sharkfinsoup, do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise

To me, fallout is more about the setting and aesthetics than the story and the TV show captures those two points very well! It’s definitely very campy at times but I’ve found it to be a really enjoyable watch so far (just finished episode 5).

I really like how much of fallout is crammed into the show, from the brand names for foods to the vaults and monsters to the music. They really do make the setting the core aspect of the show, which was all they really had to do to make a good fallout show IMO.

The plot and many of the character’s decisions are probably the weakest points so far but it’s all stuff that easily overlooked.

Overall, very pleasantly surprised by how good the show is.


Yeah the characters motives just randomly change to fit the plot and there's never any logic behind their decisions.


I understood their logic most of the time (some iffy moments for sure), but my main issue with it was it all felt too fast. Like someone telling a great story but in such a rush to the finale that they end up glossing over details that make it so enjoyable. Decisions the characters made felt like they should have cooked several times longer than they did. I expected some arcs to last a half a season, maybe even a full one. But by the end of the episode it’s not an issue anymore and we’ve moved on.

That said, Walton Goggins is killing his role, and I see it as a solid resume addition for a lot of the others. There are scenes and lines that are meh, but also ones that show me these actors can pull off some great performances

01189998819991197253, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC avatar

Why this specific formula for the fountain ink? Beautiful pen, by the way.

What do you use to manage the ISOs? Or did I misunderstand #7?


There is one ISO and three boot partitions.

First of all, I formatted the USB drive with one vfat partition. Then I copied the contents of the ISO over. That and some prodding in grub.conf is enough to get the ISO working, and there is a whole lot of extra space in the vfat partition.

The entire contents of all of my computers’ hard drives is encrypted, but that leaves the boot partition. So I moved the boot partitions onto the vfat partition, each in a separate folder labelled by the host. Then, I added entries to grub.conf for each host. The USB drive boots and a boot menu appears with all of the ISO’s entries, plus a list of hosts. I choose the right host, then boot.

(I need the USB drive mounted before I can update the kernel or the microcode.)


Wait, so you need the USB in order to boot your PC? If you lose the USB, or it dies, you can no longer boot?

01189998819991197253, avatar

O wow! This is totally not what I imagined. I imagined something like Ventoy. You literally made portable your boot partitions which without, the device is unbootable. Since it’s on a portable USB, you can essentially brick any device as easily as pulling the drive and cutting power. That’s ingenious!


And very dangerous. If anything happens to my USB drives and all of my many (many many many) backups, they are bricked to me too. My LUKS keys are on that USB drive. And the backups.

01189998819991197253, avatar

The same can be said for any drive, though. If the drive dies or the boot partition corrupts itself, we’re screwed. You seem to have backups of the boot partitions, so the likelihood of you losing all your backups is slim, but you make it easy for yourself to destroy the drive in the event of… let’s call it, an immediate need. And that’s what I find most ingenious.


Essentially a yubi key for simple terms, yes?


IDK, do people use yubi keys to do LUKS?


Idk what lukz is. I’m just trying to simplify it so I understand


LUKS is full hard drive encryption. If you encrypt your entire hard drive with a yubi key, then lose the yubi key, and you have no backup, you’re shit outta luck. I encrypted my hard drives with a USB drive in a similar fashion. Then made backups of the USB drive, so that the scenario I describe wouldn’t happen. Hopefully. It’s kind of like horcruxes. If somebody steals them all, I become mortal again. Actually, though, if somebody steals them all, I lose all of the data on the hard drive.

fujiwood, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC

I only see a pen and part of a spiral notebook.


That’s a stock image. Better than I could have taken, and the pen is identical.

supervent, do piracy w got the disk space and the bandwidth to spare so

You could install a tor relay or i2p

salarua, avatar

my dream is to build my own NAS. it would handle everything i need: it would be a Nextcloud, media server, website host, Matrix server, Minecraft server, and when i’m not doing anything with it at the moment i’ll have it donate its time to seeding and relaying


if your that passionate about NASs, may I ask how does one negate data loss if a lighting were to strike? or fire?

I get Raid an all that, but I don’t care how many times my data got burnt if it ever will.

Same with lightning, lightning rods are a thing, so maybe that? Idk what would be dmged if an entire lightning passes thru your house in a wire or not, like electromagnetic fields are a thing.


I suppose remote backup is the only option for something that destroys everything in the area, but raid is essential anyway.


makes sense, I was hoping for a cheaper answer. Buying land (caz renting a server is the same as cloud storage isn’t it?) somewhere is probly expensive.


If you know someone who lives somewhere else and also has a NAS, you can help each other by using each other for remote backup.


sadly I don’t, now I need to talk this onto someone… I don’t even know who’d be interested. But great idea, needs a lot of administrative work tho. And also leaving an open (pwd protected, but still an open port) connection to a storage server 24-7 does not sound very safe.


You could do a scheduled backup/sync every day/week, if you don’t want the port open always.


good idea! thx


raid is essential anyway

Why? If there are offsite backups that can be restored in an acceptable time frame, what’s still the point of RAID?


I’d say it depends on your circumstances and your tolerance to the possibility of data loss. The general answer to the question is that without using some kind of redundancy, either mirrored disks or RAID, the failure of a single disk would mean you lose your data. This is true for each copy of your data that you have.


Better uptime and will get recent files that havent been put on your offsite backup

salarua, avatar

i’ll have to look more into that. the obvious answer is “keep it off site”, but that only applies if you’re doing backups. if it’s a NAS with several different purposes like the one i want, i’m not actually sure. i’ll keep reading about it


Alright, good luck with that, and thx.


Off-site backup is the proper answer to your question. All this really depends on your own tolerance or comfort with the possibility of losing data. The rule of thumb is that there should be at least three different copies of your data, each in a different physical location. For each of them, there should be redundancy of some kind implemented to guard against hardware failure. Redundancy is typically achieved by using mirrored drives or by using RAID of some kind. Also, if you’d like to know, using RAID in which you can only lose one disk in the array is not typically considered a sufficient level of protection because of the possibility of a cascading drive failure during replacement of a failed disk. It should be at least two.


“cascading drive failure” the what now? How do drives die in a domino effect?

three locations seem a bit much, but I totally understand it. Safe storage is tedious, huh.


Drives in a NAS age at about the same rate between them. If you had multiple drives around the same age or from the same manufacturing batch, there’s a higher chance they fail around the same age. After one disk in the array fails, you can insert a new drive and rebuild the array, but during the rebuild, all your drives are in heavier use than normal operation. If you only have one disk redundancy, you’re vulnerable until that rebuild is complete.


oh wow, makes sense. It’s a very slim chance, but not zero. but doesn’t a three mirror setup has the same vulterability.

So if the scenario is that we bought two of the same type, use it equally, they’ll die at the same time. This sentance is also true if we up the number.

Matte, do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise

why is everyone praising it? they spent it all on costumes and sets, and forgot to hire an almost decent writer. the script is terrible, it’s full of nonsensical stuff and it feels copypasted from others shows. I really disliked it, and I played all the Fallouts since the 1990’s.

Kir, avatar

“We decided to hire a shit writer in order to recreate the atmosphere of a true Bethesda game”




IMO the story is not really worse than the games’ writing. Fallout as a universe never really made sense. So for me, it being fun and campy is enough and just what I’d expect of a Fallout show.


why is everyone praising it?

I know this may come as a shock, but people can have different opinions on things.


This is a non answer, did you like the costumes, the acting? Was the script bad the dialogue stilted or plot contrived?


Should be pretty obvious that I’ve liked it, but here’s yet another shocker: nobody’s under any obligation to justify why they like something, even if you don’t.


That’s not the point, I never said if I like it or not. Your answer didn’t help the other guy Why do you like it? He said why he doesn’t. Explaining your point of view may help people enjoy the show.

Your answer is " Just because"


I’m going to jump in here. I’ve watched 3 episodes.

Some of the dialogue does feel bad, but in my experience it’s from the vault dwellers. I think it’s intentional.

Goggins playing a smooth af character delivers everything with a smooth confidence. He’s a joy to watch.

The other actors do well. The sets and costumes are great. The plot feels very paint by numbers, but that’s the era we live in.


Somebody asking “why is everyone praising it?” isn’t looking for “help”

Kolanaki, (edited ) do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise
!deleted6508 avatar

My main criticism is that they have done literally nothing to establish or explain the rules/quirks of the world. If I wasn’t already a fan of the games, this show would be confusing as fuck. They expect you to just know about the NCR, the Brotherhood, what a ghoul is, what caps are, etc. Like, I hate exposition, but this is going too far in the opposite direction with it.

The other is the place and time. I watched all 8 episodes and it seemed like it took place in multiple parts of the country between at least Massachusetts and California considering they say they are in the Commonwealth at the beginning, but clearly are in Los Angeles pretty much the rest of the time, and it’s unclear how long McClane and Maximus’ journey had been due to the weird time compression. It’s almost like a TV show done like a linear game where you just move from set piece to set piece, while losing all the stuff you do in between.

Other than that I loved it. If it didn’t have actors I recognize and have the studio logos in the opening credits, I could easily believe this was made by hardcore fans of the games as a independent project.


They do a tiny bit to explain ghouls, but not a lot. It’s mostly implied that they’re the result of nuclear radiation. It’s not that complicated, really.

But some other stuff really could use more backstory, that’s true.


I never played the games but was able to pick up enough through context clues about what each group is all about and generally what’s going on. I do have lots of questions about the specifics of each group, but I’m hoping that in future episodes (I am only a few episodes in) and seasons they flesh things out a bit more to fill in some of the more mysterious aspects of the show.

Muscar, do edc w Today’s tools and skill toys

This sub has gone very far from “essentials”.

wren, avatar

Hey different strokes for different folks, by your perspective sure they’re not essentials, but I personally find these to be essentials. I’ve literally not gone a day without these since I’ve gotten them, because they help me with my anxiety and adhd- but if you don’t suffer from that I’m so glad for you

FireTower, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC avatar

I’ve heard good things about the LAMY. Do you find it’s as practical for daily use as say a ballpoint?


I don’t use a Lamy (I use a Kaweco) but I can say that fountain pens are pretty nice if you like liquid and smooth writing. It’s not good on other materials other than paper like hard materials but for doing math and writing it’s a breeze.


You kinda have to be an enthusiast to make a fountain pen an edc. They require more work, are more prone to damage and has the potential to spill all that lovely ink all over your nice clothes. I just keep mine at my desk. They’re a pleasure to write with given a quality make.

vext01, avatar

FWIW, I’ve never had a leak with a modern FP.


This, Lamy Vista FP at my desk, Zebra ballpoint in my bag.


Same practicality but it requires more care. If you want a daily use beater, go for Pentel energels or Sharpie S-Gels for some smooth writing and deep colors.


More practical, even, at least in my experience.

Ballpoints always jam on me, requiring about a kilonewton of force and about five minutes of blank scribbling to get it going again. Then, often, they leave big blotches of their sticky ink on the page when turning a corner.

The Safari does jam on occasion, but usually, a single well-placed drop of water is enough to get it going again. That depends on the ink you use though. If you use water and inkjet printer ink, it never jams, though it is a little bloody. 30 water : 1 platinum carbon black makes a lovely grey, but it jams so bad that I need to add a bit of inkjet printer ink to keep it running. Yeah, you’re definitely not supposed to water down that ink so much lol.

Alkaseltzer028, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC

Okay, can you show us a writing sample? And what kind of ratio do you use when making that ink-mix?


30 water : 1 platinum carbon black : 5 yellow : 5 magenta is the mix for octarine.

But seriously, 30 water : 1 platinum carbon black : 10 printer ink is a good starting point for mixing. That is about how sensitive the mix is to each type of ink. Pure printer ink won’t ruin the pen, but it bleeds like a motherfucker. If you don’t care about the next five pieces of paper, though, you can do some pretty cool stuff with it.

warm, (edited ) do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise

While it's pretty average as far as action drama shows go, it's very easy watching! Was pleasantly surprised. I think it fails to establish a lot of things, so non-fallout fans might be a little confused sometimes. I think they could have gone a bit slower and properly introduced the wasteland, its people and its factions. Hopefully they increase the prop budget too, there's not a lot of weight to things and you see them actually bend the foam power armor in one shot.

sin_free_for_00_days, do edc w Today’s tools and skill toys
wren, avatar

I know 😅 I saved up for a decent amount of time for these


All for a fidget toy…

wren, avatar

*Skill toy

I totally understand that it’s the kind of thing where if you get it, you get it and if you don’t, you don’t and that’s 100% fine.

But to simply call these just fidget toys is very reductionist. They’re a hobby, just like anything else. You work at it and you build new skills, new tricks, etc. You can’t just use it right out of the box without spending a decent amount of time practicing

Do you see a yo-yo or kendama as ‘fidget toys’ similarly? If so then at least you’re being consistent, but if you see that as a skill based hobby then you should try to reframe begleri into that category as well. It’s essentially a yo-yo on a smaller scale

I personally don’t see the point in spending 1-2k on a set of golf clubs, but I don’t knock people for doing so - it’s their hobby. Whilst I can’t imagine spending ~400 on a watch, I have spent that amount for a fountain pen. Some people invest loads of money working on their car to be super cool, when someone else may look at that and think ‘and my car also gets me where I’m going at the cheaper base model’.

Everyone has an interest that someone else would likely deem ‘a waste of money’, and that person in turn almost certainly has a similar hobby that will be judged.

I try not to yuck other peoples yum. If it makes them happy and it’s not hurting anyone else, that’s what matters, that’s a positive thing

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

Who hurt you

wren, avatar

Lmaoooo no one? I’m just trying to get people to be a little more open minded and maybe make this community a little more welcoming to people who carry more than the basic ‘keys wallet knife’ template

I tend to be verbose 🤷🏻‍♀️

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

Are you sure about that?

finn1sher, avatar

@loudWaterEnjoyer @wren A lot of people have been asking about the skill toys and wren has already answered what they are for many times. I think wren's assuming that the person who said "all for a fidget toy" has already read the other messages and is just being disingenuous.

wren, avatar

Thank you - that’s absolutely it, which is why I’m not engaging with the other comments on this anymore, because it just feels like feeding the trolls at this point. I thought I was being quite polite and respectful in my response above. I have a lot of patience for people that don’t get it - but not a lot for intentional closed-mindedness. I’m trying to help make this place a more positive and welcoming community, that’s all. The EDC community here on Lemmy is too small to already start with the gatekeeping, it won’t do anyone any favours to be all ‘post what you carry and consider essentials… but not like that’

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

Would you consider Firefox to be a skill toy?

naevaTheRat, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC avatar

you know it wasn’t till I enrolled in a physics degree that I met another human using a fountain pen. My first year prof.

Why are we so fucking weird? It’s obviously superior not having to exert normal force on the page to write (fuck you ball points) but why isn’t that more widespread.


because we have to fill or change cartridges, buy or make ink, clean the nibs, carry our pens carefully… too much effort just to write

ballpoints are efficient, sturdy and effortless. There are situations when we have to write/mark quickly while standing or outside under the weather

it’s not a question of “superiority” but practicality. when i’m writing or drawing on my desk i use a fountain pen. outside i carry a small zebra ballpoint

naevaTheRat, avatar

you have to do that to ballpoints to. Unless you use them disposably which there are disposable fountain pens too if you are a paper plates sort of person.

Felt tips share most of the advantages of ballpoints and fountain pens so are a defensible choice. They tend to work upside down too which fountain pens and ballpoints don’t. Although pencils, soapstone, or pressurised paint markers are better in those applications generally.


space pen works upside down and it’s a ballpoint

naevaTheRat, avatar

it’s also a space pen which is designed to work in an environment with no upside down so it would obviously have to.


Ah yeah the felt is actually my preference for writing, because they never jam . . . (unless you leave the lid off like an idiot lol). But they’re not refillable and the tips aren’t replaceable. Usually. I have seen refillable felt tip markers. It’s definitely something I would be willing to try.

naevaTheRat, avatar

Yeah I had one ages back but you did need to replace the wicking material and tip periodically, filling also involved slowly infusing with a syringe and drawing needle.

In the end it was about as much hassle as a solid fountain pen and I couldn’t use archivists ink so I went back.


Interesting story, @naevaTheRat . Why do you use archivists’ ink?

naevaTheRat, avatar

If I write something down it’s usually because I want to remember. Sucks to lose notes/journals/data to sunbeams, coffee spills, rain, leaks, or time.

etuomaala, (edited )

Well, I can comment on water damage. My printer ink is totally immune, and so is the Platinum carbon black. I don’t trust the black in felt tips, but the printer ink would be fine. Probably. My printer ink has a curious property of being perfectly water soluble until absorbed by certain materials including paper and fabric, after which it becomes pretty darned permanent.

UV damage, well, if my ink dyes are the same as in the UV faded inkjet printouts I see taped to the windows of abandoned storefronts, then that will be a problem if I decided to put the pages of my notebook on display in direct sunlight. I’ve never done that or have been compelled to do it, but never say never, I guess.

That’s a good question, though. Have you lost data to sunbeams before, or is this more of a hypothetical?

naevaTheRat, avatar

Yeah I’m in Australia and I left my lab notebook by a window over a holiday break. It was probably getting over 50 C daily and the ink all faded. I don’t think it was UV, as multiple pages were damaged, I think the ink wasn’t hugely temperature stable.

It wasn’t like magically gone, but faded enough that my chicken scratch was hard to read. Between that and water damage at various points I figured I’d just switch before something got fucked up beyond salvaging. Besides, you never know what’ll be interesting to future generations. Whether it’s a grandkid paging through something to get a sense of who you were or some researcher going through archives. Archivists ink is non acidic, so it doesn’t destroy paper over time. Idk whether printer ink is.


Wow, that’s awesome! I mean yeah I’m sorry to hear your ink faded in the heat, but at least some good came out of it: that’s a whole new mode of failure I didn’t know about. Hey, maybe I’ll try putting a test page in the oven’s warming drawer or something.

naevaTheRat, avatar

Yeah might be worth a test. I assume most modern pigments are probably pretty stable, this was 10 years ago using ink that was 40 years old even then. At a certain point we all just develop idiosyncratic neuroses as a result of experiences :)

youngalfred, do gaming w My first playthrough sitting at 32 hours...

Wow sounded interesting so I checked in steam - the new one needs minimum 12GB ram???!

MentalEdge, avatar

That’s not unusual. Or do you mean vram? Still not surprising with the detail level in the game.


Definitely doesn’t need 12gb of vram so they mean ram which 16gb should be the minimum for anyone’s system nowadays.

fiah, avatar

sir this is 2023


I somehow read this as 128GB and was ready to share your shock.


16GB is the new 8GB of 2014. Even so, we’re starting to see top triple A games use upwards of 20GB.


Dude you’re seriously still stuck with 8GB?

If you’re still on DDR3, I have a spare 8GB 1600MHz stick in my old PC. I’ll sell it to you for a good price.

JoeBigelow, avatar

It’s not worth the shipping!


It’s a stick of RAM. Wrap it in bubble wrap, shove it in an envelope, stick a couple of stamps on it, and send it on its way.

UnRelatedBurner, do piracy w got the disk space and the bandwidth to spare so

I sometimes do the same when I spot something new and high demand

kindenough, do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise avatar

Some good references too, like that poster on the wall in episode 5, 'a man and his dog ',

Todd produced something that’s actually good‽
Probably a mandatory credit thing, he is too busy fixing Starfield


They also reference it during Cooper’s party and he mentions that they used his actual dog for the “in universe” version of the movie.

Faydaikin, avatar

Todd isn’t busy fixing anything. Let’s be honest.

There’s enough diehard Bethesda fans that will buy anything he shits out. Even F76 has a playerbase now.

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