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Green_Bay_Guy, w Steam's Oldest User Accounts Turn 20, Valve Celebrates With Special Digital Badges - IGN
Hyrulian, w The next Sims game will be free-to-play with paid DLC avatar

Whelp at least Paralives could be fun? Or that other one being worked on by Paradox? We honestly just need someone to save us at this point. Anything else would do so well even if it wasn’t quite as polished. It just needs to be feature complete at launch.

Summzashi, (edited )

Life by you is the Paradox one, it honestly doesn’t look good.


Looks like a porn game without the porn


Give the modders at least an hour.


An hour!? More like when the game launches.

Tilgare, w What games had easy soft locks that prevented you from either progressing or getting a true ending?

While playing Final Fantasy X the first time, I got to Old Zanarkand and inside the dome, I saved behind a sealed door in the Cloister of Trials. I wasn’t savvy to good saving practices and after solving the puzzle, got into a battle I was completely hopeless to defeat. There was no way to walk back out the door from which I entered, the only way out was through; and with my existing inventory, spells, charged up aeons, etc. I absolutely could not defeat the boss.

It was pretty crushing because this moment is so close to the end of the game, but I gave up and had to come back months (years?) later to fully start the game over. I think maybe I played 99+ hours of Final Fantasy VII and then decided to give X another try. The second time, I was much smarter with maintaining multiple save games for safety. Not to be bested again, I grinded up all of my limit breaks and aeons for safety and completely obliterated the boss in one go the next time around.


That Zanarkand Cloister of Trial is nowhere near the end


Oh I vaguely remembered it being beyond the ¾ point, but also I wouldn’t have known and it certainly FELT like that was the case when I got soft locked.

hayes_, (edited ) w Resident Evil 4 Remake, RE Village, And Assassin’s Creed Mirage Announced For iPhone 15 Pro

This seems like such a small market to me…

Who wants to play these games, hasn’t, doesn’t have access to another console/pc, has a wireless controller, has enough time to actually sit down and play these on their phone, and has their power cord on them (because you know these games will eat that battery alive)?

Maybe this is all setting up to allow iPhones to AirPlay games to an appletv or something.

steal_your_face, (edited ) avatar

What other mobile console do these run on? Steam Deck? This will target more casual gamers in a device they already own while steam deck is more for enthusiasts.


I think I’m questioning the size of the market for people who want to play these games on mobile in the first place.

How many casual gamers have a controller adapter for their phone, etc?

Maybe I just lack vision.

LillyPip, (edited ) w Why Unity's New Install Fees Are Spurring Massive Backlash Among Game Developers - IGN

Well fuck me, apparently. The Adobe and Sibelius fees already break me, and I’ve invested enough in Unity assets (not to mention the learning curve) to get a game close to preproduction, and this could drive me out.

I’m a tiny Dev just trying to break into VR, console, and mobile by myself, and am dirt poor with no support, just my knowledge and talent. I’m working on three beta projects, but this makes me scared to continue on Unity.

I’m a good designer and developer with industry experience, but my health has forced me into smaller Indy projects. I put all my eggs in Unity’s basket and now it feels like they’re ditching me just at the point I was ready for production.

God dammit. :(


You might wait at least a few weeks before throwing everything down - There’s been a lot of backlash, so much that Unity might walk this back or change it entirely.

moon_matter, avatar

The problem is they keep changing the license terms every 6-12 months and the changes have always been retroactive. I think they've changed it about once every year for the last 5 years and this year they did it twice. Games often take years to make and that means you might have no idea what the terms are going to be by the time you're ready to release.

So lets say they walk this back. What about next time?


It doesn’t seem right that they can retroactively change their terms and just decide you owe them money. I’m guessing this is legal since they are doing it anyways?

moon_matter, (edited ) avatar

It's really no different than a service upping their subscription fee or a grocery store raising the price of eggs. There's no law that says the price will remain the same forever. You can of course add it to the terms of a contract, but it's at your (in this case Unity's) own discretion.

Here's their Pricing Change FAQ.


The main difference is that if you built your product on their platform, you don’t have the option to pick a different vendor for what you’ve already built like you would for subscriptions or eggs. It feels much more akin to extortion to me.

You built your product on their platform and agreed to the terms they set. Thats a level of commitment you put in. Them changing it afterwards is forcing you to agree to new terms that you wouldn’t agree to if you weren’t forced.

If the issue is using their servers, or keeping the runtime code updates, there should at least be the option of self hosting or locking into an older version.

Having said all that, I know very little about vendor contracts and don’t doubt you when you say legally its the same as any other price change. It feels different because of the lack of choice.


Yes, this, too. :(


Oh, I’ll keep going, for sure! (…with one eye on developments.) But now I also need to prepare contingencies if their licensing goes the way of Avid, Adobe, and most recently Reddit and the bird one.

Something major might have to change and I can’t be blindsided by it, so I have to carve out time to deal with this, anyhow.


It’s not like nobody warned you Unity was bad, they’ve been hounding developers forever. I’ve personally been warning people to not touch unity and instead use the vastly superior Unreal Engine, ever since the UDK days. This isn’t the fall of Unity, it’s mid descent.


Kick 'em while they’re down


For future projects you may want to consider Godot or Stride. Free and Open Source.


Sometimes it seems to me that almost everything that isn’t FOSS/non-profit goes down the shitter these days in the name of profit. It really does feel like the only way to avoid getting fucked over is to completely ditch commercial stuff.

Our world sure does work, eh?

FalseDiamond, avatar

Stallman was right all along.


Yeah, I hope stuff like this shows people the value of FOSS


Jump ship to Musescore and Affinity while you’re at it my friend.

HidingCat, w Why Unity's New Install Fees Are Spurring Massive Backlash Among Game Developers - IGN

Just read some details, it's a monthly fee too? Wouldn't that really screw over single-player games which don't do recurring revenue?

dmrzl, w Starfield user score drops to "mostly positive" on steam

Is the score of Starfield really the only gaming topic Lemmy has to offer since like 4 days?


Some of it is organic hype and some of it is Corporate Funded social media teams / personnel who do their best to control the online narrative. Happens every time a Triple A game launches, no matter how many times that Company has betrayed it’s audience and succumbed to greedy scummy practices. People even still talk about Activision Blizzard titles as if it won’t just be another cashgrab.

Personally, I’m always super skeptical about these sort of games having a positive reception. I think the fast decline in user scores since launch is a perfect example of how unreliable the hype is.


There’s a giant push to really hate on Starfield, all over the internet

abraxas, (edited )

Yeah, and I don’t get why. We quite literally got exactly what we expected with Starfield, and nobody said we would get anything different. For those of us who enjoy it, we got precisely what we were promised. For those who don’t enjoy it, nobody tried to pretend they were getting something different.

If I have one complaint, they did not manage to brand it as effectively as they branded Fallout (the blonde cartoon, music, etc). But then, they never managed to brand tES that way and we’re all still alive.

My 2c. Isn’t it a breath of fresh air that we got a complete game without $100s in day1 DLC required to make it playable?


Probably a big part of the hate comes from Playstationers, who cry about exclusives now that they are on the short end.

NickNak, (edited )

I remember people hating on Skyrim when it came out, then Fallout 4, surprisingly not Fallout 76, you are right they never lied about it or promised stuff we didn’t get, I don’t really have interest in the game so I haven’t been following it to much but I don’t recall there being any classic Toddisms either

Starfield is as Generic Bethesda as it gets(which is a good thing) they didn’t introduce shit from other AAA games, like you said, no annoying Battle pass, day one DLC etc and other than early access, was there preorder bonuses?

The hate just seems odd, I can get the hate for most AAA shit but it seems really misplaced for StarField

You’re right about the branding, nothing to me sticks out for the series’s brand, maybe they didnt want another vault boy esq thing, so the game could stand alone, I dont know

Also, I guess also the cutscenese/animations everywhere, launching ships, docking, landing can get annoying, I understand the complaints about those


like you said, no annoying Battle pass, day one DLC etc and other than early access, was there preorder bonuses?

There were some minor cosmetic day 1 bonuses that nobody is losing sleep over not having. Basically, a skin pack for 4 items you get early on in the game’s main story. Unless people are roleplaying heavy, those items are in storage or sold to vendors by the 5 hour mark in the game. I’ve seen some people who wanted pay-to-win or pay-to-pretty bitch because this was miles from it.

The hate just seems odd, I can get the hate for most AAA shit but it seems really misplaced for StarField

Exactly. Bethesda games have never been the bleeding edge for graphics, even when they were the games crushing GPUs (Balmorra@6fps, I’ll never forget you). Nobody is even meaningfully saying that the money was spent on bonuses or moon vacations for the execs or anything, only that what they spent it on was not hyper-realistic graphics. They’ve always been a vast game. That’s where they spend their dev money.

Also, I guess also the cutscenese/animations everywhere, launching ships, docking, landing can get annoying, I understand the complaints about those

Everything is fast travel and loading screens. You’re right. This has been the complaint about every Bethesda game since day 1. I remember loading screens in Daggerfall. Yes, games with different focus and different engines have mastered seamless landing and takeoff. Yes, I’m sure Bethesda could have added that, or faked it. But they made clear a year ago we’d be seeing load screens for those things, so nobody should’ve expected otherwise.


Everything is fast travel and loading screens. You’re right. This has been the complaint about every Bethesda game since day 1. I remember loading screens in Daggerfall. Yes, games with different focus and different engines have mastered seamless landing and takeoff. Yes, I’m sure Bethesda could have added that, or faked it. But they made clear a year ago we’d be seeing load screens for those things, so nobody should’ve expected otherwise.

Sorry, I’m not talking load screens, as, well, that’s a thing you can’t avoid and it’s silly to want that, what I mean is when you dock a ship, when you land a ship, when you furniture or something, those animations, like fallout 4, there’s mods that skip these animations, they’re cool like once or twice but it’s silly that they happen all the time, just take us to a load screen as soon as we press the button :(


Ahh. But don’t those animations mask loading processing so you see fewer “spinning wheel” screens? I remember early Skyrim having minute long waits when you entered a door


I’m not sure, but I feel like they don’t? I’m more happy with just a load screen than one animation followed by a load screen


I could swear I’ve definitely seen transitions happen with no loading screen, just the transition. I am pretty certain the transition is just the start of the loading-screen process.


I’ll take your word for it! As I haven’t played the game, I’ve only seen mods and some random streams of it

pory, avatar

You did have to pay $100 to play this one on day 1. The plebs that bought the $70 version had to wait a week.


This pleb waited a few days and pays $10/mo for a bunch of games, including Starfield. I’m happy enough.

PM_ME_FEET_PICS, w The next Sims game will be free-to-play with paid DLC

Pretty sure they already had decent free to play Sims games on mobile a long time ago. Not sure how good the current one is.

The current base game is free to play as well with paid DLC. So they are taking the form that works for them.

People will by DLC if they want to and others get to enjoy a the base game for free.

The Sims has been pretty shit since the Sims 3.


Sims 4 base game is actually already free on steam. I hear from a good friend, not me personally, that it has some great porn mods on the lovers lab site. Some bad mods, too.

DocBlaze, (edited )

I’m the good friend and will confirm

lalo, w Why Unity's New Install Fees Are Spurring Massive Backlash Among Game Developers - IGN

They pushed this change with the always online dev kit. I believe the price change is a smoke screen for the other changes. Soon they might step back on this decision.

ebenixo, w Starfield user score drops to "mostly positive" on steam

They should have made an arena shooter instead

cypher_greyhat, w PS5 sales jumped 42% in the UK during August | UK Monthly Charts

There was a price cut in Europe.

drekly, w The next Sims game will be free-to-play with paid DLC

Ah, so the sims is dead, I see.


It’s also soon to be astroturfed to hell and back with “omg let people enjoy things” and the “stop having FUN” comic any time people mention how dogshit this is.



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  • pimento64,

    Good thing there’s that spiritual successor (paralives) coming down the pike


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…


    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…

    Iunnrais, (edited )

    Haven’t heard of paralives. The one I’m familiar with is “Life by You” from Paradox. I’m hoping for cities skylines integration, which is why I have my eye on that one, even if it is a different developer it’s the same publisher so there’s hope…

    (Sorry if you briefly saw a billion duplicate comments from me— Memmy suddenly crashed and when it reopened it seems to have just kept reposting again and again. I think I deleted all the copies now)


    RIP Maxis. Who knows what kinds of awesome stuff we could have had. Oh well, at least Cities Skylines 2 is on the way. Haven’t played a Sims game in a long time but had such a blast with the earlier entries in the series.


    RIP Maxis and like 50 other studios that EA bought and dissolved over the decades.


    Still haven’t emotionally recovered from Westwood


    I loved Tiberian Sun and the Red Alerts


    And Bullfrog


    Still haven’t emotionally recovered from Westwood

    fogetaboutit, w The next Sims game will be free-to-play with paid DLC

    If sims 5 doesnt allow my sims to exit the house without loading screen, then it isnt worth it


    The loading screen is optional DLC. Definitely not a micro-transaction. Just very small DLC.

    !deleted6508 avatar

    I want to actually watch them do their jobs, too. Not just enter a building and forcing me to watch time go by for the 8 hours they are there. I don’t care if they’re just packing boxes for Samazon; I mean, I will watch them watching TV. Watching them do boring stuff isn’t that boring.


    Agreed. Working is the worst part of the Sims. They make you just fucking sit there for all that time staring at the outside of a building


    yeah, jobs on sims 3 is basically entering a building and waiting. With an occasional prompt about “what should your sims do?”


    you never used open careers mod? it sort of works how like university life did. you get career progression from using associated objects, and are otherwise are free to talk to your coworkers, grab lunch, etc during the work day.


    That sounds awesome actually, but no im not aware of it. I think it would be nice if its integrated tho

    Mawkey, w Why Unity's New Install Fees Are Spurring Massive Backlash Among Game Developers - IGN

    Join the Godot Chad's!

    4am, w Why Unity's New Install Fees Are Spurring Massive Backlash Among Game Developers - IGN

    May your golden parachute have secretly been stuffed with lead you greedy abusive piece of shit. Fuck these bait and switch MBAs.

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