I had to lower the graphics today because performance started dropping later in the game for some reason. I was fully expecting it to be noticeable with the drop in quality but honestly it still looks really pretty on the lowest settings
I took a class that covered it a while ago. From what i understood of that unit, it can be pretty difficult. Even after shaders for the water and things to handle vertex displacement maps and tessellation, if they want the Water to do more then they have to code that on too (Think Red Dead 2’s Water reacting to being shot or just basic Splash Physics or foam). It was really fascinating to learn about even though i don’t remember much of the Unit
Yes! The high stakes riverboat poker game was very memorable. Apparently, there are lots of side objectives to complete in the garden party too. I haven’t looked for them yet! Loving these posts, keep up the good work.
Truly wish I could have kept playing this. I was having a blast. Roughly 60% of the way through, game started crashing 30 seconds in. Went back multiple save files, same thing. I’ve never been more disappointed in a game that I truly loved.
sadly i don’t think my monitor supports HDR, otherwise i would totally turn it on. I used to think it did but i’m learning my monitor can’t do a lot i thought it originally could lol
Ever since playing and liking Tomb Raider (2013), I have noticed it being compared to Uncharted, which made me curious about the latter. However, the clips I’ve seen made Uncharted’s characters seem focused on being macho men, rather than being humans exploring dangerous environments. Is it like that throughout, or did I just randomly find video clips that happened to highlight a single minor aspect of the games?
I’m in sort of the opposite boat. I’ve never played tomb raider lol (but it’s on my list someday once I remember to pick it up on Steam). I will admit I’m biased (I grew up playing these games so that bias may make me blind), but wouldn’t say it really focuses on being Macho Men unless you’re referring to the scenes that are trying to be cool (like the famous train one).
There’s a lot of Gunplay involved and the later games (or at least the 4th one. It’s been ages since I played 2 & 3) have a lot of exploring like you want involved too.
The oily skin look is just because there was a change in lighting techniques around this time. It wasn’t built for a CRT. At the time I remember thinking that they were perhaps trying to mask their lack of visual fidelity with an art style that was getting closer to Pixar.
That’s interesting. I’m a hobbyist video game developer so learning old techniques is interesting for me. I’ll have to look more into this later because I’d love to understand how it works