Who isn’t keeping multiple vintage pcs? I keep a core2 system with a floppy and disc drives to deal with old media. It even has parralel and serial ports in case I need to deal with old hardware like zip drives. It has internal sata so it can boot from an ssd.
Anyone know if it will have cross platform play? My brother is going to get it on ps5, but I would rather get it for Mac… unless we will be unable to play together.
Hell yeah. 90% of my game time has been Isaac. Finally motivated to go for dead god with the new update. I got all marks for the non tainted characters last week :)
Still going as of last night, but I’m waiting until after the current season ends in four days to see where things are.
I wouldn’t mind spending a little to support a game I like, especially since the rework seems like a pretty good direction to go, but not if the company that bought them is just gonna shut everything down and possibly pocket any recent sales.
Motortown: Behind the Wheel. The driving feels fantastic, it has just the right amount of RP-ability to be present, but not forced, and it can be high speed or high chill, your choice. I seriously recommend it.
I was doing it for the Legendary edition to be fair. I dunno if that makes a difference at all. I ended up just sticking with a couple of basic community patches, staying in casual outfits on the Citadel and such in ME1, and upscaled cutscenes. Anything more than that was just way too fuckin confusing.
Oh and adding back the same sex romance options in ME1 and 2. I had no idea that was an option but my gay ass is super happy to be able to romance Kaiden throughout all 3 games now. Time for a break from Cortez, my beloved.
Some games lend themselves better to modding. Some are much more complicated to mod. Some games need a mod manager to do conflict checks and some games can just have mods piled on top of each other endlessly without issues.
Mods within certain game engines can pretty much be moved between games ofln the same engine often with very little adjustment.
I would say in modern modding it is usually fairly straightforward, but some games and some older mods definitely require some deep computer fuckery.
Stick to things you’re comfortable with and skip the ones you aren’t.
It also depends where you get the mod from as different sites offers different amount of help. On some sites you need to download, un zip, drag and drop files in different places and change files both in the mod and outside it, and other sites you just press a button and your good to go. Even when it is the same or similar mods.
I decided to not even bother with a significant number of mods because they just seemed mind numbingly confusing to set up.
I’m not complaining, I’m just wondering if I’m missing some trick or something.
I think you made the right choice here.
There’s no quality control in modding communities so I’d say the effort the developer puts into the install instructions is going to be a reasonable indicator of the quality of the mod itself.
Well the one that I was thinking of specifically in that moment came with a wiki and a youtube guide on how to set it. I just balked. Like some fuckery sure, but that is just obscene.
I played a bit of FFVII rebirth at the start of the week, but then had to pause I don’t have my main pc with me and I doubt it plays well on deck. I’m not sure if I wanna continue it tho, as my overall experience with the game up to now (middle of Costa del Sol) has been pretty bad.
I started Granblue Fantasy Relink, I think I’m near the end of the story mode. It’s pretty fun, although I wish the story too was coop.
I’m also playing Fire Emblem Engage (chapter 14), and it’s much better than Awakening: the maps are more interesting and the break system encourages you to be aggressive and makes using weaker units easier. The engage rings are pretty interesting; they feel a bit overpowered, but at the same time I feel like I’m not using them optimally.
Remake is great, I replayed it recently too in anticipation for Rebirth.
I too like the characters, which is why I’ll try to continue, but I’m probably gonna play the original game instead. I’ve already played around 20 hours of it, up to just after the
spoiler for a dungeon I'm guessing is near the end of Rebirthtemple of the ancients
, and while the fast pacing is a bit jarring when compared to Remake, I enjoyed it much more than the parts of Rebirth I played.
I’m definitely not as down on Rebirth as you, but I liked Remake more. The combat is still fun enough, even if some fights/enemies are terrible.
I’ve also been thinking of re-playing the original, when I’m done, just as I’ve done after Remake. Like you said, I remember the pace throwing me for a loop.