…that got me wondering what it might have looked like on a CRT. I know they have a sort of natural AA effect, so I’m wondering if it might look better for me if I break one out.
Do you have a good one just lying around? I’ve been on a retro game kick lately and sort of wish I had a good CRT but they’re so goddamn big and bulky so it’s not like I kept one around from back in the day. But you’re absolutely right about old games being made with them in mind and it’s especially noticeable for stuff like pixel art games.
I wouldn’t be surprised if I had one in the garage, if not I live in an area where people seem to be giving away CRTs regularly for some reason. I’m sure I could nab one. I think the main thing stopping me is I’d have to haul it up some stairs lol
I was originally going to go with the one of the iron golem on the rooftop to make it a bit more unique. But figured people would get more joy out of the tutorial gateway/arch thingy so I went with that instead. I made sure to share everything I took though so people could watch the little trip I took, at least for the most part. There was a screenshot I took of the menu I didn’t mean too that I didn’t include
People say this game has not aged well, I only partially agree with that. Ps2 was my first 3d game console and I played this game on the wii virtual console, and I was just amazed by it. So much so that I thought I should try other n64 games too, but was disappointed at how awfully all of them controlled. This game really did set the bar.
I think the controls are one of the few things impacting its age. They’re difficult to get right on modern hardware with the One Stick design. Especially the Wii U gamepad. I played that version and Mario just did not control well for me. I don’t know what it was
I’m weird and play everything with a PS3 controller lol. The best way I’ve found though is the N64 controller, but I believe Nintendo’s official Nintendo Online reproduction can connect to PC Via Bluetooth but I don’t own one so I can’t say that for sure.
I loved this remake. I played the first one when I was about 12? Looking back that seems very young but it was one of the only games I completed at that age. I didn’t have internet in my room at the time so I printed the walk through from I think gamefaq lol. Had it holepunched and stored in a ring binder. Over 20 years later and it was really fun remembering events and areas in this remake even if they were slightly redesigned.
I played the OG when i was 13 on my shitty Acer laptop. It was an experience. I was doing the same thing while going through the remake when seeing the redesigned areas. Like I’d see a space and go “oh. This is where James first encounters an enemy”.