tiredofsametab, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

I enjoyed return to castle Wolfenstein when it came out and competitively played Enemy Territory for years and even made a mod for it. I have no idea how it would hold up today, however


Enemy Territory is still very much alive.

TedZanzibar, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

You didn’t mention what platform but all of the Sniper Elite games are on Gamepass including the literally just released Resistance.

ComeHereOrIHookYou, do gaming w What video game franchises do you not need to start from the very beginning to enjoy? What would you recommend as the entry point into your favorite series?

So many nice recommendations here but here are some of my recommendations in genres (in top 5 form). All of them have PC ports (but not all of the series may be available on PC)


  1. Rayman
  2. Sonic
  3. Wonder boy
  4. Shantae
  5. Trine


  1. Final Fantasy
  2. Tales of Series
  3. Star Ocean
  4. Elder Scrolls
  5. Pathfinder

Some noteworthy mentions for RPGs

  1. YS
  2. Mana


  1. Medal of Honor
  2. Shadow Warrior
  3. Doom
  4. Call of Duty
  5. Wolfenstein

Puzzles, point and click: Note: This was very hard to list since most of them are standalone and those that are not have interesting plot lines that you will not appreciate unless you play in order such as Syberia, Gabriel Knight, Secret Files. Walking Dead)

  1. Myst (You can play in any order but it would be nice to play the sequels or prequels)
  2. Broken Sword (Don’t touch 4 and 5 but you can play in any order and it would be nice to play the sequels or prequels)
  3. Life is Strange (1 and 2 are standalone stories)
  4. of Loathing series (It has turned based combat but very fun)
  5. Nancy Drew

I would say I prefer them in the chronological order of their release date. Some of the series I have listed completely have either loosely, small references or completely standalone only sharing a “franchise name”

CorrodedCranium, avatar

Do none of the Final Fantasy involve each other?


SLR got busy IRL, well most are standalones.

There are some games in the series that has some sort of connection like X and VII through Shinra or Tactics and XII sharing the same world.

There are direct sequels though like X and X-2 or the XIII trilogy but they are not the norm

BoxOfFeet, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Battlefield 1942, especially with the Battlegroup 42 mod.

GrammarPolice, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Metal Gear Solid 3. Close enough right?


That game gave me my very first migraine 😂


Why a migraine?


Loud noises, big screen TV, dark room. It was a terrible combo.

The25002, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

I’m offended you endorse political violence against my people.

Never mind what I’m going to do to your people once we’re in power.


You okay? Do you need help? Please seek it!




Nazism is a sickness and you should get help with getting rid of it.

B312, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Helldivers but only when you kill teammates


… which is completely normal and tolerated.

User79185, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?


xor, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

the various COD Black Ops with Nazi Zombies…

MITM0, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis? avatar

Can we not let “politics” infect this community please ?

That being said, Wolfenstein: the new colossus is the one I reccommend


I don’t think hating Nazis should be considered a political statement.

MITM0, avatar

What were Nazis then ??

Just pointing out something that, certain Communities should avoid political talk wholesale (Not that I would call those punks politically savvy)

There’s a community dedicated to that There’s a reason why you all came to Lemmy


Won’t anyone think of the poor Nazis‽ lol


I’m literally thinking of different ways to kill Nazis…in minecraft


Love me some interrobang


Interrobangs always make it look like the text renderer is bugging out.


The Nazi ideologi is a dictatorship. Dictatorships aren’t political. The word political in it’s most basic form means “making decisions in a group”. A dictatorship doesn’t do that. They do participate in democratic politics only because that is the existing system and they want to dismantle that.

“Fight the Nazis” could be a political statement, because it happens within a political system and urges the system to take action politically, but it is not a statement that picks a political side. Both extreme left and extreme right politics should be against Nazis, because Nazis want to destroy all politics, including both sides and everything in between.

So, sure, its a political statement, but it’s not a statement that can upset anyone politically.

The only people who can object against hating Nazis are Nazis themselves.

MITM0, (edited ) avatar

So… you’re calling me a Nazi ? Now I get why people want to stay away from politics

While no one disagrees with hating on Nazis, Behaving like one won’t gain you any internet points

Most of us here on lemmy want to escape from all those “Political Hobbyists” infecting everything & talk about non-political stuff safely There’s an entire community dedicated to political talks


The only people who can object against hating Nazis are Nazis themselves.

This was the key to his statement and I agree with him.

Video games need to generate acceptable targets. Aliens invading people’s homes, PMCs controlled by powerful men, thugs and looters looking to beat up whoever they find, etc.

But it’s ridiculous anyone would post “Hey! If aliens did come to our world to take control of our governments, they would be sorely offended by video games about killing them!” On one level because aliens don’t exist. On the other because if they were coming to take control of our governments, why would we want to protect or respect them?

Now, replace the little green men with discriminatory, media-controlling purveyors of hate speech. They exist. Everyone sane would rather they didn’t. That’s all.

MITM0, avatar



I said that Nazis are not political. I don’t care if and I didn’t state whether you are one or not, but you can’t argue that anti-nazi statements should be disallowed for being political, because Nazis are not within a political spectrum.

In set theory, Nazis are simply not in the set that the rule is describing.


Here’s a Wikipedia article on the subject. Nazis still exist today (as neo-Nazis) and they desperately want hating them to be a matter of political opinion instead of a matter of humanity. Don’t give them that.

MITM0, avatar


mojofrododojo, avatar

All they can do is reply Ok while they downvote your valid opinion, because anything else they say will reveal how much it upsets them that people hate nazis and their supporters.





Killing Nazis in a video game for fun shouldn’t be confused with “politics.” Doing the same in real life only is because they’re a political party.


Gamer moment

mohab, do gaming w What video game franchises do you not need to start from the very beginning to enjoy? What would you recommend as the entry point into your favorite series?

Any action/fighting/shmup franchise because the stories are typically nonexistent/shit anyway:

  1. Bayonetta: I recommend the original as a starting point for an authentic action experience, but Bayonetta 2 is more beginner-friendly.
  2. Devil May Cry: either 3, or 5 will work—3 if you're after a challenging experience, and 5 if you're looking for an insane combo simulator. 1 could work as an entry point, but it's too old and will not appeal to everyone.
  3. Ninja Gaiden: I recommend the original Ninja Gaiden 2 on XBOX (not Sigma) if you're after nonstop action, and Ninja Gaiden Black if you're more of a souls-like fan.
  4. Crimzon Clover: World EXplosion is the superior game.
  5. Under Night In-Birth: I recommend Sys:Celes because it's the only one with functional netcode.
  6. Persona 4 Arena Ultimax because it's the only Persona Arena game, they just started at Persona 4, and the story has tie-ins for Persona 3 and 4.
  7. Guilty Gear: start with XX Accent Core Plus R if you need the "the most Guilty Gear" because every character has the most moves they've ever had throughout the series. -STRIVE- for beginners, and Xrd if you find XX inaccessible. OG Guilty Gear is a broken artifact, maybe to be admired, but not taken seriously.
  8. DoDonPachi: DaiOuJou: widely regarded as a shmup goat and the best DoDonPachi game. I recommend the Black Label release.
kate, do gaming w What video game franchises do you not need to start from the very beginning to enjoy? What would you recommend as the entry point into your favorite series?

counter strike!

iamtherealwalrus, do games w What are your favorite board games? I'm looking for games that are satisfying and lead to a sense of accomplishment or fulfillment or connection.

Stardew Valley the board game.

Ashen44, do gaming w What video game franchises do you not need to start from the very beginning to enjoy? What would you recommend as the entry point into your favorite series?

Monster Hunter. There’s tons of recurring stuff between games due to the nature of the series, but other than being able to go “hey, I recognize that from this other game!” there’s no reason to play the games in any particular order. I’d normally recommend World or Rise to new players, but with Wilds coming out in a month I’d say that’s the best option if you have the hardware for it. Wilds is a thematic sequel to World though, so starting with World before Wilds is something you might consider, though it’s not really necessary.


I haven’t actually played any of the old monster hunters before world, but from what I understand they are far more clunky, and you tend to fight the game almost as much as the monsters.


You aren’t wrong, they’re definitely significantly more clunky, but they also absolutely have their own charm to them. If you’re a fan of “older” game design they might really appeal to you. There’s a much greater focus on the out-of-hunt preparation phase, and while the lack of many QOL features might be frustrating to some players, to others it adds to the personality of the games. They’re definitely games worth trying if you’re interested in retro gaming, or in Monster Hunter history, and they’re all easily emulatable.

That being said though, most players should probably just stick to the newer games, it truly cannot be overstated how much of a leap World was for the franchise. The amount of quality of life features and gameplay improvements is staggering, and going backwards from that can be a bit jarring.

Bosht, do games w What are your favorite games for killing nazis?

Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army 1/2/3 or however many there are. Granted they’re zombies, but still solid

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