BlackEco, do gaming w Are acer laptops unreliable? avatar

I recall that Acer laptops had a reputation of being unreliable over 10 years ago already, I’m surprised it had not improved since then.

chloyster, do gaming w What are the scariest games you've played?

At the time, PT was the scariest thing I’d ever played. Was super obsessed with that demo.

Will never get over silent hills cancelation


PT stands on its own in the horror video game genre IMO. Too many games fail to convey one of the elements of horror well, typically overusing shock and disgust as it’s hard to achieve psychological terror when your art medium has the potential for funny things to happen (like physics objects in amnesia deciding to fling themselves all over the room when you let go because they bounced wrong). Really interrupts the flow of the scared juice. The other half of horror games give you enough tools to completely defuse the horror after an initial few encounters (death stranding) or straight up don’t try to scare you situationally, just acting as combat action games with horror themes (later resident evils).

PT remakes for PC are in a good place finally, “P.T. emulation” being a bit closer than unreal PT to the source material as a project. How konami could possibly drop a project with star power like kojima+del toro is beyond me, especially considering reception to the demo was GREAT and it was slated to release while streamers playing horror games was still in vogue. Unbelievable fumbled bag lying there


PT is great. I wish it was still easily accessible.

That whole situation is such a shame. There was so much potential there!

GrayBackgroundMusic, do gaming w What are the scariest games you've played?

Eternal Darkness: Sanity’s requiem. It’s an older game, GameCube era. I don’t like horror games and this one isn’t true horror. There are some good jump scares and body horror though. I had to stop after a certain scene because of the jump scares. The sanity system is really great.


I’ve always heard about this game from time to time. It’s one I really want to try at some point. It sounds amazing!


I recommend it. Try to go in blind.

texasspacejoey, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

Also it should be required to display prices in local currency. I spent 2.99usd on that fox card game. Ended up costing me 5 bucks canadian

NIB, do games w Gacha games are out of control. Gambling shouldn't be so widespread

World of Warcraft and Diablo are gacha. Every time you play, you are “pulling” and hoping for a good drop(item). What modern gacha games did, is take that gameplay/psychological feature and directly monetize it(instead of indirectly monetizing it through a subscription/1 time payment).

But both are gambling. I am ok with having age restrictions but we need to be honest with ourselves. And what is “fun” is whatever makes neurons activate. Gambling(ie rpg elements) has always been a core mechanic for many games.


But both are gambling.

Nah, they are not comparable in a meaningful way. Sure, at a high level, you can apply aspects of “gambling” to both examples. But the biggest and most important point is the ability to spend actual money for additional changes at “winning”.

People are against gaming because of some deep-seating fear of Random Number Generation by itself. They are against it because of how easy it is to lose money.


It depends on if you value your time or not. That’s what you gamble in WoW. If you don’t get your drop at the end of the raid, you lost time. When a new expansion obsoletes your gear, you lost time.

Oh wait, you literally have to buy play-time to even do the raid in the first place and roll the wheel. Not to mention the (sub)time it takes to level up and gear up.

Yeah. Just because you are not pulling out your wallet at every kill doesn’t mean you aren’t gambling and losing, both time and money.


In that case aren’t most games gambling? You fight a boss and you die. You have failed and you lose progress of the boss fight which means the failed fight was a waste of time. Gambling.

My actual point is that despite us having a relatively good intuition on what is gambling, defining what gambling really is is pretty hard. Be too broad and you will end up marking non-gambling things as gambling, be too narrow and you get things like lootboxes that definitely feel like gambling but don’t actually fit most legal definitions of gambling.

Your definition is so broad it encompasses almost all games and as such is useless when you want to use it to regulate gambling on games.


It is gambling becaae there is a “house” you at playing against, whoever sets the odds and has a financial interest in them.

If you’re playing a singleplayer game, you are still triggering the same mechanisms, but no one is profiting from you staying up until 3am playing a singleplayer game you already paid for.


So all subscription games are gambling? What about Fallout 76? It’s not gambling if you just buy the game but if you buy the subscription the game becomes gambling despite the game fundamentally stays the same and the subscription doesn’t add any RNG to the game?


If you value your time, you wouldn’t be playing video games at all. As they are nearly an entertaining way to waste time.

All games waste either time, money, or both. So I guess we just have to make video games illegal now. Oh well. Was fun while it lasted.


I stopped playing WoW because it didn’t value my time. There is a limit to how much you can spend on WoW. Sure, you can buy gold, but it honestly won’t help you that much. The upgrades come from the weekly content, mostly.

And then there’s the mobile stuff where whales rule the day.


Modern gacha games are more exploitative and effective. But there is a reason why almost all conventional games have “rpg elements” nowadays. I am an old gamer and i remember when this happened.

Game devs realized that if they have “number goes up” mechanics in their games, those games will be more popular and they will sell more. Thats how all games, including multiplayer competitive games, started adding temporary progression(session based, ie buying items between rounds in counterstrike) and then permanent progression(unlocking attachments and prestiging in call of duty).

Quake and unreal didnt have any progression, yet they were very popular multiplayer games. Many people blamed the lack of “parallel progression” systems in starcraft 2, for its failure(sc2 eventually added more parallel progression). Mechabellum, an autobattler(the modern equivalent of an rts), has like 3 different numbers that go up, on top of unlocking unit abilities and skins.

The mobile game market is very competitive and game development is extremely fast and iterative. So they leapfrogged ahead of conventional gaming when it comes to all kinds of user metric manipulation(addictiveness, engagement, etc). Dont hate the player, hate the game.

Funnily enough, the most popular mobile games atm are by Hoyoverse and they arent even that exploitative. They are AAA games, with decent story, graphics, gameplay and the gacha is just there for the more vulnerable/rich people. IMO playing them as f2p is not only viable but actually more enjoyable(ie challenging instead of rolfstomping everything).

If only there were more conventional games as a service that could pump the amount and quality of content that Hoyoverse creates for their games. But Hoyoverse is a private company, probably funded by the chinese government, so they can afford to reinvest all those billions back into the game development, unlike other games. And it shows.

So ultimately, gacha is kinda like real life gambling. I am kinda ok with it, as long as it isnt promoted and its profits go to a good place(funding education or creating decent games).

UnderpantsWeevil, avatar

World of Warcraft and Diablo are gacha.

The original versions of the game wouldn’t allow you to simply spend real money for in game benefits.

That’s since changed, as in game marketplaces have given users the ability to buy up their level, their gear, and their various grindable ranks.

But this is a relatively new iteration of the franchise. They also don’t use the “stars” power curve, wherein characters need to spend exponentially more in game currency to achieve linear power scale.

Wimopy, do gaming w What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty

Three games came to mind just now, for slightly different reasons.

Similarly to others, just for feeling good: Earth Defense Force (whichever release, really). While it’s great to have a challenge in the missions, getting through the game, finding a good mission to farm weapons on, then using those fun weapons to destroy horses of insects and aliens is just so fun. And some missions can feel a bit BS with the weapons you might have available normally.

I would also actually say Baldur’s Gate 3. I know a lot of people enjoy the tactical side of things, but my opinion is that the DnD 5e ruleset kinda just sucks for a video game. I play it as a TTRPG, it’s fine. But I found rolling badly in something my character’s meant to be good at just so frustrating. This let me actually explore the story and world my own way, which was way more fun to me than restarting combat because I got unlucky.

That one might be controversial, but I was also speed running completion because I wanted to know conclude the story and see the world, but something about the game just didn’t click for me.

And finally, because I think it’s a fantastic game that deserves attention (with the best soundtrack I’ve heard in a while): Rabbit and Steel. It’s a brutally hard roguelike bullet hell that’s based on dungeon raid boss mechanics from FFXIV (which I haven’t played, but that’s what everyone says). The difficulty will make you want to not play it, and for me stuff only really clicked once I unlocked my penultimate class. I can now heat Hard fairly consistently, but it has taken a lot of runs to get there. No shame in admitting that those started from Cute and Normal and involved me grinding out all the unlocks by charging through Cute difficulty.

So really, the summary of this far too long reply is: just lower the difficulty when it’s frustrating or keeping you too much from getting to the fun stuff. You can always try again on a higher difficulty later.


I played Bg3 on easy, no shame, but I think I missed out on secondary class. I think that’s not available on easy.


BG3 had too much truly random BS I couldn’t account for to justify anything other than easy or normal. Stuff like companions switching to real time from turn based and walking into fights from a stealthy position or not avoiding traps that have been spotted. It’s a fun game but it’s seriously to janky for me to avoid on difficult challenges. If I fuck up, that’s on me, but when my planning is right and the game fucks me over by randomly making a companion walk towards me and lose stealth then why would I want to try to experience a good challenge? It’s just not worth it.

chameleon, do gaming w What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty avatar

NieR Automata, for basically the same reasons. Hard mode is filled with instakills everywhere and is really just a damage multiplier, so you have to be the right kind of person for that. If you're not, Normal is probably already fairly easy because of all the auto-heals, but the pacing can be a bit slow for something where most enemies aren't dangerous. Might as well play Easy and play for the story.


I love the combat in the game. I think I played it on normal. I wouldn’t recommend anything easier. I feel like everything would die too easily.

mtlvmpr, do gaming w What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty

Uncharted on console/with a controller. Unless you really love sitting behind knee-high-cover™ I highly recommend playing them on easy and like an older Tomb Raider game. Much more fun that way.


Let’s be real: I doubt many people are playing the Uncharted games for the gameplay. These titles are doing the bare minimum to meet AAA action-adventure standards with some technical flourishes here and there, but that’s about it. You get by the numbers cover shooting, by the numbers occasional easy stealth, by the numbers climbing, by the numbers (and by that I mean really small numbers) puzzle solving, etc. The appeal lies in the spectacle, the artistry, the technical excellence by the standards of the platforms they are on, experiencing what are essentially slightly interactive Hollywood adventure movies that manage to keep the player hooked with expert pacing and characters that are straddling the line between psychopathy and charm just right.

One might also argue that it’s more fun watching footage of these games than actually playing them. The best example of this is the car chase sequence in Uncharted 4, which looked amazing when I first watched it years before being able to play it, but once I got to actually experience it first hand, this was the moment when I dropped the difficulty down, because it was remarkably (and surprisingly) frustrating and irritating to play. Don’t get me wrong, it’s an astonishing technical achievement, but not one second of playing it was fun, at least in my opinion.

scrubbles, do gaming w What games would you recommend others to just play on easy difficulty
!deleted6348 avatar

Personally, I am playing Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 on easy. They come from an era where if you aren’t suffering through it then you must really suck. Personally, I don’t have time to fight the same boss for an hour only to die when he gets down to the last 5% and start over again, I only get a few hours after work to game. However, the story is honestly pretty good, and I recommend them - if you play on easy.

SomethingBurger, do games w Crew 2 is on sale for a dollar on Steam, Epic, Xbox, & PlayStation until 23rd of September

Note: it doesn’t currently work on Steam Deck and Linux in general because of the anti cheat. UbiSoft announced they will add an offline mode, so maybe they will partially disable it later.

NIB, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

What keeps them engaged with Destiny 2 despite its apparent lack of a clear path forward?

There is no alternative. The First Descendant is p2w. Once Human has different structure and resets your progress every season. Warframe is pretty different and similar to First Descendant. Overwatch basically cancelled its pve. Darktide is clunky.

And none of these games have the polish and shooting satisfaction that Destiny has. If people want a pve game, with long term progression that has enjoyable shooting, Destiny is all there is. What keeps them playing? Copium.

Slowly but steadily Destiny will die. And thats when Marathon will come out. But Marathon is very different, so i am not even so sure that most Destiny players will migrate to that.

I am not even playing Destiny. Destiny is the game that i want to love so much but always shits on me, so i gave up. It seems to me that the easiest thing in the world, is to keep Destiny going and address its minor issues. But somehow Bungie doesnt think so.

dinckelman, do games w Why Do People Still Play Destiny 2?

I’ve always enjoyed the identity of the three classes, and the abilities they have, plus gunplay has historically been pretty fun. That said, ever since i’ve started playing, the three things i’ve enjoyed were 1. the raids, 2. the story, and 3. my friends.

Unfortunately, Bungie make it overwhelmingly difficult to have fun in this game, by both making moronic decisions at times, and drip-feeding paying customers content, as if it’s a f2p game on life support. The latter alone has practically made me stop playing recently. You have to pay money to each each season, and all you get is a 30 second cutscene for the weekly story, plus a 10 minute adventure in a zone you’ve already been to a thousand times? Come on

innermeerkat, do gaming w #StopKillingGames Update: Netherlands passes threshold avatar

Thanks for sharing this, I did my part ! 🇫🇷

daniskarma, do games w Denmark is the 5th country to pass the #StopKillingGames EU threshold - 340K out of 1M signatures in total!

I did know about the uk proposal. Didn’t knew about the EU one. I will sign it today 🫡

AgentGrimstone, do games w "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy"

It’s okay. They’ll try again.

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