The moment the ghost comes I just keep going back and forth between the same 2 rooms until the ghost goes away (the ghost travels to an adjacent room randomly when you enter a new room)
Wolfenstein 3D was woke propaganda. At least that will be the official article if Trump and the right get their hands on Wikipedia like they’ve already said they want to.
W2TNC was back when they still said SJW before woke became their boogeyman word but yeah. the comments section for the trailer was full of SJW complaints because the morons who didn’t even get the obvious message the first game were suddenly aware of politics when they saw a black woman in the mix.
Miałem zablokowany dostęp do tej strony na telefonie (nie jestem pewien dlaczego, ale w nietrudny sposób znalazłem opcje “odblokuj”), ale na komputerze mogłem wchodzić normalnie.