lagomorphlecture, do gaming w Where to even start with Final Fantasy?

The only single player ones I’ve ever played have been 1 and 7. 1 was…old. The mechanics and everything remind me of Dragon Warrior but I kind of honestly just prefer Dragon Warrior (although I guess that one is also nostalgic because I remember watching my dad play it as a kid).

7 is much more modern but still pretty old at this point. It has a good story and interesting characters. It’s been a while and I don’t remember what the actual gameplay was like but I don’t remember it being turn based.

I’ve also watched my BF play quite a bit of Final Fantasy Tactics and that’s just what it sounds like, a very tactical turn based game. Not for me but some people really like that style of game so that’s something to look into if it appeals to what you’re looking for.

I also played a little bit of Final Fantasy 14 online and it was fun, although not the styles of MMO I personally prefer. But again it’s all personal preference and if you like MMOs you should look it up because you might want to consider that instead of one of the single player games.


I could never get into 7/8 because of the graphics on the ps1 everything was so jagedy save hard to look at.


Yeah those are definitely from that time period where games were starting to get more modern but are still very dated by today’s standards.

realChem, do gaming w Where to even start with Final Fantasy? avatar

I don’t have hundreds of hours

Don’t start with XIV then!

So what is the most recent game in the series that I can start with that is worth it to play and wouldn’t confuse a newcomer?

All of the FF games – baring the ones that are explicitly sequels, like X2 – are totally separate from each other, you can jump in anywhere. At most you might miss some references or easter eggs.

If you want the most recent then, that’d be XVI, although I’d personally recommend looking up what the gameplay is like in the different games and starting wherever you feel you’ll have the most fun! There are some weirder ones out there, like crystal chronicles (my own first final fantasy game) and tactics, so you have a lot of options!


Don’t start with XIV then!

Hah, no kidding. Before I read that remark in the OP, I was going to mention it given it’s completely free up until the end of Heavensward, but given OP’s disclaimer and how many people get filtered by the slow burn of ARR it’s probably the worst suggestion in the case.

… or maybe that’s FFXI (much as I’m loving it!).

realChem, avatar

I wonder how many hundreds of hours I have in that game now… I’ll /playtime next time I log in. I’m still in the patches after Shadowbringers, but I’ve also been known to focus more on roulettes and such than actually making progress in the main story


Hah, snap. I’m also somewhere around the end of 5.3, and have far too many hours logged (comes with levelling all jobs to somewhere between 70 and 81).

flyinghorse, do gaming w I Played Road 96 AND the Prequel -- Yes, They Made a Road 96 Prequel (review, minor spoilers) avatar

I really enjoyed road 96 and the prequel. It took me a bit to warm up to the prequel’s skating thing but I ended up really enjoying my time with it. I am looking forward to seeing what they do next in that setting.

flyinghorse, do gaming w I Played Road 96 AND the Prequel -- Yes, They Made a Road 96 Prequel (review, minor spoilers) avatar

I really enjoyed road 96 and the prequel. It took me a bit to warm up to the prequel’s skating thing but I ended up really enjoying my time with it.

S_H_K, do gaming w I finally got a Switch! What now?

Some games get on sale every other month usually the indies. First party games are rarely on sale and usually with not much discount. Smash gone one or twice on sale MK11 went like 20 times already. Is not a bad console to hack up and as it’s nearing it’s support end, it wouldn’t be a bad option since it’s not completely confirmed the library you brought will carry. Although many think it will do cause ps and xbox did.

xorels, do gaming w I finally got a Switch! What now?

Thank you everyone for the suggestions! I’ll be checking these all out


The Metroid Prime Remake was beautiful to see on my Switch. Really appreciated playing through that. I had to have a online walkthrough on hand, but that’s just me!

Well worth the price.

noodle, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

It’s been years since I ever played CoD but my experience was that it is basically a racial abuse simulator with an FPS in it.

Nowhere near as bad, but I was shocked how intensely elitist and gatekeeperish Hollow Knight’s community can be. I’d already finished the game when I found the sub on Reddit but damn they are mean to beginners!

zbych, do zapytajszmer w Gdzie można kupić jakieś niedrogie lniane męskie ciuchy? avatar

Polecam poszwendac sie po ciuchach, jak ma sie chwile. Od krótkich spodenek, przez spodnie, koszule, marynarkę po kapelusz lniany udało mi sie wyhaczyć. Oczywiście nie jest to jednorazowy szybki zakup, tylko loteria:) No i za całość pewnie wyszło 5 dyszek. No i może olxy i allegro?


nie lubię się szwendać, w lumpeksach nie widziałem lnianych rzeczy jak łaziłem.

!deleted2556 avatar

Poproś ludzi, którzy chodzą często po lumpach (a są tacy, którzy to po prostu lubią i traktują jako hobby. Niektórzy nawet wpisują to sobie w opisie na tinderze :D), żeby Ci kupili to, czego potrzebujesz. :)


Nie znam takich :(

!deleted2556 avatar

Jak mnie odwiedzisz, to Was zapoznam :)


ok, czyli do Zielonej Góry dołączam Wrocław za tydzień, jako kolejny przystanek wycieczki autostopem ^_^

peter, do gaming w What is the best place to get to know more about the game without getting completely spoiled? avatar

Usually game wikis are quite good, I don’t think there’s a single alll encompassing resource though

JackbyDev, do gaming w What’s one of your favorite game soundtracks?

Ape Escape goes hard. It’s not just the nostalgia.

razieltakato, do gaming w What’s one of your favorite game soundtracks?

Castelvania: Symphony of the Night

Bloodwoodsrisen, do gaming w Are you an intrinsically or extrinsically motivated gamer? avatar

Honestly depends, for minecraft I need goals, I need a motive (ie modded quest books). Satisfactory is one game where I can just wander around and collect things to get to the next big thing.

flying_monkies, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

Eve Online where, as long as you're not telling your victim to use real world money to buy things before you scam them, anything goes.

Zikeji, avatar

I always thought that part was interesting. I personally never had a downright toxic interaction in Eve Online and I used to multibox 7 accounts.

Montagge, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

Dark Souls

Caligvla, avatar

Anything FromSoftware really. Any question is answered with a variation of “git gud”. Not to mention the elitism.

Gork, avatar

The only appropriate response to that is

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">git: 'gud' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
Caligvla, avatar


Eavolution, avatar

tbh I've always found the community to be very helpful when I've needed a hand with anything

Montagge, avatar

And I play offline because all online play did was waste my time with trolls

TwilightKiddy, (edited )

Ah, sadness…

But behold, cramped area!

gogosempai, do gaming w What's the most toxic game community you know of? avatar

CS:Go has some pretty unwelcoming and newbie-haters out there.


Reminds me of valorant ( Indian server )

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