Blackmist, do gaming w How can it be so bad?

Well, now opens to a black screen in two minutes.

Might take a restart if you want some content in it.

EvokerKing, do gaming w How can it be so bad?

Wow Ubisoft game launcher opens in… Never? Wtf I paid money for this game and then I need to buy it again because they didn’t actually give me the account and now the launcher is just dead and I can’t even open it.


Fuck that. I bought one of the assassins creed games legitimately, then had it refuse to launch after a few weeks because they updated their launcher and borked it. I then pirated that same game to bypass the launcher issue and pirated every other ubisoft game since then.

If I have to pirate games to get around a deliberate flaw you worked into your program, I’m not paying for that game.


Yeah I paid $30 for rainbow 6 siege I expect to be able to play it for more than 2 weeks. Like honestly it would be so much cheaper and easier to just use the steam launcher, since the game is already sold there, but no they have to be special.

doublejay1999, do gaming w Then vs Now avatar

Not just games . I download one of the trendy note pad apps. It’s 500mb.


I’ve been using zoho notes on my phone for a long time now. It started out really good, but somehow has become so bloated that it’s laggy. It’s PLAIN TEXT. How do you make that lag??

nifty, avatar

Which one? Obsidian for desktop is 400MB, but it lets you make knowledge trees and includes a zotero extension. Although maybe it doesn’t need to be 400MB.

doublejay1999, avatar

Obsidian was big - I think close to 500 on the mac ? But Logseq was another


Thanks for supporting shitcoin mining, I’m so close to recouping my goal of 10% of the thousands of dollars I’ve lost.

chicken, do gaming w Then vs Now

Very rose tinted glasses. I remember horrifying cache corruption bugs that locked you out of certain game areas permanently on that save, random illegal operation exceptions crashing games (no autosave btw), the whole system regularly freezing and needing to be completely restarted, games just inexplicably not working to begin with on a regular basis because of some hardware incompatibility and the internet sucked for finding fixes then and patches weren’t a thing so you were just screwed.

I would say that games not all being written in C and assembly trying to squeeze out every possible performance efficiency with nothing but dev machismo as safeguards is in fact a good thing.

uis, avatar

Here’s revelation: most game engines are written in C(++)


Yes, but they are made by different people and all those bugs have been worked out over time. The people actually making the games are doing so at a higher level with more safeguards and it shows.

taanegl, do gaming w How can it be so bad?

You installed WHAT?!?!?


Billy, no!


Billy gonna learn he ain’t ever to old for a whoopin’.


Cocks shotgun I just want to talk to him.


I just… I just wanna shoot him. I JUST wanna talk to him.


The competitor to the monopoly.

Why does it matter?


Market dominance ≠ monopoly

I say this because I assume you’re talking about Steam, and as a service comparible to the Epic Store, users have A TON MORE options, choices, even more autonomy on Steam than on the Epic Store. Reviews, reselling of keys, reselling of cards, infrastructure to host communities, support systems, bug ticket systems, the competitive sales events, etc.

Not saying Valve or Gabe Newell are perfect, not at all - they are profit driven - and Steam as a store and launcher does have it’s own issues.

But as far as I’m concerned the fact that Valve wants to bring commercial videogames to libre open source platforms, something Epic Games is against, is the deciding factor of why I continue to support this behemoth.

With the modern stack and infrastructure of today there is literally no reason not to port games to Linux, unless you want to rely on pervasive, kernel-level DRMs, which are inherently unethical because they take away control from the user and puts it in the hands of a company.

But that’s my reason. People have tons of reasons to use Steam, whereas Epic Store is just an exclusivity portal. Also, it’s launcher so soooo bad. Not just undernourished, but the UX design patterns make no sense - and when you do that job worse than Valve? Oh boy…

And again, technically speaking:

Market dominance ≠ monopoly

Epic Games, Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo keeping certain fan favourite intellectual property on their store front exclusively? Monopoly. Technically.


Saving this for later

snw, avatar

Meet ‘n’ HUH???

beefbot, do gaming w Then vs Now

Problems with game developers might better be understood as problems with capitalism, to paraphrase Ted Chiang


We can’t update games or refactor code to make it smaller bc our bosses demand we constantly work harder, better, faster, stronger. They force us into games that require more expensive hardware bc the entire tech industry depends on people upgrading every other year. And it’s online constantly bc we hoover up player data for our new profit centre where we sell all your data.

And now they made a meme that deflects blame off them and onto devs, who have way more contact w the public than anonymous rich people



Capitalism was a thing back before games got shitty too.


Qhile that is true the effects of it were lesser since it was more niche. Plus some of the best games are still in their own weird niche, ive been playing STALKER GAMMA which is a free modpack for a free mod, and help I am being consumed! I DREAM OF REPAIR KITS AND GUN ANIMATION, HNNNNNNGH KILL MONOLITH!

NoSpiritAnimal, avatar

Enshittification is just another name for the type of capitalism America practices.

Everything gets worse because it’s not profitable to stay good when there are only 147 umbrella corps worldwide. Capitalism doesn’t reward innovation in products when monopolies exist, it rewards innovations in minutiae of existing products.

See also: DLC, Premium Passes, Microtransactions, Seasonal Content, Free-to-Play*, Ads in AAA tier games and everywhere else, Subscriptions, and every other shitty innovation the market (no not consumers, shareholders) rewards.

That’s to say nothing of how these companies extract the value of their employees labor and then lay them off to keep turnover at whatver level the coke addicts in the c-suite have determined is best. Crunchtime, harrassment, fuck man look at Bobby fucking Kotnick and his blizzard shitshow.

uis, avatar

Tetris: hold my beer

Socialism intensifies

Haha, do gaming w Then vs Now

That last one really got me though hahaha

ThunderWhiskers, do gaming w Then vs Now avatar

Lol this is so stupid. All of these examples are interchangeable between “then” and “now”.

!deleted6508 avatar

Where’s the shareware from now? Where’s the always online single player games from then?


Look up ET for Atari. There were shitty game companies releasing shitty games back then too, it’s not a new thing by any means.

!deleted6508 avatar

They were shitty for different reasons. Notice that nowhere on this meme is “shovelware.”

E.T. is always cited as the cause of the video game crash of '82, but it was really the rampart shovelware, no QA to speak of, and a lack of reviews to inform customers what was worth their money and what was absolute garbage. One bad game isn’t enough to topple an entire industry; especially one that is only slightly worse than the best game ever made for the Atari.

This problem was, however, mitigated a lot by Nintendo through the late 80’s and the entirety of the 90’s by creating the kind of licensing agreements between publishers and the console makers that still exist today, as well as the increase in review publications. Most of the best shit (from consumer friendly practices to the games themselves) from the industry came specifically in the 90’s thanks in part to actual curation of the software allowed to be sold for these systems.

At least you can easily determine shovelware from something worth your time when everything has reviews attached to the store page. Still sucks that you have to wade through all that bullshit, though.

ThunderWhiskers, avatar…

DRM is nothing new, we just used to have to keep up with the disk or a Key. If always online was an option back then you can bet your ass game publishers would have implemented it.

!deleted6508 avatar

It was an option back then. They just know nobody would have accepted it then because

  1. Not as many people had the internet, and
  2. The internet that they did have sucked ass

There were still plenty of online-only games. They just had a damn good reason to be online. Always-online in single player isn’t needed as DRM. There are plenty of other DRM options that don’t use the internet at all or at least only check once in a while when you do have a connection to the Internet.

ThunderWhiskers, avatar

Jesus…ok obviously it was technically an option, but it would be suicidal in a time when not everyone had Internet in their homes and those that did had unreliable Internet. Don’t be obtuse. Those limitations are largely not an issue in 2024.

I was playing video games on my homebuilt computer in the 90s. I know exactly what it was like.

!deleted6508 avatar

I was playing video games on my homebuilt computer in the 90s. I know exactly what it was like.

So was I. And so do I.

ramsgrl909, do gaming w How can it be so bad?

Every other time I play Chivalry 2 I get an ad pop-up (or 2) mid duel. Maybe I should just re-buy on Steam…

schmidtster, do gaming w How can it be so bad?

Do people just bash epic to bash epic?

No one I talk to in real life has ever had one of these complaints about the launcher, it has its issues, but logging and startup isn’t them.

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

Really? It takes ages to open for me.


Few seconds, steam takes longer. And I’ve never had login issues too.

Is it from linked accounts or privacy clearing techniques?

The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

Weird, steam is so much faster for me. And I don’t do anything strange, just log in and use it, but almost every single time it asks for my password. I wonder if there’s a timer - like, if you don’t log in for a week, you have to give your credentials again?


Even without re-entering my credentials or actually completely closing and opening EGS within (reasonably waiting for all related processed to close first) a few seconds, it opens and loads/downloads my library content very late compared to Steam or GOG. Opening the store as default was actually worse.

So far all my friends have the same experience. The top commenter must be very lucky, or maybe their EGS program runs in the background at startup.



Even my friends have similar experiences, between steam and epic taking the same amount of time. Even before I upgraded I never noticed an issue like “minutes”.


No, of course I’m not saying it takes minutes on a computer from the last few years with a nvme. The duration in the meme is likely a blatant exaggeration for meming, or for a weaker computer (still a valid criticism point but another topic).

I just tried both. With the first start, Steam vs Epic timers are about 5vs10 seconds, while with a second launch Steam still keeps to 5 while Epic is down to 7 second for me.

These are all on a Ryzen 3600 with 3500wr nvme and a 3200mhz ram, but friends have both worse and better PCs in all regards and still notice the difference.

5 vs 7, even 5 vs 10 seconds on an enough PC isn’t and shouldn’t be something to fret about. Admittedly, my feelings of Epic being slower comes from still long first post-install runs and usage from 6+ months ago, and in my case Epic opens quite quickly these days.

Edit: Checked your vid, and yeah, something similar on a second-run, but albeit with a flashing Epic logo once, but in a similar duration in total.

gamermanh, avatar

On my beefy desktop PC it takes about 30s to a minute to open on a 4 year old SSD

Steam takes about 15s max, less usually but it opens on PC start so I don’t usually have to open it

On my laptop from 3 years ago steam is about a 22s open (doesn’t open on launch there) and epic takes well over a minute and a fucking half

The laptop hardware is just slightly older, lower versions of basically the same desktop hardware too so why the difference is so gd massive idk

But it seems like some hardware HATES EGS


Yeah by default epic runs at startup

schmidtster, (edited )



I7 13700kf 64ram 4080

Like I get I have few issues from the newness and overkill, but credentials shouldn’t be a hardware issue, and sometimes new components do weird things loading wise. My old 2600k did things better than newer chips for years.

Edit, I wonder if internet speed matters, I’ve got gig internet.

creditCrazy, avatar

Interesting to see this discussion because I don’t use epic because I don’t play many games outside of TF2 and space engineers and I more or less just use steam to auto update blender and tell me how my PC is doing so all I experienced is steam taking about a half minute to open every time.

rab, avatar

Yeah I’ve not heard of this either


Epic takes 2 or more minutes for me to launch. Also when Im in my library, the page keeps refreshing randomly which shoots you back to the top. Very fun UI.


It’s an issue with your setup my dude because it launches quicker than Steam for me


Same here. I run it on windows 11 and sign in with Google… never really noticed any performance issues.


While both of our claims are anecdotal, I’ve had it cause performance issues. It definitely isn’t the normal behavior for EGS and was probably a bug, but on my system it was sometimes sitting in the tray consuming 10 GB of system memory (and causing excessive swapping due to memory pressure).


There are valid reasons to bash Epic. I’ve written about some of them in another comment thread I made on Lemmy, but the overall problem I (and likely many others) have with them is a combination of their CEO’s hypocrisy and the company’s actions.


Yes. Over the years I just stick to Steam partly because it actually keeps me logged in and actually functions faster than a snails pace.

Uplay/Uconnect whatever they wanna call themselves today is the worst. But Origin/EA and Epic ain’t much better.

vox, avatar

egs games are drm-free and with Legendary it’s a really nice experience (I’m using legendary with playnite)
never lost my token/login
the epic servers are kinda slow tho

TheBat, avatar

Why would I bash EGS? How can I even bash it when it doesn’t support Linux?


I didn’t realise you could bash it? Isn’t it a GUI application? And one that needs to run inside wine at that?

deweydecibel, do gaming w Then vs Now

Game developers then

Triple A Game developers now

So it’s outright admitting the comparison is nonsense?

Skullgrid, avatar

No, because Rollercoaster tychoon and sharewere were AAA games back in the day.

captain_aggravated, do gaming w Then vs Now avatar

“The inverse square root function in the C math library isn’t fast enough. That’s okay, I’ll write my own algorithm that abuses floating point numbers in a way that gives me a close approximation a bit faster.”


Step 2: what the fuck?

xantoxis, (edited ) do gaming w Then vs Now


  • Loading...
  • dovah,

    This is referring to a real event:…


    This is very meta.

    Daxtron2, do gaming w Then vs Now

    So we’re just gonna conveniently forget all the shovelware from that time period?

    Twinklebreeze, (edited )

    Yes. Because older is always better. Then when the present is the before times people will look back fondly on it too.


    Wait…just how much worse are they going to get‽

    umbrella, avatar

    the enshitification continues…


    That’s just being intellectually dishonest in the opposite direction.

    The truth is some things do get worse, some things get better, and in either case, the right thing to do is examine the tangible effects, positive or negative.


    Yeah, heavy survivorship bias in this one.


    Everyone seems to think that games like Doom and Half-Life came out all the time. I remember looking at shareware disks in shops and seeing loads of games that looked like total crap.


    For sure! just go to Abandonware and try to go to a specific year to find something. You have to wade through pages of garbo to find something worth playing.


    Rollercoaster Tycoon was 1999, so I’ll choose to believe that the “then” era was after the big gaming crash of the 80s. There was still shovelware, but it wasn’t nearly as bad as during the 80s when you’d see mountains and mountains of terrible, non-functioning games. I don’t think anyone really has nostalgia for that period of gaming, but the late 90s to early 2000s really were as close to a golden age as we ever got.


    Gaming crash was more of a console thing. One of the arguments was why you should buy a console when you can buy a computer for a bit more and do so much more. Computer games ran through it mostly unfazed.

    CodexArcanum, (edited )

    One of my favorite pastimes as a kid was digging through the “1000s of Games” disc I had that was full of demos, shovelware, Doom mods, and tons of other garbage. Occasionally you’d find a diamond hidden in the turds.

    There’s even a Youtuber who does “Shovelware Diggers” as a show and it’s just that! Him and his community riffle around in old shareware collections looking for treasures, which he showcases. (Edit to add: Looked it up and he ended the show after 300 episodes! He still does other retro gaming stuff too.… )

    But yeah, most of the content on those discs would have qualified more as viruses than games, if they even ran in the first place!


    Or all the shitty licensed games. I’m sure there’s a number of older gamers triggered by the LJN logo.

    Laticauda, do gaming w Then vs Now

    I love when gamers hyperfixation only on the bad examples while ignoring the existence of game companies that still do good work. Why elevate the ones doing things right when we can give all our attention to the ones doing things wrong?


    I mean this is comparing modern AAA game devs with what would have been considered AAA at the time. I think it’s a fair comparison in that regard, but by manpower, 90’s ID might be more similar to today’s New Blood.

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