sirico, do gaming w TOP 20 EPIC Upcoming RPG Games 2024 | PS5, XSX, PS4, XB1, PC avatar

Second game betrays the title 🤔 Typo on Banishers too with the year down as 2023

FuckyWucky, (edited ) do gaming w Software Emulators vs FPGAs

Isn’t it better and more accessible to mod existing roms to work with software emulators instead of doing the FPGA thing? It’ll help you preserve the game just the same way and won’t be as difficult as learning FPGA shit.

The route most normal people think when some code is buggy is to modify the code instead of making a whole new CPU. The ROMs aren’t going to vanish just because there are no more CPUs which can run the same ROM.

I think what the society society would benefit from is a centralized ROM Marketplace (Donation based) where you upload modded ROMs for obsolete consoles but of course because of how intellectual property works under capitalism this isn’t possible.

As mentioned, FPGAs are super expensive, not very efficient and require a lot of knowledge of the underlying ICs.

Also there are no FPGAs for PS2 and other modern consoles

Pluto, avatar

This is all very true.

samc, avatar

I guess the argument would be that software fixes need to be implemented for each ROM separately. Which also involves the pain of decompiling. Yes FPGAs are probably a pain, but they potentially offer perfect emulation of every game.

One thing I’m not sure about is how portable FPGA logic is. If I write a NES emulator in verilog for one FPGA, can that code be reused on a later model if, for example, my FPGA goes out of production?


There’s also an argument to be made for preserving the “hardware” - those machines don’t last forever. the Analouge guys recently made (or are making?) an FPGA that is compatible with all of the Turbografix hardware paraphernalia which is arguably just as important as the actual software

megapenguinx, avatar

Doesn’t PS2 use a PowerPC architecture? And newer consoles are on x86 so having FPGAs for either stack feels uneconomic right now. Also the issue with making roms compatible is a lot of them used chip level tricks to get certain things to function.

fernandofig, avatar

Doesn’t PS2 use a PowerPC architecture?

No, it uses a custom architecture around a custom CPU, the “Emotion Engine”, a MIPS-based CPU. You must be thinking of the Wii or XBox360 that came after it.

megapenguinx, avatar

You’re right! I wonder if there’s a reason beyond costs.


FPGAs are the best way to preserve a console for the future. The hardware especially for older consoles was very special and custom, basically unique architecture.

While modding the ROMs seems to be easier, it has to be done for every single one and could lead to alteration of the game ifself (timing comes to mind) FPGAs have to only designed once per Console.

FPGAs get more and more accessible and cheaper every day. So for the future it will be way easier, cheaper and more accessible.

FuckyWucky, (edited )

Why would you use FPGAs instead of either trying to make the emulation better or fixing the code to work on new instructions.

And yea modding roms is more difficult but not as difficult as a. Trying to learn how the cpu on these old consoles function b. Learning how FPGAs work c. Programming these fpgas to worn like old consoles.

Alternative is to look at the ROM in which case you would only have to modify the assembly to fix the quirks. Heck if it were a higher level language even a dumbass like me making dogshit on github might be able to do it.

Modern CPUs are so much more powerful, even look at lower power more efficient ones like the one on steam deck that FPGAs feel wasteful. Obviously there might use cases for FPGAs while developing software emulators (I’ve seen it being used to capture video from memory to bypass DRM) especially as the old consoles themselves break.

FPGAs get more and more accessible and cheaper every day. So for the future it will be way easier, cheaper and more accessible.

And so are general purpose CPUs at a much faster rate.

I’m more inclined to agree with the commentor on the other thread.

“Software emulators: are free, run on everything from your PC, phone, your old PSP and probably twenty other things you have in your room right now, putting new life into old otherwise useless hardware FGPA: one-purpose landfill trash that consoomers buy because they can’t imagine investing time in something that doesn’t involve spending large amounts of money, getting dumb plastic shit to fill up your home”

FPGAs get more and more accessible and cheaper every day. So for the future it will be way easier, cheaper and more accessible.


Why would you use FPGAs instead of either trying to make the emulation better or fixing the code to work on new instructions.

And yea modding roms is more difficult but not as difficult as a. Trying to learn how the cpu on these old consoles function b. Learning how FPGAs work c. Programming these fpgas to worn like old consoles.

Only the dev team needs to know FPGA design. Not everyone. Just like the otherway. Someone needs to learn how to dump the ROM and probably needs to design hardware for it. Needs to dissasable it, edit the resulting mix of probably really special assembly (cause of special hardware) and then be able to compile it again.

Sounds much easier to do for every single ROM then designing the FPGA…

but since everyone has those skills that should not be a problem /s

Emulators are a nice middle ground. They are allowing to emulate the environment and you only have to create the emulator once and all/most ROMs are running. But still are not able to reflect the game to 100%. Talk about that to the speedrunning scene on older hardware. Some quirks/bugs/specific lags are not there.

FuckyWucky, (edited )

Yea and that’s why speed runners and consoomers are losers who should be deprived of FPGAs.

nineteeneightyfour You will be forced to use software emulators and you will be forced to enjoy it.


you don’t compare fpgas to just any emulator. But you can compare them to gate level simulators (not emulators). The ones that take a beefy 4GHz+ pc just to emulate a gameboy at 8 fps. But also guarantee 100% accuracy and compatibility with all games. Fpgas can do that in real time.

troyunrau, do gaming w This is Why Games like Baldur's Gate 3 Are So Rare... | A16Z [CC] (24:42) avatar


steeznson, do games w Playing Quake for the Story (A Franchise Retrospective)

I realise this is strange to comment on a 2 hour video but Noah is at his best when he keeps the scope of his video narrow and (moderately) focused like this.

WaterWaiver, do pcgaming w Can An Iranian Silkworm Battery Beat A US Carrier Group? (Naval 17) | DCS

Apparently something similar was once wargamed by the US and the carrier was lost

(The politics in that article remind me of a Kris Longknife book)

WaterWaiver, do pcgaming w Can An Iranian Silkworm Battery Beat A US Carrier Group? (Naval 17) | DCS

Is it bad that I suddenly want to build my own navy and rockets? This is like model trains.

Usernamealreadyinuse, do games w Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown | New Gameplay Today

Meh, not to hyped after watching the video.

Loved sands of time, this is nothing like it and looks okay i guess.

rustyriffs, do games w Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown | New Gameplay Today

This game looks sick and I’m so fucking into it. I hope it runs great and doesn’t have any issues on pc because the prince of persia’s were always some of my favorite games back in the day. It’s pretty good I think, to see them taking a different approach this time.

Carighan, do games w Prince Of Persia: The Lost Crown | New Gameplay Today avatar

I’ll be honest, this seems… okay?

Like a worse Dead Cells but with a pretty pretty art style? Combat seems so-so, on the one hand it has some interesting mechancis that clearly try to ape fighting games (as they say), but on the other it also seems simplistic compared to, well, again, Dead Cells. Although maybe that’s just the early parts.

Swarming, avatar

I don’t think Dead Cells is the right comparison. The only real similarity is they’re 2D metroidvanias. But Dead Cells is a procedurally generated roguelike, PoP isn’t. It’s closer to Metroid Dread. All the previews I’ve seen say the combat is actually very in-depth with numerous combos, powerups and weapons, and sometimes comes closer to a character action game!

Aielman15, avatar

Also, the platforming elements seen in one of the previous trailers are kinda reminiscent of Ori, which is nice.

mason, do gry w DZIĘKUJCIE NAM ZA GRY - NAWET TE ZŁE! Developer Starfielda kompletnie odleciał avatar

@emill1984 - kurde, ja już mam jakieś 11 tysięcy znaków recenzji, głownie uwag, co mi nie gra w :D

A najlepsze, że ja tą grę autentycznie lubię.

!deleted130 avatar

@mason no troche przypadek Cyberpunka - ta gra nie powinna wyjsc w takim stanie, ale w sumie gra sie i tak spoko 😆

mason, avatar

@emill1984 - myślę, że to nie do końca sprawiedliwe porównanie dla Starfielda.

Oceniam na podstawie gry na konsolę, nie śledziłem problemów na PC, natomiast wydaje mi się, że technicznie Starfield nie ma aż takich problemów, jakie miał Cyberpunk.

Moim zdaniem największą bolączką tej gry jest bardzo słaby scenariusz i jego wdrożenie oraz kilka decyzji dotyczących gameplay'u, które nie wynikają z ograniczeń technicznych.

!deleted130 avatar

@mason zle mnie odebrales, nie chodzilo mi o to, ze to ta sama klasa problemow, po prostu w przypadku Cyberpunka uwazam, ze fabularnie, pod katem misji czy postaci to byla naprawde dobra gra i gralo mi sie w nia swietnie mimo bugow - ale te byly na skandalicznym poziomie

mason, avatar

@emill1984 - a, to zgadzam się z Tobą.

Ja ogrywałem Cyberpunka chyba z pół roku od wyjścia i jeszcze wtedy miał problemy, które moim zdaniem powinny go dyskwalifikować. Natomiast fabularnie jako całość i pod kątem zadań pobocznych oraz pewnej dojrzałości fabuły - to był i jest sztos!

Przy czym jest jedna cecha wspólna obu gier, ale w Starfield doprowadzono ją do zdecydowanej przesady. W obu tytułach było sporo zadań, które ewidentnie były tworzone jako bardziej rozbudowane. Przy czym o ile w Cyberpunku to były wyjątki, w Starfield trudno znaleźć takie zadanie, które byłoby kompletne od początku do końca :D

!deleted130 avatar

@mason za to w Cyberpunku powycinano (prawdopodobnie - bo dowodow nie mam, ale na YT mozna znalezc sporo filmikow z analizami) spore fragmenty mapy, takze, no... 😅

mason, avatar

@emill1984 - ja i tak uważam, że mapa w Cyberpunku była za duża. Tzn. ewidentnie była przygotowana pod albo większą liczbę zadań niż ostatecznie ich zostało, albo od razu szykowali ją na dodatki... albo obie wersje :D

jaqqu7, do gry w DZIĘKUJCIE NAM ZA GRY - NAWET TE ZŁE! Developer Starfielda kompletnie odleciał avatar

@emill1984 Pagliarulo jest strasznie odklejony.

illumrial, do games w X4 gets another expansion. Announcement Wed Dec 20 - 16:00 CET. On to v7.00!

Criminality underrated game.

hal_5700X, do games w Grand Theft Auto VI Trailer 1 avatar

Florida simulator.

I hope this is going to be good. But I’m not going to hold my breath. Because we are talking about Take-Two and Rockstar here.


I was thinking the same, but then again taking a long time to put games out isn’t the same as putting out broken games. I mean rdr, rdr2, and gtav are stellar games that launched without any glaring faults iirc. Taking time is fine as long as we get a complete product.

TheBat, avatar

Help a woman who needs an abortion



Tell kids about gay people



Eh, since that law applies to classroom instruction, they’d have to save that one for a Bully sequel.


Take-Two are be pretty scummy (especially the sports game division), but Rockstar don’t miss.

Expect evolution not revolution, but we’re going back to Vice City, so count me in.


I’m just concerned that they’re going to go all in on GTA online 2.

They either need to make sure they put a huge amount of effort into the single player or they need to completely rework online play.


They didn’t for Red Dead 2. I don’t see why they would for this.

I’ve haven’t touched the multiplayer player content in any of their games, and never felt short changed by what I got.

beefcat, avatar

When has Rockstar themselves put out a bad game?

hal_5700X, avatar

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition was bad.

EDIT Manhunt 2 was bad. When comparing it to the first game.

beefcat, avatar

i don’t really count remasters that were outsourced, that is 2k and grove street games’ sin

hal_5700X, avatar

Rockstar did okay it.


Ahh yes the “cautious gamer that doesn’t think GTA is going to be good” archetype.

d3Xt3r, do games w Fextralife 2023 Awards

No mention of TotK? Lame.

moxcie, do games w Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 - Release Date Reveal (September 9, 2024)

I am quietly really excited for this to come out. The original space marine was such a fun game. Honestly even if this just plays like a doom eternal reskin, it would still be a 7.5/10 for me.


Yeah I feel kinda the same, it doesn't need to be anything more than a very competent TPS action game for me to be satisfied.


Honestly you saying TPS just opened my third eye to what that genre of games even is… I loved gears of war


Oh, I'm glad something good came out of me doing that annoying internet thing of using an abbreviation without explaining what it means (for which I apologize).

It's kinda funny to call Space Marine a TPS since while, technically, it is, you kinda spend 60% of the time mashing the melee button, which is very much not doing the "S" part.


It did take me a second to realise it was “third person shooter” but the context made it easy to decipher!

Funny on the melee thing too, that’s how I feel about DOOM now. You spend it all in melee range and since melee heals you..


I do hope it’s as fun as the first, but I’m concerned about Saber Interactive being the devs instead of Relic.


From the videos and knowing the developer, it’s going to be more like World War Z but with cinematic finishers.

NOT_RICK, avatar

I’m going to be able to cut down swathes of ‘nids with a heavy bolter so it’s gonna be at least an 9/10 for me. I just wish they’d let me play as a death company, I’m sick of Ultramarines.

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