7u5k3n, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer released early by rockstar after it was supposedly leaked

Tldr 2025

Haha, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer released early by rockstar after it was supposedly leaked

Leak is more shock factor than a real release nowadays so they just say that 😂😂


It was officially scheduled for tomorrow at 9am.

Pretty sure Rockstar didn’t intentionally jump the gun screwing up their media partners on announcing a $1-2 billion media product in order to release it initially in potato quality on Twitter with “Buy BTC” superimposed on it.


Gross, someone seriously leaked it with a trashy watermark?


Or this is exactly how you would fake a leak? (Minus screwing the media partners who are already in on it.)

Pratai, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer released early by rockstar after it was supposedly leaked

Riiiiight. Leaked.


hard to tell anymore man, I remember when leaks was fun


Well, they did not say or admit that it was not them who leaked it.


Of course it was.

Do you really think their media team announced a global release for the trailer on official channels a week ago, had it slated for tomorrow at 9am EST, and then intentionally left leaked their own trailer on Twitter in crap format with “Buy BTC” superimposed on it the day before, suddenly scrambling to release the official trailer but leaving media partners high and dry jumping the official date by less than 24 hours?

At a certain point, skepticism of skepticism is also warranted.


It created a buzz, so…. Yes. I wouldn’t put it past them.


Right, because the first trailer for GTA 6 needed additional buzz…


GTA makes a killing by parodying conspiracy theory nutjobs, maybe Rockstar can make an NPC character based off of you.


Yawn. Enjoy your game kiddo.

Clipboards, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 avatar

I might go feral if they don’t release on PC at launch. This looks INCREDIBLE, they’ve knocked it out of the park.

Crafter72, avatar

Rockstar historically always have delayed pc port, and issues on launch for their pc release. Maybe 2026 is more on reality (gta 4 pc port is released in less than a year, and it was the worst performing gta on pc iirc).


IIRC GTA V had basically no issues at launch. RDR2 had some crashing issues, but otherwise it’s like one of the best optimized and most scalable PC ports I’ve ever seen.

Crafter72, avatar

As someone who back in 2010s up to 2016 regularly visits gtaforums to discuss modding and waiting for gta v pc release, I can say no. People back in 2015 launch had issues ranging from simply unable to launch, infinite loading screen, close to the desktop, to missing graphical effects (even after driver update).

In term of recent gta release, gta v definitely is more optimized in a sense but if your information based on something like Digital Foundry retrospective videos… Well idk, since they tested it with “optimized” setting and not in launch version.

Just my 2cent from my past experience.


Fair enough. I did play PC at launch but that was like almost 9 years ago so I don’t really remember much

Clipboards, avatar

Yeah, unfortunately im prepared for that being the reality :(


Historically consoles have been much more specialized. The last GTA came out in the PS3 era. The PS3 used the cell microprocessor which was famously hard to develop for.

The latest consoles run AMD Zen CPUs, very similar to those found in most gaming PCs.

Coelacanth, avatar

When was the last major Rockstar release that came out simultaneously on consoles and PC? Max Payne 3 maybe? I assume it will be console exclusive and then PC a year later.


Already confirmed in press release that it’s only releasing for PS5 and Xbox. No PC launch on 2025.

Clipboards, avatar

Not surprised, but exceptionally lame.

Crafter72, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 avatar

I’m more interested of how much satire, sarcasm, irony and parody they bring into gta 6. Not really care about graphics since whats shaping up gta is the satirical of the world especially usa.

If they still keep those in check on release, rockstar still had the balls.

Even though it is coming from rockstar main studios, I just hope it won’t be end up like Saints Row reboot which turn out become massive joke and the volition had to close up lmao.

Poggervania, avatar

Honestly, if Rockstar can make a modern GTA equivalent of Saints Row 2, they’d be golden. Which is kind of ironic in a sense since Saints Row was originally the “GTA at home” clone but became amazing.

Crafter72, avatar

In a sense of gritty crime story telling? Yeah I’d agree. Things that make SR1 & 2 differs from GTA is that they dont shy away from goofiness and let players having fun with lots of side activity but at same time they also have coherent direction where the story heading at (like Yakuza series).

Though I would be more cautious in writing as the only veteran staff of GTA creation that stays on Rockstar is Sam Houser. Dan Houser (his brother), Leslie Benzies and some others key people had leave Rockstar games due to some internal issues as far as I know.


Just the trailer itself includes two direct parodies of real Florida people (the tatted guy on TV and the woman with two hammers)


Yeah, hard to say what they do. If they keep the GTA 5 insanity level then its hardly a parody of real life since thats where real life is at.


I find it a little upsetting that 5’s parody has become only a slight exaggeration of reality

samus12345, avatar

I just replayed it on PS5 for the first time since I beat it on PS3 and I was thinking the same thing.

kromem, do gaming w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

It’s almost unbelievable that the graphics are this good.

Rockstar always releases their first trailer a little under 2 years out from the planned release date, so 2025 was no surprise.

Also, they are one of the few developers who release the first trailer where it really looks like the end product, so I know it’s legit, and the hair indicates there’s FSR, so it really does seem like this is what we might see on release - but that’s still kind of mind blowing given the gap between this and what’s been out so far.


I think FSR should not be in any game at launch. Too many developers use it as a crutch to hide bad performance and optimization.

callouscomic, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

I got tired a long time ago of games unnecessarily forcing phones and social media into them. They’re never done well, and real life social media sucks enough, we don’t need more of it in games.

kratoz29, avatar

GTA has always had them as a parody though.


Going back to beepers even…

PowerCrazy, do gaming w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

I have liked all the GTA’s except 4. I’m sure I’ll get this one too. I hope that the single player campaign brings back some of the niceties from San Andreas. I want to have a garage of cars, rare ones that I’ve found and customized, and I want to be able to wreck them and be able to get them back from garage (without having to buy them again). Same with planes/boats/etc.

I.E when I play through the game I should be able to permanently unlock things, not have to repurchase them with basically micro-transactions, even if the money is easy to get.


Man I loved 4. So many people seemed to dislike it but I thought it was a fantastic game and a MASSIVE step up from the previous gen titles (in graphics and physics etc.)

tetris11, avatar

The physics in 4 were the best in the series IMO. The car handling was perfect, and not MidnightClub-style arcadey (point and vroom).

Plowing through pedestrians at the park had real replay value in GTA IV, with very interesting reactions each time. In GTA V this became somewhat canned in terms of animation diversity.

GTA IV felt grimey and real to me. I loved it. Just wish they had planes and parachutes (albeit Ballad of Gay Tony brought the latter in)

Grayox, do gaming w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 avatar

Only have to wait till 2025…

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe, do gaming w Rockstar's Game Design is Outdated avatar

Cool well when another game designer can make a car feel like they could 10 years ago I'll agree.

ampersandrew, avatar

That's not game design. It's the feel of a single mechanic. And honestly, there are so many open world games to play that have driving that feels good.


Open world games are just terrible, too many of them have these giant maps that have nothing in them

TheFriar, (edited )

I mean, the guy had a few decent points. I definitely agree with you as well—my constant replaying of gta V and rdr2 go to show that I love rockstar games. And I’m a different gamer than this guy. I have the same approach to movies, too. I work in film and all my friends are super film snobs and I’m like, “oh shit, I really liked it.” Because the story is my bread and butter. Rdr2 was an incredible story. I’ve replayed the entire campaign three times and each time I still felt the story, felt the characters…it worked for me. However, what this guy said is also true. For “strategy” gamers, yeah, their system is super limited. I mean, for a replay their style is super limited. You have “choices” technically—you can be good or bad, say yes or no to helping people, you can find interesting items off them when you decide to be bad and kill them, or sometimes they’ll reward you with cool items if you decide to help. The open world has some secrets to uncover but…ultimately, there is one track for the story (even if you can be white hat or black hat), and the open world experience, you can only discover what’s set out for you. You can’t “create” an experience that isn’t placed for you to find or that you decide to do differently than their predetermined triggers and paths. Basically what I’m saying is your “choices” in the game only serve to limit your path if you make the decision to, say, not help Mary—that storyline is just gone. You get a few new pieces of dialogue. That’s it. It’s all funneling you to their predetermined path. And that can get boring for some people.

All this said, I fuckin love rdr2. I love just fucking around in the open world when I don’t feel like playing missions, I like trying to survive a Saint Denis shootout by holding up somewhere or refusing to run. Shit, I’m STILL playing rdr2. That doesn’t happen when the game is bad. But I also agree with what he’s saying. Being able to actually alter the game, with your creative input having a consistent logic you can manipulate, would turn this game from an 8.75 to a 10. As it stands, the only time your in-game decisions truly make a difference is when they wipe out a side story line opportunity—or if they happen to be the final decision or two in their predetermined story.

I opened the video thinking, “pfft. Fuck this dude, these are some of my favorite (and in my opinion the best) games of all time.” But after actually watching some of it, he had good points.


I really hate when “your choices matter” just means less game. I get that branching every choice is asking too much but it is a little easier when your scope is refined. Rdr series do what they do well and gta has been fun. If they upgrade their engine and game design, that would be amazing. If they don’t, I’ll settle for them stopping monetizing grinding.

ampersandrew, avatar

I don't think any of what Jakey covers, which is very much how I felt playing it, has anything to do with choices that would affect the outcome of the story. It was more like I didn't feel like the game would let me think and handle things my way. Every story beat could still play out the same, but the missions should feel like I'm coming up with a way to do them rather than the game failing me for doing something fun that still ought to accomplish it. I'm thinking really hard about whether or not there are any story choices in MGSV, which he uses as an example, and I don't think there are, but that game will let you accomplish your mission by however you see fit in your Lego bucket.

EvaUnit02, avatar

Ha. For me, one of my biggest gripes with GTA is how cars don't behave like any semblance of a car that I know.

cyborganism, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

Not disappointed in the trailer or the game or anything, but I would’ve loved to see a GTA set in a city outside the US. For example in a London-like city or Tokyo or Rome or Paris.

But yeah this new GTA looks sick. They did a great job in capturing the new fucked up Florida vibe.


If Rockstar wanted to bring back London '69 (maybe '89 now?) I wouldn’t be mad at all.


I’ve always dreamed about this one, London 69 updated in their recent style. I think they talked about this before and the problem is the cops in London didn’t carry guns then so it made it difficult to be a GTA game in the typical sense.


I want them to spin off another top down style gta game, I love the 3d but it would be cool to see them iterate on the OG style.

GTA 2 was my favorite


That just might be a good indy game project actually…


Idk… If it hasn’t happened with the Switch… Like they did with PSP and DS with GTA china town …


GTA Chinatown Wars was great when it released for Nintendo DS and the PSP. It was actually a really well done update to the GTA 2 style of gameplay that a lot of people missed because it was a portable game. It was available on iOS and Android, too, but not sure if it’s still there.


Aaand remember: Respect is everything!


Wiarton Ontario


GTA: GTA (Greater Toronto Area)




Five stars is just the RCMP apologizing to you.

Unless you’re a native character…


Sleeping Dogs is probably as close as you’ll get. That’s a great game btw.


Thanks for the reference! I’ll check that out!


Solid game, I believe it began as a sequel to True crime streets of LA. It felt like I was playing an infernal affairs video game



tryptaminev, avatar

i dunno if they find enough whacky criminal characters. Seems to be the other countries are still too normal or things are too fucked up for the series to work there.

Zeth0s, (edited )

They have police in those city.

All 2022 Rome had only 16 homicides… And street are too small and traffic is too bad for a grand theft auto… Rome is good for spy stories, thriller or stealth games. GTA wouldn’t really work

In London not even police has guns… Having someone hanging around with a gun is too unrealistic, more than Harry potter


Technically… London has already been done.…/Grand_Theft_Auto:_London_1969.


For Rome, grand theft auto in the 70s is absolutely doable. Full of gangs, terrorists, molotovs.

Grand theft auto Rome 2023 would be about some fat guy bribing politicians to get the work for his company of collect garbage and never do it. The lucrative non-fancy side of crime


Ah… you make a very good point.

vanontom, avatar

The Florida vibe is definitely oozing from this trailer. I can almost smell it, and quite frankly I’m disgusted. Bravo. I would’ve preferred the next GTA being somewhere else, but maybe this it exactly where it belongs.


Agree. Florida culture has become very conductive for this kind of game.


I always assumed GTA to be a broad parody on modern America. From the beginning it was a new York esque mob-gang warfare, and then moved out to add in more usa adjacent scenery. It’s more about keeping with the theme, let IPs like watchdogs take the initial risks.


Good point. And Florida has become crazy enough that a GTA game set there is almost realistic.


I’d like it just set in any new city outside of these 3. It’s always been a rotation of Liberty, Vice and San Andreas, even back to GTA 1 (which was the 3 cities in one)


True. Chicago would’ve been nice. Or Atlanta.


USA as a very car centric country is definitely best suited for a car centric game like Grand Theft Auto.


That’s true lol. It’s not called grand theft métro de Paris.

fiah, avatar

grand theft bicycle with a canal boat chase set anywhere in the Netherlands


The Getaway had plenty of car action, it was pretty neat blasting through the tight roads and navigating traffic.

RGB3x3, do gaming w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

Coming 2025

Fuck me, it’s still at least a year and a half off. I’d bet it’s either coming September or November 2025 or being delayed until 2026.

Which would make it at least 12 years since GTA 5’s original release. That’s absolutely nuts.

Kekzkrieger, avatar

better than releasing a half finished game that is unplayable in the first 6 months and then barely playable for another 6months and only with the dlc 3 months later they bring features they promised on release.

Dont get me wrong i’d love to play RIGHT NOW, but i’d rather wait for a polished experience than to get disappointed.


100% it’s a good thing they are taking their time.


IDK, I said the same thing about Cyberpunk, No Man’s Sky, Diablo IV, Starfield, and what feels like every other AAA game that comes out these days.

Delays and long development times no longer mean quality, if they ever did.


That can’t be right, GTA 5 just come out in…fuck.

QubaXR, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 avatar

Looks like an absolute celebration of all the worst things America is known for. Pass, thanks.


My guy do you know what GTA is?

R00bot, avatar

It’s more of a satire of them but sure.


You should check out this happening hip website called Reddit, my man. There will be lots of folks there that will agree with you.


Lmao do you know what platform you’re on right now? I’m actually surprised OP is getting downvoted because this type of comment is the epitome of Lemmy. Missing satire/missing the point, anti-American, pointlessly bringing in politics/culture in a negative way. This has been my experience 80% of the time here.

Poggervania, avatar

Missing satire/missing the point, anti-American, pointlessly bringing in politics/culture in a negative way.

Ahh, just like Reddit


Reddit is hardly anti-American in the aggregate. And not nearly the same percentage of posts get political for no reason. Definitely agree on missing satire, though. Lemmy is just hyper-distilled reddit.

Poggervania, avatar

You mean that website where a large majority of fediverse users came from?

Yeah, wouldn’t be surprised if there was some communal overlap…


Yeah because the other 5 main series crime simulator games really spoke to the soul of the country


Goddamn, that was funny

objectionist, avatar

do we tell him

JimboDHimbo, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

POC HAIRSTYLES COMING CORRECT, LETS FUCKING GO!!! they even got Wicks right?!? oh my fucking god!?

Drinvictus, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1

Vice City is back baby

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