The game literally tells you you can use warm clothing or elixirs to keep warm. There’s even another method they don’t tell you, equipping an elemental weapon can change your temperature. Just have a flame blade on your back and you can survive running around in snow.
Learning where to buy clothes and how to make elixirs is not hard. Just talk to people near where you’re struggling.
Weapon durability is only a problem if you don’t exercise any discretion in which weapon you use for which situation. If you use your best weapon on weak enemies, you won’t have it later when you face stronger ones. So… don’t.
The Steam reviews really reflect the gap between players and critics. Some of this is because critics need a working relationship between them and studios. No one wants to burn the free review copy bridge.
I’d say the reviewed aren’t too biased, while the gameplay itself is really really fun the score gets some points off due to server issues, the reviewers knows it’s temporary, while the players score are justified for the time being, the reviewers won’t review bomb for a temporary issue
A lot of the reviews on steam were mentioning lack of coherent design. No reason for the game to exist when the previous title does. A lot of people seemed to say this isn’t a server only issue but a gameplay one as well.
There are a million reasons for this kind of thing, cited for years now. These reviewers are exposed to more truly awful games than most of us, they're less likely to latch on to one or two gripes in a score, they're more likely to put the person in charge of the review who's most likely to understand the game's strengths (meaning they put the Dark Souls fan on the Dark Souls review and the Madden fan on the Madden review, for instance), and all sorts of other reasons. Were it me reviewing any game, I'd immediately dock tons of points just for the sheer act of requiring a server connection, because it can only ever make the product worse, but that hasn't stopped people from loving Fortnite, Diablo IV, or any other live service game. It's really just as simple as they came away from the game with a different opinion than you would have or expect. It's not a conspiracy or incentives influencing it; not from real review outlets anyway. Actual review outlets don't sweat it if they get cut off from codes, as it's happened plenty of times, and they review the games anyway.
Depends on the scale of the reviewing site. I was a game reviewer for a few years and am now a game developer for the past 10. Reviewing sites absolutely want to keep those review codes and some sites don’t review games that don’t send them codes. Maybe with big titles they will go buy a copy but there is a race to have a review out by the time the public can purchase the game. It’s not money but time. That’s why review codes are important.
That said it’s also about appeasement of the game studios and the player base. 7 is “still good but could be better”. Many review sites are worried about angering the player base or studio and will be very cautious on giving anything less than a 5. For the longest time giant bomb was hated for giving lower scores as a popular review site. Now they hardly do reviews anymore because it’s not worth it.
That all said a lot of review sites are looking at simple recommendation blurbs instead of putting numbers to it. It avoids the whole issue of angering anyone just because number is too low or too high. Additionally as long as the blurb isn’t just the word “don’t” most published and studios will be content with it.
Being the first one out only matters to a few publications. You're not competing with IGN and Gamespot just by being out first, so it doesn't matter to most of them. Review scores tend to fall a few points after the first day the embargo breaks, because those are all the outlets the publisher bet would review it worse. I play Fantasy Critic, and you can observe this happening with just about every major release. That doesn't mean the ones reviewing it with early review codes are any less honest about it.
Being the first and having a review out in the first day a person can buy it are different. Very little care about first. Lots care about being available for when the players can buy it.
Also embargo only applies to those getting review copies. So clearly those studios value getting the game for free rather than buying the game without embargo. A lot of time goes into a review. It could be a week or 2 of work. So still getting the game early is more valuable.
That said the reviewers without embargo are still the ones not trying to get embargoed. So the early reviewers are more likely to say nicer things.
It's more about the price of all the new games put together, and then the fact that a lot of review copies are sent in advance and for viewership purposes getting a review out quickly is important, but with some bigger studios not sending copies in advance more regularly now maybe we'll see less incentive for reviewers to submit to their will.
Most games switched to Discord for some reason. Even though Discord is exceptionally bad for permanent info.
Now you need to ask the question in the hopes someone on there is friendly enough to answer. And a while later if someone wants to know the same question, they have to ask it again… can give you some inspiration on system architecture/layout. There’s a lot of right answers here depending on your situation, so you’ll likely want to research the various options and trade-offs.
Some common base architecture layouts that I know of:
Any Linux + no parity: Just throw Debian on a box, put Docker on it, and away we go. No data integrity, and data loss will be permanent, but it’s an option if you set up backups for your important data and assume the rest is expendable. If you want to start setting up parity on raw Linux you’ll probably want to move down to a more dedicated architecture below for less headaches.
OpenMediaVault + SnapRAID + MergerFS + backed by BTRFS disks: my personal choice for ad-hoc/budget setups. Great for having really flexible storage that lets you make use of all HDD space that you have laying around without fuss. You’ll need to sacrifice your largest drive to hold RAID parity and the storage architecture is not especially performant but that’s not a big deal for a media server. OpenMediaVault can run Docker for you on the host without needing to run it in a VM (and you should be using Docker for your software stack).
Unraid: Similar in storage architecture to the OpenMediaVault combo, but it’s not free. I don’t have personal experience with this one but a lot of people like it. IMO this option would only make sense if you want a turn-key system and don’t want to think about anything on the software side. It has turn-key “apps” that are just Docker behind the scenes (to my knowledge).
TrueNAS Scale: This will be running ZFS for storage, but ZFS has a lot of problems with storage flexibility. You need to really know what you’re doing when designing your storage layout, and you probably won’t get full usage out of the HDDs you have laying around. In exchange, ZFS is bulletproof for data integrity and makes full use of your drives’ combined speed. You’ll likely be giving up 50% of your total HDD capacity to run ZFS - either explicitly by running mirrored drives or by running mismatched RAIDZ1/2 (which makes all drives become the size of the smallest disk). I would recommend a mirrored setup for home use due to its flexibility - it gives up more space than RAIDZ but it’s able to be upgraded easier in the future, so you can throw random drives that are on sale into your system when needed. You could write a book on ZFS’s complexities and trade-offs and I’m sure many have. TrueNAS itself is basically just a turn-key appliance to run a ZFS storage server, but the “Scale” version also comes with the ability to install apps via some Kubernetes+Docker thing. It’s still in beta and I hear a lot of people have problems with how the app system is designed, so if you go this route I’d recommend installing Debian/Alpine Linux under TrueNAS Scale in a VM with something like this method, and running normal Docker on that VM. TrueNAS is otherwise very locked down and if your usecase is not supported by them you’ll probably need to bail out to a VM anyway.
Proxmox + TrueNAS + Docker Host: This has all the caveats of ZFS from before. Proxmox is just a virtualization hypervisor that you can put other operating systems on, via VMs and LXCs. The easiest way to use it in a NAS configuration is to install Proxmox on the bare metal, then spin up a TrueNAS Core/Scale VM and pass through your HDDs to that (may require special hardware consideration). You’ll probably want to run a minimal Debian/Alpine Linux VM under Proxmox to hold your Docker stack. Then you can use an NFS/SMB mount to get access to your ZFS storage from your Docker VM. You can also run ZFS raw on Proxmox without the GUI of TrueNAS, but you’ll have to manage it by CLI. Proxmox can be more difficult to understand than the other architectures, but personally I think it’s easier to use once you do. It allows greater flexibility on the software side via snapshotting VMs and building up/tearing down operating systems at-will.
Proxmox + OpenMediaVault + SnapRAID + MergerFS + backed by BTRFS disks: Same as Proxmox+TrueNAS, except instead of TrueNAS you run OpenMediaVault’s storage stack to give yourself flexibility with HDDs. You’ll might also want to move your Docker stack into its own VM instead of running it on OpenMediaVault, but this isn’t required. While this is technically an option, it feels a bit weird. If you want to dive head-first into a robust server setup but don’t want to buy a bunch of new drives, this could work in a pinch.
Personally my two recommended options are the OpenMediaVault stack or the Proxmox+TrueNAS stack, depending on if you want to buy new drives for a clean storage layout. Keep in mind these blurbs are just a crash course on each option and there’s a lot more going on behind the scenes that will also need consideration/planning.
In every game in Suikoden series, you’d have to recruit 108 characters in total to get the true ending.
Around half of these are part of the story, so you’d get them whatever you do, but the rest you’d have to do some sidequest to get them, a lot of them are missable.
Also, you can get some characters killed, dooming you from ever getting that true ending.
Suikoden 1 and 2 in particular have very precise soft-locks.
In Suikoden 1, Pahn has to win a battle that seems to be a scripted loss.
Suikoden 2 (my favorite RPG of all time) is actually beyond brutal. There’s a 3-5 second timed input that doesn’t even make much sense and if you get it wrong, nothing predictable changes except you don’t get the 108th star (just one person having a private word with the strategist that only makes sense later)
I dunno which of the two is worse. I fell for the Pahn one in S1, but managed to guess right in S2 by sheer luck (it’s between a default “Watch Out!” and “Nanami!”. You have to pick “Nanami!” or you lose out on the good ending. And you automatically say “Watch Out!” if you don’t pick fast)
It’s on the tip of my tongue; there was a whole series of ghost pirate themed “hidden object” point and click puzzle games. I’ll update the post when it comes back.
Yes that’s also what I’m talking about
Your previous characters aren’t important anymore, it’s a fresh start all the time. On each new season there has been 0 previous time and effort investment
You have on the game as a whole, though. Mechanics, strategies, locations, weapons, lore, maybe friendships with other players. Hard to leave all that behind.
Diablo seasons are just a character reset for those who enjoy them. It’s a huge part of a lot of ARPGs like Path of Exile or Diablo. As you can reach endgame in about 5 hours on diablo and have your complete build in 20, it makes sense.
Enforces everyone to reset at the same time and not use gear and stuff from previous characters. Some people care about leaderboards and those usually reset at the same time. For other ARPGs with a trade economy that being reset is often the biggest draw, but that doesn’t apply to D3.
I couldn’t give less of a fuck about leaderboards, but I enjoy seasons in D3, but not D4. In D3 you get to max level and get a set of pretty good gear in a few hours. I’m a casual player, I don’t play the entirety of the season because I kinda hit my limit and stop getting new shiny things and don’t feel like pushing it so I stop playing. Then a new season comes out, I’m like “I haven’t played Diablo in a bit, that sounds fun” and I do the same thing, smash monsters and get shiny things.
In D4 the new season landed and I just couldn’t be bothered to level again and it really killed the game for me, I’m kinda maxed out on non-seasonal, it gets to the point where you’re doing the same thing over and over for hours, or you push harder content where it takes forever to kill something and everything kills you in one hit. I just want to smash shit and get loot, I don’t want to level again if it takes more than a couple hours.
Basically seasons can be fun (also they test new content, that keeps things fresh) as long as you can jump right back into the game. Without it you have a ton of legendary items for every class so you just never really need new gear, you just grind for that single piece you need for a 2% upgrade.
Tldr I don’t want to grind, I just want to smash baddies, and I’m basically a bird collecting shiny shit. D3 enables that, D4 doesn’t. It’s all about implementation.
Bladur’s gate 3 is awesome but if you can wait, do so and you will have a much more seamless experience in the near future once more patches come out.
My recommendation is the following.
NieR Automata. It’s a masterpiece of a game with innovation all over the place. Trust me, it’s much more of a JRPG with some hot chicks. Go in blind and you will have an amazing experience.
On a similar note, Death Stranding. The story is less cohesive and honestly as a game it isn’t as good either but I still maintain that it is a game that everyone must try at least once. It’s not one of the best games I’ve played, by far but I am 100% happy that I played it.
Last recommendation is Hades. Flawless game with incredible amounts of polish.
You’re an office worker bee who one day realizes the office you work in is deserted except for a voice that narrates what you do and gets frustrated with you if you do something else. There really isn’t a point to it apart from discovering your word surroundings and trying to break the game apart.
Also, there’s a Steam achievement you get by not playing it for 10 years.