I will probably buy Horizon Forbidden West for my son. Told him to wait until it is discounted. But 40 € is still very much the full price of many other games. And we already bought all the Christmas presents this year. Decisions decisions.
At least I’ve still got a few more days to decide.
I got a steam deck last spring, before that I’ve not done any gaming since I had a PS2 so I’ve got a good twenty years of games to catch up on. It’s a bit frustrating how crap I am at gaming, particularly with shooters. I’m trying some different things to try and figure out what I’m into. I recently finished bioshock, so I just bought bioshock infinite. Also alien isolation, Alan wake, resident evil, and Uncharted legacy of thieves collection. I don’t get a lot of screen time but I’ll find time to try em out and see what grabs me.
Hmm no I haven’t. Thanks, maybe I should give it a try. I guess trackpad aim is just using the pads instead of the joystick? I’ve not used gyros at all, does that require tilting the device? Yeah I seem to be enjoying FPS games but I’m frustrated by how shit I am even on easy mode! I used to be good at unreal tournament way back but seems like games have come a long way since then and I’ve lost the knack.
I guess trackpad aim is just using the pads instead of the joystick?
You can combine as well. I usually use the stick on the left hand and the trackpad on the right one. You can also go back and forth while playing.
does that require tilting the device?
Yep, you can set it to activate only if your finger is resting on the right joystick. Very useful for precise movement, just bring the camera in an approximate direction with the stick and do the rest with the gyro control.
For the more popular games there’s usually a few community profiles you can download and try before messing with Steam Input yourself.
Hmm I’m not sure I like the idea of tilting the device - with the steam deck you’re tilting the screen too. Doesn’t that impact your view of the screen?
But I’m definitely gonna try your trackpad suggestion. Thanks, I’ll see how it goes. Do you use it in hectic situations - like doom etc? Or is it better for sniping and stuff where you have time to aim?
Depends on the sensitivity you configure, usually you only tilt a few degress. I do prefer it on a Dualsense controller though with no display attached to the controller.
Do you use it in hectic situations - like doom etc? Or is it better for sniping and stuff where you have time to aim?
Usually for instances where I have time to aim. I have seen quite a few people who are really good with the trackpad but I’m more of a mouse or gyro control guy.
I‘m considering getting Sizeable and the collection of all the games the Hook guy has made - so basically a buncha puzzle games. I‘m also looking at Psychonauts 2 and the „new“ NFS cause both are five bucks so I‘m like what the hell why not. And Hotline Miami 2, I‘m in the mood for some senseless violence. To top it off, Streets of Rogue and The Messenger. All of it together would come in at exactly 29.99 for me lol
There‘s other games I want more, but they‘re all still more expensive (or close to) than this whole bundle so it‘s not really worth it IMO considering the amount of games I still got anyway.
I already played Haven on GamePass a few years ago, but I wanted to own it because it’s very good (also to support the developers). As for Talos, I played the original twice and absolutely loved it, so I’m eager to play the sequel.
I played Talos principal 2 this year and it honestly blew me away. It goes without saying the puzzles were intriguing but the story, world building, atmosphere and dialogue are the real stars of the experience.
Slime Rancher for $2 is 100% worth it! It’s one of those games where gameplay becomes kind of meandering once you’ve seen the sights and built the things, but it’s a very unique experience.
Yeah I got the steam deck in the early spring this year and am still trying to get through Witcher 3 and fallout 4. I have a handful of games I got for PC back 15 years ago on steam that I still need to work on after that
Ah yes the guy who refuses to talk to Ross, who has no idea how citizen petitions in the EU work and who has a vested interest in this failing. Surely a voice to listen to regarding this petition.
I think the guy is smart, and I used to hold his opinion in very high regard. But after he shat his opinion out and just doubled down and refusing to talk with Ross after calling him and his movement “scummy” I lost alot of respect for him. The dude can make 2 whole videos shitting on Ross and the movement but won’t talk to him about it? fuck off. Every time I watch a video of his he just sounds so pretentious to me now. And for someone that shines his “20 years of gamedev” purple heart badge every 15 mins, he acts willfully ignorant to the years of people self hosting reverse engineered WOW servers acting like its impossible for the community to keep these games preserved.
Weird as hell take. His first example is League of Legends. Yes it is client server based, so give people the server binaries. Despite me not liking the game itself, LoL is huge and it would be shame to lose that history whenever it inevitably dies out.
And he mentioned that if this law would go through, no one would build live service games anymore. Oh no what a shame that would be… And it is absolutely wrong. Because guess what, the OGs of live service games, Valve, would need to do nothing at all if this went in to action. You can play TF2, CS2 (and yes even CSGO) and DotA 2 today by just running your own server. It’s not that hard.
Edit: Somehow I brain-farted live service as live action, woops
Imma break down their points and provide my own counter-arguments:
Client-Server model games can’t be client only because people could cheat
The publisher can provide the executable for the server portion of the client-server game at no cost to them.
The Crew was online only and had been running for 10 years, for it to continue running would cost Ubisoft more money and squeals provide the same experience with continued support
The publisher can provide the executable for the server portion of the client-server game at no cost to them.
Excessive red-tape / Government overreach
I like my government regulating massive corporations who exist in one of the largest industries, the move fast and break things mentality is detrimental to our society.
You bought a licence to the game not the game itself
That’s fucked up and shouldn’t happen. Why you ‘buy’ something, be it a game, movie, software, car, house. You should have the freedom to do whatever you want with it.
The initiative would damage live service games which provide value outside of just the game (online friendships).
Live service games can still do this under the initiative. Publishers might make less live service games but that’s their problem, not the consumers.
In the comments he adds counter-arguments to why publishers shouldn’t provide the server executable. Focusing on how monetisation would work:
If we don’t allow monetization - Who would be the party that enforces non-monetization of that server? If it’s the government I feel like we’re making an insane amount of red tape. If it’s the original company then this doesn’t work if they shut down.
If the company shuts down then it’s no longer an issue because no-one is losing money from the game servers now being monetised.
If we don’t allow monetization - Who is going to pay for the hosting if the servers cannot be monetized? If they cannot be monetized then these servers will also eventually shut down due to cost. We don’t up preserving games like this we just shift their death down the road.
The community, there are entire operating systems that are provided by volunteers for free with no advertisements. Providing the server executable does not shift their death down the road as anyone can run it going forward.
If we do allow monetization - This leads to a really weird attack potential if people can monetize the servers. You make an awesome game that has a small community. I want to monetize that game and run my own servers. I create a shitload of bots and constant exploits to erode the game and your business. Your business closes and you now have to give out server binaries to keep the game in a playable state. I can now profit off your work via private servers. This isn’t unlikely as we’ve seen mass attacks such as with TF2 We actually see echoes of this in the mobile market already as well. The only defense right now is DMCA or other takedown measures. Devs legitimately have very little protections as-is and this would erode that further. This creates an incentive for abuse where the abuser is protected as they are within their legal right to operate said “abandoned” games servers.
An odd straw-man, as for a small studio to develop a free to play, live service game to then have their game targeted by nefarious actors using a denial of service attack will only happed if the game is popular / good, in which case the developers should be making enough money to invest in protections against said actors, e.g. the IPs can be tracked and forwarded to the relevant authorities as orchestrating a denial of service attack is a crime.
That scenario isn’t anything like the TF2 situation, whose bots are ran by frustrated community members in an effort to have Valve continue updating TF2. Private servers can also be ran for TF2 as I write this, and the game is still being ran by Valve.
The only defence isn’t takedown measures, since the developer is running the game, as Thor said in the video, the developer can ban the bots.