Kolanaki, (edited ) do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise
!deleted6508 avatar

My main criticism is that they have done literally nothing to establish or explain the rules/quirks of the world. If I wasn’t already a fan of the games, this show would be confusing as fuck. They expect you to just know about the NCR, the Brotherhood, what a ghoul is, what caps are, etc. Like, I hate exposition, but this is going too far in the opposite direction with it.

The other is the place and time. I watched all 8 episodes and it seemed like it took place in multiple parts of the country between at least Massachusetts and California considering they say they are in the Commonwealth at the beginning, but clearly are in Los Angeles pretty much the rest of the time, and it’s unclear how long McClane and Maximus’ journey had been due to the weird time compression. It’s almost like a TV show done like a linear game where you just move from set piece to set piece, while losing all the stuff you do in between.

Other than that I loved it. If it didn’t have actors I recognize and have the studio logos in the opening credits, I could easily believe this was made by hardcore fans of the games as a independent project.


They do a tiny bit to explain ghouls, but not a lot. It’s mostly implied that they’re the result of nuclear radiation. It’s not that complicated, really.

But some other stuff really could use more backstory, that’s true.


I never played the games but was able to pick up enough through context clues about what each group is all about and generally what’s going on. I do have lots of questions about the specifics of each group, but I’m hoping that in future episodes (I am only a few episodes in) and seasons they flesh things out a bit more to fill in some of the more mysterious aspects of the show.

kratoz29, (edited ) do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise avatar

Ok, I gotta ask, I know almost nothing about the lore of Fallout, is this show for me? Does it have enough content for newcomers that makes it worth it?

I did enjoy the Twisted Metal TV show, if that brings any context about what stuff I like, although at least I did play some of their old games and enjoyed them, but I remember next to nothing about the game’s “plot”, if there was any to begin with.

EDIT: Thank you so much for your replies guys, it seems definitely like a fun show and I’m craving for one lol (I just finished Titans S03… and… it was not good), I’m gonna give it a try!


It gives a lot of background for those unfamiliar to the lore. I’m pretty sure newcomers will also like it. It’s a lot of fun, like the games!


The way they introduce it is great too, using the flashbacks.

!deleted6508 avatar

I remember next to nothing about the game’s “plot”, if there was any to begin with.

I only remember the first 2 TM games and the plot was some rich fuck made a death match competition and the winner gets a single wish granted as their prize; but the wish every character makes in their ending (by beating the game as that character) is always corrupted Monkey’s Paw style.

kratoz29, avatar

Wait, this sounds better than the Twisted Metal TV show plot LMAO.

Faydaikin, avatar

The ending of the TM season 1 was literally the annoncement of the tournament. XD


the reason why the fallout story is very flexible on a any place no context story is because each individual vault has its own story, and stories are hyper regionalistic. so while all regions may share the same start (nuclear fallout of course) and prewar tech, what happens after is up to the writers imagination, as long as a writer doesnt pick an already existing vault number that already has a rule.

minor lore spoilers ahead: each vault was not built the same, all were a major experiment and had different conditions to see how humanity would adapt to different conditions presented to them.

this is why fallout is super flexible on where a story can start, game, or show wise. for example of something that won’t be in a game or show, Vault 68 was an experiment where what would happen if you put 1 woman, and 999 men in a bunker. Vault 69 was what would happen if you had 1 man, and 999 women in a bunker.

a1studmuffin, avatar

If you enjoyed Twisted Metal, you will enjoy Fallout. Both are excellent TV adaptations of their respective games, and have a thick layer of dark humour underpinning the action. Twisted Metal was particularly surprising, I want to shake the hand of whoever was looking at that crusty old PS2 game and saw dollar signs for TV!


Twisted metal was great. Never really played the game but the tv show was fun


Titans was rough.

Doom Patrol is where it’s at!

MagicShel, do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise

It sounds really good, but I’m protesting commercials on a service that promised to be commercial free. I will watch it vicariously through online discussions.



KairuByte, avatar



I’m going to rename my NAS “online discussions” in your honor.

sharkfinsoup, do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise

To me, fallout is more about the setting and aesthetics than the story and the TV show captures those two points very well! It’s definitely very campy at times but I’ve found it to be a really enjoyable watch so far (just finished episode 5).

I really like how much of fallout is crammed into the show, from the brand names for foods to the vaults and monsters to the music. They really do make the setting the core aspect of the show, which was all they really had to do to make a good fallout show IMO.

The plot and many of the character’s decisions are probably the weakest points so far but it’s all stuff that easily overlooked.

Overall, very pleasantly surprised by how good the show is.


Yeah the characters motives just randomly change to fit the plot and there's never any logic behind their decisions.


I understood their logic most of the time (some iffy moments for sure), but my main issue with it was it all felt too fast. Like someone telling a great story but in such a rush to the finale that they end up glossing over details that make it so enjoyable. Decisions the characters made felt like they should have cooked several times longer than they did. I expected some arcs to last a half a season, maybe even a full one. But by the end of the episode it’s not an issue anymore and we’ve moved on.

That said, Walton Goggins is killing his role, and I see it as a solid resume addition for a lot of the others. There are scenes and lines that are meh, but also ones that show me these actors can pull off some great performances

wintermute_oregon, do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise

spoilerI thought Dane did it to himself. That’s what he said in the last episode.

One gripe I have is the power armor is weak


Nitpick: Dane is non-binary and goes by they/them pronouns in the show. Pleasant surprise: they are actually played by a non-binary actor as well :)


Ah I didn’t catch the pronounce. I know the actor was non-binary but I didnt catch the character was as well.

EherVielleicht, do gaming w The Fallout show's been a pleasant surprise avatar

Oh I get it, he must play the character Fall Out boy

sin_free_for_00_days, do edc w Today’s tools and skill toys
wren, avatar

I know 😅 I saved up for a decent amount of time for these


All for a fidget toy…

wren, avatar

*Skill toy

I totally understand that it’s the kind of thing where if you get it, you get it and if you don’t, you don’t and that’s 100% fine.

But to simply call these just fidget toys is very reductionist. They’re a hobby, just like anything else. You work at it and you build new skills, new tricks, etc. You can’t just use it right out of the box without spending a decent amount of time practicing

Do you see a yo-yo or kendama as ‘fidget toys’ similarly? If so then at least you’re being consistent, but if you see that as a skill based hobby then you should try to reframe begleri into that category as well. It’s essentially a yo-yo on a smaller scale

I personally don’t see the point in spending 1-2k on a set of golf clubs, but I don’t knock people for doing so - it’s their hobby. Whilst I can’t imagine spending ~400 on a watch, I have spent that amount for a fountain pen. Some people invest loads of money working on their car to be super cool, when someone else may look at that and think ‘and my car also gets me where I’m going at the cheaper base model’.

Everyone has an interest that someone else would likely deem ‘a waste of money’, and that person in turn almost certainly has a similar hobby that will be judged.

I try not to yuck other peoples yum. If it makes them happy and it’s not hurting anyone else, that’s what matters, that’s a positive thing

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

Who hurt you

wren, avatar

Lmaoooo no one? I’m just trying to get people to be a little more open minded and maybe make this community a little more welcoming to people who carry more than the basic ‘keys wallet knife’ template

I tend to be verbose 🤷🏻‍♀️

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

Are you sure about that?

finn1sher, avatar

@loudWaterEnjoyer @wren A lot of people have been asking about the skill toys and wren has already answered what they are for many times. I think wren's assuming that the person who said "all for a fidget toy" has already read the other messages and is just being disingenuous.

wren, avatar

Thank you - that’s absolutely it, which is why I’m not engaging with the other comments on this anymore, because it just feels like feeding the trolls at this point. I thought I was being quite polite and respectful in my response above. I have a lot of patience for people that don’t get it - but not a lot for intentional closed-mindedness. I’m trying to help make this place a more positive and welcoming community, that’s all. The EDC community here on Lemmy is too small to already start with the gatekeeping, it won’t do anyone any favours to be all ‘post what you carry and consider essentials… but not like that’

loudWaterEnjoyer, avatar

Would you consider Firefox to be a skill toy?

01189998819991197253, do edc w Today’s tools and skill toys avatar

Can you explain your use of each item? I don’t mean the obvious ones, such as the pen and Leatherman. I mean the other edc items. They look interesting, but I don’t understand them.

wren, avatar

Sure! I appreciate you asking

So I’m a very texture based person (diagnosed adhd / generalised anxiety disorder and I suspect a little on the spectrum, but never formally diagnosed) and the three other things besides the leatherman and pen are heavily based around that

The dice (or die, I didn’t actually check before hand) is a nice weight and I like the feeling of rolling it between my thumb and index finger, and the two beads on each side are a phenomenal feeling bead to roll similarly. I like the contrast between the smooth SS beads and the sharper edges of the dice. Plus there’s something comforting in knowing I always have at least one die on me at all times (even though I keep a set of 6 mini dice on me in my pouch)

The bracelet looking thing, which is in fact a bracelet as well, is an mkultra from aroundsquare. Similarly as before, the texture and feeling of the beads is fantastic, with the added bonus of being able to wrap around my thumb a few times. That combined with them being good for bead counting / breath work, it’s very calming for me. It can also be used as a fidget / skill toy: see this video for a good intro

The beads on the paracord is a skill toy called begleri, and it’s just that: a skill toy. Video here. It’s a hobby, it’s something to constantly work at improving on and learn new tricks, it’s a way to keep busy, it’s a good way to pass the time instead of looking at my phone - there’s a lot of reasons why I refuse to go anywhere without a set with me. The begleri community is so wholesome and supportive too, which just makes it better

Hopefully I explained this well enough!

01189998819991197253, avatar

Neat! Ok! A different kind of EDC. That video on the begleri, I kept waiting for him to smack his face with it, since that’s exactly what I would end up doing hahaha! He didn’t though, which was good.

wren, avatar

Ahaha that definitely is something that’s part of the learning process


Is the dice bead also a sort of begleri or just tactile? Also can you recommend begleri communities? I tried to learn awhile ago and not much traction on my own. Not much on YouTube from what I saw.

wren, avatar

The dice bead is just tactile. It could be used as a begleri if I had another one and set them up as one, but it would probably be too heavy - at least for my play preference

On Lemmy, sadly there’s not too many yet. I’m personally working on getting !idlehands (general skill toy and fidget community) and !begleri going, and there’s also !begleri

I mainly participate on Instagram, since that seems to have the most contributors begleri community wise. I can link awesome people to follow, if you’re on instagram

There’s a few Discord servers that are active too, a begleri one and an Aroundaquare one. I can get you links later on if you like

In terms of resources for learning:

I got my first set in 2018, and stopped for a bit because I wasn’t really getting anywhere with it. For me what made a difference when I picked it back up again in 2021 was trying different physical combinations: bead shapes and weights, cord diameters, joiner lengths, etc. as well as finding a few clips online and downloading it to my phone so I could put it in slow motion and try to replicate it. It’s also a lot easier to learn if you’re just sat on a bed or carpeted floor or something similar. With dropping it, you’re just right there it’s a lot less frustrating when you don’t have to crouch down every two seconds to try again and it’s a lot easier to adjust the timing and whatnot when the attempts are closer together - I think I learnt at least half of the tricks I know being sat outside on the grass during a nice day. I would also recommend just having a set with you and doing rebounds when you have a chance, because getting a feel for how the momentum is carried will really help with getting the timing for other tricks

Hopefully some of this is helpful!


Thanks for the detailed reply! I’m familiar with Musclebones and Aroundsquare, but the others I’ll have to dig into. I made my own set awhile back with some hex nuts, I wanted to level it up with some nicer beads but didn’t find anything locally. I’ll probably wind up ordering some kind of bead online. I have trouble consciensing buying something that seems like it could be made so easily haha. I’ll check out those communities too. Thanks again!

wren, avatar

Yeah a lot of people love their homemade ones, and I’ve made a few myself, but at least for me the beads specifically designed for begleri are worlds better. I feel like it’s easier to make a really nice set when you already know what your bead shape, size, and weight preference is - if that makes sense


Do you have any recommended vendors that won’t break the bank? (Looking at you, Aroundsquare)

wren, avatar

Aha yeah I know AO2 can be a little pricy, though they do have some great ones in the cheaper range: the Mini Hydras in SS/Delrin being one of them, which are $20. Great starter set, but it’s also impossible to outgrow them, pros. use them still. The weight (18g) is basically the goldilocks weight for most people, the bead shape is excellent

You probably could get a pair from amazon or ebay for like $15 that would serve you well, but I’ve found those to be either way too light or way too heavy and the beads just kinda feel… shitty, and they might even be unbalanced because quality control is nonexistent.

I don’t mean to sound like an aroundsquare shill, I just do genuinely love their products and the owner, Matt, is one of the coolest guys ever

vext01, avatar

I can already feel the RSI from that bead spinning video!

(RSI sucks, look after your hands)

wren, avatar

I’ve actually found it to be quite good for building dexterity - but duly noted!

Muscar, do edc w Today’s tools and skill toys

This sub has gone very far from “essentials”.

wren, avatar

Hey different strokes for different folks, by your perspective sure they’re not essentials, but I personally find these to be essentials. I’ve literally not gone a day without these since I’ve gotten them, because they help me with my anxiety and adhd- but if you don’t suffer from that I’m so glad for you

daq2, do edc w Today’s tools and skill toys

Do you have some kind of carrier/pouch in the background? I’m always trying to look for better ways to carry my stuff too

wren, avatar

I do! It’s an edc wallet from Dickinson Trading and can definitely recommend


Thanks for the link!

pineapplelover, do edc w today’s hobby pieces

Ayo it’s Wren at it again showing off the begleris

wren, avatar

I never go anywhere without a set! (or two or three 😅)

obywatelle, do ciekawe w W koszyku wydatków podstawowych 1/5 to wydatki na wódkę i piwo avatar

Ja to rozpoznaję po stanie rowu melioracyjnego po drodze na pociąg w mojej wsi. Jest tam betonowy ekran akustyczny, miejsce nieoświetlone, więc zwłaszcza zimą ludzie notorycznie wyrzucają do niego butelki. Co jakiś czas PKP to sprząta, ale butelki wracają. Kiedyś w okolicach peronu zawsze były butelki po piwie, bo na ławkach były małe imprezy, teraz w rowie leżą głównie małpki. I to małpki pite właśnie w pośpiechu, w drodze na pociąg. Widziałam nie raz jak ktoś wychylał jedną, wyrzucał do rowu a potem szedł na poranny pociąg do pracy, jeździłam z tymi ludźmi i dalej z nimi jeżdżę więc mniej więcej ich kojarzę, ale oczywiście mało kogo za rękę złapałam. Już pal licho sześć że śmiecą, bardziej mnie niepokoi czego to jest objaw. Zaczęło się mniej więcej w czasie covida, to znaczy wtedy zaczęło przybywać małpek, teraz przybywa ich tak dużo że nawet po wysprzątaniu rowu ten zaraz znów jest zajebany. Ludzie wlewają małpkę przed pracą, żeby dzień wchodził lepiej, i po pracy żeby szybko się odstresować, a co najważniejsze nie robią tego w domu więc nikt nic im nie powie i sami nie czują się alkoholikami, no bo co to jest małpeczka co nie.

dj1936, do ciekawe w W koszyku wydatków podstawowych 1/5 to wydatki na wódkę i piwo
!deleted2556 avatar

O kurde, masakra!

Ta wódka za 9,99zł to też masakra.

finn1sher, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC avatar

@etuomaala For the record, if you posted multiple images, they're not visible to me on Mastodon. When I've done the opposite, posting to Lemmy with a Mastodon account, multiple photos aren't visible to the lemmy users either.


Oh, neat, Mastodon! I didn’t know for sure whether this was reaching Mastodon. I only posted the one image. I didn’t know I could post multiple images. Now, I know not to try, for compatibility reasons.

Dhar, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC

That pen isn’t inked, you can see right through the ink window


Yeah, I know. Like I told the other guy, it’s a stock image. An image of the real pen wouldn’t add anything except ink in the window, and I can’t take a better picture than whoever did the stock image. The ink in the window looks entirely unremarkable.

/me looks at ink in the window for five minutes with a bright light backlighting the window.

Yeah, the ink in there is entirely unremarkable. It’s just grey air bubbles and black water. IDK, you want a picture of the ink window anyway?

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