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cmbabul, w Starfield surpasses 6 million players to become Bethesda's best launch yet, beating Skyrim and Fallout

Knowing Bethesda I decided to start Baldurs Gate and wait for them to iron out the bugs until I’m finished with that


I’m over here still trying to finish Elden Ring.


I passed on that one, but took a solid 3 months to beat Tears of the Kingdom


It’s honestly a really well polished game and I’ve only had a very small handful of bug encounters. Its less buggy than curent patches of FO4 and Skyrim


My biggest common Bethesda glitches so far was ONCE, one of the NPCs had the white squares attached to her hair and played miss sparkle for our conversation and then the occasional alien getting caught on geometry and then vibrating because the engine didn’t know what to do. Outside of that it’s been remarkably bug-free so far. Oh, I’m 30 hours in too!


Yeah, i found a couple of crates that decided to co exist in the same location as my most bethesda bug so far. I have had 1 quest fail to progress at one point but a quit out and load an earlier autosave fixed that.


That’s good to hear, and I believe you, but I’ve also been burned by Bethesda many times in the past

beefcat, avatar

Ironically I think BG3 is buggier than Starfield on release.

I’ve experienced a few instances of bethesda jank, but nothing game breaking or even requiring a reload in ~55 hours of play. Just silly things like bodies getting stuck in a ceiling after an explosion. My SO is playing BG3 and has been getting CTD’s and other more egrigious bugs since hitting act 3.

ME5SENGER_24, w Starfield surpasses 6 million players to become Bethesda's best launch yet, beating Skyrim and Fallout

Skyrim’s launch was less impressive than it’s eternal longevity. Released on 11.11.11 and ported to everything but a Texas Instrument’s calculator. (Wouldn’t be surprised if that’s been done too, mods included)

RightHandOfIkaros, w Starfield surpasses 6 million players to become Bethesda's best launch yet, beating Skyrim and Fallout

Good, the game is fantastic.


I have complaints, but over all I’m having a lot of fun. Pretty typical with any Bethesda game to be honest.


You’ll fix every complaint and be able to make every man in the game into a waifu once mods are officially added. It’s gonna be a game I play for the next 5-10 years for sure.


Oh yeah. It definitely has that classic Bethesda jank in many of the normal places, but it still feels good in all the ways that matter. Like you’re finally awake.


Yeah. Skyrim is my top 5 favorite games of all time but I got issues with that game for sure. It’s not perfect. But damn is it a blast.

Feeling the same with Starfield, I got issues, but the core of it is so fun. Having way more fun with it than Fallout 4.

Quentinp, avatar

Agreed it’s not perfect but it slowly sucked me in more and more. Ready for NG+


Fair warning about NG+: Think long and hard about it when you do. That is all.

Quentinp, avatar



It really is. I can't stop playing it.

Renacles, w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

It’s kinda wild seeing people complain about Skyrim’s maps being too detailed and then seeing this thread.

AlexanderTheGreat, avatar

People just like to complain. It’s in our nature.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

cant be as bad as oblivion, that map is so hard to find towns i need to go to

gnygnygny, w Cities: Skylines II – Building the Metropolis of Your Dreams Has Never Been Simpler - Xbox Wire

Can’t wait to get it

RightHandOfIkaros, w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

I’ve been loving the default map in the game. Its kinda like going back to the days Bethesda would write out navigation instructions in the quest and let the player use their brain to figure out where to go instead of marking it with a gigantic exclamation mark.

supercheesecake, avatar

Yeah Morrowind was great for that. Felt more old school RPG where you actually had to explore to complete quests.


What are you talking about? You don't need to listen to a damn word anyone says. Just follow the waypoints, fast travel to everything. The game is a menu navigation simulator.

BigBananaDealer, avatar

i actually loved needing to remember where stores are, makes me feel like im actually there as a dumbass tourist

RightHandOfIkaros, w Cities: Skylines II – Building the Metropolis of Your Dreams Has Never Been Simpler - Xbox Wire

I miss SimCity.

melroy, avatar

simcity 2000*

melroy, avatar

simcity 3000* was also good.

Prox, w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

Direct link to the titular site:



Prox, w Cities: Skylines II – Building the Metropolis of Your Dreams Has Never Been Simpler - Xbox Wire

This is looking good. Great time to be a Game Pass subscriber!

FinalBoy1975, w Here are some of the funniest Starfield glitches, from headless NPCs to breakdancing pirates

I don’t know about who else didn’t pay 70 bucks for this game, but I’m glad I didn’t pay 70 bucks for this game.

!deleted7836 avatar

It’s a Bethesda game, what did you expect? ;)

I haven’t started it yet, but if past experience is any indication, the Xbox version should be far less buggy.

hypelightfly, w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

Yeah, overall I'm enjoying the game but the star map does suck.


It’s wild that between games like NMS, EVE, Elite, even Satisfactory, there are great examples of what Bethesda should’ve done, but for whatever reason didn’t. There’s so much basic stuff that’s just…missing. I can only hope it’s all eventually modded in so players can have a more complete experience.


Just like Skyrim… Bethesda needs to go tbh


Why? What would their dissolution do for the industry? Making a bad or mediocre game isn’t really that big of a deal. They can make as many games as they want, as far as I’m concerned. The bad ones can just be ignored, and any good ones can be picked up.


The star map? Aren’t the complains about the planets maps? I don’t see what are the issues with the star map .


For me it's the star map and the lack of local map.

The planet maps are fine.


Well with planet map I actually meant the local map, sorry for the confussion.

jordanlund, w Here are some of the funniest Starfield glitches, from headless NPCs to breakdancing pirates
!deleted7836 avatar

Totally expected this after the Fallout spinning head glitch:

Fapper_McFapper, w Here are some of the funniest Starfield glitches, from headless NPCs to breakdancing pirates

This is great!

sylverstream, w This website has the interactive Starfield maps that should've been in the game

Thanks @AlexanderTheGreat that’s exactly what I needed! I really miss mini maps. Hopefully they will add that soon to the game itself.


There will surely be mods for that soon. I doubt they’ll add one officially. One good thing about Bethesda games is that basically everything people want can and will become mods.

AlexanderTheGreat, avatar

I needed something as well so I’m glad Map Genie map some maps!

breadsmasher, w 'Projekt Z: Beyond Order' Is A Next-Gen Zombie FPS Heading To Xbox Series X|S avatar

What makes this “next gen”?

avater, avatar

next gen(eric) zombie shooter

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