
chemical_cutthroat, do games w ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings)
@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

I wish they were a bit more open with the percentages. I have +11 or +12 now, and I don’t know if that means I’ll see any increase, or not.


You should see an increase, but likely small. Since the end point increased and since the curve only increases between upgrades, that means that all points before the end point must also increase. However, most of the benefit is now granted in the first half of the upgrades possible, so at your level the increase per level will be smaller than it was before.

@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking would happen. I’ll find out when I get home from work and have a chance to test it. Luckily I was farming armor and testing amulets last night, so I have a baseline damage number on an enemy already for what I was before.

!deleted6508 avatar

You should still see an increase with every level, it just won’t be as big once you start getting toward the max. Kinda like stats and soft/hard caps.

chemical_cutthroat, (edited )
@chemical_cutthroat@lemmy.world avatar

Yeah. I grabbed all of them now and I’m at the grace before the final boss. Just snagged the last of the armors and weapons I’d missed and killed the furnace golems last night. I think I’m just about 100% on it now. Gonna wipe up the boss tonight and put it aside while I get back to real life for a bit.

Edit: I said “wipe up the boss.” That was a mistake, and I understand that now. I apologize for my hubris.

Broken_Monitor, do games w ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings)

Fuckin laaaaaaaaaaaame. I want a roll back option on this. If your gonna rebalance it for everyone crying just give them the “Im afraid to die mode”


Lol. If you really want a challenge, play without blessings.


Me when the optional system is optional


I likely will run my RL1 guy through it at some point. Man I really hit a nerve with the participation trophies for everyone crowd here, didn’t I?


I mean I see his point in that you don't have to take the blessings. Granted I have not had an issue so far but I have just gotten to the end of the castel that lost its p and teleported out to do some minor dungeons so im basically the type that gathers up all the buffs and such I can before hitting a particular thing. That mausaleem guy is still kicking my ass but I only tried 3 or 4 times but heck I can come back to him when I have completed if I want.


I don’t, they are right, I can create my own challenge. It’s not really what I’m annoyed about either, its the whole design by a committee of vocal internet people which results in the same bland shit over and over. Part of what made these games cool is the things that are unique, and often times the most memorable moments are also the most difficult. Seeing From pivot because a bunch of people whined about it is just disappointing really. There was a time where the tag line for Dark Souls was “Prepare to Die”, but come down the line to Elden Ring and you can really feel how they’ve softened that edge up. The DLC feels like they sharpened the blade for its final outing, and people want it dulled immediately. To me that’s boring. Embrace the challenge and what you will remember and be satisfied by is overcoming it.


Yeah I get it. To be honest hearing about how hard it was I started playing perfectly expecting to stop as it became insurmountable but its surprisingly surmountable if you accept that dieing is just part of it. In some ways it reminds me of shadowbane which was a pvp nightmare and I totally thought I would stop playing but once I just viewed the gankers and such as just hard npc monsters I found enjoyment in it. I have not thought about that came in awhile but playing it was a lot like elden ring. run run run run.


They increased players’ attack and defence a little, probably by 10% or something. They didn’t remove any bosses or even bosses’ attacks, they didn’t replace standard dodge with Bloodhound step or do anything drastic. I don’t understand what you are so mad about


Not to start a war about hardest boss and haven’t beaten DLC yet but Elden Ring has what alot of people would say is the hardest boss in the franchise. Like Elden Ring did open things up to more people with the open world making it easier to go around or bypass walls, but it isn’t easier.

Like there isn’t a single boss in DS1 or 2 that comes anywhere close to fighting Melania. IMO Bloodborne and DS3 have contenders but if you are 100%ing the game Elden Ring is just as hard as any other souls game. Although the horse and teleporting does make some of the zones easier to explore, there are still difficult dungeons.

I think alot of people remember DS1 being much harder because we were also learning the system, how it plays, how to win.


Yeah that’s a potentially endless discussion right there. I actually think Sekiro was the hardest, even if it’s technically not a souls game. Part of what makes Elden Ring so easy is the number of tools and abilities to use, the summoning ashes, OP spells, and nearly always being able to summon two helper players for tough fights. Melania is so much like fighting Isshin, I think he’s way harder than her, and especially because you have to nail the timing with him. There’s no respeccing, using cheesy spells, or summoning help with that guy. Don’t get me wrong, Elden Ring is a great game, but most of the difficulty is easily overcome by just trying out the other stuff you can use.


Don’t use the tools then. On my mage I specifically don’t use Comet or Mimic Tear because I think they are too strong. From software didn’t remove any tools from the game that let’s you make it challenging.

All the other games had OP shit too. DS1 had BKH and Chaos zweihander. So easy to get super strong wepons. DS2 had some crazy dark magic BS. DS3 also had crazy dark magic BS with greater soul dredge. I killed nameless king with like 5 casts in NG+.

They didn’t sacrifice anything in Elden Ring, they made a great series more available to everyone.


There was a time where the tag line for Dark Souls was “Prepare to Die”

That’s a neat fun fact, but I didn’t buy Dark Souls, known for its difficulty, I bought Elden Ring, notable for its beautiful open world and complex meandering story.
Beating Malenia’s ducky dance or chasing the Elden Beast around the arena for half an hour is not as interesting as all the questions created by the multiple stories and characters in the world. Or how Marika has betrayed or been betrayed. How Godfrey was cast aside only to be recalled when The Order needed protecting. Or how Godwyn pollutes the world above his carcass.
No part of the story will be diminished if the player is given a slight edge in combat. The combat often isn’t even that fuckin good, it’s just pattern memorization.
Some of you try hards are just, ugh, go back and sit down on your shit bucket. The rest of us are trying to have fun with our video games.


I’m extrapolating so I might be wrong, but what I get from this is that they boosted the benefits of the first scadu fragments but nerfed the benefits of the later ones, which is just changing the scaling but ultimately results in the same difficulty


If you would like tips I beat him with parries. Basically all his attacks other than his special wind slash and follow up can be parried. I Basically never used parry before and found he was a good enemy to practice until I was consistent.

If he wips out the crossbow stay at range and run to a side when he fires. Don’t need to roll and don’t want to close the distance until he is done.

I have seen other people use big wepons to pancake or stunlock him too.


oh I suck at things like parry. I will get him. That stun lock has me thinking though.


I absolutely suck at it too. Was a good time to practice


there are several areas where my poor shield performance has made things tough.


Just got him night comet and power stancing staff of loss. I was close with it before but I was at level 3 on the buffs but I went back with 7 and got through. So I sorta overleveled to beat him.


I’m extrapolating so I might be wrong, but what I get from this is that they boosted the benefits of the first scadu fragments but nerfed the benefits of the later ones, which is just changing the scaling but ultimately results in the same difficulty

!deleted6508 avatar

Just entering the DLC at level 1 is a fun challenge. But, like… If you can kill Radahn and Mogh at level 1 it probably isn’t actually a challenge. 🤷🏻‍♂️


There’s about 3 mountains and a valley between what they did and baby mode.

I beat 5 of the bosses so far, and I’m wondering when they’re going to start being fun. Because I’m not having fun killing bosses, and every boss feels the same to fight.

The game doesn’t need to be super nerfed, but right now even From is admitting they need tweaking.

Kolanaki, do games w ELDEN RING - Update 1.12.2 (Rebalanced Scadutree Blessings)
!deleted6508 avatar

Maybe I can finally kill the last dude. Fucker always nukes me with his arena filling divine light bullshit like 30 seconds into the second phase because it kills me in one shot. Literally only dude in the game at this point who has been able to.

I used to think this guy was cool, but fuck him.


Yeah the final boss is seriously overturned. I wouldn’t be surprised if the next patch nerfs that second phase, or at least makes it easier to see.

Dlolor, do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12.3

PvP-exclusive balance adjustments

<span style="color:#323232;">- Decreased the damage and damage animation of the shearing vacuum effect of the “Swift Slash” Skill.

General balance adjustments

<span style="color:#323232;">- Increased the Intelligence scaling of the Carian Sorcery Sword and slightly decreased the base damage.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Extended the throwing attacks range for the following weapons:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Smithscript Dagger / Smithscript Cirque
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Changed the placement of the bosses in the re-fight against the Golden Hippopotamus and Commander Gaius bosses to be in the same position as in the first fight.

Bug Fixes

<span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug that caused the Rolling Sparks Skill to deal more damage than expected.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug that caused the Rolling Sparks and Wall of Sparks Skills to deal no damage while some special effects were applied to the player.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug where some special effects of a right-handed weapon would also be applied to the following Weapon Skills when cast with the left hand:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Feeble Lord's Frenzied Flame
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Discus Hurl
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug where successfully guarding while attacking using the Thrusting Shield weapon type would consume less stamina than intended.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug that prevented players from cancelling the attack recovery of two-handed strong attacks by rolling for certain weapons of the Backhand Blades weapon type.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug that caused the Lightning Perfume Bottle and Frenzyflame Perfume Bottle weapons to deal double damage under certain circumstances.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug where the Arcane scaling of the Bloodfiend's Arm weapon was higher than intended when setting an affinity. The status buildup of the heavy attack was also reduced.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug where the Faith scaling of the Gazing Finger weapon was not being applied correctly.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug where the damage animation of some attacks of the Fire Knight's Greatsword against players was different than expected.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug where the attack affinity of some attacks of the Fire Knight's Greatsword were different than expected.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug that caused some affinities for the following weapons to be higher than intended:
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Smithscript Dagger
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Smithscript Cirque
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Smithscript Axe
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Smithscript Greathammer
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Smithscript Spear
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Golem Fist
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    Smithscript Shield
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug that caused enemies to heal when the Maximum HP reduction gradual HP reduction effect  applied by Black Knife Tiche wore off.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug that caused summoned NPCs to behave differently than expected under certain circumstances.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug that where the unblockable bite attack of the Golden Hippopotamus boss would connect with players more easily than intended.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Fixed a bug that caused text to display differently than expected.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- Several other performance improvements and bug fixes.

Possible unstable performance fixes

<span style="color:#323232;">- For the PS5 version of the game, unstable framerate may be improved by using the "Rebuild Database" option from the device’s safe mode.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- In some PC versions, Ray Tracing may be unintentionally enabled and cause unstable performance. Please check the Ray Tracing setting in the "System" > "Graphics Settings" > "Raytracing Quality" from the title screen or in-game menu.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- In the PC Version, the message "Inappropriate activity detected" may appear without cheating. To fix this issue, please verify the integrity of the game's files before restarting the game.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">- In the PC version, unstable framerate may be caused by third party applications that control mouse behavior. Deactivating these third party applications may improve performance.
Mcduckdeluxe, do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12.3

I’d barely heard it mentioned before now, but the magic infused smithscript axe was doing CRAZY damage for me and a friend. Like 1.5 the amount of the Darkmoon great sword at 80 int, I think the number was ~950 ar between phys and magic damage. I’ll have to hop in again and see how bad it is now.

Neato, do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12.3
@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Is the first Rolling Sparks change just removing that bug where you free aim it at the ground to cause it to deal all it’s damage at once?

Also unsure what the second Sparks change is about.

RIP bloodfiend’s. Heard it was really good.


Is the first Rolling Sparks change just removing that bug where you free aim it at the ground to cause it to deal all it’s damage at once?

Yup. They also apparently nerfed how it works, so even aiming in a straight line won’t deal much damage to large enemies.

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Lame. Sounds like they made it useless. Maybe it’ll be ok for weak enemies but so is everything.


Probably wanted to bring it in line with the other perfumes. Rolling Sparks was completely busted lmao


People say that Bloodfiend nerf isn’t significant, like 220 -> 195 bleed buildup or somewhere along those lines. So it’s probably still viable

@Neato@ttrpg.network avatar

Excellent. Was looking forward to trying that.

Kyle_The_G, do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12.3

I hadn’t played elden ring in like a year since I beat it and boy was I upset when I found out they nerfed the 10 second infinite FP kame-kame-ha strategy. Its SO situational like just give me this one thing, is that too much to ask?!

FrankLaskey, do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.12.3

Been having fun and happy to see a gameplay balance patch so soon. That said, the technical side of this game is what really needs work and according to everything I’ve been seeing from Digital Foundry and others there’s some serious low hanging fruit that could improve the frame rate and pacing that is still pretty poor on all systems. Hopefully they bring some attention to that side of things soon. Game is certainly playable in the current state in my opinion but would be much more enjoyable if it actually stuck to something close to 60 FPS in most situations on XSX/PS5.

Renacles, do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13

Finally some buffs to the useless new gear, I doubt it will create a lot of new builds though, the core issues are still there.

MarcomachtKuchen, do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13

I’m still fighting the final boss…


I beat him with the heal the golem method combined with rotting him using aonia (first time that spell was useful for me but its a one strike rot and you can pretty much come up behind him with the golem)


This patch probably makes that fight slightly easier since some of the changes are buffs to that fight’s summons as well as standard ashes and revered ash bonuses.

If you are 1v1ing him then you may not get any relief, haha.


I’m trying to not use summons of the bosses of the dlc. At least for the first playtrought


I did the same, had +20 blessing but otherwise no summons or ashes. Still took four hours of grinding before I got the run. I did use a black steel shield +4 which negates holy damage, though you can still run out of stamina. Tough fight.


I think I’m still at +17 blessing and I thought e explored a lot. As far as I know I missed no area or boss


A bunch of the ones I was missing were pot carriers near the starting area, haha. I got all the hard ones and missed the gimmes.

A couple of the last ones would be extremely challenging to find without a guide, though not impossible.


I killed him with Mimic and Impenetrable Thorns, so I’m glad I did it before it got nerfed

dinckelman, (edited )

Keep trying. Learning the choreography will get you 95% there. Once you figure out how to dance around his flashy attacks, it will all come together


Thanks ill keep at it. So far I’m dancing around phase 1 but some of his moves of phase 2 habe these stupid light explosions in the precise places where I’m used to dodge the combo.

When his pattern goes easy on me I’ll get him to 20-30%, so I’m almost there. Don’t give up skeleton


A lot of these are a distraction. Pay attention to the hitboxes, and you’ll get it done soon


Got those magic hitbox-seeing eyes


If you are still rolling into him in phase 2, the lights will almost never hit you. Parrying will stop the lights as well.

@ProxyZeus@lemmy.world avatar

I turned down my graphics settings so part 2 would be easier to interpret lol


Modern problems require 480p solutions, lol


If you have not found it yet, there is a black knight great shield, not sure if that’s it’s real name, that when infused with holy will give 95÷ physical reduction and 100÷ holy. This really helps you tank his hits in the second phase.


Really good suggestion. So far I’m using the golden lion shield and have marikas hair, so holy reduction is pretty high. So far I’m mostly dying to getting stuck in combos missing a roll cause of those stupid light pillars


I just beat the final dlc boss like 1 hour ago! Somehow I got lucky and the insane move sets were not used. I think cause a couple of my summons kept close to him

Kolanaki, (edited ) do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13
!deleted6508 avatar

Yay. Buff to poise damage on dry leaf arts. Jumping R2’s barely even did shit to most things, and these are strike weapons!

Boo. Increased poise damage on Claws of Night. That shit already stunned everything.


Fixed a bug where the physical attack attribute of the “Scattershot Throw” Skill of the “Claws of Night” weapon was different than expected.

Ah… I take back that boo. Maybe that’s why they buffed its poise damage. The regular damage was fucked lol

They also nerfed the HA on Palm Blast, so I hope they didn’t just ruin my entire build…

Finally, they acknowledged the Inappropriate Activity bug and performance issues; they did not actually fix them though, yet… Maybe next patch.

CookieOfFortune, do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13

Ugh no improvements to the Smithscript Daggers which I’m using primarily.


I tried using them a couple of times but unfortunately Fromsoft has always hated ranged weapons… Bows are garbage and the smithscript weapons feel gimmicky and don’t deal much damage.


The damage is bad but honestly I kind of like the moveset. It attacks fast and has ok range compared to any other free ranged option.

What’s wrong with bows? I kind of got bored with my bow run as it got too easy.


I hate that the Smithscript weapons can’t be buffed.

Especially for the daggers.

Wanted to pew pew little bolts of lightning buffed daggers doing an additional 200+ damage per hit. 😢


I’ve taken to making them jumping based. It’s not great damage, about 700-800 damage per hit but I’ve been enjoying the challenge.

ProxyZeus, do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13
@ProxyZeus@lemmy.world avatar

My mimic tear got his one braincell fixed, let’s goo!

_chris, do games w Elden Ring – Patch Notes Version 1.13

Well well well. One step better than before, still one step worse than not even asking at all. If I’m calling Torrent, I need them even if they’re dead, and if they’re dead, I REALLY need them now.

  • Changed the default selection of the OK / CANCEL prompt that shows up when using the “Spectral Steed Whistle” while the spectral steed is dead. The default selection position is now OK.
eezeebee, do games w Elden Ring - Patch Notes Version 1.14
@eezeebee@lemmy.ca avatar

I was hoping to see something about multiplayer connection. When it works it’s great, but half the time I’ll get “failed to connect”, or the game will just crash when I get summoned / my summoned co-op player is spawned in. Is it just me? Playing on Steam

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