TheTrueLinuxDev, do gaming w Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games

I knew putting Ubisoft on the blacklist was a good idea a decade ago. Everyone should blacklist them as well, just let them die as a company.


@TheTrueLinuxDev They briefly gained my support with the community outreach they used to do with Rocksmith 2014...
Then they launched the shitty subscription service Rocksmith+ and fired most of their community team and I remembered that yeah this is still fucking Ubisoft I was dealing with


Nacktmull, do games w China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent. avatar

Well done, I hope other countries will follow.

notannpc, do games w China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent.

Limiting micro transactions and banning predatory reward schemes in video games is genuinely a good thing. We need this to spread around the world.

JohnDClay, do games w China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent.

There’s so much addiction and gambling engineered into micro transactions, it’s crazy. I’m glad China is regulating it.

RightHandOfIkaros, do games w Marvel Rivals Apologizes Following Alpha Banning Controversy

I am surprised it was NetEase, as these kinds of policies are basically always from Japanese companies. Japan’s defamation laws are literal garbage that basically just protect big companies and abusers, so seeing a similar kind of clause from a non-Japanese company is quite strange. I mean, imagine a country whose defamation laws don’t care if something being said is true or not, if it damages the reputation of something even if it is true, then Japan’s law considers it defamation. Garbage.

I play some NetEase games (most notably Super Mecha Champions, its on Steam) and I have honestly been surprised that they are so welcoming of feedback. Most of their games literally have an option in the menus of the games to send feedback to the developers, positive or negative. They are fast to act on reports I have sent, and generally have been vastly less hatable than Tencent. So seeing that this happened was a shock to me. Glad they’re correcting the problem though.

EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, do gaming w Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games

This is why I buy all my games on either GOG or Itch.

Yes, they definitely have their problems, but at least I can download an offline installer for pretty much any game I buy. Sure, GOG or Itch could still take them down in the future, but they can’t take away the offline installers I have backed up on separate external HDDs.


I’m not as familiar with Itch but it works the same as GOG in that you can download the installer and keep it, no special activations or DRM required. Right? Because I definitely love that aspect of GOG. I just wish it had a larger library.


I just wish GOG would utilize Proton to make way for broad Linux support. It would be a slam dunk for them in terms of their userbase.


I just wish GOG would utilize Proton in a way to incorporate Linux support. It would be a slam dunk for them in terms of their userbase.


Just use the fantastic Heroic Games Launcher.


Yep, heroic is fantastic


Bottles is pretty good. It’s available on flathub.


I believe it does. I don’t really buy many games on Itch to be honest but from what I understand and from the handful of games I have obtained from there (mostly just free games), that is indeed how it works.

And agreed. Definitely wish GOG had a larger library.

vegivamp, do gaming w Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games avatar

The thing is, just like software subscriptions, you aren’t buying a piece of software, you’re buying the right to use it. You can be pretty sure that they have legalese in the eula that says that your right to use the software expires with non-use. I wouldn’t be surprised if they can even let it expire by simple deciding to no longer support it.

And what do you think will happen if their license servers ever go offline?

For the longest time I never bought anything digital, but I eventually caved to steam. I still blatantly refuse to join other digital platforms, except gog where I can download the software and it works without any remote server.

Same for music: I refuse to use Spotify. I buy from 7digital and the like, where I can download either mp3 or FLAC.


I’ve like GOG since whether they disappear they provide installers for users, so it’s the best of both worlds of easy launcher management and installer for those that want to archive and self host everything they buy.


Love that about GoG. It’s been my preferred store for years.

ampersandrew, avatar

If only they had a Linux version of Galaxy for cloud saves and auto updates, it would be my preferred store.

RandomStickman, avatar

It's the only thing stopping me from using GOG more. I've fiddled with Lutris but it's still pretty finicky. Proton making things run out of the box most of the time make it very hard to switch off of Steam.


I’ve used Lutris and Heroic. They’re pretty good.

I’m thinking GoG should just support one of those projects to add functionality.

shadowbert, avatar

That only kinda works. No multiplayer, no achievements, no cloud saves...

Some people will immediatly want to respond with "I don't want that anyway". Before doing so, please consider whether you're missing the point entirely.


That’s what I mean about supporting those projects. They could add functionality to Lutris or Heroic rather than build Galaxy for Linux.


I just use ownCloud for my own saves. I created a game saves file system to sync and some games that save out to different subdirectories, I just use symlinks

QuestioningEspecialy, avatar

Just reminded me of the concern people brought up when GOG Galaxy was starting out: Once most people are using the launcher, we're a few steps away from losing the installers. 😐🤷🏿‍♂️

ampersandrew, avatar

The launcher is great for automated features that make our lives easier. But if the launcher is all we have and the installers are gone, the reason to use GOG at all over its competitors evaporates.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they can even let it expire by simple deciding to no longer support it.

That's one thing, and that's an acceptable risk everyone takes when buying from an online storefront, IMO. Eventually, they're going to stop supporting that, and we all kind of accept and agree to that. But this is them cutting off your access because you haven't played recently. They're not dropping support for the games in question, so this feels a bit unwarranted. What does it actually cost them to store your game license and save file? Is that cost really offset by the price of the games, themselves?

And what do you think will happen if their license servers ever go offline?

If Google Stadia is to be considered precedent, they refunded every purchased game and DLC when they shut down their service earlier this year. I should hope that a similar offering is made from other storefronts should they ever decide to cease operations.

ampersandrew, avatar

Eventually, they're going to stop supporting that, and we all kind of accept and agree to that.

The hell we do. I've stopped buying games that disappear when some server somewhere goes offline.


You accept it by participating. You don't participate, therefore the comment wasn't referring to you.

ampersandrew, avatar

I was simultaneously saying that we don't "all" participate, as well as encouraging others to do the one thing we can to stop the practice.


The comment was referring to people who do participate though. If I make a comment about Australians Americans aren't supposed to comment their disagreement

ampersandrew, avatar

That's retroactively deciding your audience. Once again, I'm highlighting that it's not our only option to endorse the practice, whereas the language of the comment I replied to implied that it is.


No, it's not. The original comment was specifically referring to it being a risk you accept when buying off steam etc. You accept that by participating. You can protest outside the system but your comment is entirely wrong.

ampersandrew, avatar

Not every game on Steam has DRM, let alone a server dependency.


Steam is naturally a DRM. Offline mode works for I think a month before you're locked out of your games.

ampersandrew, avatar

Not all. Steam has DRM that developers don't have to use. Once the game is downloaded, it may not even check with Steam again to see if you own the game, even letting you launch the game when Steam is closed or uninstalled. It's not inherent to all Steam games.

ampersandrew, avatar

Not all. Steam has DRM that developers don't have to use. Once the game is downloaded, it may not even check with Steam again to see if you own the game, even letting you launch the game when Steam is closed or uninstalled. It's not inherent to all Steam games.


Apologies, you are correct. In that case you are right.


Even places where you can download music aren’t safe anymore.

I bought an album back in September 2022 on iTunes and downloaded it. Apple Music synced some of my music and fucked up my library, causing me to have to go to a backup from August 2019. I thought, “no problem, I’ll just go download that album from iTunes again.”

Album is no longer available for download. I have a receipt showing I legitimately paid for it.

I’ve found others online saying the same. One person even defending this behavior “well it’s not Apple’s fault the music isn’t on the store anymore”. Maybe not, but I’m going to need a refund from them if that’s the case. We shouldn’t be tolerating this BS.

KoboldCoterie, avatar

Unfortunately, “not tolerating this BS” just means “Not buying from them”, and by the time you see that it’s a problem, it’s too late for that. Even if this was a clear-cut case of them breaking some law, which it isn’t, it’s Apple; they have more money than God, and you’d never successfully sue them before they bankrupted you.

Maajmaaj, avatar

To be fair, everyone has more money than God. He’s broke as fuck, but like on purpose or something? Idk.

KoboldCoterie, avatar

Well maybe if he wasn’t such a deadbeat… Sitting at home all day, sending his son out to do all the work…

shadowbert, avatar

At least with Spotify, you don't specifically buy any songs.
GOG is the only good egg in your list. Shame their Linux support is awful...


You can be pretty sure that they have legalese in the eula that says that your right to use the software expires with non-use.

It’s not even in legalese. I’m on my phone right now and thus have no motivation to look through a couple EULAs but I did read the interesting parts of a handful of software EULAs. A couple straight up state that they can revoke your access for any reason (usually followed by “including x, y, z”). And especially for multiplayer games, I understand why you would prefer your wording as such instead of having to list and define every “bad behaviour” like cheating, cracking the game, being an asshole to the community (including the moderators), etc.

The decision makers at Ubisoft, I imagine, just went ahead and said “How about we take this ‘for any reason’ to the absurd? If just 1% of the deleted accounts is remade and buys their games again, we make a lot of free money.”

Ekis, do gaming w Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games

People need to realize that you do not own the games that you buy from stores such as Ubisoft and Steam. You are renting these games at best. These companies can deny access to your games at any time they see fit. Whether it’s deleting inactive accounts, a change of policy, business going bankrupt or any act of god.

This is why I only buy games from stores such as GOG or where I actually receive a DRM-free copy of the game. It’s mine forever so long as I back it up; which is not hard to do since storage is so cheap nowadays.

DaCrazyJamez, do games w Total War May Want to Take the Dungeons and Dragons Universe for a Spin

I feel like DnD is really geard toward small group combat…i feel like epic battles of armies would feel very out of place in the forgotten realms


Ok, maybe not Faerun, but just spitballing here - Total War: Blood War. Massive armies of devils vs demons, with yugoloth mercenary forces for hire, spread across the battlefields of the lower planes. Could tie in nicely with a re-release of Planescape as well…

Pxtl, avatar

Do WC3-style hero-driven RTS. Somebody needs to bring back Warlords Battlecry but with D&D branding.

Quexotic, do gaming w Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games

So, if you want access to the games you paid for, you need to pirate them?


Yes that, or skip the paying part.


What does seem to make the whole process more efficient doesn’t it? LOL


I mean they save their bandwidth, space for personal data and computing tasks and you safe money.



You are cracking me up, internet friend.


Definitely no reason to buy games if they can get away with pretending that you didn’t.

kaffiene, do games w China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent.

Good. These kinds of transactions are exploitative and prey in the weaknesses of people with addictive personalities

Nephalis, do games w China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent.

Do you all expect localization is tied to laws for china? I realy don’t think so. Most games are split into global and asia/chinese versions anyway. Why should they remove these mechanics when it isn’t necessary for the market they operate in?


The thought process is that for many games, the majority of their revenue comes from these mechanics and from China. The games themselves will need to change to get revenue flowing. And new games won’t be made with this revenue source in general.

This is similar to how eu regulations can lead to global changes sometimes, China is a big enough market to affect things globally.

yamanii, avatar

Yep, I’m not in the EU but thanks to the GDPR I still see the cookies thing on almost every website I go, sometimes these things have a good ripple effect.

NightOwl, do gaming w Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games

Yikes. Why… Going to have to hope EU saves people again from losing digital content they purchased due to inactivity. Or maybe it’s a push towards piracy if honest paying customers get screwed like this.


It's crazy (sad) how much we are all starting to have to rely on the EU to save us from the BS.

Alsephina, do games w China announced new laws to limit microtransactions, affecting major corporations like Tencent.

China being based as always


“As always” is pretty strong, even in this context.


It’s a bit of a hyperbole of course. But China is generally much better at regulating corporations like this.

Cybersteel, avatar

That’s what absolute power gets you. Zero checks and balance from the legislative, executive, and judicial system.

AmosBurton_ThatGuy, avatar

Fuck china, the CCP, and Xinnie the pooh.

Fuck anyone that supports china, including you.


You are allowed to completely disagree with leadership and goverment policies and actions and still agree with reasonable restrictions and laws. Course I haven’t looked into this so it could very well go way too far.

AmosBurton_ThatGuy, avatar

Nope fuck china and their government. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, doesn’t mean you should expect it and support it.

Fuck china and fuck everyone that supports the CCP.

Alsephina, (edited )

Damn this ‘broken clock’ is strangely good at being right. With their CO2 emmissions plateuing last month and even starting to fall while targeting zero emissions by 2060, them spearheading cleaner energy this month with the first 4th gen nuclear reactor, and boosting trans rights with a court ruling just last week.

And of course the current new regulation in this post happening right now.

AmosBurton_ThatGuy, avatar

Ffs only on lemmy can you get shit on for telling ccp supporters to fuck off, china and russia are just barely worse than the states(also fuck america) for most corrupt shithole countries.

Fuck china and and fuck you, you tankie piece of garbage. Go back to weibo or hexbear where you belong you piece of shit.


Lmao I love seeing libs lose their minds when corporations aren’t there to censor everything for them. Cope harder


I don’t care for ol Winnie and his Thousand Acre Ego, and hate many things China has done. In far too many ways they are backwards, explicitly destructive, and often refuse to negotiate.

However, and likely due to the overreach of government there, they certainly can and do make decisions I can at least agree with. If it wasn’t for the general conniving and “fuck you, I prefer one-way streets” way of essentially absolute control, I’d argue they were the good guys. Problem is we know better. The world isn’t that simple.

I just wish it was.

We’d be so much further along as a race if we could work together.


Ah, the redditor China Bad^TM^ mindset. Love it

sculd, do gaming w Ubisoft Can Delete Inactive Accounts, Making Users Lose Access to Their Games

If you are still buying Ubisoft games in 2023 you are part of the problem.

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