Nvidia GPU, those came out 2 years ago now, and that’s averaging about 50fps on a 4k monitor.

If that isn’t optimized, idk what is. Yes, I had high end stuff from 2 years ago, but now it’s solid middle range.

People are so damn entitled. There used to be a time in PC gaming where if you were more than a year out of date you’d have to scale it down to windows 640x480. If you want “ultra” settings you need an “ultra” PC, which means flipping out parts every few years. Otherwise be content with High settings at 1080p, a very valid option

!deleted6348 avatar

I’m not saying it’s not an expensive hobby, it is. PC gaming on ultra is an incredibly expensive hobby. But that’s the price of the hobby. Saying that a game isn’t optimized because it doesn’t run ultra settings on hardware that came out 4+ years ago is nothing new, and to me it’s a weird thing to demand. If you want ultra, you pay for ultra prices. If you don’t want to/can’t, that’s 100% acceptable, but then just be content to play on High settings, maybe 1080p.

If PC gaming is too expensive in general that’s why consoles exist. You get a pretty great experience on a piece of hardware that’s only a few hundred dollars.

!deleted6348 avatar

Doom eternal also came out 3.5 years ago now, and your card is nearly 5 years old. That’s the performance I would expect from a card that is that old playing a brand new game that was meant to be a stretch.

I’m sorry, but this is how PC gaming works. Brand new cards are really only awesome for about a year, then good for a few years after that, then you start getting some new releases that make you think it’s about time. I’ve had the 3000 series, the 1000 series, before that I was an ATI guy with some sapphire, and before that the ATI 5000 series. It’s just how it goes in PC gaming, this is nothing new

!deleted6348 avatar

This is a great way to view it, and I think you’re getting excellent specs for that card. Kudos to you for getting it running !

!deleted6348 avatar

4090 is definitely nuts, but with inflation the 4080 is right about on par. As usual team red very close in comparison for a much lower cost. You don’t have to constantly run the highest of the high level to get those sweet graphics, but it’s about personal taste. Personally it’s not for me paying the 40% more for a 10% jump in graphics, but every 2-3 generations is when I usually step back and reanalyze. Tbh usually it’s a game like starfield that makes me think if I should get a new one. Runs great for now though, probably have at least 1 hopefully 2 more generations before I upgrade again

!deleted6348 avatar

I mean, there isn’t one thing you can point to and say “ah ha that’s causing all teh lag”, things just take up more space, more compute power, more memory as it grows. As hardware capabilities grow software will find a way to utilize it. But if you want a few things

  • Textures are larger, where 4k was just getting rolling in 2017 (pre RDR2 after all), to accomodate 4K textures had to be scaled up (and remember width and height, so that’s 4x the memory and 4x the space on drive)
  • Engines have generally grown to be more high fidelity including more particles, more fog, (not in Starfield but Raytracing, which is younger than 2017), etc. All of these higher fidelity items require more computer power. Things like anti-aliasing for example, they’re always something like 8x, but that’s 8x the resolution, which the resolutions have only gone up, again rising with time.

I don’t know what do you want? Like a list of everything that’s happened from then? Entire engines have come and gone in that time. Engines we used back then we’re on at least a new version compared to then, Starfield included. I mean I don’t understand what you’re asking, because to me it comes off as “Yeah well Unreal 5 has the same settings as 4 to me, so it’s basically the same”

!deleted6348 avatar

and no one is saying they have to, that’s my point that keeps getting overlooked. If someone wants to play sick 4k 120fps that’s awesome, but you’re going to pay a premium for that. If people are upset because they can’t play ultra settings on hardware that came out 5 years ago, to me that’s snobby behavior. The choice is either pay up for top of the line hardware, or be happy with medium settings and maybe you go back in a few years and play it on ultra.

If the game doesn’t play at all on lower hardware (like Cyberpunk did on release), then that is not fair and needs to be addressed. The game plain did not work for lower end hardware, and that’s not fair at all, it wasn’t about how well it played, it’s that it didn’t play.

!deleted6348 avatar

I mean, yeah but also by what metric. There’s a thousand things that can affect performance and not just what we see. We know Starfield has a massive drive footprint, so most everything is probably high end textures, shaders, etc. Then the world sizes themselves are large. I don’t know, how do you directly compare two games that look alike? Red Dead 2 still looks amazing, but at 5 years old it’s already starting to show it’s age, but it also had a fixed map size, but it got away with a few things, etc etc etc every game is going to have differences.

My ultimate point is that you can’t expect to get ultra settings on a brand new game unless you’re actively keeping up on hardware. There’s no rules saying that you have to play on 4K ultra settings, and people getting upset about that are nuts to me. It’s a brand new game, my original comment was me saying that I’m surprised it runs as good as it does on the last generation hardware.

I played Borderlands 1 on my old ATI card back in 2009 in windowed mode, at 800x600, on Low settings. My card was a few years old and that’s the best I could do, but I loved it. The expectation that a brand new game has to work flawlessly on older hardware is a new phenomenon to me, it’s definitely not how we got started in PC gaming.

!deleted6348 avatar

Texture resolution has not considerably effected performance since the 90s.

If this were true there wouldn’t be low resolution textures at lower settings, high resolutions take up exponentially more space, memory, and time to compute. I’m definitely not going to be re-learning what I know about games from Edgelord here.

scrubbles, (edited )
!deleted6348 avatar

I’m curious, I have a 3080 as well and I’m getting ultra across the board and I average 60fps, maybe a setting or two is at high, also 1440p. Installed on an SSD, right? Render scale for me is 75%, only other thing I can think of is I overclocked my ram? But I don’t think that’d account for that huge of a jump

!deleted6348 avatar

Idk what to tell you mate, I’m on a 3080, 1440p, and I’m getting average 60fps on 1440p My settings are all ultra except for a couple, FSR on at 75% resolution scale. To me, that’s optimized, I don’t even expect 60fps on an RPG. Cyberpunk I’ve never had higher than 50.

scrubbles, (edited )
!deleted6348 avatar

Okay I’ll admit I didn’t know that’s how much the 4080 was, last time I checked was the 3000 series and yeah, that’s a lot. (I thought it started around 8-900) I stick to my points though, if you want ultra gaming, it’s going to cost an arm and a leg. My main point is still shouldn’t expect older hardware to get ultra settings, and that’s okay. You can play a game on medium settings and still have a blast.

!deleted6348 avatar

Oh, well then I’d readjust expectations. Doom and fast paced shooters usually go up that high because they have quick fast-paced combat, but RPGs focus on fidelity over framerate. Hell, Skyrim at launch only offered 30fps, Cyberpunk I mentioned I never got above 45. 60 in an RPG is really a good time, don’t let the number on the screen dictate your experience. Comparing a fast shooter and an RPG like this is apples and oranges

I’m honestly shocked a game like this can run at 60fps. <45 and I start to get annoyed in RPGs. I’d expect if you wanted framerates that high you may be needing to window it at 1080 and lowering the settings further.

!deleted6348 avatar

I’ll admit didn’t know the 4000 was that high, but yeah 1200 for the midrange card is too much. If it stays like this I may switch back to team Red. I do believe costs are probably higher, (I remember buying my first board with an AGP slot), the ones now are… a bit more complicated and complex to make, but the jump from 800 in 2020 to 1200 in 2023 is too much.

!deleted6348 avatar

I say entitled because gamers should just be happy, be happy with the hardware you have even if it can’t put out 4k, turn off the FPS counter, play the game. If you’re enjoying it, who cares if it occasionally dips down to 55? The entitlement comes from expecting game makers to produce games that run flawlessly at ultra settings on hardware that’s several years old. If you want that luxury, you have to spend a shitload of money on the top of the line gear, otherwise just be happy with your rig.

!deleted6348 avatar

As long as you know you’re definitely not in the key demographic then, for RPGs 60fps is pretty much the standard. Fine if you want more, but the game was not built as an FPS, it was built as an RPG. Those are the people I’m annoyed with, the ones who are complaining at Bethesda for not building an RPG to run like how you describe on hardware that’s several years out of date already, that’s just not possible

!deleted6348 avatar

I’m actually agreeing with you, people should be happy to play the games on their older hardware even if it can’t pull down the ultra specs. We don’t need to always be buying the latest generation of GPUs, it’s okay to play on medium specs. We don’t have to have the top of the line latest card/processor/drive, we can enjoy ours for years, even if it means newer games don’t play on ultra. If you have the funds to buy new ones every generation, more power to you, but I buy my cards to last 8-10 years. The flipside is just expect that the games won’t run on ultra.

!deleted6348 avatar

I actually really like what starfield does. It’s a rolling scale, the more encumbered you are the more you have to pause and “recharge” O2. So being over by 2 won’t affect you a lot, but over by 100 sure will

!deleted6348 avatar

I’d agree with you if this was the full game but it’s a mod. I think it’s ridiculous to ask for money for a mod with a couple of exceptions:

  • You took a commission from someone who wanted something specific
  • you are making a whole new game like Skyblivion
  • it is going to be packaged up and resold by someone else like Bethesda selling a new version of skyrim
!deleted6348 avatar

I’m not asking for free labor, it’s a mod, by definition I don’t need it. It’s a modification of a game. If I’m going to give anyone money it’ll be the creators of the game itself, they deserve my money. Not the person hacking the game a bit. If they want to, awesome, I’ll clone it and add the mod, but if they want to charge, well, I’ve never seen a mod I needed so badly that I’d pay for it.

!deleted6348 avatar

Beautiful. I’m playing it now and gotta say, I hate everyone who has talked about it up until now. From the die-hard fanboys who say it has to be the best game ever created, to the anti-bethesda circlejerkers who roam every gaming community telling people how it’s a terrible game even though they have not played it.

I’m tired of everyone and their opinions about gaming. I bought it with mid expectations, and I am happy with my purchase.

!deleted6348 avatar

Honestly, avoid Lemmy and Reddit for reviews on this game. The absolute vitriol it’s gotten here has just pushed me beyond trusting any of them. (and yes, they all end with “I mean I haven’t played it.”)

I have played it. 8 hours in so far, it’s fun. I won’t say it’s “redefining RPGs” for me or anything, but I’m having a good time playing around. To others here on Lemmy I am now the worst person on the planet.

!deleted6348 avatar

I think going back is the most obvious choice. There are so many references in 2 to what happened before that I think we’ll see it. What happened to Mac, Davey, and Jenny. How Micah joined the gang. John leaving and coming back. Of course culminating in the Blackwater job

!deleted6348 avatar

Don’t forget Jenny. I was thinking it might be gender neutral, what you said about Mac but you can also play as Jenny. Same story just genders swapped

!deleted6348 avatar

Oh that’s a cool thought, that’s be a lot of fun. I already liked the different perspectives of the gang from 2, that would be really interesting in 3

!deleted6348 avatar

Even gollum, by far the buggiest and most boring AAA game to come out in a few years was given a 64% by pc gamer. At least gamespot was honest and gave them a 2/10

!deleted6348 avatar

Agreed, there’s a couple comments of actually thoughtful replies but the vast majority is booo Bethesda bad because Bethesda.

!deleted6348 avatar

If you have a good oc it’s stable. Tbh I didn’t know what the fuss was about day one, I had a great experience. Then I learned it’s because red engine was horribly optimized and I just had enough power for it. (I had been saving for a new PC just for cyberpunk)

!deleted6348 avatar

I’ve heard the deck is a surprisingly good system from it. The GTX1660 may be stretched a little thin. I heard people with 2000+ had good experiences, but not from below. But that was also at launch, it’s improved since then

!deleted6348 avatar

That’s how I’m feeling… Reviews are coming in pretty positively. Can you pick it up on steam and play now?

!deleted6348 avatar

Looking at my game purchases a year and as a pretty heavy gamer, I come out just over the cost of game pass. Big thing is that I get to keep my games without needing to re-up the subscription.

Yeah right now when there’s a lot of games coming out it seems great, but middle of COVID I remember nothing was coming out, and I would have had to keep paying for the games I had already played.

Nah, I’ll gladly keep buying them.

!deleted6348 avatar

Halo not even in the list and it shouldn’t be

!deleted6348 avatar

From what I read it was specifically made by people unfamiliar with the Halo universe to bring Halo to more people. A good idea on paper, but hiring writers who never played the games, never read the books, and were told to stay away from the source material? Not only did it not attract new fans but it also kept die-hard fans like myself away, so there was no one else to recommend it.

!deleted6348 avatar

And that was 8 years after its massively successful predecessor. They could have released 3 more games and earned so much money in that time

!deleted6348 avatar

Last I heard they had some 250 headcount and they just did 50 layoffs. Bioware was already on life support and ea is just playing with the plug

!deleted6348 avatar

What do you want us to do? We cut their funding, we forced them into layoffs, we demanded unrealistic timelines, we have zero idea of how single player games are made, we’ve mismanaged the IP and done nothing with it for a decade now - and they still won’t be profitable!

  • EA management
!deleted6348 avatar

Honestly good. As much as I like the compatibility with older generations we’re starting to hit the limit, where if we keep forcing devs to support old hardware it’s going to hold the new generation back

!deleted6348 avatar

Yup, did mess those two up, thanks for the correction. They really do have the most confusing names. Maybe they were going for a samsung-esque naming convention? But even they did 1, 1S, 2, 2S

!deleted6348 avatar

Jesus what a bunch of corporate garbage right there. Just shoving words in that make it seem like it’s the right thing to do, I freaking hate when companies think we’re so stupid to not see that they’re just laying people off.

Also “an industry that’s quickly evolving”? Uh, welcome to computing I guess? At what point has gaming not been quickly evolving. So much of this is just corporate vomit.

You know how you “ensure Dragon Age™: Dreadwolf is an outstanding game”? You invest in it. EA needs to invest in these games. If you don’t like how long it takes then invest more in them. It’s been now six years since DA:Dreadwolf was announced. It’s been 10 years since DA:Inquisition came out. EA needs to quite with the wining and penny pinching if they want to see profit out of Bioware.

!deleted6348 avatar

Agree, DA:DW is probably the game that EA is saying “Prove you’re worth it” but then in the same meeting they’re setting them up for failure by cutting funding and making unrealistic demands. This all reaks of review by committee, no one making decisions, no one having a clear goal - and worse is that when someone does it sounds like the business makes sure they’re removed from the picture. They want someone to go with the grain, even if that means a boring, bland, corporate garbage game.

Just give the franchise out to some third party who will actually care about it already. It’s clear EA isn’t willing to invest in it, let someone else do that for them.

!deleted6348 avatar

PlayStation Portal is the ideal device for gamers in households where they may need to share their living room TV or simply want to play PS5 games in another room of the house.

Okay I can see there being a niche there, mom and dad want to watch a movie but Jr wants to play games. I don’t know if that’s a huge market, but okay

According to the description, PlayStation Portal is only a Remote Play device and will not allow access to cloud streaming of games on PlayStation Plus Premium. As a result, in order for the PlayStation Portal to function properly, players must own PS5 hardware.

This however seems like a massive lost opportunity. Like Steam Link I assume you could choose which device to stream from, and with companies being huge on the “reoccurring revenue” train this seems like it could have added a ton of value to the device and at the same time increased their subscriptions. It would have gone from a “at home only toy for a niche market” to “pretty much anyone who has a PS5 at home and/or travels”

!deleted6348 avatar

Streaming steam has gotten better, but it really depends on the game. I’d never play a twitch shooter like counter strike on it, but before the Deck I’d stream the Witcher from my home PC to my tiny travel laptop and it was playable. Never as a primary driver though

!deleted6348 avatar

Huge kudos to them, they saw that they were on top of the PC market and wanted to expand, and they found the market of linux users who wanted to game on their machines too. Wine wasn’t up to par for gaming and they took it and ran with it. Beyond that they open sourced proton too, something most companies wouldn’t have done. Even if they quit now the help they gave to the linux community is immeasurable

!deleted6348 avatar

This is probably more accurate, their entire model depended on Windows, and if they wanted to make their own devices they would all be forced to either start new or get Linux up and running. Motives aside they did good for the community

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