ddplf, do games w HoMM3 is still fun!

Never really got into it, but it does still have some massive following in the Eastern Europe.

Every old geezer around here will wreck your ass given the chance.

Agent_Karyo, avatar

HOMM was incredibly popular in Eastern Europe in the late 90s. Not as popular as Quake/CS/Unreal, but still very notable.

Focal, do games w HoMM3 is still fun!

Heroes is a great time! I’ve introduced all my friends to it

derbolle, do games w HoMM3 is still fun!

the homm3hd and hota mod keeps it alive

Aurenkin, do games w HoMM3 is still fun!

Do you have a favourite faction? I seem to remember really enjoying tower but it’s been a while.


Not OP, but my favorite faction was dungeon. Getting all those black dragons and having a good ole time across the map… I need to pick it back up.


Those were awesome as well. I just remembered the necropolis faction as well, I think it was in 3 that you could get insane numbers of skeletons / skeleton archers. Probably 5 as well.

psx_crab, do games w Got Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (retail, PS5) early, AMA

How different is the combat compared to the first one? Exactly the same or is there some improvement seen?


To be honest, it’s still a little hectic for me, but I feel the most notable change is that you can avoid being countered / masterstriked. By positioning your weapon, you can block, perfect block (allows you to strike back) or masterstrike which remains unblockable. There is now an interesting back and forth between blocking, striking back and being blocked, which can go on forever - until someone has no stamina left or someone pulls off a masterstrike.


Interesting! Is it still hard as heck in 1v2? The first game lock your target in combat by default and it’s hard to see, react, or shift between enemies, the game simply not allow me to do so reliably that i keep dying very early into the game. I remember i have to mod it to make it so it’s easier to do so.


Yes, you don’t want to fight against more than one enemy, the game even has a tutorial with a stylistic drawing of you lining up the enemies in a line, so that only one can engage you at any time. I managed to pull this off with two enemies, with three you would need to tank some hits.

electric, do games w Got Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 (retail, PS5) early, AMA

Why not just stream it?


Any platform that offers some reach will swiftly ban you permanently if you do that.


I can’t imagine myself streaming to an audience, just not my thing I guess.

ace_of_based, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Sniper Elite lol! Love that damn game. Someone out there had the job programmin nazi-nutsacks, and they took their job serious. Such loving attention to destructive detail. i never once got tired of explodin them in slow motion from 500 yards. What a hero


Something about slow mo shooting hitlers one testicle with xray vision with a sniper rifle just makes the day seem brighter.

thawed_caveman, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

You know Call of Duty started out as killing nazis on the Quake engine. I don’t remember really liking them but it’s there

AngryCommieKender, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

This is an old game series, but it was proof that you could put as much blood and gore into a game as you wanted and still get a Teen rating in the US, as long as you’re just killing/dismembering Nazis.

BloodRayne. There’s a “cheat” to change a few of the visual effects. One makes her put all her weapons where she is actually storing them, and shows the unused weapons at all times. One makes the blood spray levels "more accurate to the actual amount of blood in the human body. The last one just makes her boobs bouncier.

finitebanjo, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

In Command and Conquer: Red Alert and it’s sequel all the nazis have already been erased from history by Albert Einstein’s time machine…

But the USSR in the games conquered Europe and is cartoonishly evil so they’re fun to fight.


Also they corrupted Tim Curry in RA3 so they deserve it.


You are just upset that he has escaped to the one place that hasnt been corrupted by capitalism…SPAYSHEH


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trslim, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Call of Duty World at War

tiredofsametab, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

I enjoyed return to castle Wolfenstein when it came out and competitively played Enemy Territory for years and even made a mod for it. I have no idea how it would hold up today, however


Enemy Territory is still very much alive.

TedZanzibar, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

You didn’t mention what platform but all of the Sniper Elite games are on Gamepass including the literally just released Resistance.

ComeHereOrIHookYou, do gaming w What video game franchises do you not need to start from the very beginning to enjoy? What would you recommend as the entry point into your favorite series?

So many nice recommendations here but here are some of my recommendations in genres (in top 5 form). All of them have PC ports (but not all of the series may be available on PC)


  1. Rayman
  2. Sonic
  3. Wonder boy
  4. Shantae
  5. Trine


  1. Final Fantasy
  2. Tales of Series
  3. Star Ocean
  4. Elder Scrolls
  5. Pathfinder

Some noteworthy mentions for RPGs

  1. YS
  2. Mana


  1. Medal of Honor
  2. Shadow Warrior
  3. Doom
  4. Call of Duty
  5. Wolfenstein

Puzzles, point and click: Note: This was very hard to list since most of them are standalone and those that are not have interesting plot lines that you will not appreciate unless you play in order such as Syberia, Gabriel Knight, Secret Files. Walking Dead)

  1. Myst (You can play in any order but it would be nice to play the sequels or prequels)
  2. Broken Sword (Don’t touch 4 and 5 but you can play in any order and it would be nice to play the sequels or prequels)
  3. Life is Strange (1 and 2 are standalone stories)
  4. of Loathing series (It has turned based combat but very fun)
  5. Nancy Drew

I would say I prefer them in the chronological order of their release date. Some of the series I have listed completely have either loosely, small references or completely standalone only sharing a “franchise name”

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Do none of the Final Fantasy involve each other?


SLR got busy IRL, well most are standalones.

There are some games in the series that has some sort of connection like X and VII through Shinra or Tactics and XII sharing the same world.

There are direct sequels though like X and X-2 or the XIII trilogy but they are not the norm

BoxOfFeet, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Battlefield 1942, especially with the Battlegroup 42 mod.

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