Telorand, do gaming w Which unplayed game in your library are you most looking forward to playing eventually?

Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Never played ME, before, but I hear it’s pretty good.


My friend loves Mass Effect, he liked the LE quite a bit.


I’m jealous of a 1st play through. It’s incredible.


That’s what I keep hearing! Looking forward to a good space opera


Me too. I have the “old” versions “Mass Effect 2007”, “Mass Effect 2 2010” and “Mass Effect 2 (2010) Edition” (for some reasons there are two versions of old ME2) on Steam and was about to buy Legendary Edition and finally getting started to play. But I’m not happy with the additional requirements of it, as it requires Origin client and an EA account to play this single player game. This is unacceptable to me. Old versions do not require this.

So after my research and being confused of multiple versions and if the Legendary Edition is worth it, lost interest. But ME2 is still on my list to play soon.

termus, avatar

You can mod the first three to get it close to par with the Legendary edition. The improvements they made in LE on all 3 make it worth playing, but if a user account is your limit I guess not. There are a ton of mods for LE now as well.


I play most PC games without modding, especially because I’m on Linux. I’ve compared and read about the improvements, and to its just minimal changes. Only the first game got huge improvements, but I’m more interested into playing 2 only. And as someone playing lot of old games and emulate old systems, its totally fine with me. I even played GTA 4 (last year and this) without modding on PC, but still have to finish it.


Mass Effect is really one of a kind. The first game is the most epic Space Opera that I have ever played/watched. It puts Star Wars and others to shame. They retconned shit in the 2nd and 3rd games so in my opinion the first one remains the best story-wise. But honestly, all three are great.

I am very sad that no other studios tried to do anything even remotely comparable. The closest I can think of is Starfield, which wasn’t very good.

kboy101222, do games w I'm tired of every game being live service

Why’d you bring up tem tem specifically? It’s supposed to be “Pokemon but an MMO”. That’s the entire appeal. I had Pokemon loving friends that played it at launch and loved it dearly. It’s sad that it’s died, but if you want a single player version of tem tem, there’s about 22 Pokemon games according to Bulbapedia. Go play one of those.


And even more indie clones like Monster Crown if that’s your thing.


Hell, even Palworld can scratch that itch a bit.

toofpic, do games w What letter has the best games?

Disco Elysium
Don’t Starve
Deus ex
Darkest Dungeon
Dungeon of endless
Dwarf Fortress
Dying Light

A well-rounded list with some great time-sinkers in it!


And all the doom games.


Oh, yes, absolutely, I was just writing from memory

CharlesReed, avatar

I agree with D, and would also like to submit the Dead Space games.


Enkrod feels euphoric due to every D-list in this thread menacing with spikes of Dwarf Fortress


No Dark Souls?

Shame! Shame!


Anything Dragon Quest needs to be on the list!

edgemaster72, avatar

Diablo games as well

jordanlund, do games w What letter has the best games? avatar


Super (anything)


You used a cheat code

TheTechnician27, avatar

-man 64?









Yerbouti, do games w Ubisofts stock tanked this morning ahead of the markets opening avatar

I guess the anti-woke crowd is having a hard-on rn. I don’t play ubisoft’s games but I know a lot of good persons who work there around Quebec, and many of them fear losing their jobs.

yamanii, avatar

When a game is successful it’s because of the executive, but when it bombs it’s the fault of the workers, sadly.


Heads I win, tales you lose situation always


To quote Jason Schreier, “whenever anything bad happens, worst people on the internet will be there to blame diversity”



This isn’t about being diverse. It’s about making bad games.

As a matter of fact, the new assassin’s Creed is so offensive that the Japanese government is in an uproar about it.

Ubisofts attempt to be so inclusive and sexually neutral is what’s making their games bad because they’re stifling good game design in the process.

That’s not to say that it’s not possible to make a good game while adhering to diversification and inclusion.

Hellblade and horizon zero Dawn are two excellent examples of incredibly good games that don’t expound sexism. Hell, look at destiny 2. They handle these kinds of situations perfectly!

But to simply imply people are upset because they don’t like “woke politics” is a gross over simplification of what’s happening to Ubisoft!


In response to the whole bit about the Japanese government, it seems that the quotes were taken way more seriously than they should have been. Pretty cookie cutter responses that also say that It isn’t really their concern.…/assassins-creed-shadows-debate-s…


Neither of us said that people are ONLY upset because “woke politics”. Original comment is saying that those people are probably celebrating right now because they were “right” and I’m simply pointing out that whenever this happens, the anti-woke crowd think that it’s because of the woke politics. There are plethora of reason to be upset with Ubisoft, just like there were plethora of reasons to not play concord.

Yerbouti, (edited ) avatar

Nah, the Japaneses government doesn’t care about fictional characters in a videogame. Neither are French-Canadians mad about being depicted as mimes with bread sticks in South Park.

Oh and “it’s about making bad games” . The GAME ISN’T EVEN OUT YET. Just don’t buy it and stop crying because there’s a black character in fictional universe or because you don’t want to fuck the main protagonist of Star Wars game (I personally find here damn hot btw lol).


They already delayed the release due to so much negative feedback. It’s going to be a bad game. There should never have been a black person in this game at all. It’s 1600s Japan. It makes no fucking sense!

There are so many layers as to why Ubisoft is going through what it’s going through I don’t have the energy to express it here in this comment.

I can assure you, however, if they worried more about making good games and less of inclusion politics their stock would be worth a lot more than 2 bucks!

Yerbouti, avatar

Why can’t you people can’t just fucking move on with you life and play other games? The fact that there’s a new Assassin or Star Wars doesn’t erase the previous ones, go play the previous ones, the “good” ones.

It’s going to be a bad game. Says who? Your just a rando on the internet who has not played the game, why do you think your opinion maters?

There should never have been a black person in this game at all. It’s 1600s Japan. It makes no fucking sense! IT’S A GAME, nothing makes fucking sens. Why do accept it when it’s some white dude becoming the chosen one and saving a bunch of indigenous, but rip you shirt the when a black guy (based on a real life character!!!) is one of the protagonist of a game set in a FICTIONAL Japan. It’s not real dude, people have the right can make up stories inspired by real things.

I don’t have the energy to express it here in this comment. Nobody ask you too lol. We all have youtube, if we want to hear some white dude’s (with no expertise in nothing) ridiculous outrage about a stupid videogame company, we know where to find it.

I really don’t get you gamers people. There are dozens of causes that are worth defending, why is the only fucking thing that makes you active is when there’s a black man or a woman you don’t feel like fucking in a game? That’s pretty sad and pathetic if you ask me. Just go play something that fits you narrow world view. Meanwhile, Steam rips off all creators of 30% of their revenue while employing 20 people, but you people get wet whenever your hear their name. If you want to be mad at capitalist business, at least try to find something else than “black charcater” doesn’t make sens in a universe where you can walk on walls and kill 20k people by yourself.


So let’s just address the meta here real quick. There was a comment on Lemmy to which I responded. In context the genesis of this comment is in reference to Ubisoft and the general state of inclusion politics in gaming today.

You are questioning the fundamental motivation as to why I have an opinion on the subject matter that is presented to me under the protest that “it’s just a game”.

I mean why even have an opinion? Why formulate thoughts? Why have any kind of discussions?

I am abreast of what is happening generally in gaming and the industry surrounding it because I’m interested in these things. I like playing video games.

I also have other interests. For example, I’m fairly good at playing the guitar, so there’s a lot of content in my social media about guitars and music.

I also find it entertaining to watch flat Earth debunking videos on YouTube to pass the time.

The reason I care about assassin’s Creed in particular is because I’ve been playing the game since the very first one. I like the franchise. I like the video games and watching it get ruined because of inclusion politics is heartbreaking.

Moreover, they already have the game. It’s already been made. Therefore I have the right to criticize it. Simply stating “it’s just a game” isn’t helpful.

I don’t care if there’s black people or women or LGBT people in video games. I could absolutely care less about that as long as it’s relevant to the game. If they’re just including it to be inclusive, then it’s a meaningless gesture. It brings down the game. It brings down the IP and it brings down the company that does it.

Furthermore, people play video games for a reason. Either it be escapism or immersion or simply to pass a small amount of time till whatever else they have to do. Seeing these inconsistencies in the game breaks that immersion it no longer becomes entertainment. It becomes a political statement which I have very little interest in when it comes to my entertainment.

You can pretend to be on your high horse all you want. I have no interest in seeing inclusion politics in my entertainment. It serves no beneficial purpose except to elevate the egos of people like you to make you feel as though something is being included.

Pure nonsense.

Also the new Star wars game which I don’t even remember the name of sucked universally. It didn’t make any money because people didn’t have any interest in it specifically and exclusively because of the inclusion politics added into the game. Also the main character is fucking ugly.

casmael, do games w Ubisofts stock tanked this morning ahead of the markets opening

-20% what did I miss?!

Ullallulloo, avatar

They’re delaying AC: Shadows.


I’m not sure about the need for AC when your house is in the shade, but nevertheless understandable, have a nice day


TechnologyConnections over here…

samus12345, avatar

Not air conditioning, silly, Animal Crossing!


And it’s going to be competing with the Ghost of Tsushima sequel.

For me they’re different enough to not really be in competition, but they felt the need to issue a statement about it, so they’re obviously a bit worried.

Not that I’m that interested in either. Give me that Soul Reaver remaster baby. Inject that shit into my veins.

PunchingWood, do games w Fallout London - I just can't anymore

Probably a spaghetti code mod on top of an already terrible game engine. It was bound to become buggy. Even Bethesda themselves can’t be arsed to fix their engine and games.

Asafum, do astronomy w Elon Musk destroys astronomy

Nah, that’s a fucking euphemism, we need a better word to describe it

SlopppyEngineer, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

Government should set up a site where companies using loot boxes have to open a tax box to know what tax they’ll pay that month, to keep things exiting, with the option to buy more tax boxes for a few million per box.


That’s hilarious. Unfortunately that is what is happening already. Large corporations are buying ridiculously low taxes by spending a few million up front.

BowtiesAreCool, do games w I Completed Assassin's Creed Blackflag And I'm Crying Why It "ENDED"

“When I was a kid”

“Now that I’m 19”

I think I just slipped a disk


HAHAHA, man You maybe right somehow, but I was too young at that, I didn’t pay attention to the story, even I thought why this game is just about sailing, our character is just on ship all the time… But yeah, I was a kid, and also yeah, I’m older than before ;)


Damn… You too?

helenslunch, do games w Is overwatch 2 really that bad? avatar

Look at Reddit, Twitter, Discord, Facebook, etc. Consumers cry and complain but they almost never leave. That always leads to perpetually-increasing exploitation.

So yes, its that bad, and no, its not on death’s door.

simple, do games w Astro Bot | Review Thread (95 OpenCritic)

These reviews are insane. I expected Astro Bot to be a fun platformer ala Sackboy’s Adventure, but the reviews claim it rivals Mario and is a fantastic game all around.


I’m so happy. The game just seems like good old-fashioned fun

Eggyhead, do games w Is Elder Scrolls 6 doomed to fail? I can't see how it will work

Tbh I love FO4. It’s not the best in the series, but I’ve played it through a couple times and wouldn’t mind playing it again soon. Hardly anything I’d call a colossal failure. FO76 was a hot mess at launch, but it had its hooks. I got that at launch and ended up playing more of it than I expected considering. No clue about Starfield, but if FO4 and 76 didn’t bug me as much as it did everyone else, I might get on with it decently… assuming they put it on PS5 at some point.

I think Elder Scrolls VI will do well no matter what condition it’s in, though I also doubt it will be a smooth launch.

bizarroland, avatar

I really enjoy fallout 4 also, especially with a handful of mods it takes it from an all right game to a very good game. I still count that as a failure on bethesda's part for not fully realizing the games potential but thanks to the community fallout 4 is actually a really good game.

mox, (edited ) do games w Anyone else feels like rdr2 have no bad missions?

I consider any mission that starts with an unskippable cut scene, especially one that lasts several minutes, to be bad. Needlessly wasting the player’s time is unforgivable.

I consider any mission that instantly fails if you step outside an invisible and unstated boundary, especially in an open world game, to be bad. Punishing the player for creative thinking is unforgivable.

I consider any mission that presents a challenge, and then cheats to force failure when a skilled player is about to succeed, to be bad. Breaking the physics of the game world in order to artificially cancel excellent play is perhaps (barely) forgivable, but terrible game design.

So I guess I don’t get to be in your gang. But I’m glad you had a good time!

(P.S. The game world was beautiful, at least. Props to the folks at Rockstar who did that.)

!deleted6348 avatar

I disagree. That was deliberate because you were meant to slow down and experience Arthur’s life.

mox, (edited )

Make your cut scene compelling, or at least interesting, and people will slow down and experience it willingly. Once.

Force players to slog through your cut scene whether they enjoy it or not, and you’re just being self-indulgent, ignoring the fundamental purpose of a game (entertainment) in favor of your own ego. If you want to do that, make a movie, not a game.

Forcing them to do it again after they’ve already watched it (during a subsequent play-through, or after your game crashed during the mission, or because they made a mistake and want to retry) is well beyond game designer arrogance; it’s just plain bad software design. How would you feel if you had to read and click through time-consuming new user help screens whenever you launched an app, and not just the first time you used it, but every single time?

Red Dead Redemption 2 is particularly bad in this area, as it has cut scenes as long as ten minutes, and not only forces them down the player’s throat, but also makes it impossible to save the game just afterward, so fully restarting a mission requires slogging through the cut scene again.

Note that the emphasis here is on unskippable. Cut scenes on their own are fine. Even slow ones.


I don’t know of any unskippable cutscenes in RDR2. At least in the open world part of the game, I’ve been able to skip aby cutscene I’ve wanted too.

45D, do games w RuneScape is increasing their membership price by 50%, and Reddit is trying to censor it

Honestly for an MMO it’s still a good price. MMOs in particular people sink a tonne of hours into, so it’s pennies per hour which (like gaming in general) is a pretty good rate for entertainment. That doesn’t mean huge mark ups like these are anything but infuriating.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Runescape should have tiered membership for multiple characters. For example, one character for $10, three for $20, ten for $50, etc. This would make it easier on player’s wallets, and frankly it would encourage people to play the other game modes.

Having said that, I think the larger problem is that the people that develop the game get peanuts for pay. Most of them are fans of the game and just want to work on it, but doing so shouldn’t trap them to a low income. It’s not a good sign when developers can leave the company and earn a higher salary streaming Runescape content.

What can you expect when the company is owned by an investment group.


I would point more to the massive bot ban wave and banning of a large clan

That’s a lot of memberships taken out of the game


I see what you’re saying, it is a lot of memberships taken out of the game, but I would argue no one running a bot farm is paying for membership with Earthly currency. They wouldn’t want to tie legitimate credit information to any of those accounts, and so they obtain membership through bonds purchased with in game gold.

It’s in part what has driven the cost of bonds from 5 million gold to 15 million. As a result, I’m of the opinion that bots aren’t a revenue source for Jagex.

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