dual_sport_dork, do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? avatar

Dead Cells?

Emphasis, perhaps, on the “lite” part of Roguelite. But it does have that Roguelike run structure where the levels and the items you find therein are randomized. But with side scrolling platforming gameplay with a very distinct set of fast double-jump-dodge-roll-parry-combo mechanics that I think can best be summed up as ninja gameplay. And you will get killed… a lot. There is a permanent progression system of a sort in the form of unlocking more weapons and items (and later, to re lock items you don’t like), but your core stats remain the same. This is one of those games where the real progression is on your own personal quest to git gud.

I think it’s pretty unique in that it has no dud weapons or items whatsoever. Everything – literally everything – has the potential to be viable and can be absolutely deadly when wielded in the right hands. Even the joke items.

It also has not one, but two weapons which involve beating the shit out of your enemies with frying pans. What’s not to love?

There is indeed a Switch version.

thezeesystem, do games w What games have you sunk the most time into?

Factorio it’s over 6000 last time I checked


I bow to you master. I’m incing close to 1000.

The factory must grow.


Playing it with my boyfriend, I have about 500 hours, about to head to aquilo for the first time, wish us luck!


Good luck and don’t forget to bring heat pipes!

(More realistically, given you posted this 11 hours ago; hope y’all weren’t stranded!)


Actually we ended up just fixing production on Nauvis and getting epic mech armor lol.


Almost 2k here


5500 on steam. 1500 before steam. The best game, and most value for money i have ever spent

Dettweiler42, do games w What game surprised you with their length?

Dragon Age: Origins. The base game was easily 80+ hours of interesting story and game play. Each DLC added 20-40 hrs a piece. I used to play it a ton.

I don’t recommend giving money to EA, though. They have properly shit all over the sequels.


You are 100% correct.

anakin78z, avatar

I just finished The Veilguard at 68 hours. I loved it, but haven’t played Origins. I bought it, but refunded after I saw how buggy and unsupported it is on new hardware these days. Maybe they’ll have a remaster some day, since everyone seemed to love it.

VeganCheesecake, avatar

What problems did you have with it? Still runs surprisingly well for me. Haven’t tried Veilguard yet, but plan to as soon as I have some time. Felt that none of the sequels where able to match Origins yet, though.

anakin78z, avatar

Well, it crashed on launch, for one. I saw there’s a ‘4GB’ fix, but that doesn’t let me launch from steam, and I wanted to stream to the steam deck, where I do almost all my gaming these days.

I really loved Veilguard, but I’ve definitely seen people who played Origins complain about it. I thought the characters, story, and combat were fantastic though.

VeganCheesecake, avatar

Well, people love to complain. I didn’t feel Inquisition was as good as Origins, but I still had fun with it, and I assume the same is gonna be true for Veilguard.

Anyways, that’s curios. I think the Dragon Age Games are some of the few I own on Origin. I’d be kinda surprised if EA made the effort to patch the games on their own client, though.

Might try running it tomorrow, out of curiosity.

anakin78z, avatar

I just started Inquisition. I’m looking forward to learning more about the characters that appear in the Veilguard.


It probably wouldn’t be too resource intensive to run it on an XP virtual machine. You’ll want a version that runs on its own, though (no game store launcher, drm, etc)

The_Che_Banana, do gaming w Water + hot oil

Still a better layout than some kitchens I’ve seen/worked in.

Kolanaki, do games w Identify a 1990s game with initials?
!deleted6508 avatar

MDK. Bizarre game.

Quazatron, avatar

The only game with portable nukes.

OutlierBlue, do gaming w What's your favourite it's all in the gameplay game?

Rimworld is number 1, hands down. I guess this is my answer, but I’m going to include more games

  • Factorio - enough said
  • Minecraft/7 Days to Die/Valheim - I can create my own world and story
  • OpenTTD - so much rail transport
  • Civ4 - so many mods (Fall From Heaven makes it a great fantasy game)
  • X-COM 2 - difficult tactical decisions
sailormoon, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? avatar


mercano, avatar

Wrong game.

mercano, avatar

Yeah, but it reminded me of the other quote.



samus12345, avatar

*Shtay awhile and lishen.


What’s funny is the voice of Navi has turned out to be one of my favorite Japanese voice actors.


That’s my ring tone for my spouse

edwardbear, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value.

Tell me you haven’t dug deep into Cyberpunk 2077 without telling me you haven’t dug deep into Cyberpunk 2077.

My dude, the easter eggs have easter eggs.

acosmichippo, avatar

easter eggs don’t make a game deep or replayable.


Depends on the easter egg though, no? Look up FF:06:B5 and see how deep is that for you.

mox, (edited )

You’re talking about different things. I love a well-crafted puzzle, but that’s not what most people mean when talking about game depth.


If you have to dig that deep, then it’s probably not worth it digging (for me at least).

Gamers_mate, do gaming w If you use as a minecraft seed you get a beehive close to where you spawn. (1.21.3)

This is near where you spawn there is also a beach with turtles right next to it.

reddfugee, do games w Are there Cozy shooter games?

Maybe check out Roboquest? I was looking for a mindless FPS a few weeks ago (my usual go-to is UT2004, I’m old :]) and the Roboquest demo scratched the itch pretty well. Planning to pick up the full version when I see it go on sale

skulblaka, avatar

Roboquest actually kind of kicks ass. It’s a way better game than I expected it to be when I picked it up. I think those guys deserve more attention than they’ve been getting.

Also, shout out to Gunfire Reborn as well, I’ve been a big fan of that one for a couple years. Similar style to Roboquest. It’s a Chinese game and some parts of it are a little poorly translated but the gameplay is very fun and solid.


Came here to say Roboquest. Replaced Destiny 2 for me when I finally ditched windows for Linux. Though I would love a harder difficulty coop PvE shooter that has similar feel to Destiny. Roboquest has coop but I will always of raiding with my team.

rosa666parks, do games w Why does the PC gaming industry still use such deceptive pricing?

Also Black Ops 2 is still $60 for the base game and $50 for the season pass. THIS IS A 12 YEAR OLD GAME.


I didn’t know it was distributed by Nintendo!

helenslunch, do games w Why does the PC gaming industry still use such deceptive pricing? avatar

This has nothing to do with the gaming industry, specifically. This is a basic (very effective) marketing strategy. But typically federal regulations prohibit them from advertising something as “on sale” perpetually so it has to be advertised at retail price for x% of the time.


Do you know how feasible is lowering the price permanently?

helenslunch, avatar

You can put a new permanent low price. You just can’t market it as “on sale” or otherwise discounted.


Doing that bankrupted jc penny.

deegeese, do games w Why does the PC gaming industry still use such deceptive pricing?

It’s an attempt at market segmentation. Those who really want to play will pay full price. Less ardent fans wait for a sale.

Did your friend make you want it enough to pay full price?


Did your friend make you want it enough to pay full price?

For $60, I would NEVER buy a game that has mostly negative reviews on steam hahaha

Banichan, avatar

It’s an amazing game, actually 😂

!deleted6508 avatar

It’s also regularly on sale for around $15-20. OP would do well to wait. They probably don’t even have to wait long.

garretble, do games w 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! avatar

Astro Bot (PS5)

Since my personal GOTY is already taken (Animal Well), let’s just add a lot of peoples’ here — it’s also my second favorite game of the year.

Do you like 3D platforming? Why not try the best platformer since Mario Odyssey‽ Help save your friend bots with a dozen or so hours of the purest platforming fun in…a long time, honestly. People have really hyped this game, and they really aren’t wrong. It’s pure fun the entire time. Everything is beautiful and interesting. No notes, really. Good job Team Asobi.


Easily the best game I’ve played all year 💙

ampersandrew, do games w 2024 is about 75% done. Let's recommend the best games of 2024, but with a twist: only the ones with no paid DLC! avatar

UFO 50 (Steam)

It’s a collection of 50 games, not mini games, from a fictional game developer called UFO Soft in the 1980s. Not every game is a winner, but a ton of them are. You see the advancement in technology and design techniques over the course of the 1980s, and there’s a bit of back story for each game that you can start to put together a throughline for the company and its fictional developers. About half of the games also have local multiplayer. I’d prefer that they also had manuals for each game, especially the more complicated ones, but that means that my favorites in this collection are the simpler games that speak for themselves more quickly.


Mortol is the game of the year.


Weird way to spell Avianos


Can none of you spell Golfaria?


Golfaria is hot fucking garbage with stupid physics.

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