WaterWaiver, do gaming w Is there a scene/community of "boot into game" for current CPUs?

This would be a good demoscene category. Sadly it looks like doesn’t have a “platform” category for raw x86 (I think some of the DOS entries will be this, but not all) and I only saw one entry for x86.

At the end of the day: I think MS-DOS is a more attractive target than raw x86. It does a few things for you, but then mostly gets out of the way if you don’t want to use its features, and has better accessibility (thanks to DOSBOX) for most users.

ICastFist, avatar

Might be worth a try. Interesting that there’s some stuff for running on rPi 1 and even rPi Pico, which makes me hopeful for ARM shenanigans

angstylittlecatboy, (edited ) do gaming w Choose Four Consoles to Have the Largest Selection of Games

I’d think:

  1. Gaming PC (PC games plus emulation of most systems, including Android and arcades)

2, 3, and 4. Some combination of three systems with large exclusive libraries for which emulation isn’t quite there yet or have unique features that make emulation suboptimal (Sega Saturn, Original Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii U, PS3, and PS5 come to mind)

wryan, do gaming w With Armored Core 6 on the way, I found a photo of my original AC build.


Omega polygons in the og, lol. Man, I'm so hyped for FoR. I've always loved mechs from gundam as a wee lad, but unfortunately never tried out the old AC games. So awesome From decided to go back to this; I've enjoyed Souls quite a bit and was blown away by Bloodborne, but even though I obsessively Played Elden Ring, I'm pretty fatigued on the Souls/borne/sekiro format it became and glad they are releasing something different even though it's going back to an older series. With the exception of remakes, I don't think I've played anything "new" since ER.

tamlyn, do gaming w Do you play VR? avatar

I played a bit on PSVR and PSVR2, but i can’t play long and i’m not really motivated to play most VR games, because they are not my genre.

SpikesOtherDog, do gaming w What's the age cut off for socially acceptable gaming

Do what you want!

Assuming you aren’t ignoring other obligations, gaming is completely acceptable.

Anything else is pretentious.

Jarmer, do gaming w What are your favorite video games that force you to pull out the pen and paper?

Pillars of Eternity 2 for me. Had TONS of pages of notes of build ideas, locations, treasures, remembering to go to X at Y level, etc… Absolutely had a blast with that game.

majestictechie, do gaming w what are your favorite pixel games and why?

Paper Please. They tell multiple stories, some you can invest and follow or cut short with a simple button (DETAINED!). The gameplay is also interesting, having to maintain and follow all these little details reminds me of some brain training games. The comedic writing as well of some of the characters is also brilliant (looking at your Georgi).

harpuajim, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

I would say Pokerstars VR if you like playing cards or general casino gaming but the game has taken a shit in the past year. Still fun and extremely social but the quality has taken a nosedive on PC.

cptsmidge, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

I love GORN, but you need a lot of space. It’s the only game I’ve truly lost myself in, forgetting to pay attention to the custodian boundaries.

Piers, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

Depends what exactly your after. I suspect you’re looking for something to parallel flatscreen AAA titles in which case there’s only a handful and I think they’ve all been mentioned already.

On the other hand, Pistol Whip is one of the best games I’ve ever played. But it’s more the equivalent of a flatscreen hit indie genre title than a AAA blockbuster.

Clovermite, do gaming w What are you playing this week? avatar

I binged Tunic over the past couple days. I found it extremely rewarding

preppietechie, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet? avatar

Demeo has become the unexpected game of choice for my friends and I.

Lininop, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

Really depends on what you’re into, I quite enjoy H3vr and Blade & Sorcery although neither of these titles are story driven, more sandbox style games. Into The Radius is supposed to be good although I haven’t played it. I’d reccomend looking up Habbie on YouTube. Very wholesome creator that covers a lot of VR gems.

Silviecat44, do gaming w Are there any good VR games yet?

Breachers VR is a really cool vr shooter in the style of rainbow six siege and it is getting many updates

Fermiverse, do gaming w What’s one of your favorite game soundtracks?

Dishonered, the drunken sailor cover goose bumbs still after all those years.

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