Aielman15, do games w Dragon's Dogma 2 - Gameplay Showcase | TGS 2023 avatar

A friend of mine recommended the first Dragon’s Dogma to me a few years ago and convinced me to give it a try. I fell in love with the combat system, but never went too far into the game because the story, dialogues and characters were dull and insipid and gave me no reason to feel interested in the game’s world.

It’s so difficult to find good RPG games with a good story nowadays. I don’t expect DD2 to radically improve in this regard, but I hope they will at least try a bit more in the story department.

Caligvla, avatar

The bar was set so low for the writing in DD1 that literally anything more is an improvement.

all-knight-party, avatar

I loved the shit out of that game, but you are correct. As long as I can still marry Caxton I'll be happy.


Honestly I kinda loved how bad it was

all-knight-party, avatar

Most of the actual story wasn't funny bad, it was just unmemorable boring bad. Choice few things were funny, it almost entirely begins and ends with Caxton

etchinghillside, do games w Dragon's Dogma 2 - Gameplay Showcase | TGS 2023

Please don’t make me juggle stamina while running around trying to keep my pawns alive.

Potatos_are_not_friends, do games w Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Story & Gameplay trailer

Hell yeah!

Ichiban is a more silly protagonist than Kiryu and want more of him.


I personally don’t like ichi that much but between lost judgment and the new kiryu game, I’m getting my needs met.

jesusrp98, do games w Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Story & Gameplay trailer avatar

that looks like a me beast video to me

kubj31196, do games w Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth - Story & Gameplay trailer

Having followed Kiryu from Yakuza 0, this sure looks to be a sad reunion

Stern, avatar

Amon Clan working overtime to cure cancer just so they can be the ones to beat his ass.

CharlesReed, do gaming w Resident Evil 4 Separate Ways - Launch Trailer - YouTube

I still can't get over Wesker's new voice. This man now sounds like an actual human being, what even is this lol.
Still looking forward to this though. I really enjoyed the original's Separate Ways.


As long as they don’t mess with his lines in the eventual RE5 remake.

complete global saturation!!!


Right? One of my favorite things about the character is that he's so over the top.

Techie, do games w 10 Games Made in Godot to INSPIRE You avatar

All of them look really nice, especially Heli-Cats, can’t wait to try it!

Mr_Blott, do gaming w [Chivalry 2] It's only a flesh wound!

I’d rather poke my eye out with a frozen dogshit than click on a YouTube link with a thumbnail like that


Lemmy used to be a nice place, what happened?


People started using it to promote their YouTube channels


Sorry I’m posting OC instead of the same 3 famous content creators newest takes on “hot topics”. Sorry for trying to share something I enjoy. Fuck me right?

Fizz, avatar

Its a 17s clip…


Well, the thumbnail is just a freeze frame from the stream with a caption conveying my actual thoughts in the moment I took the screen shot. Sometimes when I play this game I wear my actual armor for fun.

Sorry fun isn’t a thing people tolerate.

Pregnenolone, (edited ) do games w 5 Games Made in Godot To UNIFY You


ΔV: Rings of Saturn

Sprout Valley

Hauma - A Detective Noir Story

Noreya: The Gold Project

Those are the games



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  • dom,

    And cassette beasts


    Cruelty Squad too.


    You’re the real MVP.


    I especially like Those are the games

    gravitas_deficiency, do games w Unity ...It Just Keeps Get Worse

    Holy shit, I had no idea about that whole quid-pro-quo bullshit. That’s crazy. Also, that’s definitely super illegal.

    elouboub, do games w Unity ...It Just Keeps Get Worse avatar

    If the studios don't switch to Godot and contribute back, they'll be setting themselves up for another Unity a few years down the line.


    I’m also interested in checking out Stride tomorrow. Hopefully I can find a good alternative to Mirror for multiplayer networking and the FinalIk package I had in Unity.

    elouboub, avatar

    I'm curious why they chose C#. Maybe to be a Unity alternative without requiring to invest in a new language?


    I don’t know, but I like C#. It’s got a lot of features that I like such as extension methods and custom attributes. And I feel comfortable with it.


    Godot has C# as an option.


    If we don’t get together and destroy capitalism itself, we WILL get another Unity every few years.

    elouboub, avatar

    The easier path is opensource. You can use it today, no need to wish the fall capitalism and do nothing until then

    CarGoFast23, do games w Unity ...It Just Keeps Get Worse

    Reddit 2.0


    Twitter 3.0?


    X 4.💩

    CosmoNova, do games w Unity ...It Just Keeps Get Worse

    One gripe I have with this video is that he said the situation at the unity office - namely the supposed death threat by an employee against their employer - was “understandable”. It absolutely isn’t understandable. No matter how shitty your tech CEO is, unless they happily throw puppies into a wood chipper in the office, death threats are definitely not understandable.

    ekZepp, avatar


    whileloop, avatar

    What if they only indifferently throw puppies into a wood chipper?


    I’m ok with it then

    ekZepp, avatar

    Man, i’ve missed this. 😂


    They still shouldn’t do it in the Office. They should do it at home, like all others puppies-in-wood-chippers people I know. Boundaries, Karen!


    I assumed the threat was from a developer whose life's work is ruined by these terms. I wonder what the employee's motive was.


    I presume a day off work.

    HeyThisIsntTheYMCA, avatar

    Boss needed a bomb threat called in

    StarServal, avatar

    Active evil vs passive evil.

    What’s the difference between puppy-chippers and starving out families with policy changes?


    I wonder now whether that means that you feel that egg industry CEOs deserve death threats…

    Weslee, do games w Unity ...It Just Keeps Get Worse

    Am I the only one that wishes these video posts had some text explaination for those of us at work and unable to watch videos in the middle of the office?

    Candybar121, (edited )


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  • BlinkerFluid, avatar

    I don’t own any airpods. Is Apple discipleship so strong that we all just assume everyone has the newest tat?

    Quick, check your iPhone…


    Ok man youre fucking retarded. I use android.

    Candybar121, (edited )

    Airpods came out in 2016, that’s not exactly the newest “tat”

    You’re fucking stupid btw, I use android.

    Cylusthevirus, avatar

    hipsters who hate everything Apple

    If anyone needed conclusive proof that the word "hipster" is now functionally meaningless, here it is.


    thats crazy, you’re telling me language evolves? does anyone else know this?


    This is conclusive. Time of death 11:41, September 15.


    Have you considered that plenty of people probably find your advice stupid and condescending regardless of saying the word “airpod”?

    Or that the word airpod was also unnecessary since you already said headphones?

    Apple defaultism is pretty dumb on its own, but it’s hardly the biggest problem with your comment.

    Candybar121, (edited )

    How was the original comment condescending? If you take offense to “Have you considered wearing headphones? You can pop an airpod in and listen to the audio without even having the video on your monitor. Or enable captions and just read the video like an article.” then you’re a bigger snowflake than any liberal. Now I’m being condescending on purpose, because every reply I’ve gotten has been idiotic and a waste of my time to read. OP said I can’t watch the video because I’m at work so I offered 2 solutions. I’m so sorry I tried to help! I’ll make sure to ignore anyone asking for help for the rest of my life. Thanks Doug!


    Some of us here didn’t grow up in the YouTube generation, where what could be a one minute read has to be turned into a ten minute ad-riddled video with over the top voice acting, “artistic” shots, and useless transitions.

    ekZepp, (edited ) avatar

    Done 👌


    Thank you!


    Excellent work srgnt

    executivechimp, avatar

    I’ve found this useful:

    ekZepp, avatar

    Nice tool


    If it does what it sounds like, it really should be integrated directly into Lemmy or Lemmy clients.

    BigVault, avatar

    That's one for the bookmarks. What an incredible site.


    looks very useful but the description is pretty sus haha

    Get a summary of any long YouTube video, like a lecture, live event or a government meeting. Powered by ChatGPT.

    government meeting?


    Parliamentary debate or similar?

    JackGreenEarth, (edited )

    Doesn’t this? (Jerboa) image


    Yeah it was added by op. (thank you op!) Very kind


    Yes, they did, but I meant the link summary under the link, not the text body. Unless that is also made my OP.


    Ah yeah but that summery inside the box doesn’t really give any info


    I’ve had that thought about 6 separate times this morning sitting at a hospital. I miss RIF showing me the link before I go to it.

    brihuang95, do games w Unity ...It Just Keeps Get Worse avatar

    Anyone know off the top of their head what the price difference is between Unity and Unreal now? And are there Unity engine alternatives that people can seek?


    there is no “price difference” they use a completely different pricing model, unity is SaaS, and moving to pay per install. Unreal is free, if you make more than a million dollars then you have to pay 5% royalties to epic.

    there is no equating the two

    rigatti, avatar

    Wouldn’t the new Unity pricing model be somewhat comparable to the current Unreal pricing model?


    Not necessarily. Unity says they’re charging per initial install once you break $1M (they walked-back on the “every” install bit), but Unreal takes a cut of your royalties once you break $1M, so it’s still hard to really compare them properly. If you’re making a free to play game, your install number could be dramatically higher than what a non free-to-play game would need to break $1M, for example.


    Unity is charging per install (not per sold unit), so technically developers can owe Unity more money than they make.

    Stovetop, (edited )

    They’re pretty different.

    Unity is planning to charge a flat fee of $0.20 per install over the entire life of a game. A Triple-A developer can release a game for $70 and it earns ten million dollars. Assuming every customer installs the game maybe three separate times on average over their lifespan, Unity’s gonna take maybe about $85,000 in total in runtime fees. If the game had been developed in Unreal, Epic would have taken $450,000.

    But let’s say an indie dev makes a great game in Unity, sells it for $5, and it goes viral (like Vampire Survivors). They make ten million dollars, Unity takes 20 cents per install, and assuming the same install rate, the bill comes to $1.2 million, over 14x what the AAA developer is paying. Epic would have still charged $450,000.

    With the AAA example, Epic’s 5% may seem steep for games that cost a lot per unit, but at least when a game stops making money, they stop charging money.

    For Unity’s runtime fee, though, as people buy new PCs/consoles/phones and install their library of games to them over and over, the developer keeps getting billed with no profit coming in. Effectively, the more games they have out there in the wild, the greater a financial burden a developer has. They’ll be living in fear of some Reddit post sending 10,000 people in /r/gaming down a sudden nostalgia trip and wake up to a $2000 bill the next day with seemingly no explanation.

    And this is to say nothing of the problematic nature of how Unity would even accurately assess the install count of a game, or differentiate paid copies from promotional or pirated copies (which I doubt they will). Or if a developer wants to bankrupt a rival developer, how they could just rent a click farm in Malaysia to install a game over and over again and rack up a bill too high to afford.


    They’re just different pricing models, not different verticals. Unity is still cheaper, but incurs significant risk now. Whereas Epic will take their 5% after $1M, Unity has no revenue split. However now that they’re charging per install, devs need to be sure their marginal profit clears this bar. No one is sure their pricing model works before launch, so I think this risk is unreasonable.

    Haui, avatar

    Pretty sure godot is pretty up there from what I hear but that’s the extent of my knowledge.

    Maven, avatar

    Godot is great at 2D and would be a great replacement for those games but lacks a lot of 3D stuff Unity users would miss. If someone is doing a 2D game tho… Godot is a fantastic option to go with.

    Haui, avatar

    Thanks for elaborating.


    Is Godot a full engine? I thought it was a UGC platform (like Roblox)

    Haui, avatar

    I have literally no idea. It just pops up left right and center so it seemed it is a competitor.


    It looks like it’s a full engine, that’s pretty neat. I might have to check it out, though I’m on unreal ATM so unity drama doesn’t affect me

    Haui, avatar

    Thanks for elaborating. Unreal is supposed to be very good. How is their price model?


    It’s free until you make a million dollars (so basically it’s free for me, probably forever 😭), after which they take 5%

    Haui, avatar

    In that case, it’s a pretty good model. Thanks for elaborating.

    Maven, avatar

    It’s a full engine! It specializes in 2D games but their 3D support is growing rapidly, just not up to what Unity and Unreal offer right now. Here’s a showreal they did for games released using Godot last year:


    Ah nice, I might check it out after my current projects

    captain_aggravated, avatar

    Today I learned that Cruelty Squad was made in Godot.

    captain_aggravated, avatar

    Godot is a full engine, I would position it in the market somewhere between Unity and GameMaker Studio. It is capable of making 2D and 3D games, though there’s some things Godot lacks, for example the asset streaming capabilities that allow for large seamless open worlds without loading screens, they’re working on that.

    Godot runs on WIndows, Mac, Linux various BSDs, and they’re working on an Android port. Godot games can be exported to Windows, MacOS, Linux (and thus SteamDeck), BSD, Android, iOS and the web. Godot games can be ported to consoles, but Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo are really fucky about licensing. The way you would go about publishing your Godot game to Playstation, Xbox or Switch is to work with a porting company who specializes in such things.

    Fun fact: The Godot IDE is itself a Godot “game.” The Godot editor runs in the Godot engine and is built from UI tools available to end users; this makes it pretty easy to create tools and extensions to customize the editor to your team or project’s needs. It’s also a practical demonstration of how robust Godot’s UI creation tools are; I’ve been toying with the idea of building a woodworking CAD program in Godot.

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