kernelle, do edc w today’s hobby pieces

Number 3 feels set, 4 as well, little click on 5 aand there we go

hyorvenn, do gaming w Basket Random Game avatar

What is this AI generated crap

fleg, do parlamentarna w Czy afera wizowa będzie miała wpływ na notowania PiS, czy nie? [United Surveys]

Mam wrażenie, że wielu wyborców konfy z definicji musi mieć bardzo dużą wprawę w unikaniu słyszenia o rzeczach 😉

!deleted269 avatar

Były badania na “republikanach” w USA; to nie jest tak, że oni nie wiedzą, albo wierzą, że jest tak jak mówią partyjni liderzy. Oni świadomie akceptują i powielają ich kłamstwa, idąc za realnym, nie deklarowanym wprost przekazem partii.

misk, do parlamentarna w Czy afera wizowa będzie miała wpływ na notowania PiS, czy nie? [United Surveys] avatar

Zaskoczył mnie wynik opcji “nie słyszałem o tej sprawie” wśród wyborców PiS, bo reżim chciał temat zakopać. A potem zdębiałem widząc wynik u konfederosji.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Bo PiS próbuje spinować sprawę, zamiast zamieść pod dywan. Nie oceniam czy skutecznie

misk, avatar

Teraz tak, ale pierwsze 2 dni było zakrzykiwaniem każdej wzmianki o tym. Sondaże mają z reguły kilka dni poślizgu więc spodziewałbym się chociaż mniejszej świadomości niż wyborcy partii opozycyjnych. Z drugiej strony mówi to o tym jak dobre jest PiS w pompowanie przekazu swojemu betonowi.

miklo, avatar

Nie mogą zamieść pod dywan sprawy na której oparli (pierwotnie) cały pomysł z referendum. Może jakby to wypłynęło przez ogłoszeniem referendum to ktoś z mafii(PiS) poszdłby po rozum do głowy że to ich może zatopić. Ale jak już machina ruszyła to mogą tylko robić różne akrobacje, szukać kozła ofiarnego itp ale nie mogą tak po prostu wyciszyć tematu migracji w swoich mediach


Wyborcy konfederacji to w dużej mierze bardzo młodzi mężczyźni, których przekonuje, że mentzen taki fajny bo pije piwo i chce żeby więcej zarabiali, nic innego o polityce nie wiedzą, nie szukają informacji i ich nie czytają, nawet gdy im wchodzą w oczy. Wyborcy PIS wiedzę czerpią z TVP, a tam o tej aferze nie ma nic/nic rzetelnego. Przerażające, że PISu nie jest w stanie pogrążyć nawet afera wprost obnażająca, jak jest zakłamany nawet w kwestii “obrony przed migrantami”, którą prezentuje jako jeden z kluczowych punktów programu… I do tego ten Błaszczak, chujki się nie cofną przed niczym byle tylko wygrać.

supervent, do piracy w got the disk space and the bandwidth to spare so

You could install a tor relay or i2p

salarua, avatar

my dream is to build my own NAS. it would handle everything i need: it would be a Nextcloud, media server, website host, Matrix server, Minecraft server, and when i’m not doing anything with it at the moment i’ll have it donate its time to seeding and relaying


if your that passionate about NASs, may I ask how does one negate data loss if a lighting were to strike? or fire?

I get Raid an all that, but I don’t care how many times my data got burnt if it ever will.

Same with lightning, lightning rods are a thing, so maybe that? Idk what would be dmged if an entire lightning passes thru your house in a wire or not, like electromagnetic fields are a thing.


I suppose remote backup is the only option for something that destroys everything in the area, but raid is essential anyway.


makes sense, I was hoping for a cheaper answer. Buying land (caz renting a server is the same as cloud storage isn’t it?) somewhere is probly expensive.


If you know someone who lives somewhere else and also has a NAS, you can help each other by using each other for remote backup.


sadly I don’t, now I need to talk this onto someone… I don’t even know who’d be interested. But great idea, needs a lot of administrative work tho. And also leaving an open (pwd protected, but still an open port) connection to a storage server 24-7 does not sound very safe.


You could do a scheduled backup/sync every day/week, if you don’t want the port open always.


good idea! thx


raid is essential anyway

Why? If there are offsite backups that can be restored in an acceptable time frame, what’s still the point of RAID?


I’d say it depends on your circumstances and your tolerance to the possibility of data loss. The general answer to the question is that without using some kind of redundancy, either mirrored disks or RAID, the failure of a single disk would mean you lose your data. This is true for each copy of your data that you have.


Better uptime and will get recent files that havent been put on your offsite backup

salarua, avatar

i’ll have to look more into that. the obvious answer is “keep it off site”, but that only applies if you’re doing backups. if it’s a NAS with several different purposes like the one i want, i’m not actually sure. i’ll keep reading about it


Alright, good luck with that, and thx.


Off-site backup is the proper answer to your question. All this really depends on your own tolerance or comfort with the possibility of losing data. The rule of thumb is that there should be at least three different copies of your data, each in a different physical location. For each of them, there should be redundancy of some kind implemented to guard against hardware failure. Redundancy is typically achieved by using mirrored drives or by using RAID of some kind. Also, if you’d like to know, using RAID in which you can only lose one disk in the array is not typically considered a sufficient level of protection because of the possibility of a cascading drive failure during replacement of a failed disk. It should be at least two.


“cascading drive failure” the what now? How do drives die in a domino effect?

three locations seem a bit much, but I totally understand it. Safe storage is tedious, huh.


Drives in a NAS age at about the same rate between them. If you had multiple drives around the same age or from the same manufacturing batch, there’s a higher chance they fail around the same age. After one disk in the array fails, you can insert a new drive and rebuild the array, but during the rebuild, all your drives are in heavier use than normal operation. If you only have one disk redundancy, you’re vulnerable until that rebuild is complete.


oh wow, makes sense. It’s a very slim chance, but not zero. but doesn’t a three mirror setup has the same vulterability.

So if the scenario is that we bought two of the same type, use it equally, they’ll die at the same time. This sentance is also true if we up the number.

vreraan, do piracy w got the disk space and the bandwidth to spare so

rather seed things with fewer seeds and which are about to die.

salarua, avatar

is there any listing of those I can check somewhere?

vreraan, (edited )

If you want 90% of the stuff indexed on pirate sites is dead or with only 1 seed, I haven’t found tools that take it automatically.

But there is this initiatives for books, books or paid courses are more subject to copyright strikes than entertainment material, therefore more difficult for students or workers to find.



libgen also uses IPFS and seems much better for this purpose.

lukas, do piracy w got the disk space and the bandwidth to spare so avatar

I hoped that memes stay out of here, but that ship sailed. Perhaps Lemmy will allow people to tag posts in the future, so people like me can exclude memes from community feeds.

Nefyedardu, (edited ) do piracy w got the disk space and the bandwidth to spare so

I used to just seed Epic exclusives. Now there aren't any Epic exclusives*. Coincidence? I think not.

*Other than Kingdom Hearts grrr

UnRelatedBurner, do piracy w got the disk space and the bandwidth to spare so

I sometimes do the same when I spot something new and high demand

empireOfLove, do piracy w got the disk space and the bandwidth to spare so avatar

Doing the Lord’s work. Godspeed.

Furbag, do gaming w My first playthrough sitting at 32 hours...

Oh look, a boss fight. Will this be a fair-and-balanced skill-based experience? Or will it be a DPS race against the clock and hoping I get good RNG on the enemy attack patterns so I don’t die to mostly unavoidable or unreactable damage?

MentalEdge, avatar

I’ve felt this, too. But actually I just hadn’t figured out the right response to any given attack.

Manage your EN right, and everything is avoidable.

Montagge, avatar

So it's a Fromsoft boss


Fromsoft bosses are ALWAYS incredibly fair. They may require practice but you can absolutely learn every boss and master them.

Montagge, avatar



They are tho… like literally designed to be challenging but with perseverance, overcame.

Montagge, avatar

There's no way they can't be challenging with all of the bad hit boxes.


No clue what you’re talking about with bad hitboxes. Dark Souls 1 suffered from this a bit. Dark Souls 2 as well. Bloodborne, Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, and Elden Ring had near damn perfect hitboxes.

Montagge, avatar

Fromsoft isn't going to date you. You don't have to lie for them.


It's a Dark Souls boss, not an Armored Core boss. AC bosses in previous games were usually (with the exception of For Answer) just other ACs with really good AI piloting them, not giant, unique things with mechanics that you don't see anywhere else.

That alone is enough for me to wish they'd called it something else.

MentalEdge, avatar

I mean, there are actual ACvAC fights, too.

Though I do wish the arena AIs weren’t mental three-year-olds. They go down like wet paper.

eltimablo, (edited )

Yeah the arena disappointed the very shit right out of my ass. I just finished it last night and expected the S-rank contenders to be even slightly more difficult than the D-rank ones, but they weren't.

MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

Arena should have been increasingly demanding fights that each require a unique build to conquer. Or even better, each fight should have made you use a pre-set loadout, so you’d have to explore and learn new builds, and that knowledge could then be carried into designing mechs for the campaign missions.

I bet theres a lot of people out there not changing it up at all, missing out on an a lot that the game has to offer.

Ideally each one could have made you adapt to and learn new mechanics.

But it seems each one is just a randomized loadout or a character from the story, with the exact same AI slapped on.

eltimablo, (edited )

The arena is honestly pretty close to how it was in the old games. Hell, in 4A, if you beat White Glint in the story missions before beating her in the arena, you got to skip the arena fight entirely on account of her being dead.

Forcing players to use a specific build goes against the entire spirit of the series, though.

MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

It’s just an idea I had from a game design perspective.

Nier: Automata is one game with which I saw a lot of people complain, as the game does nearly nothing to get you to actually experiment with different weapon combinations and plug-in chips, and a lot of people overlook those systems because of it. And hence the experience of some players suffered.

Pre-set loadouts in arenas could have been used to address that design problem by showing players the possibilities.

Although, it wouldn’t necessarily need to be mandatory. Each arena fight could come with a “recommended AC” for countering the opponent, while still allowing players to take in their own mech should they want to. This could have come with the fights being a lot harder as well, making using your own design viable only if you know what you’re doing.


If you want to play the game as a glass cannon DPS machine, you can do that with the right parts. But there's nothing stopping you from actually reading boss patterns and dodging them. The only boss this doesn't apply to is the first one, and I suspect it will get nerfed because of how many people are complaining about it. Some damage is unavoidable but it's minor, every big attack is dodgable and even accompanied by a loud warning sound. I don't think it's unfair.


I think the boss is fairly readable and I can take it down quickly, it’s just annoying that it can fly out of bounds where I can’t hit it but it can still fire at me. That and your starting mech isn’t the best either but I got an S rank on that level after 4-5 attempts.


Yeah the first boss isn’t a great first impression. I knew I could beat it in <5 tries but what annoyed me was how boring it was. Basically shoot at the broad side of a barn while hiding behind cover.


I went the other way around. I went all in with my energy sword. Stayed mid air under it as much as possible to use the rockets. When the second blade combo attack hits, it get staggered and you just pummel the boss. Rince and repeat


But there’s nothing stopping you from actually reading boss patterns and dodging them.

Is there enough information to do this on the first time through, if you have enough skill? Or is it necessary to try and fail multiple times to see and learn each pattern?


I definitely dislike this dynamic in games. If you’re only able to win because you built up muscle memory for that specific segment of the game, it doesn’t feel like a real win, feels almost as unrewarding as grinding XP to make things easier.


If you don’t enjoy practicing bosses, FromSoft games will probably not be for you.

This is not a dunk! There is nothing inherently superior or worthwhile about games that require practice. I personally enjoy Soulslike games, but people who claim they’re they’re the One True Genre are just fooling themselves.


Probably, though I did beat and enjoy the first three games in the Dark Souls series (if you include Demon’s Souls) before I got tired of it, despite having to iterate on some bosses. There are a few saving graces that make it tolerable: effective options for cheesing, being able to grind XP/gear to make it easier, mandatory downtime between fights that punishes trying to brute force practice them, the option to give up for a while and go explore somewhere else, the presence of more dynamics to fights to optimize than correctly reacting to patterns to the point where you can remain mostly ignorant of them and still win another way. Playing DS3 I got the feeling that maybe the issue was getting worse and I was kind of burned out on the gameplay overall so I dropped it.

I would cite Super Meat Boy as a more pure example of the problem I’m talking about, that game left me feeling brain fried and like I hadn’t learned or accomplished anything.


mandatory downtime between fights that punishes trying to brute force practice them

Fascinating. This would frustrate the hell out of me - if I’m trying to get better at something, the last thing I want is enforced wait-time between practice attempts! Still, I’m glad you’ve found other games that you enjoy more rather than being influenced by the Internet’s collective fan-boner for FromSoft.


I'd like to direct your attention to the prior games in the series we're discussing, which have no such issues despite being made by Fromsoft. This "hurr durr issa Fromsoft boss get used to it" schtick is fucking insufferable and ignores the 15 years of history that company had before making those godawful Dark Souls games.


Personally I love that! The best bosses are the ones that absolutely demolish me a dozen times while I figure them out.

It makes finally succeeding feel like I’ve accomplished something.


How would the game give you any more information than it already does without worsening gameplay? Like sure, you can make the boss' moves slower and more telegraphed. Put in Atreus to tell you the Boss' weakness or something while you fight him. I'm personally not a fan of that.


In my experience, you don’t have to compromise. You can take meta dual shotguns and two heavy hitting shoulder mounts and just vaporize enemies. Almost trivially, in fact.

The problem is, the game is not more fun if you force yourself into something like a melee hybrid build. It’s significantly harder and there’s less room for error when piloting lightweight ACs, so it’s no surprise that most people find the most comfortable build to be one where you have high health and damage mitigation, insane burst DPS, and stunlock potential.

In short, there’s not a good balance between the different playstyles and difficulty. Some bosses are actually really fun to fight, but two or three of them have made my shit list already just due to the nonsense you are forced to put up with. Juggernaut, Balteus, and Sea Spider are the three biggest offenders right now.


I had very little trouble with Juggernaut once I started fighting him from the air. He has a very low max firing angle and you can get a nice, clear shot on his butthole from directly above him.


My gripe with him isn’t so much his fight mechanic, it’s his absolutely massive hitbox that activates whenever it moves a centimeter.

Fighting him from the air is the most efficient, I’ve discovered, but I spent a good few attempts trying to get in close with the plasma blade and would see three quarters of my HP bar disappear because my recovery animation overlapped with the startup of his charge attack that shouldn’t have been able to hit me because I was to his side or rear.

The Cataphract has been my favorite fight so far. Really challenging, but really rewarding.


I guess we are playing different games if this has been your experience.


I haven’t played AC6 yet but the fact that you’re bothered by unreactable damage makes me think you’re playing this like Souls. But it’s not Souls, it’s a shooter. Be preemptive? Make your own movement pattern hard to follow.

A very glorified DPS race is more or less what a duel is in a shooter.

Jocarnail, do gaming w My first playthrough sitting at 32 hours...

I’m loving the experience, but fuck me some bosses are a pain in the ass. I’m stuck on the sea spider, does anyone have suggestions?

MentalEdge, avatar

Don’t overuse dodges, a lot of attacks will miss if you’re just boost-moving around the boss, so save the dodges for stuff that you actually need it for, so you always have EN to spare.

Don’t be afraid to burn your EN on flight when warranted, the spinny thing that the Spider does in its final phase is really easy to avoid if you just fly over it.

Don’t stop doing damage, consider having something that you can use to at least poke at the enemy just enough to keep the stun bar from decaying, so you can build it up to get a stagger. Or switch to weapons that have a high impact stat to build stagger faster.

Don’t sleep on melee weapons. They do MASSIVE damage if you can land the hit.

Vyllenor, (edited )

Pile driver, 2 songbirds and some other high impact you can carry

Open with charged pile driver, immediately unload all your cannons into it, slap another charged pile driver while it’s stunned

After that only go for pile driver when it’s stunned

I played with reverse joint, but i reckon quad would be the best, as you can just stay above it, outside its melee range.

If it pounces at you while you’re on the ground close to it, dive under it

Glifted, do gaming w My first playthrough sitting at 32 hours...

New to AC myself. Having a lot of fun with it. I don’t get why people are upset about it. Like it isn’t the greatest game I’ve ever played but I’m definitely enjoying it

Rolder, do gaming w My first playthrough sitting at 32 hours...

Watched some gameplay on youtube and the like, don’t see the appeal personally

MentalEdge, avatar


youngalfred, do gaming w My first playthrough sitting at 32 hours...

Wow sounded interesting so I checked in steam - the new one needs minimum 12GB ram???!

MentalEdge, avatar

That’s not unusual. Or do you mean vram? Still not surprising with the detail level in the game.


Definitely doesn’t need 12gb of vram so they mean ram which 16gb should be the minimum for anyone’s system nowadays.

fiah, avatar

sir this is 2023


I somehow read this as 128GB and was ready to share your shock.


16GB is the new 8GB of 2014. Even so, we’re starting to see top triple A games use upwards of 20GB.


Dude you’re seriously still stuck with 8GB?

If you’re still on DDR3, I have a spare 8GB 1600MHz stick in my old PC. I’ll sell it to you for a good price.

JoeBigelow, avatar

It’s not worth the shipping!


It’s a stick of RAM. Wrap it in bubble wrap, shove it in an envelope, stick a couple of stamps on it, and send it on its way.

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