If they cut the system, we’ll get the money in our pay. So at least we can control it. Just don’t spend it on games that will hit your backlog and sit for years. I’m personally guilty btw.
I’ve never understood people who get bored in retirement. I looked forward to it from the very start of my career, and now that I am retired I’ve gotten so into hobbies and interests that it feels like there still isn’t enough time for everything.
Objectively I know millions of people simply go to work, come home, eat dinner, watch TV and go to bed. Repeat until dead. I just personally find it hard to relate to that frame of mind. Maybe they fear retirement would be boring because their lives are already boring and the only stimulation they get is at work - but to me that’s sad to imagine.
Oh yeah I forgot, careers were an endlessly fulfilling series of fun exciting tasks. And job interviews were like, “A white male with a college degree? You’re hired!” Everybodty’s ignorant fantasies about the past are staggeringly accurate!
It’s amazing how much energy you get from waking up without the obligation to go somewhere and work on somebody else’s shit all day because you have to. Gives me a big smile every morning!
Exactly. I was lucky to be in a field where I actually enjoyed the work itself (writing software) - it just didn’t leave much time or energy to geek out with my own projects like I can now. But it was worth waiting for.
i’ve been where you are with the specs (my device was an Acer Aspire with 6GB of RAM, iGPU, and a Duo Core i3). Some of the best games i got to run on there were Emulated Games. Assuming that’s off the table though:
Alan Wake is a decently low speced game and i highly recommend if you want Action and Story Rich (the original one from 2010, not the remaster).
Fallout 3 & New Vegas. I got them to run pretty well out of the box and both i can say meet the Action criteria.
If you want an online game Team Fortress 2 runs on anything really made in the last 10 years assuming you get your settings right.
Continuing with the Valve Train, Portal 1, Portal 2, and Half Life 1 all run pretty well. All 3 can be pretty high action at times (Half Life more so than portal)
Project Zomboid as far as i know is also pretty low spec. It’s a survival game which can be really high action depending on how you play it (you can customize the spawn settings however you like). Story Rich though? It leaves a lot to be desired in that department.
Max Payne is old, but it’s really high action and has a phenomenal story.