finn1sher, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC avatar

@etuomaala For the record, if you posted multiple images, they're not visible to me on Mastodon. When I've done the opposite, posting to Lemmy with a Mastodon account, multiple photos aren't visible to the lemmy users either.


Oh, neat, Mastodon! I didn’t know for sure whether this was reaching Mastodon. I only posted the one image. I didn’t know I could post multiple images. Now, I know not to try, for compatibility reasons.

merde, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC

filled with a mix of water, Platinum carbon black, and inkjet printer ink

why do you choose 👆 solution over a commercial ink?


I like changing colours a lot.


i need more information :) you can change colours with inks too

etuomaala, (edited )

Yeah, I was looking for a good CMYK fountain pen ink set. Nobody seems to make such a set. I could get a lot of half-solutions that would kind of work, but nothing beats the colour space coverage of a complement of CMY inks that were specifically designed to cover the whole colour space. They’re also about 10 times cheaper than fountain pen ink.

(And I got my printer ink for free on top of that from a print shop that just discontinued sales of their manual printer ink refills. The shop was Prink in Oulu, Finland. They probably still have these free refills.)

About six drops of ink and water the rest of the way gives you an entire cartridge of ink. This stuff is super concentrated.

I would use printer ink for the K too, but that’s too much of a crapshoot. Too often, the K is pigment-based, and that is likely to ruin a fountain pen. And it’s easy enough to find a good neutral black fountain pen ink. That is what the Platinum carbon black is for. It’s actually even more concentrated. Just one drop of it divided between two refills makes about a 50:50 grey that I can further modify with the printer ink. For less grey I have to go all the way down to one drop every four refills.


are you using distilled water or tap?


Oh fuck, should I use distilled water? lol hm… Well, I’ve used tap water and so far, so good… You think I need to use distilled water, @merde ?

Lord_ToRA, avatar

There’s minerals and other things in tap water. These things will cause issues and damage.

Though, the Lamy Safari is a cheap enough pen to not worry about buying a new one after causing damage.

However, there are other considerations for not using printer ink. Printer ink is designed to be used on specific paper, while fountain pen ink is designed to be more versatile.

The colors for fountain pen ink are also more than the base color. There’s the shading which can be a different color from the base The sheen, which can make the ink shine a different color in different lighting. It’s designed to flow properly through the feed with an appropriate level of viscosity. There are a lot of factors and testing that goes into fountain pen ink. You can read more about it here:…/968


Hm. Thanks for the link. This could help me with my ink mixes. Oh, one thing that annoys me: I wish I had pure CMY dyes without surfactant in them, so that I could change the surfactant level and not make the ink so god damned bloody. But I have no fucking clue where I could find CMY dyes without the surfactant.


not a “should”, but it would help the nib, i assume, considering the state of the kettles and washing machines &c

it depends on where you live and the quality of the tap water 🤷

Lord_ToRA, avatar

This is just pure chaos. Why would you use printer ink in a fountain pen? I cannot fathom any valid reason besides just wanting to do something batshit insane.


But 🌈colors🎨

Lord_ToRA, avatar
HerbalGamer, avatar
etuomaala, (edited )

Printer ink is useful because each of the C, M, and Y inks is a perfect filter of exactly one colour. C filters red, M filters green, and Y filters blue. Commercial fountain pen inks almost never have this kind of absorptive specificity. They’re usually a mix of two or more dyes—a mix that you don’t control. Once a dye is in the mix, you can’t just take it out. The best you could do is dim all of the other colours, but then you lose saturation.

Here’s a specific example. Suppose you have a commercial ink of 5C:1M and you want pure C. You’re stuck with that 1M. The best you can do is add 1Y to make 5C:1M:1Y = 4C:1K. You’ve got a balanced C, but that extra 1K is going to make everything look a little grey. Ew. And that is assuming you can even get pure Y in the first place. No ink manufacturer in their right mind would try to sell a pure Y on purpose. It is very difficult to read. (Except under a pure blue light. It’s super awesome actually. This has been an underhanded privacy-invading tactic of the government for some time now. Yellow microdots are printed on all commercial inkjet printouts.)

These inks have also been designed to be mutually equally absorptive of their respective light wavelengths, so an equal ratio of 1C:1Y makes a perfectly balanced green. These inks has also been designed to stay in solution even when mixed. There are no chemical reactions that could cause precipitate to form, thus totally fucking the pen. Achieving this with commercial fountain pen inks would be difficult, and potentially dangerous.


That’s actually not the reason why I started using printer ink. I was in Oulu, I had just run out of fountain pen ink, and all I could find was a print shop. Here is the whole story of my Oulu trip.I did a little research online before actually doing it. Other people have done it before. You just have to make sure to use dye-based ink and not pigment-based ink. I was able to confirm from Timi that it was dye-based. And prepare for the possibility of having accidentally turned your pen into an ink firehose because printer ink bleeds like three motherfuckers. It needs at least three parts water to calm it down.

EDIT: whoops, wrong blog post.

Lord_ToRA, avatar

I get the theory of wanting to use CMY inks. I just think it’s weird and a lot of extra work for such a narrow goal. There’s not really any wrong way to use your pens however you want, provided you’re aware of the risks and know that you may be spending more time than it’s really worth.

vext01, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC avatar

Computer scientist here. I also write with a fountain pen.

Tier1BuildABear, avatar

Me too, is this a thing?

vext01, avatar

Maybe, maybe not. Of the people I work with, only a handful even have a notebook. One other uses a Kaweco Sport FP. So for my sample, it’s a mixed bag.

Dhar, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC

That pen isn’t inked, you can see right through the ink window


Yeah, I know. Like I told the other guy, it’s a stock image. An image of the real pen wouldn’t add anything except ink in the window, and I can’t take a better picture than whoever did the stock image. The ink in the window looks entirely unremarkable.

/me looks at ink in the window for five minutes with a bright light backlighting the window.

Yeah, the ink in there is entirely unremarkable. It’s just grey air bubbles and black water. IDK, you want a picture of the ink window anyway?

curiousaur, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC

I’ve used the same Lamy Vista, the clear acrylic version of this pen so you can see the ink color, for maybe 18 years. Absolute workhorse.


OHHHH, I want that pen. I noticed it the week after I got my Safari, and was like, “NOOOOOOOOOOO!


Especially with the converter with the red twist cap, it looks awesome.

thantik, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC

Nice, I’ve got the OG PinePhone. It had some circuit board issues, but I loved helping at the ground floor. Is the PPPro good enough to daily drive yet?

I also keep a USB, but with my Keepass database so that it’s an offline carry. I keep 2 copies additional to that, 1 in my fire safe, and 1 in my mothers fire safe.


If you don’t mind living without a camera, yes. I think I might be able to get the camera working, but it hasn’t been a priority, because I never used my phone’s camera that much even before I switched to the PPPro.


Nice - I never really use my camera anyways, so that’s great to hear.


Now, though, people want a picture of the rock, and I’m like …shit.

fujiwood, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC

I only see a pen and part of a spiral notebook.


That’s a stock image. Better than I could have taken, and the pen is identical.

Alkaseltzer028, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC

Okay, can you show us a writing sample? And what kind of ratio do you use when making that ink-mix?


30 water : 1 platinum carbon black : 5 yellow : 5 magenta is the mix for octarine.

But seriously, 30 water : 1 platinum carbon black : 10 printer ink is a good starting point for mixing. That is about how sensitive the mix is to each type of ink. Pure printer ink won’t ruin the pen, but it bleeds like a motherfucker. If you don’t care about the next five pieces of paper, though, you can do some pretty cool stuff with it.

Vaginal_blood_fart, do edc w A slightly eccentric physicist's EDC

You carry all this shit on rounds? I carry a pen.

transientpunk, avatar

Why would a physicist go on rounds?


Because I’m a moron and misread this. Hahah


To square things up.

obywatelle, do ciekawe w Media społecznościowe jako źródło wiadomości avatar

Chętnie poznałabym pytanie wyjściowe. Na grafice jest napisane, że przedstawia ona procent użytkowników, którzy wskazują czytanie wiadomości jako główny powód siedzenia na social media. To trochę zmienia optykę. Jeśli pytanie było w stylu “po co ci social media?” i były różne opcje do wyboru, to być może że ta opcja po prostu dominuje w Polsce. Dajmy na to w Korei Południowej użytkownicy wolą używać SM do rozmów, albo na przykład do konsumowania treści rozrywkowych, a w Polsce czy w Grecji traktują je jako źródło informacji. Trzeba też wziąć pod uwagę to, jakiego rodzaju informacji ci ludzie szukają, czy są to wiadomości o wydarzeniach w kraju i na świecie, czy może jako “wiadomości” ci ludzie traktują informacje o tym, gdzie dorwać fajny mebel za darmo na lokalnej “śmieciarce”. Trzeba by to porównać z udziałem innych opcji i pogłębić, spytać np. jakiego rodzaju wiadomości ludzie poszukują na SM. Bez tego to takie mocno czątkowe, wyrwane z kontekstu wyniki.

dj1936, do ciekawe w Media społecznościowe jako źródło wiadomości
!deleted2556 avatar

Można zaryzykować smutny wniosek, ze w takiej sytuacji „obrażając się” i odpuszczając media społecznościowe głównego nurtu, robimy błąd i oddajemy pole rożnej maści szurom, libkom, partyjniakom, prawakom itd.

kernelle, do edc w today’s hobby pieces

Number 3 feels set, 4 as well, little click on 5 aand there we go

hyorvenn, do gaming w Basket Random Game avatar

What is this AI generated crap

fleg, do parlamentarna w Czy afera wizowa będzie miała wpływ na notowania PiS, czy nie? [United Surveys]

Mam wrażenie, że wielu wyborców konfy z definicji musi mieć bardzo dużą wprawę w unikaniu słyszenia o rzeczach 😉

!deleted269 avatar

Były badania na “republikanach” w USA; to nie jest tak, że oni nie wiedzą, albo wierzą, że jest tak jak mówią partyjni liderzy. Oni świadomie akceptują i powielają ich kłamstwa, idąc za realnym, nie deklarowanym wprost przekazem partii.

misk, do parlamentarna w Czy afera wizowa będzie miała wpływ na notowania PiS, czy nie? [United Surveys] avatar

Zaskoczył mnie wynik opcji “nie słyszałem o tej sprawie” wśród wyborców PiS, bo reżim chciał temat zakopać. A potem zdębiałem widząc wynik u konfederosji.

nudnyekscentryk, avatar

Bo PiS próbuje spinować sprawę, zamiast zamieść pod dywan. Nie oceniam czy skutecznie

misk, avatar

Teraz tak, ale pierwsze 2 dni było zakrzykiwaniem każdej wzmianki o tym. Sondaże mają z reguły kilka dni poślizgu więc spodziewałbym się chociaż mniejszej świadomości niż wyborcy partii opozycyjnych. Z drugiej strony mówi to o tym jak dobre jest PiS w pompowanie przekazu swojemu betonowi.

miklo, avatar

Nie mogą zamieść pod dywan sprawy na której oparli (pierwotnie) cały pomysł z referendum. Może jakby to wypłynęło przez ogłoszeniem referendum to ktoś z mafii(PiS) poszdłby po rozum do głowy że to ich może zatopić. Ale jak już machina ruszyła to mogą tylko robić różne akrobacje, szukać kozła ofiarnego itp ale nie mogą tak po prostu wyciszyć tematu migracji w swoich mediach


Wyborcy konfederacji to w dużej mierze bardzo młodzi mężczyźni, których przekonuje, że mentzen taki fajny bo pije piwo i chce żeby więcej zarabiali, nic innego o polityce nie wiedzą, nie szukają informacji i ich nie czytają, nawet gdy im wchodzą w oczy. Wyborcy PIS wiedzę czerpią z TVP, a tam o tej aferze nie ma nic/nic rzetelnego. Przerażające, że PISu nie jest w stanie pogrążyć nawet afera wprost obnażająca, jak jest zakłamany nawet w kwestii “obrony przed migrantami”, którą prezentuje jako jeden z kluczowych punktów programu… I do tego ten Błaszczak, chujki się nie cofną przed niczym byle tylko wygrać.

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