Nibodhika, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?
  • Spec ops: The line. I think this was delisted from most stores though, so you might need to sail the high seas to get it. It might not be as impactful today as it was when it came out, but it’s a great game with a great twist.
  • Life is strange. It’s a story driven game, sure you can replay it and choose different things, but realistically you probably won’t since the main of the story is the same.
  • Batman games. Those were my go to for a while when I wanted something linear with an end.

I patient gamered Spec Ops and beat it a couple weeks ago. I found it to be rather mediocre. The combat sucks ass and the graphics don’t help.

Couple cool sequences but I felt it was massively overhyped.


I think it kinda falls into the same sort of category as citizen Kane. Important for what it did when it did it, but not really good by modern standards.


If I played this in 2012 at release I think I’d feel just the same. What do you find is important about this game? I’m curious as I see it mentioned all over the place, but I really don’t see what’s the big deal. Releasing a game where you shoot US soldiers, in the middle of hyper patriotism in the US, seems edgy for the time but that’s about it. The moral choices were few and only had impact in terms of a bit of flavor. No serious consequences.

I did enjoy the music and especially like the detail of the characters getting progressively dirtier as the game went on.


I haven’t played it, I’ve only experienced it through essays. I think it’s because it took a look at war and such from a pretty different perspective than other shooters had before, and examined the messier psychological aspects of it in a way that incorporated traditional shooter gameplay as hadn’t been done before?


Focusing on the gameplay really misses the point. It was practically an interactive story, but they wanted it to be a shooter so you’d feel more responsible for the outcome rather than just watching things unfold. And while the “choices” in game made little difference, that pretty much reinforced the message that some situations are basically fukt and “pushing forward” doesn’t make it any better.


Gameplay is 90% of time spent in the game, which is why it colored my experience so much. Regardless; what do you feel the game does well? Specific examples, please.

I read a ton of positive comments before playing it, and avoided spoilers for years. Turns out there’s much to spoil, IMO. There’s the white phosphorus scene, but you can’t even choose to not do that. It was very disappointing when I sat there and it railroaded me into using WP when my squad mate was telling me not to. I don’t feel it was a pioneer in any way, and feels quite dated even against games many years it’s senior. Bioshock came out five years earlier and has deeper social commentary, more engaging gameplay, and much better graphics.

If you have specific examples I’d love to hear them. It’s entirely possible I’m just not getting it, but I feel this game seemed epic for some console gaming teenagers in 2012 and it’s mostly nostalgia. I don’t feel the game did anything that special.

JayEchoRay, avatar



spoilerMy interpretation and granted it is probably a bit shaking as I havent played in a long time is: I personally found spec ops interesting into the slow descent into darkness, how your team is professional in the beginning and over time they become savage, to the point of blood thristiness, their animations changes, their speech, mannerisms and their models get gradually worn down. You do actions but over time you think wait - am I really doing the right thing, like if you decide to help the cia guy, you find out you’ve been played and just destroyed the water supply for a whole area that is in desparate need of it, this come back to haunt you later on when an angry mob catches up to one of your team. I still remember feeling vindictive of hearing my teammate scream in panic and fear as I was rushing to get to him Then to get there and see him murdered and and an angry mob looking for blood, my first reaction was vengeance not orderly dispersal… The character and the remaining team mate gunned down civilians mercilessly because I felt outrage at them killing one of my own… and the crowd had just cause to be pissed as your rag tag band of misfits have been blowing up commiting warcrimes after to warcrimes justifiying it to some “greater cause” As you play the game even the loading screen are questioning you if you are enjoying yourself and nothing is stopping you from continuing to play. It is quite in your face to say that what you are doing is wrong, but if you keep playing and by finishing the game you are justifying the main characters actions, you are complicit in the acts of violence as you the player are determined to see the game to the end just as he is Their original mission was to just scout… and it somehow turned into this Dubai tour de violence because the main character believes that there was a radio call from someone he idolised If I recall there is that scene at the end that shows all the bullshit, the hanged men, the voice on the radio your character thinks they see and hear is in their head - they have severe ptsd, and have “main character hero syndrome” and none of the game would have happened if they just followed orders



You’ve got a solid recollection of the events. I think my expectations were set too high from what I read online. It was decent, but I was expecting S tier.

I did really enjoy how “degraded” the characters got as they went through everything like you mention. Very nice little touch.

JayEchoRay, (edited ) avatar

spoilerIt was watching like a train wreck in slow motion, I ended up just going along for the ride to see how far this rabbit hole would go I really tried to be trigger disciplined in the beginning only firing after the point of a negotiation seemed impossible and before I knew it I caught up in this zoned out mentality - no decision is right, all that matter is the mission, just trying to survive and just devolved into killing on sight and in scenes that feel like it is out of some fever dream - still remember that “lights out” section as someone in some sort animalistic fight or flight zone blinking and someone just appears in front of you I guess it stuck with me how the main character kept making excuses and blaming someone else for all the problems and by the end of it and you see that scene with the chair looking out at Dubai and see that “I caused this” and with that call backs to the the choices and saw how it all was just some “cope” it kind of stuck with me

jballs, avatar

I loved the Batman Arkham games, but yeah, one and done is good.


Spec Ops: The Line can be bought on Steam.

s12, do gaming w Let's discuss the 3ds family?

Fond memories of the Street Pass games and RPG maker FES.


Street pass was nice


I kind of miss Street Pass. I always loved it for when I was going through airports- you could get Street Passes from lots of different places!


I only ever got about 100 passes basically all while on holiday.


I only ever got them off friends or when traveling into London. Then one day I discovered that you could set up a Streetpass ‘relay’ just by setting your home WiFi’s SSID to some secret string and then you’d be able to meet other people using the same SSID wherever they were in the world. It stopped working eventually, but me and about 6 other people somewhere in the world made good use of it!

kessleragain, do gaming w Let's discuss the 3ds family?

Loved my 3ds. It helped me get back into gaming regularly. I had weird guilt when I tried to sit down at a console or pc to play, thinking I should use my time more wisely, but was able to spend hours on Animal Crossing and then other games.

I got introduced to the Fire Emblem series through it and loved them. Although I never finished Shadows of Valencia. One day, I’ll get back to it.

I also learned that Resident Evil, while awesome, is not for me to play lol.

quafeinum, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability? avatar

Superliminal - once you know the puzzles you know the puzzles, till then it has its fair share of mind bending moments. Speedrunning it is fun though


Absolutely this! I hate that I now know how to think in the Superliminal world.

CarbonatedPastaSauce, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

Midnight Suns was like that for me. The tactical combat was interesting and could have had replay value, but all the chores and conversations you have to do to progress the story made this a “no way” for a second playthrough. Absolutely worth it to go through once though, if you are into turn based combat games and marvel characters.

jballs, avatar

I stalled out on playing this. I loved the combat aspect, but the chores and conversations feel too much like… well, chores. I just wanna fuck up some bad guys, not watch my character watch a movie with a Marvel character!


Yeah I almost gave up too, it did become a bit of a slog in the middle with all the back and forth collecting shit and chatting everyone up. Definitely has some pacing issues.

Caligvla, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability? avatar

Dredge comes to mind. It’s a nice game and all, but outside of the two endings (which are basically a choose left or right situation) you see pretty much everything there’s to see in a single playthrough.


I will play Dredge just to fish. When I get sucked into an absolutely stupid meeting and am required to be there, fishing makes it fun.

CharlesReed, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability? avatar

Soma - This is such an amazing game, but it made me so mad that I would never play it again.

The Painscreek Killings - A really fun detective/mystery walking sim. You absolutely have to figure everything out yourself, as there is no hand-holding or hints given by the game. At all. But, like Return of the Obra Dinn, once you've figured out the mystery, there really is no sense in replaying it.

I was going to add some others before realizing I had a theme of mystery walking sims. I think that genre of games are pretty one and done kind of plays. They can be really great, but most don't give you a reason to go back and replay them, unless it's for achievements or something.

noxy, avatar

SOMA was great, but yeah, not much replayability once you know everything. Curious, tho, what about it made you mad?

CharlesReed, avatar

It's been a few years since I've played it, but I remember not being a fan of the female companion. To me it felt like she was just using the main character as a means to get to her goal and nothing more. I know that's an unpopular take (I've gotten into a couple light arguments over it), but I just could not stand her by the end of the game. The way she treated the MC just made the post-credits scene so angering.

noxy, avatar

That makes a lot of sense, she did have the player do some relatively fucked up stuff that he wouldn’t have wanted done to him!

But also she was right to call him a fucking idiot for repeatedly failing to understand the core concept

CharlesReed, avatar

Oh, yeah, don't get me wrong, he was not very smart, but she did not really help either lol

TheOakTree, do gaming w Let's discuss the 3ds family?

I really enjoyed Kid Icarus: Uprising on the 3DS, but I never hear anyone talk about it. It’s not an fps, though.


That’s oki


I should get into kid Icarus lol


This was by far my favorite 3DS game. It was just perfect.

kratoz29, avatar

And one of the best looking ones too!


I’ve hear a lot of people talk about it, but usually in “best 3ds games” articles. Maybe it’s a bit of a hidden gem, since it wasn’t a big franchise?

kratoz29, avatar

As a hardcore player of Metroid Prime Hunters (online) in the Nintendo DS I always was confused about what the issue with the controllers for Kid Icarus, or other shooter like games was lol.

catalyst, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability? avatar

Since puzzle games seem to be the theme overall here I’ll mention Cocoon. It’s a recent puzzler that is absolutely gorgeous to look at and did some super clever stuff imo.


I love Cocoon, it’s one of my recent favorites

blackluster117, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability? avatar

I would say Stillness of the Wind definitely falls into this category. A beautiful game about life and loss.

Abucketofpuppies, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

There was an old flash game called “You Only Live Once”

It’s basically a rudimentary mario-like platformer. But once you die, the game just cuts to your funeral. Each time you load up the game again, it just shows time passing as your grave slowly ages and is forgotten.

LunarLoony, avatar

There’s a similar one called ‘One Chance’, in which you have three days to cure a disease that will otherwise kill everything. Same sorta concept.


This feels like it’d be great for a networked game where what you do gets passed onto other players so eventually someone can finish it. Souls-like or Death Stranding-like multiplayer style. The issue is it’d probably take a lot of effort to make in a way that be interesting and take long enough, and also if it can only be done once then that sucks for making money. I guess it could use procedural elements and make it replayable, but that’d probably remove some of the charm.


Could you could clear your cookies or open an incognito tab and start over?


Yeah, you could clear cookies to start over. I never actually got to see what happens if you survive the whole game though

nac82, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

I would volunteer a lot of the single-player story games produced by Sony like Uncharted, The Last of US, with Spiderman being the exception to the rule.

Some of their games have a little more open game loop design, but personally, I don’t think I could play The Last of Us twice.

From what I played of God of War I would imagine it’s similar, but I never actually beat it.

I’m sure there are people out there who love single-player game narratives and would disagree. I just think a lot of these games are good for the story, but the gameplay feels like once you’ve done it, you’ve done it.


There are some games that are entirely story based that fit the criteria better.

One that comes to mind is To the Moon. There’s some puzzle elements to make it a game but its appeal is pretty much entirely based on its story.

Kolanaki, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?
!deleted6508 avatar

Literally anything focused entirely on telling a story.

They’re only worth replaying if you forget the story.

SorteKanin, avatar

Got any particular examples? :)

!deleted6508 avatar

Phoenix Wright comes to mind since I’m just watching someone else play the games I don’t have because there’s not much player agency so watching it is as good as playing it 🤷🏻‍♂️

MBM, (edited )

Sometimes you can still replay them for the same reason you’d re-read a book (like to catch things you missed the first time around). It’s not as common and a different kind of replayability though

!deleted6508 avatar

I would say something like ICO is the latter kind for me. It is focused on the gameplay, but the gameplay is the same exact thing from the first moment to the last and you can find all the secrets in the levels themselves pretty easy the first time through (since the rooms ain’t that big there’s not much room to hide things), the only reason to replay it multiple times is for the special weapons you can get; which are more like skins than actual weapons, except for the energy sword that OHKOs everything. But you only get that after like, 5 or 7 completions I think? It wasn’t worth it. By the time you get it, a normal person would be totally over playing the game lol

I think Dark Souls and Elden Ring and such would be the same for me, if not for the PvP multiplayer. Other games copying that style without any multiplayer at all, I have so far only played once and then never touched again. But I keep coming back to the ones with PvP to make new builds and fight other players. And because of how you obtain items, making an entirely new character means playing through the entire game, or at least a good deal of it. Currently building a dude to be ready for Shadow of the Erdtree and seeing just how low level I can beat Mogh at. So far it’s been 60. 😄

ABCDE, do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

Visual novels, and the Frog Detective series.

Doki Doki Literature Club being the biggie (or well-known one), Florence is very sweet, Yenba is also very nice (Game Pass).

nawa, (edited ) do games w What are some good games with *zero* replayability?

Deathloop’s story basically means that you’re replaying the game because you failed your previous attempt at escaping. You can play it more than once, the game encourages you to, and I kinda want to, but I never did because I already won. In a lot of games replays are basically just “fresh starts” and here, they are part of the story, and ironically, that’s what’s stopping me.


Also… A big part of playing Death Loop was figuring out the proper order to kill everybody. … and sadly, there’s only one order that will work. So once you know the order, a big part of the challenge is eliminated.

It would have been really cool if the game selected a random ordering for your character at new game start and each target’s vulnerable timing changes accordingly. Something similar to how some of Dishonored’s missions could have multiple solutions.

… but I get why they didn’t. Dishonored had mission variants just switch up some text which is relatively cheap compared to having fully different behaviors and speech and so on that would need to be created just for the tiny set of players that not only finish but replay a game.

As someone who played through Dishonored 1,2 and all their respective DLCs multiple times, I was sad that Death Loop didn’t have the same level of repayablity baked into the overarching structure, but I still quite enjoyed the game itself. I just finished it once and moved on.


I don’t mind that there’s only one winning order too much. Could be cool to have more options but I’m okay with that design choice. Like you said, it’s a lot of effort for not a lot of players. I could still vary the gameplay during the missions and that’s good enough. Besides, I enjoyed the world and the characters more than in any other Arkane game, maybe on par with Prey, can’t put one above the other.

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