I'd say getting older and having more responsibilities is a bigger part of it. When you're young and have lots of free time to devote to a game, a 100 hour game is no big deal. When you have a fraction of that time, you just don't want to deal with that. I'm equally wary as well.
There's definitely some change to the gaming scene, like all the cheap sales and freebies. Very easy to build a backlog of games while barely trying.
Call Me Kevin’s videos are golden. I’ve rewatched his Comedy Night series so many times. Iconic. His Sims videos are always a riot.
One of my favorite videos of his is this video he made in “The Movies.” The final result is at the end of the video and it is a glorious experience.
I’ve also been watching a lot of short horror game playthroughs from Markiplier and Kubz Scouts, like the ones where they play 3 random scary games. They both have an episode where they play Bad Ben and it’s so good. It’s the first game in both episodes. The game is fucking hilarious, has a specific feature that I think all horror games should have now, and actually has a really cool ending. Apparently it’s based on a film by Nigel Bach.
I know Axiom Verge has a Speedrun mode that cuts out all the cutscenes, I don’t know if that qualifies though, and you do kind of have to know what’s going on outside of that. The story itself isn’t necessary to enjoy the game though.
I’d have to recommend Untitled Goose Game, Goat Simulator, the Karamari series, and music based (do the thing to the beat) games like Dance Dance Revolution, Taiko Drum Master, Guitar Hero, etc.
FFI and FFII (Understanding the concept of FF) ---- FFIV, FFV, FFVI (Get deep in story telling) ---- FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX (Base of 3D FF, must play) ---- FFXV, FFXVI (Recent titles).
That TLD is a problem too. A lot of network admins are blocking domains like *.zip and *.mov because the majority of them are used for malicious link abuse and it isn’t worth the work to check them.
As an older dude, I think it’s more about how people choose to live. I’m one of the DINK couples so the wife and I love gaming together.
Both working full time, go on camping trips, play tennis, and still manage to be a part of a destiny clan who we have cleared all the raids with.
We just beat Diablo 4 together (then dropped it due to the patch and garbage 1st season lol).
I get how some people need more contained experiences, but I can not stand games that are too contained or basic.
There are exceptions like party games (gang beasts, Mario party, etc), but for the most part I need my games to be engaging.
I did a little bit of game development in college and have played games all my life, so sometimes I feel like I’m somewhat sensitive to certain designs. It’s hard to put into words, but a bad animation/game mechanic that might bother a different person like 2/10 might bother me more like an 8/10.
Some mixture of the above information and my ADHD need for stimulation keeps me away from the smaller games.
I really enjoy long games but I'm very picky about which ones I choose to play. I usually don't have a lot of time to play all at once, but I play after work a few days and sometimes a couple of extra hours on the weekends.
Games with a really good story always interest me. I've had good recent experiences with things like final fantasies, tlou/2, horizon games, etc. I don't mind that it could take me a month or two to finish a game as long as it's enjoyable.
I stopped playing AAA games because there is so much filler. I would prefer if games went for 3-6 hours for playtime with a clean and tight plot.
I don’t read books that have a cool intro, 300 pages explaining how everything works, 1000 pages of characters just doing random stuff for random people, and then a return to actual plot in the last 100 pages.
I profoundly enjoyed UberDanger’s “Journey from 1-60” . An adventure though WoW Classic full of insanity, grinding and virtual gambling. Nothing like it. www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dXLG-Wf93s
Right now, I am really enjoying Mario & Luigi on GBA. This one somehow missed me, perhaps because I was expecting something closer to Paper Mario at the time.