I don’t agree with the classification of 360 as “retro,” because I can think of multiple 360-era games in the top 50 charts today. The implication being that if the 360 is retro, so are its games.
And I can’t imagine going up to someone playing GTAV or CSGO and saying “bro this game is retro.”
Xenia Canary runs RDR really well if you haven't tried it yet. I was surprised I was able to get through the entire game without problems on my ~5yr old gaming laptop.
Goddamn I’ve been looking forward to a release for years now but goddamn this is sad.
THE MAJORITY OF THE MAP IS ALREADY DONE IN RDR2. JUST REBUILD THE GAME AS DLC FOR THAT. Ffs we’re all willing to shill out major dollars for Rdr1 to be remade in rdr2s engine and with West Elizabeth already existing in RDR2s map you could easily just continue on from the end of 2 into 1!
Hell most of the characters are in 2 as well! Port the quests and voice acting over, not saying it’s not massive but ffs that’s the 60 dollar DLC we’d ALL gladly pay for!
Goddamn studio execs are morons.
Edit I see that there are rumors and speculation that a full PS5/XSX/PC remaster is also possible, but at this point I’ll believe it when I see it. I really hope so, but I’m just so annoyed with how game studios handle this now. If they need cashflow in between major releases then do what Witcher did with Blood & Wine. We don’t need a new engine for every small release, release a decent DLC and honestly I’d pay $50-60 bucks for it. Blood and Wine deserved the $40 and honestly maybe a bit more. If they redid RDR1 as DLC to RDR2 I think it’d be very fair to pay $60 for it and it wouldn’t require a whole new engine.
That’s probably true sadly, but still only ps4 and switch… Which I guess are the two systems that don’t have back compat.
That’s the thing about rdr1 though, they could basically name their price a true remaster and tons of people would buy a full one too. You could set a ludicrous number like 150 and I shamefully would still buy it if it were a good remaster.
You might be willing to pay an absurd amount, but you’re definetely in the minority there, most people will definetely not be willing to pay more than $60 for a remaster
Sexist? Why are you trying to make this a gender issue now? lol
Please stop the fanatic bitching. You're not going to make any sort of criticism go away with this.
Are you confused? Where did I make it a gender issue by complaining that they still use gender locked classes? It's an outdated and obsolete concept from decades ago that needlessly cuts down on character customization. I never once claimed this to be sexism related. Maybe work on your reading comprehension before you continue to cry around over your own made up bullshit.
It’s not “obsolete” for set characters, which is what this is if they have pre-established stories and personalities.
You think the PoE devs aren’t getting paid? lol
That’s not how budgets nor gamedev work. It’s not up to individual developers to just add huge amounts of content to a game that hasn’t been budgeted for.
It’s not “obsolete” for set characters, which is what this is if they have pre-established stories and personalities.
It is. Even Diablo had male and female characters while having lore behind them. It's not that hard. They even acknowledged that they could offer it as micro transaction, so this whole "they're actual characters" argument already flies right out of the window.
That’s not how budgets nor gamedev work. It’s not up to individual developers to just add huge amounts of content to a game that hasn’t been budgeted for.
Look. It's not that hard to adjust armor & animations to character models nowadays. A lot of tools do most of the work even all on their own already, assuming you prepared for this with a solid base already. Even game modders do this. You're just looking for excuses.
No, I’m not, because I’m not a PoE2 dev and don’t need an excuse. You’re ignoring the realities of gamedev and insisting it should just work because you say so.
They even acknowledged that they could offer it as micro transaction
If they did, that means budgeting for the additions needed because it would be a product in itself.
No, I’m not, because I’m not a PoE2 dev and don’t need an excuse. You’re ignoring the realities of gamedev and insisting it should just work because you say so.
You continue to make shit up. I never claimed you were a dev, that's also completely not necessary to kneejerk white knight a product like you're doing. I also never claimed "things just work because I say so". Please stop the straw manning.
If they did, that means budgeting for the additions needed because it would be a product in itself.
Throwing all your previous "arguments" out of the window.
I’ve never played PoE, and only watched a friend play it briefly; so nice try, but no, I’m not just stanning for a developer out of some absurd association of one’s ego with a product.
You need to actually learn how development works, and I’m not replying further until you either do that or stop being so aggressive.
Throwing all your previous “arguments” out of the window
If you actually read what I said, instead of obsessing over winning an argument no one cares about, you would realise that was the exact thing I said from the start. Unless you can’t even tell you’ve been frothing at two separate people.
It would be nice if they didn’t, but every class is a character with a semi-established personality and story, so it makes sense for them to be gender “locked”. The NPC characters also react to you differently based on who you play. It’s mainly a difference in character design.
Make them gender neutral, I honestly don't care about their backstory anyway if I'm honest. I want to play "my" character. Imagine they'd be as restrictive in their possible builds because "duh, in their backstory they only used specific spells too".