irotsoma, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? avatar

“Look at you, sailing through the air majestically like an eagle…piloting a blimp.”

I mean just quote every line from the portal games and be done with this thread. :-D

HipsterTenZero, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? avatar

Poot Dispenser Here!

Eeerectin’ a dispenser!

Sentry going up!

captain_aggravated, avatar

This is gonna be a real piece of piss, ya bloody fruit shop owners!

swordgeek, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

I thought something broke when I opened the link because I have exactly that picture as my desktop background.

DarkMetatron, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

Why walk when you can ride?



This thought was violently overridden by the trilling of the silt strider

Thassodar, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?


Nima, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

terraria for me. i keep managing to find new stuff over a thousand hours later.

“Has this item always been here?! no way. REALLY?”


Well they keep updating it, so it may not have been there, unless you made a chest sphere and didn’t label the chests.

Nima, avatar

no its just there’s a lot of items in the game. and some you wouldn’t really find unless you were actively searching for them.

WolfLink, do gaming w Upscaling really is black magic

DLSS is extremely noticeable to me at stronger levels. I usually turn it on but keep it set to “quality” instead of “performance”. It’s still slightly noticeable but not that bad at that setting.

Stronger DLSS just looks like blurry mush to me.

Sidyctism2, do games w I don't think it's possible for me to complete this Steam achievement

am i dumb or do those two achievements have the exact same requirement?


Circumference of the earth 24k miles Distance to the moon 239k miles

Not sure why it shows the saame number in the achievement kinda weird…


Both is percentage of players that got the achievement I believe.


40075020 would be a wild percentage


Ah I missed that part.

shadowedcross, (edited ) do games w I don't think it's possible for me to complete this Steam achievement avatar

If you were traveling at a constant 100 mph, it would take you 249 hours to travel around the circumference of the Earth, and 2,389 hours to reach the Moon. If the distances are actually accurate then these achievements should be nigh on impossible to get in any reasonable amount of time. That now 0.2% of players have them means the distances aren’t accurate, that they used an achievement unlocker, cheated in-game, or have a fuckton of playtime.


Never underestimate the “fuckton of playtime” option. Some people just get really into a game.


My money’s on stick binding and leaving it for days.

HollowNaught, do games w Nintendo Confirms Backwards Compatibility for Switch Successor! avatar

Company who uses emulators while suing other emulators says what?

Hideakikarate, do games w The Binding of Isaac Rebith is getting online multiplayer in 2 weeks!

I “beat” isaac on the Switch (one Dead God), then got it all again for the Steam Deck so I could have mods. Unsure if the mods themselves are tanking the performance, but I don’t really care. It’s up there as one of my favorite games. The creativity of the mod creators has kept me coming back to play custom characters and challenges.


The modding community really is insane. There are a couple of fan-made expansions like Fiend Folio that massively overhaul everything. I hope this update tries not to break mod support.


There is script extender as well now. Crazy shit


FF will NOT run on my deck very well. Not even moving in the spawn room lowers me to low 50’s FPS. It’s a real shame, too.


Have you tried running it with Repentogon? It optimized mod performance and has an options menu to adjust performance settings.


Oh yeah. Got that installed. Was fun because I hadn’t worked with Linux systems before, so finding the proper file locations was a little challenging for myself. Custom characters have post-its and I don’t get the big banner saying it was installed wrong. Even messed with performance settings the deck offers for each game and lowered those since, well, Isaac isn’t exactly the pinnacle of graphics. Even now, just custom characters, alt paths and their additional effects (rain drops, ash, etc) tanks my performance. Unless there’s some magic that I’m not seeing, I’ve tried what I know. It is a little annoying when games that have actual models, and a lot of them at once, don’t have issues at all (Deep Rock Galactic Survivor being a prime example).

Blaster_M, do games w Whatever happened to racing games

Turns out vehicle simulations are hard. You either have games that play like a cabinet arcade or require a “simmer” setup (control cockpit) to really be good at.

And then there’s the work that goes into the level of detail. Example, Forza Horizon 5 doesn’t even have the underside of most cars modelled, to save on polys and performance, but there’s still a lot of little details that have to be modelled, textured, and sound recorded. This is even more important when a driving game goes into VR, because you will notice when something in the interior is missing or offmodel.

Also shoutout to Live For Speed, the active-since-Windows-XP open beta / early access mediumcore simulation that’s had VR support for a long while, and a release date that will probably coincide with Half Life 3.


Still gonna be released before star citizen

Mercuri, do games w Whatever happened to racing games

It feels like we used to be spoiled for choice and now there’s only a few select titles out. A lot of racing franchises got ruined by micro-transaction garbage. Project Cars decided to go in an entirely different direction with their latest installment and basically ruined the game. Most games no longer support split screen so if you want to race locally with friends you basically only have Mario Kart.

There’s still games though. Forza, Gran Truismo, F1 24, Asseto Corsa, Need For Speed… But even so it feels like something is missing. There’s not a lot to fill in the Wipeout niche, or the Burnout niche. I miss random things like Midtown Madness and Twisted Metal. I really want a good racing combat experience again.

I think a lot of studios aren’t willing to take chances and a good racer isn’t something you can make easily since people want good graphics and excellent racing physics.

NuXCOM_90Percent, do games w Are any games using neural networks for better hard AI that doesn't cheat?

This has been discussed a lot over the decades (with some VERY good articles written by assholes we try to pretend don’t exist))

The gist of it is: AI cheats because the alternative isn’t “fun” and rapidly outpaces humans.

Because in an RTS? After you get a build order down, the big decider is Actions Per Minute (APM). From a build standpoint, it is the idea of triggering the appropriate research the absolute second you have enough minerals. From a combat standpoint, it is rapidly issuing move and attack orders so that you always win the combat triangle. The former isn’t significantly different than just having cheaper research or faster build times. The latter is actively demoralizing in the same way that we all died inside when we first got permission to go online in Starcraft. Except at a level that even the good players realize they ain’t shit.

For grand strategy games (barring real-ish time ones like Stellaris) you basically have two real approaches. The first is the games with research options (… like Stellaris. Look, I have been playing a lot of Stellaris lately). We try not to acknowledge it but RNG has a massive impact on that when you really want to get torpedoes but no options are popping so you are just doing the fastest research choices you can to get a new pool. And the difficulty option there is… a known order.

The other are the very elaborate fixed tech trees. Obviously this gets back to build order. And the reality is… the benefit gained from rapidly updating the hard mode AI to use the current meta just isn’t worth it. That IS somewhere that an optimizing function can be applied to (and… semi-off-the-record but that has been a thing for over a decade and is why devs aren’t THAT surprised when a “new” meta takes over in a strategy game) but it becomes a question of how much it is worth it.

All that said, we are seeing a lot more effort put into “learning” AI in racing games (driveatars) and fighting games because those tend to be cases where even the best AI is still expected to be “human” and we aren’t TOO demoralized when we realize we are in a pub with Daigo. That said… there is a reason that modern SNK Bosses tend to have super armor rather than frame perfect inputs. Because the former is “bullshit” but the latter is just mean.


APM actually does jack shit. You can spam a button fast and you’ll get 400 APM and get rolled by someone who does 40. EAPM is where it is at. Which is effective APM. How many actions you can do that move you closer to victory. Instead of just spamming two buttons on repeat (which is what a lot of Starcraft players do)

There used to be AI’s integrated into Starcraft 2 and later actually playing the game (like a player would) online. You can put restrictions on eAPM for these bots. You can force them to make human mistakes - delaying upgrades. They can get pretty well aproximated to human skill. The main issue with it is they suck at context. They can’t really “remember” stuff happening. Picked up a dropship and it flew away from my FOV? It’s gone. Oh shit a dropship came from the exact same spot! Oh good it flew away, which means it can’t hurt me no more.

There are also tournaments in SC2 for unlimited AIs - where they play the game without any caps. The only thing that matters is who wrote a more efficient bot. Machine learning isn’t reallly used there, more likely a decision tree. Those do exactly what you are describing. Playing against those as a human is pointless and would get someone who introduced them as a difficulty instantly fired.


Makes sense. But it seems pedantic to make the distinction between APM and EAPM.


This is reddit. Gotta ignore someone’s post to make a pointless correction that they already addressed but much more aggressively.

The alternative is, Erastil forbid, a conversation.

iconic_admin, do games w Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas release 20 years ago today.

GTA 6 will release in another 20 years from now.


5 already did so… maybe we’re halfway there? 10 more?


Haven’t they said 2026 or if I just made that up

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