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Kirkkh, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I’m non-binary and I’m afraid to express my gender in public. It’s good to know I should also be afraid to express my gender in a VIDEO GAME (points for realism I guess).


Where do you live, Iran? Also the mod doesn’t impinge on your ability to express yourself. Not sure how that relates to being afraid in a game.


This mod “impinge” on NexusMod’s rights, it’s their private service and they have the right to set conditions on it. One of which, mods cannot remove diversity.

It’s as simple as that. The people can go elsewhere to find the same mod or share it among themselves.

As for Iran statement, are you serious? There are people getting murdered in USA for even being non-binary. Even “binary” people are getting shot for being inclusive. Like this one…/index.html


Let me guess, you don’t have any trans friends. Probably don’t have any gay friends, either.

I know no fewer than 5 people who have been physically assaulted over their sexuality or their gender identity. My local pro-LGBTQ church was vandalized by people who left messages about how god hates them.

You deserve all those downvotes you’re complaining about if you really believe that non-binary people in the Western world aren’t reasonably afraid to express their gender.

And as for “how it relates to…a game”. Can you imagine being Jewish and a bunch of pro-nazi mods made it to the frontpage of your favorite game? Can you imagine if then everyone started bitching because the site took those hateful mods down?

Games, as online communities, are used to “innocently” draw people towards extreme beliefs.


A single player offline videogame, even!

frunch, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I swear to god, every time i hear about conservatives getting upset about gay and trans rights I’m more convinced it’s projection. They want to have the freedom to follow their own preferences but have been taught by someone in their family and/or society that certain preferences are completely unacceptable. Rather than go against the grain, they lean into the hate side of it. “If i can’t have that, you sure as hell can’t–and if you do, you’re gonna pay dearly” seems to be the philosophy. All this because they want to explore their sexuality but they decided the social price is too much. Not allowed to have what they crave, now they just scorn those that are brave enough to face the storm they themselves avoided…or they just hate people having freedom. Probably both.

Angry_Maple, (edited ) avatar

It’s only anecdotal, but a lot of the people I know who were hateful like that while growing up actually did come out as LGBTQ+. Some were trans, some were gay, some were bi, etc.

Some of them are just a-holes though. One dude complained about a gay classmate. He never liked it when I asked him why he was thinking about what the other guy was doing with his bits so much. I’ve always thouht it was a fair question. I never did get an answer, though.

lorez, (edited )

I think they want what trans, gay, lesbians, etc have. In terms of resources, jobs, money, social contacts and status. So, just like it happened with religion, they highlight the difference between you and them. Tribes created. Now it’s a Us against Them where them are different, so not human, inferior. If they are not human we can do whatever we want to them. And the rights start to be eroded. People arrested. We can go further down the line but you know what happens next. The Them get eliminated and the Us get the resources. We’ve seen this happen for ages.

AngryCommieKender, (edited )

Whenever you hear a conservative complaining about anything at all, it’s always projection/admission or both.

“They’re rigging the elections,”

“They’re gonna riot if Biden doesn’t win,”

“They’re running pedophile rings under their favorite pizza parlor,”

I could go on.


You’re overthinking it.

Conservatives don’t believe things. Conservatives believe people.

Their stated ideals are ad-hoc justifications. All that has ever mattered is ingroup loyalty. Reality itself is defined by interpersonal trust. What’s true today is simply dictated by people above you in The Hierarchy, and your job is to make whatever mouth noises justify them. If they weren’t right and better and handsome then obviously they wouldn’t belong in that high position. It is impossible for someone to simply be wrong. That would require an objective means of evaluating claims. In their worldview, that is not what claims are for.

This constant quest for logical explanations is a category error. Logic is not what they’re doing. They think the whole world runs on who-says. Like if they get their guy to be the head scientist, he could make the sun go around the Earth.

kmaismith, (edited )

I don’t think your idea precludes the idea conservatives are bitter about their own self-repression. The social cost of exploration being too high is flip side of the strict adherence to hierarchy for world view. If there wasn’t some emotion to tap into the narrative wouldn’t land nearly as well as it has


Conservatives don’t believe things. Conservatives believe people.

This is kind of deep. Feels true. Did you come up with this?


I did. This whole conservative theory-of-everything has been pinging around my brain for years, as many answers to ‘what the fuck are they doing’ became undeniably incomplete.

The hardest aspect to deal with is that this worldview is not fragile. There’s no ‘are we the baddies?’ moment where someone snaps out of it. If it was just a reverse cargo cult, there’d be more people who reject the invitation. So we can’t tell ourselves these people secretly know we’re right. This is not an act or a strategy. It has to be some internally consistent way of filtering events… and it has to look like what we’re doing, from the outside. Because in exactly the same way we tell ourselves everyone’s trying to be reasonable - they tell themselves we’re just performing loyalty.

It’s tribalism. Simple as that. It’s humanity’s default us-good-you-bad protect-the-village mindset, expanded from trusting your witch-doctor’s opinion on leeches to trusting your news anchor’s opinion on horse dewormer. I mean, he’s gotta be right. Look how much money he has. His penis must be enormous.

SpaceCowboy, avatar

The thing is it’s only just tangentially related to trans rights. I mean they’re making a character creation screen and they do need to know what pronouns to refer to the character as in game dialog as the player is playing it. So they need to know that for the game to work.

These fools seem to want Bethesda to add logic to restrict the pronouns on the character creation screen. So it’s not that they’re angry that Bethesda made an effort to be inclusive. They’re angry that Bethesda didn’t put in an effort to explicitly exclude trans people.

That and I think they’re just generally triggered over the word “pronoun.” Triggered by words that describe words. There’s something very wrong with these people.


Have you read Terry Pratchetts book Thud? It touches on that briefly. For what its worth i agree with you. Nothing else makes sense. Especially when so many vocal homophobes get caught having same-sex fun.

Wahots, avatar

People will eventually stop giving a fuck. This same shit happened in 1954 w/gay people. Gay people started suing and winning, and society moved forward.

We’ll likely see the same thing. Generally, it has to get worse before things get better. Back then, it started when scientists got fed up with getting their buttholes inspected by “security” to make sure they weren’t gay today (embellishing a bit here, but the gist is that they got fed up with the constant fear mongering and told the security teams to fuck off).

I’m sure we’ll reach a fever pitch and then someone will tell them to fuck off, as is usual. Then everyone will forget about it, save for some older folks.

Check out the Lavender Scare: the prosecution of gays and lesbians in the federal goverment by David K Johnson. It’s an uplifting book on how social movements get going and how it provides a sea change for society at large, even straight folks, in this case.


Society has moved on to attacking Trans and non-binary people, gays included in this ignorant lot (obviously not all gays).

People gonna hate what they don’t understand or if something makes them uncomfortable.


To be clear, there’s 50 years from 1954 to when gay marriage was first legalized. And 40 years ago, we even thought we were done with the whole abortion debate. Don’t even need to get into how long it took for people with Brown skin were legally treated anywhere near equal. BLM was how many years after the Emancipation? And still opposed by people who “want to leave it all well alone”. It’s a big deal that it takes that long to enact minimal change (considering we have a seated SCOTUS Justice who said we need to reconsider the constitutionality of gay marriage)

The real problem, perhaps, is everyone coming to the defense of the modder, even here. People saying “just let people do what they do” (see highly upvoted comment here). If the intolerant side “do what they do” and the rest of us get bored or sick of the human rights side, then it takes 50 years, or 100 years, or more to make meaningful change.


Rather than go against the grain, they lean into the hate side of it. “If i can’t have that, you sure as hell can’t–and if you do, you’re gonna pay dearly” seems to be the philosophy.

Making a game mod that only effects people who choose to install it seems like a poor strategy for achieving that.

emptyother, w Why Doom creator John Romero says video games are 'the greatest art form' avatar

Better attitude than John Carmacks “Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It’s expected to be there, but it’s not that important.”

KingThrillgore, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod avatar

Are you sure about this picture? I’m sure that instead of nice cool looking ships most I make are just flying bricks or dicks.

Errrmmm, disks, I mean disks.



CrowAirbrush, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

I can get behind the whole: “i’m playing games to escape from the world, stop dragging the real world politics into games” sentiment, but!

I made a trans character in cyberpunk because haha look a penis and boobies, Apparently Diego is now in a gay relationship with Sam…something about Sam and Cora (i find them adoreable, i’m just sad i can’t give her all the books i steal) made me prefer them and…well i’m gay it seems lol.

Even more layers to roleplaying yay.


Gender identity is only political because conservatives made it political. Choice of pronouns shouldn’t be political. What gender you are shouldn’t be political. These people make it political and then it has to be removed from apolitical discussions. Just like how climate change has been made political, it’s not, we’re all going to fucking die, that’s not political.

SwampYankee, (edited )

I, for one, am very upset at seeing politics in muh game that includes mercenaries, piracy, loan sharking, corporate espionage, religious extremism, terrorism, war crimes, gang warfare, drug addiction, poverty, shoplifting, mass shootings, genetic engineering, environmentalism, atheism, corruption, philanthropy, smuggling, …

SwampYankee, (edited )

I can get behind the whole: “i’m playing games to escape from the world, stop dragging the real world politics into games” sentiment, but!

If you’re playing games for escapism, play a simple puzzle game, or a racing game, or maybe Minecraft. Flight Simulator. Tetris. Rocket League.

Any game that attempts to build a believable world is going to get political occasionally, because a believable world has class politics, war, struggles between technology and the natural world, etc. etc. etc. Even a game like Ratchet & Clank doesn’t shy away from the politics inherent in its world-building. Truly incredible how “Gamers” have gone from an edgy subculture that reveled in right-wing panic to a seething mass of bloated man-babies who can’t even handle being confronted with ideas.


These people would prefer if you use random made up politics in line with the world it is set in.

Instead of real world politics dragged into a fantasy setting. That’s why i can understand their point just because i understand where they come from doesn’t mean i agree with it or support them.

Heck i made a transgender in cyberpunk because i can, a lot can be said about that too. I don’t give a damn about what people want, just do it but accept that not everyone is going to like it nor agree with it and if you can’t deal with that then do not do it…you are not strong enough to cope with the downsides.



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  • CrowAirbrush,

    You are on the right track for a part, but also what else should i call it huh?

    When i make a character i make a character. If it’s gay i made a gay, if it’s trans i made a trans, if it’s hetero i made a hetero.

    I don’t give a damn, it’s a character in a game.


    I’m guessing your first language isn’t English, in fact judging by your comment history, I’d say you’re Dutch. Anyway, those words are adjectives in English, and using them as nouns is often perceived as impolite. You’d want to say “I made a transgender character” instead.


    We were talking about video game characters it’s implied ya goofball. Lol

    WuTang, (edited ) w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod avatar

    pretty safe bet as trans gamer are usually nolife and live in their bubble.

    perviouslyiner, w SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher Urges Members To Approve Strike Authorization Against Video Game Companies

    Meanwhile the Satisfactory devs are like “we’re going to take the whole summer off as holiday because that’s traditional in Sweden”

    Nath, (edited ) w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod avatar

    To confused people exploring from all Communities trying to understand what the hell is going on:

    • Bethesda is a game studio who does a decent job of giving people choice to do/be whatever they want in their games. Out of the box they included the option to choose your pronouns in a new game called “Starfield”.
    • They also make it possible to modify their games to make very drastic changes to the player experience.
    • Nexus is a site that hosts thousands of mods to all sorts of games. People make mods, upload them to Nexus and players download them.
    • Someone made a mod to remove the option to choose pronouns from Starfield.
    • Nexus decided they don’t want to host this mod. It’s hurtful to people and goes against their values of inclusivity.

    That’s about it. Most of the people whinging about censorship don’t even play the game. They’re just here to whinge about how the world is moving on from old bigoted ways and they want to stay in the past and be jerks to people for merely existing. If they actually cared, they’d just download the mod from some other site. The mod itself is probably not much bigger than this reply.

    Chailles, avatar

    Most of the people whinging about censorship

    To further add on that, to complain about censorship for a mod that LITERALLY censors the game.


    I didnt even think about that lmao


    In undue fairness, a mod to downgrade nudity or vulgarity would kinda make sense, if someone personally didn’t want to see that. (Or if they were concerned about it for streaming. Or they had kids in the room.) For example, there’s some racial slur graffiti in Bioshock Infinite that is used for highly effective shock value and characterization, and I could see someone wanting to tone it down.

    The root issue is what’s being removed: the abstract possibility of characters being called “him” or “her” independent of their appearance. To people who won’t use the feature, it is literally nothing. It simply does not exist beyond a checkbox they’ll scroll clean past. The game part of the game will work exactly as they expect, from start to finish.

    They’re whining about censorship because the real purpose of this mod is to signal that they’re against anyone else having that option.

    They are performatively upset by this trivial separation of character model and branch condition. Because they hate trans people. There is no other possible motivation, because this pointless change is simple and direct.

    This removal is a website telling those bigoted trolls: poop in someone else’s yard.


    I’ll add that my understanding is that you aren’t even prompted to choose a pronoun in-game – it defaults to one or the other based on your character creation choices, and you can then change it if you want to. It’s literally a non-issue.




    I can’t imagine being such a pussy that pronouns in another character’s profile would make you cry from extreme butthurterie like a little beta wuss


    This is like that old “progressive redneck” meme. I agree with the spirit of what you said but shit that’s not how I would say it.


    Sometimes you have to speak to them in their own language


    Happens all the time IRL to me. I use both he and she pronouns and ignorant people always ask why bother just pick one. Well, I did, they’re my PERSONAL pronouns and I chose both these.

    Riven, avatar

    I like to call them snowflakes. Makes them mad when you use their own words against them.

    Sorry jimmyjohn, I’ll use whatever pronoun I like. We live in AMERICA I can do whatever I want, stop being a snowflake.

    doctorcrimson, (edited )

    Good for Nexus

    Happy to continue using their services

    DeathWearsANecktie, w Nexus Mods Fine With Bigots Leaving Over Removed Starfield ‘Pronoun’ Mod

    Incredibly petty mod to make in the first place, so Nexus might as well be petty too and remove it.

    librechad, (edited )

    Finally, someone who isn’t just calling one side stupid and dismissing peoples points.

    mindbleach, w SAG-AFTRA President Fran Drescher Urges Members To Approve Strike Authorization Against Video Game Companies

    I’ll occasionally poo-poo efforts to unionize programmers, as the wrong level of abstraction. Software development is too broad to lump together sensibly across all industries, and too narrow for generally organizing office workers.

    Game devs should’ve unionized twenty fucking years ago. Maybe forty. The horror stories about crunch were already commonplace in forums. Several major 90s releases have turned out to be corporate screw-jobs with no comeuppance. Mindscape straight-up fired the entire Lego Island staff the day before launch, probably to fuck them out of promised royalties.

    Christ, third-party console publishing, as a concept, only exists because Atari treated developers like anonymous machines. Warren Robinet’s name appearing anywhere on or in Adventure - a game where he was responsible for every single byte - was a secret act of defiance. A handful of dudes responsible for half of Atari’s profits left to form Activision. Then Activision pulled the same shit and a handful of dudes left to form Accolade. Then Accolade pulled the same shit and a handful of dudes left to form Acclaim, are you seeing a fucking pattern?

    It’s not enough to put people who’ve been screwed in charge, to prevent the company from screwing more workers. The incentives are miserable. And that was before the dominant strategy became bottomless money-pits that should be straight-up outlawed.

    This was a long time coming.

    gk99, w Ubisoft Montreal's mandatory return-to-office order reportedly leaves staff in "turmoil"

    To re-iterate, Ubisoft has done nothing to curb the sexual harassment issues that were reported ages ago and, frankly, simply not requiring return to office would’ve solved that problem along with a boost to employee happiness and workplace attractiveness.

    Heavybell, w Payday 3 developer drops Denuvo from the game before it's even out avatar

    I used to play PD2 with international friends, but latency being what it was I could only really play loud missions. Here’s hoping modern netcode somehow solves the issue of being spotted by guards that are behind a wall from my perspective.

    kugmo, w Payday 3 developer drops Denuvo from the game before it's even out avatar

    a plan to provide media outlets with two versions of games, one with Denuvo included and one without

    If end users cannot test it’s useless.

    0_0j, w GTA V turns 10: The impact and legacy of Rockstar's biggest game - and why sequel is taking so long avatar


    big_duck_energy, w BioWare vet says Mass Effect and Dragon Age got "too homogenous," wishes Dragon Age had been more "Neverwinter-like" avatar

    I absolutely loved Dragon Age: Inquisition, don’t hate me.


    Origins was amazing DAII was serviceable Varric did a lot of heavy lifting. DA:Inquisition I played 10 minutes of and dropped it.

    I played all games in succession after buying on steam too.


    Calling DA2 serviceable is probably some of the highest praise it’s received. The game is steaming dookie. It took out every single thing that made Origins a masterpiece and gave us a dialogue wheel and an entire game made of 5 copy+pasted rooms. Also a nonsensical main plot with no real player agency and the most forgettable ending of all.

    DAI is mid af but it looks like a God damn masterpiece next to DA2.


    Don’t feel bad, man. I’m one of the 6 folks who enjoyed DA2.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    I’m also one of that small number. It’s actually my favorite in the series.

    Mass Effect 2 is also my least favorite in the series, so I know I’m in the minority for both franchises.


    If they hadn’t reused the maps it’d been remembered as one of the greats.

    I also thought the balance on Nightmare or whatever was an atrocious mix of ubertank enemies and getting one-shot by rogues but the actual story and companions were fantastic.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    I can only imagine how good DA2 would have been if BioWare had been given more than a year and a half to make it.

    Murais, avatar

    I guess that makes me number 3?

    The ending was a bit silly, but the Qunari storyline was fucking incredible.

    !deleted7120 avatar

    When I found out that fight with Orsino had been mandated by higher ups who demanded another boss fight be added, it explained so much.


    What exactly do you mean by that? Like, he could have indeed been a well meaning mage just trying to live under templar thumbs? Instead of also being exactly the smoking gun?

    !deleted7120 avatar

    The Orsino fight doesn’t make much sense if you side with the mages - there was no reason for him to go Akira monster when he did. Even BioWare acknowledged how little sense it made, in a conversation you can have with Varric in Inquisition.


    Listen, it might’ve looked cheap as fuck, but I found a certain charm in the “every dungeon interior is just one of three dungeons with different parts blocked off”. Plus the combat flowed really well. I played that whole game through like… 5 times. One right after the other.


    If you play it after coming off Mass Effect 1, the “every colony bunker or mine is one of three options” regardless of the planet just becomes part of that Old BioWare’s aesthetic.


    Great ideas, cool combat system, great art style and graphics, ruined by writing that was somehow chaotic and utterly predictable at the same time and stupid ass kill ten rats/fetch 10 letters filler quests.


    The combat got pretty repetitive imo. Though that wasn’t helped by just how many times you had to do the same fights against rifts/tears etc


    Didn’t finish but liked it a lot more than most people.


    Well I wasn’t planning on hating you but due to my compulsive contrarianism we are now bitter enemies. See you in Hell and have a nice day!

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