generalEdo, do piracy w What's the best way to rip music off Spotify so that I can store it on my HDD?

I have been using zotify and it is pretty great.

sculd, do gaming w What are your favourite classic fighting games?

Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix

I wonder how many people played that…

Hackerpunk1, do piracy w Is there a Stardock Windowblinds crack? avatar

A copy of the version 11.02 has appeared and working as intended.

vildis, (edited ) do piracy w What's the best way to rip music off Spotify so that I can store it on my HDD?

i find most music i search for in higher quality (doesn’t have everything) on

it’d be a pain to download full playlists tho


Lidarr can do this, but it downloads the full album of each song which may or may not be a feature in your use case.


Gotta read upp on all these arr! softs, looks like there is a whole eco system around them too.

AlexanderTheGreat, do xbox w I want to buy a WD C50, does it work seamlessy with the xbox? avatar

The C50 uses the velocity architecture so you should not need to move any games around to play them.

Osvaldoilustrador, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 27th avatar

Bouncing between BlazBlue Central Fiction and Fatal Frame 4

vlad76, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 27th avatar

I was playing BG3 but I hopped back onto Tarkov now since the recent wipe. I’ve been doing mostly night time raids and they’ve been very fruitful. Rats rule.

Ethereal87, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 27th avatar

(finally) Finished Midnight Suns. About 80h towards it and while I did enjoy it immensely, I’m glad it’s over and time to move on to other things.

I started and finished the first Frog Detective game last night. I figured it would be short but not 1.5h short! Quirky and it got a couple of legit laughs out of me. I’m definitely interested in playing the other two episodes.

And I decided to play Overwatch 2 now that it’s on Steam. I stopped playing OW1 years ago and this seemed a good excuse to try it again. I am starting from the ground up since I apparently deleted my old account, which is frustrating to not have all the heroes/skins available but it’s also easing me back in. The monetization at least seems to be an improvement over loot boxes. I’m really just playing with whatever I’ve managed to unlock and not paying for the BP until I know how far a super casual player like myself can get. The core game is luckily still solid and since I don’t have the bad blood of the scrapped PvE mode or anything, I’m just enjoying playing more Overwatch again.


Midnight Suns is great, I was super addicted to playing that for a couple weeks. Put it down when I got stuck repeatedly losing a certain randomized mission and haven’t resumed yet. Shout-out to dread maidens punishing my bad squad selection. Maybe I should go back now…

Ethereal87, avatar

Yep. I hit a wall with a couple of the final battles in the DLC missions (Morbius and Storm) that I finally ratcheted down my difficulty level back to “normal” just to get through and not sour my experience with the game.

It did mean I annihilated the final boss of the campaign but I didn’t mind. It was still fun :)

Kolanaki, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 27th
!deleted6508 avatar

Armored Core 6.

I was going to play Wrath of the Righteous finally but then my sister gets me this randomly and I can’t put it down.

Almace, avatar

Also still playing Armored Core 6. I am really enjoying the game, and even spent a couple hours last night trying 3v3 PvP and had a lot of fun with that. Part of me wishes they did a proper support for PvP with queueing and some sort of map rotation, or that someone basically makes Armored Core 6 PvP as a separate game but functionally the same, because it honestly is a lot of fun.

deBroglie, do bez_miesa w Jak ułożyć dietę bezmięsną? avatar

@bodhisattva prosto - bez mięsa

bartolomeo, do piracy w What's the best way to rip music off Spotify so that I can store it on my HDD?

Freyr is amazing.


According to the readme it downloads the songs from youtube or other sources and then adds metadata after reencoding. This means tracks might include unwanted audio from a yt music video.

But I also used tools like this in the past, they work great.

ginerel, do gaming w Confused about the ending of Metro 2033 avatar

From what I understood, the gardens were, like, their headquarters. Bombing them would be their Achile's heel.

Indeed, as @FunderPants said, Metro Last Light should answer some of your questions :D

max2078, do piracy w What's the best way to get German content?

Getting into a private tracker seems hard

Application signup on TSC or WoT.

jakub, do bez_miesa w Jak ułożyć dietę bezmięsną? avatar

@bodhisattva mi pomogło liczenie kalorii na aplikacji w telefonie żeby się upewnić, że odpowiednio dużo sobie dostarczam, jeżeli to twój początek z byciem wege to nawet przy odpowiedniej ilości mikro i makro to możesz odczuwać głód, bo układ pokarmowy jest przyzwyczajony do większego obciążenia przez mięso


Nie, nie jem mięsa od dwóch lat jakoś (no chociaż na początku kilka miesięcy jadłem jeszcze okazjonalnie ryby). Po prostu teraz ćwiczę dużo więcej niż do tej pory

jakub, avatar

@bodhisattva no to skoro trenujesz to zwiększyło się zapotrzebowanie na białko

nd20, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of August 27th

Recently I’ve been having a bad habit of switching between multiple different games, getting bored and stopping/switching again.

Past 2 weeks I’ve been playing Disco Elysium and Crusader Kings 2. Still have the halfway-done games of Marvel’s Midnight Suns, Empire TV Tycoon, and Hotline Miami from the 2 weeks prior to that.

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