
pixel, (edited ) do gaming w Videogame fantasy settings are staler than mouldy bread right now
@pixel@beehaw.org avatar

I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2 a ton over the past two years and honestly I’m really glad I’ve spent so much time in the setting, it’s so not traditional fantasy and it’s richer for it. I wish that more fantasy played with the expectations of the genre. Tolkien-esque fantasy is a great jumping off point but I wish authors/creators did more with it than just start and stop there

@MoogleMaestro@kbin.social avatar

Really wish this game had controller support. I want to try it on the steam deck but only community bindings are available!

@pixel@beehaw.org avatar

Yeah I agree, especially bc it’s on steam now and the steam deck puts a premium on games with controller support. But even on PC sometimes I feel like I’m short on buttons, but there’s probably some way to play comfortably on a controller and anet really aught to invest in it

@Maven@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

I got a Logitech MMO mouse, and it’s great, I can play onehanded for most things!


With action cam it’s definitely playable with a controller but I doubt they’ll put in controller support because like… there’s a billion different bindings and everyone rebinds everything in their own so there’s not much point? Browse community bindings and find one that works for you/your character(s).

@Maven@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

Yesss I’ve been playing since Guild Wars 1, I was there when the last day dawned on the kingdom of Ascalon, and I looove how they’ve evolved the setting over the decades! I’ve run D&D games set in it, and it’s a great great time

squirrel, do gaming w Videogame fantasy settings are staler than mouldy bread right now
@squirrel@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Tolkienesque fantasy has become the carbon copy of a carbon copy of a carbon copy ages ago…
And it becomes even more apparent when people consider that Tolkienesque fantasy tropes aren’t even about “medieval Europe”, they are about a particular English pseudo-medieval world. Fantasy doesn’t do much exploring even beyond the English-speaking world.

Southern Europe (Italy, France, Spain,…) aren’t even featured much. The landscape may allude to it, but then the same Northern European castles sit on the top of hills, occupied by the same kind of lords that you’d find in other parts of the game map.
And other parts of the medieval world do not fare much better: Everything around the Mediterranean is reduced to stereotypes or entirely replaced by some fantasy race. Every place outside of Europe/the Mediterranean fares even worse.
It has no depth, no knowledge of particular local traditions, it is not rooted in any stories, only recalls the same tired tropes that Tolkien established.

Even inside Europe and around the Mediterranean, the medieval world was very diverse. Every region had its own traditions, stories, clothing, customs and its own mythologies with their own particular kinds of monsters and creatures.
But you’d not know through most fantasy stories which - no matter the landscape they take place in - it always boils down to a band of adventurers walking into an inn, drinking a beer and paying it with gold coins, before they go off to kill some orcs in the name of some duke. Very little thought is spend on considering if it even makes sense that a place that is akin to - let’s say - Southern France had any of these things.

When Tolkien wrote LOTR, he based most of it on ancient Germanic stories like “Beowulf”, that there are uncountable other folktales and stories from all over the ancient world which could be chosen as the basis of a fantasy setting instead.

@fraenki@feddit.de avatar

It’s so weird that elves are now the good guys. They were actually dream spirits that give you nightmares (engl. nightmare ≫ german Alptraum = elf dream). And no, they weren’t described having otherworldly beauty.

It’s also believed that nordic elves and dwarfs are the same beings in the Edda. The nordic word for elf is álfr which often is part of dwarf names.

fuzzywolf23, do gaming w Videogame fantasy settings are staler than mouldy bread right now

So, the author mentioned a couple of delightfully strange recent games. The thesis of the article is way too broad and unsupportable. If you’re sick of mainstream settings, then stop playing AAA games.

frog, do gaming w Videogame fantasy settings are staler than mouldy bread right now

I can understand why fantasy settings are pretty stale, not just in games but in a variety of other media as well. Fantasy can be complex, and using old, familiar tropes (elves are haughty and love nature, dwarves are stubborn and love gold, humans are the world’s jack-of-all-trades) lowers the barrier to entry, which is really important when you want something to be easily marketable to as large an audience as possible. People know what to expect from familiar fantasy tropes, which means they can focus on plot and gameplay rather than going “so what’s that character supposed to be?”

But it’s boring. I love it when a fantasy setting isn’t afraid to trust the intelligence and curiosity of its audience and do something weird.


Anime if anything seems to be doing worse at this. Nearly every fantasy or fantasy adjacent anime goes for a knock-off D&D MMO style and it feels so tired. They don't want their audience to need to make the smallest effort to understand the world and the role of the characters in it.


That’s so disappointing. I haven’t really kept up with anime in recent years, but what I loved about the anime I watched when I was much, much younger was how different it was compared to the western media I was familiar with.


I think the difference is that a lot more English speakers watch anime as it’s airing in Japan now. Anime used to have to be at least somewhat interesting for someone in the west to even be aware of it, but now we get to see all the shit they’re putting out that never would have made it over here before.


At least some of take a super unique approach… like being reincarnated as a vending machine.

@aebrer@kbin.social avatar

You got a title for that one? Sounds like something I'd enjoy


Jidou Hanbaiki ni Umarekawatta Ore wa Meikyuu wo Samayou

It’s actually alright. Not something I’d rewatch though.


I count that as more gimmicky than creative. Like they are taking the same structure and just doing a bit of madlibs.


Yeah, that was kind of my point lol.

“That one time I was reborn as ____ and now I ____!”

*cue big ol’ anime titties


Dr. Stone, Attack on Titan, Demon Slayer, Jujutsu Kaisen – you don’t have to look very hard to find anime that doesn’t look anything like western fantasy


The person you were replying to was explicitly talking about current (‘new’) anime, not industry darlings like AoT.


Dude, the last episodes of AoT haven’t even aired yet, how current do you want?


I was explaining what they meant, I don’t personally care. Their complaint, as I understood it, was an absence of new and original work.

Admetus, do gaming w Videogame fantasy settings are staler than mouldy bread right now

Partly why Shadow of the Colossus was eerily beautiful, it didn’t depend on any kind of pre-existing mythology


Exactly my thinking for Horizon. These studios are pumping so much money into mechanics and graphics, I wish they would put similar resources into story and lore.


I was very pleased with the world-building and lore in Horizon: ZD! The cultures and different factions felt genuinely unique and novel.


I wanted to bring up Horizon but I thought people would quibble over post apocalyptic vs fantasy. But really, if you’re going to quibble about that then you’re already blind to how beholden you are to fantasy tropes and are rejecting things that are genuinely new and different because they are different “wrong.”


Fantasy world that turns out to be post-Apocalypse Earth is a pretty old trope.

Jaysyn, do gaming w Videogame fantasy settings are staler than mouldy bread right now
@Jaysyn@kbin.social avatar

You've not played Caves of Qud, I see.


Only stuck to a specific subset of AAA games I’m fairly sure

1stTime4MeInMCU, do gaming w Videogame fantasy settings are staler than mouldy bread right now

This is true of just about every story telling trope in every genre of every form of media right now. The gems that stand out genuinely change the formula, because otherwise, we’ve seen it all before.


You should have seen that long post someone did on “why I hate your favourite story-telling game”, on Beehaw last month.

I’ll edit it in once I find it.

Found it! Beehaw link Original link


That is an interesting read. Everyone in the comments are ripping the author as pretentious oof lol. As I said in my OP, I think this problem goes much deeper than shallow video games. Movies and TVs are struggling to find novelty in the endless deluge of content we’re currently experiencing. (Books and webserials seem to be doing more ok but I’m also a lot pickier about what I’ll consume there so its selection bias) We’re in an infinite monkey typewriter situation and at this point it seems mostly random when something is just different enough to be good television. A tale as old as time, the situation remains: the best stories are character driven.

storksforlegs, (edited )
@storksforlegs@beehaw.org avatar

I think the reason they are struggling is because all the decisions on what should be greenlit are being made by VC investor types, business people who arent in it for the love of film or storytelling etc. No chances are taken, only huge guarantees of big returns are considered (which means replicating what has made money in the past.)

This kind of thinking neglects what actually makes a movie good, and how movies were made in the past.


100%, Id say the problem is multi faceted but for sure a big (maybe even majority) part of it is big money trying to guarantee a hit rather than produce quality content


95% of everything has always been crap. We live in a golden age where we have enough non crap at our disposal that we never have to watch anything awful if we don’t want. You will, however, have to look for it – it’s scattered among a dozen services and you’ll need to engage with reviews and social media to find what you’re looking for, most likely.

There’s also a filter of time thing going on, where we forget the shitty media of the past. 1992 gave us Reservoir Dogs, A Few Good Men and My Cousin Vinny. It also gave us Pet Seminary 2, BeBe’s Kids and Love Potion Number 9. So was it a good year or a bad year?


This isn’t a well formulated idea but something that’s been kicking around in my head for a while. There have always been bad movies and TV but I think what is somewhat new is that the blockbuster films are so big budget that it’s always “a good movie” in that its well made but the substance is always lacking. It’s kind of a bizarre and unsettling feeling watching a well produced 200 million dollar movie that kinda… sucks? Is boring? Because movie magic has become so commodified its hard for a movie to ride on flash and sparkle alone.


Ah, I’ve seen this problem in storytelling broken down to this:

You don’t want your story to be a bunch of “and then and then and then.” You want your story to be “because this happened, this other thing happened, then because of that, this other thing happened.” Etc etc.

Still a good read.

spark947, do gaming w Larian CEO's advice about origin characters has thrown my Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough plans into disarray

Yo, who plays a DnD game and doesn’t make their own character? C’mon now.


There are quite a few reasons. New to DnD or RPGs, want to just get into the game, want to experience the cool backstory for each origin character are a few I can think of off the top of my head.


Counterpoint: All the origin characters have bespoke side stories and dialogue, and one of them is a chaotic neutral rogue who is also a bisexual vampire twink.

(Given Sven’s advice here I’m probably just going to go with a drow or tiefling warlock, but Astarion is absolutely on the table for the second playthrough.)


Look, you do you, but it’s DnD.

PenguinTD, do gaming w Larian CEO's advice about origin characters has thrown my Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough plans into disarray

Just spend hours making my first character today and honestly at the end just go with some instinct choice.(not familiar with the 5e rules, haven’t played turned based RPG for a long time. I picked a High Elf/Dragonblood(Blue) Sorcerer focused on lightning spells. The last bit where you can allocate stat points I am at lost so I just go with recommended values. (ie. to go from 14->15 requires 2 points, that really throw me off and your main stat is at 16 “maxed”?? I thought 18 is the highest. Don’t have time to waste on creating a EA character. )

I want to quickly go around, get familiar with the system so when the game released in a week to start over.


5e offers three ways to generate ability scores: dice rolls, the standard array, and point buy. Sounds like you’re using the point buy variant in this game.


It also gives bonuses to certain ability scores based on the race you choose (or maybe some other criteria in whatever changes they’ve made for One D&D) so 16 isn’t really the max even at level 1.


That’s the only way when I did the character creation. But I am glad that we don’t have to do the dice roll one(which is a cheat engine magnet), so I guess it means in order to gain from 16->17 I would need to subtract more points from other stats just to level up 1 point.(cause that + button didn’t light up when I reduced 2 or 3 points from Wisdom) but it seems that’s very costly trade. A point to point seems more fair and let you create some crazy biased char out of gate.


I haven’t touched the game since basically early access started since I decided to spare myself until full release, but that sounds like it’s just being faithful to DnD character creation which IMO is a bit of a mess because of legacy systems that are hard to give up. I think just getting rid of ability scores entirely and using only the modifiers would be a lot clearer. Larian isn’t really to blame for that if they wanted to use 5E for their game. I suppose it’s possible they could be more clear about the way character generation works in 5E.


yeah, putting some description on the side or in a “?” button would be nice.

RickRussell_CA, do gaming w Larian CEO's advice about origin characters has thrown my Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough plans into disarray

That they are trying to create a robust custom character experience AND a robust pregenerated character experience is pretty damn ambitious. They must be pretty happy about the results if they’re talking it up this close to the release date.

@Dr_Cog@mander.xyz avatar

The pregenerated characters are just companions that you would have encountered, but won’t if you play as them. Not that ambitious IMO

Thebazilly, do gaming w Larian CEO's advice about origin characters has thrown my Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough plans into disarray

I’m so excited for BG3! I’m already over-planning my first character’s backstory.

Ilikepornaddict, do gaming w Larian CEO's advice about origin characters has thrown my Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough plans into disarray

Seems like a decent system to me. Have a recommendation, but leave players the choice.

givesomefucks, do pcgaming w Cyberpunk and Witcher developer announces it's cutting 'roughly 9%' of its staff over the next 7 months

This makes sense tho, the big cyperpunk expansion is out in 2 months. So once that happens they won’t need as much staff.

As their next release approaches, they’ll probably staff up again.

Saturdaycat, do gaming w Larian CEO's advice about origin characters has thrown my Baldur's Gate 3 playthrough plans into disarray
@Saturdaycat@kbin.social avatar

So the story and choices are different with origin characters?


At least to some degree, yeah. Each origin character has more to their background, different choices, etc that you can’t get through a play through where they are your companion


I don’t know how it is in this game, but in their previous game, each of the origin characters brought unique goals and quests into play, on top of the usual backstories.


Yeah in divinity the origin characters were great, and their storylines fun. I kinda hoped BG3 would have the same because I really wanted to play an origin character with some cool sub-plot that we uncover while playing the main story.

sodiumbromley, do gaming w Anglers rejoice: Sega is giving out free Steam keys for Sega Bass Fishing, the Sega Dreamcast bass fishing classic
@sodiumbromley@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’d given away my email address for less. fuk ya some bass tho hell yah

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