liamwb, do gaming w Well, Cities: Skylines 2 is here, and it's another broken game release.

I mostly agree with this post, but

the focus of Cities: Skylines has always been on building beautiful cities (vs. having a realistic simulation)

this is simply not true


Thats what I always thought of the game.


Yes, erm… totally about building beautiful cities.

ObamaBinLaden, do gaming w What unusual genre mixing video games would you recommend to try?

It’s a pretty popular one but I’m currently playing through Disco Elysium and it’s a masterpiece of thriller detective with very strong RPG integration. Highly recommend even if you don’t like either of those genres as long as you like a good story.

ayaya, avatar

It’s also one of the funniest games I’ve ever played. There are so many moments where I fully burst out laughing. The game absolutely rules.

TehBamski, avatar

It looks amazing but I blacklisted the game until the legal disputes and controversies are ironed out and clear.

LyingCake, do gaming w At which level you are at candy crush saga ?

Is this some kind of next level circle jerk?

CaptainBasculin, do gaming w What type of game you want to see that doesn't fully exist yet?

Back in the day I playtested this game concept under an NDA, but since it expired I can talk about it.

An FPS game in an open map with buildings, has 12 players playing but when someone dies, they respawn right there but swap to the opposite team. The last person to get shot gets eliminated and then the teams split again. This goes on until 6 players are remaining, who are declared the winning team.

It was really fun to play, and I quite miss it.


What was that called?


That does sound like a lot of fun.

Exec, avatar

Doesn’t that mean that the last man standing is the first to lose?


Reminds me of zombie panic

Anafabula, avatar

So if your team is loosing you try to get shot deliberately to not be the last?


You could mitigate that by coms only being proximity and no indication of how many players each team has. Thst would also make offensive playstyles preferable.


So, if I die first in every round, I win?

t3rmit3, do gaming w What type of game you want to see that doesn't fully exist yet?

Eve Offline, with all other players being NPCs.

I have a mental hangup with the very real dread of when hosted multiplayer games die, that all the time and effort I have spent, and all the things I’ve built, will just suddenly disappear. It’s why I run a private G17 Mabinogi server on my pc, rather than playing online.


Saw this trailer the other day that might interest you, it’s an offline type mmo where all the other players are simulated. Erenshor Offline MMO Trailer

violetraven, avatar

This what got me into the original .hack on PS2.

das, do piracy w Ripping Audible Audiobooks avatar

I used Libation. It’s free, it’s open source and it worked great for me

lazycouchpotato, do games w PSA: If you still have a Mojang account for Minecraft: Java Edition, you have less than a week left to migrate to a Microsoft account to avoid profile deletion avatar

I know this comes across as one of those classic phishing emails that claim to require your immediate attention or else your account will be deleted, but unfortunately in this case it’s legitimate.

kersploosh, do piracy w A way to disable laugh tracks? avatar

Not easily. The laugh track isn’t a separate audio stream by the time you get the episode. It’s all mixed together with the dialogue and music.

Watching a sitcom with the laugh track missing seems like it would be awkward. The actors are constantly taking extended pauses between lines, or sometimes in the middle of a line, while the laugh is happening.

SirGaston, avatar

Yeah I get what you mean, I just watched the link from the comment below and it feels really weird to watch it like this.


Now you must go further down the rabbit hole and watch musicless music videos on youtube.

downhomechunk, avatar

Challenge accepted!


This one’s my favorite:

SirGaston, avatar

Hahaha, pure art!


What the hell is that instance name xD


Just the Invidious instance I found on the official list a long time ago. I like them because they’re relatively local, super reliable, and unlike a lot of other instances they actually have the download feature enabled. But yeah, their domain name is a bit awkward, lol.


Do you mean muted music videos or is there something else entirely ?

CmdrShepard, (edited )

They’re music videos where the music and singing is cut and ‘ambient’ noise like squeaky shoes, breathing, grunting while doing dance moves, etc is dubbed back in. You’ll see what I mean if you watch one. It may be the same thing but I’ve just always heard of them referred to as “musicless music videos”


I did. It was quite funny listening to just the lyrics. Would have been nice if they managed to keep the original vocals but that whispering voice made it funnier.


I used to work in a nightclub. We had a TV show book the club during the day to shoot some scenes, so the cast were acting out drinking and dancing, but without any music. It’s probably the most surreal thing I’ve seen in my life.


I don’t see anything preventing someone from not just cutting the audio out, but the video, too. Then there shouldn’t be any awkward pauses.

Draconic_NEO, avatar

It might make for some very choppy transitions in certain areas, you’d need a way to smooth it out to make it less abrupt while still cutting out the majority of it in the parts where hard cutting wouldn’t work well.

Carighan, do games w Do you find the description Live Service Game off-putting? avatar

Very much so, because to me it openly announces that the game is centered in its design about something between:

  • Microtransactions
  • Extrinsic motivation
  • FOMO

None of those are a good story, great characters, good world building or good intrinsic gameplay design. And they don’t need to be for a live service game, but it also means it’s inherently worse as a game than the same underlying idea not developed as a money squeeze service.

Kajo, do gaming w Looking for games with unique core mechanics

Fez: a 2D plateformer in which you can change the perspective to create ways to unreachable plateforms

Baba Is You: a puzzle game in which you move blocks with words written on them, combining them to create small phrases which become new rules of the game.

PugJesus, avatar


Atemu, avatar

Super Paper Mario for the Wii also has a mechanic like that. You’re in a 2D paper world (obviously) but you have the ability to temporarily turn 90°; walking through enemies and opening the possibility to i.e. pass some walls.

NineSwords, do gaming w hardware: use TV as a monitor?

Depends on the TV. For gaming, it would be essential that it has some form of gaming/low latency mode.

Also, why would you pay extra for a “good” main board? That’s literally the one thing where you can go cheap without a problem if you’re not investing in the high-end segments of the other components.

As a sidenote: have you looked at something like a SteamDeck for your kid? It’s a full fledged PC that you kid can hook up to the TV and if you want to watch something on it the kiddo can still use it with the build in display. the base model is also dirt cheap for what you get.


Haven’t thought on that, but the Steam deck is a great option! OP should consider this!

Although for long term, you get better upgradablity which I think the kid would appreciate if they’re into hardware at some point…

guyrocket, avatar

They were selling refurbed Steam Decks recently too so you can get an even better price.


I played a lot of Elden Ring with a steam deck plugged into a cheap TV. I wouldn’t want to play anything competitively on one, and I wouldn’t want to play FPS on it like that, but overall it wasn’t bad.

Get the lowest model with a microSD card and go to town for a few hundred bucks. If it’s ever not enough it’s pretty simple to break one open and replace the drive with a 1TB drive. I have dozens of games installed across microSD cards and shaders filled my drive. Took me about 20 minutes to replace it. Would take someone with no knowledge probably an hour.


Second on going for a more budget motherboard. They seem the most likely of any to change acceptable inputs over time. A proper 1080p (preferably 144hz but 60-90 isn’t unacceptable) monitor will give a lot of longetivity.


Thank you for the motherboard advice. I was under the assumption that it’s something you buy once good and it shouldn’t change.

I should look into steamdeck. I know nothing about it 😅 Price wise it seems interesting, but that makes me doubt about specs. I’ll review some sites and YouTube’s to get a good idea of what it can do.


Newtra, do gaming w What games have you played due to FOMO?

Mass Effect Andromeda. The reviews convinced me I’d hate it, but I couldn’t stand the thought of possibly missing some lore after I loved the first 3 so much. Turns out it was actually pretty good.

No Man’s Sky. It looked slow and grindy but people kept hyping it up. I caved, and forced myself to play 20 hours trying to find the good bits. I never found them.

Notnotmike, avatar

I think the hate for Andromeda was a little overblown. I enjoyed the heck out of the game, regardless of any weird facial expressions! It of course was never going to live up to the original trilogy but it stood out on its own in a lot of positive ways

CorrodedCranium, avatar

No Man’s Sky. It looked slow and grindy but people kept hyping it up. I caved, and forced myself to play 20 hours trying to find the good bits. I never found them.

That’s a game I tried as well but I feel like I set myself up for failure by trying to see everything the beginning of the game had to offer versus exploring naturally.


Right? ME Andromeda felt really good for me, with the bases becoming more and more human friendly. I quite liked it.


Flying around in VR in space in NMS is amazing. I think I lost interest because of the unnecessarily cumbersome crafting and item management though.

jlow, (edited ) do gaming w I watched 2 hours of starfield gameplay and an hour of review

Yeah, also getting strong “not for me”-vibes. Looks like a less grimey Fallout in space. Graphics seem to be far less amazing as I imagined from trailers.

Edit: Buuut I think lots of people will have fun with this and that’s cool!


Looks like a less grimey Fallout in space

That's exactly what it is. Also less fallout humor. If you don't like other BGS games you aren't going to like this one.

bouh, do games w Why do modern strategy games hate the grid?

The assertion is plain wrong. Some games don’t use grid, some do. There is no trend that I can see.

Solasta released an expansion this year and aow4 dropped in April iirc. There certainly are many others.

Glide, do gaming w Beautiful games?

Outer Wilds.

Really encapsulates the meaning of beauty a couple different ways.

Tetris Effect, particularly if you can play in VR.

Though if you’re strictly talking “aesthetically pleasing”, the options get wider. I absolutely loved the aesthetics of Hi-fi Rush. The absolute beauty of this comic-esque, cel-shaded world with every element, background and forground, moving to the rhythm of the soundtrack just blew me away when I started playing. But I’m a slut for rhythm games, so there’s just something about everything tiny fiber of the space connecting and syncing up that gets me.

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