GBU_28, do games w Anyone else bounce around from game to game with no clue what to play?

In my experience this means you’re just looking for a dopamine drip, and aren’t actually looking to enjoy games. Best to realign for a bit… But YMMV

other_cat, avatar

Oh that’s interesting, I hadn’t considered that. What do you mean by realign though?


Realign on how you choose to spend your time

MossyFeathers, (edited ) do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? avatar

Sauna2000 (it’s not out yet, but there are some demos floating around).

Squirrel stapler

Cruelty Squad - depends on the kinda person you are. If you’re super open-minded about game presentation then I’d tell you to go into it blind. If not, then I’ll happily try to sell you on it. If it helps, the game looks the way that it does because of how fucking confident it is in itself; and that confidence is fully justified. Give it time, even if the first level doesn’t hook you, give it time because in my experience it will eventually hook you and reel you in and leave you thinking it’s one of the best games of all time.


Hypnospace Outlaw

Jet Set Radio, Jet Set Radio Future, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk. Give the first two a try, and if you don’t like either one, skip BRC; it’s a spiritual successor to JSRF and if you didn’t like JSRF then you probably won’t like BRC.

Hylics. If you liked that and wanted more, Hylics 2. Hylics 2 actually does something throughout the game that I’ve only ever seen as a gimmick in other games. It’s really cool and it’ll probably catch you off-guard every time it does it.

Katamari Damacy. If you liked that, there’s also We <3 Katamari.

Myst. The newest version has VR support. If you liked that, the recent Riven remaster also has VR support.

S C O R N (if you like Myst, give it a try. It feels very myst-like)

Hrot (boomer shooter, but if you like boomer shooters then you should give it a go).

If you’re at a place in your life where you’re trying to still find yourself: Night in the Woods. Especially if you’re a furry. This game is really fucking good. It’ll make you laugh. It’ll make you cry. It’ll make you miss home but also be glad you aren’t there anymore. It’ll make you question your place in life and who you are. Also, you can interact with things multiple times, make sure you don’t miss out on dialogue, you’ll regret it.

STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl - This is hard to go into blind because it’s buggy as fuck and most people recommend some form of community patch even for your first playthrough. That said, play it on the highest difficulty. It’s unironically more fun once you get used to it. If it’s too hard though, don’t be fooled into thinking that dropping the difficulty will make it easier, the hardest difficulty is special (you can only take a few hits, but the same is true for most enemies), and dropping it down will result in enemy difficulty scaling becoming more traditional (buffing health and damage).

Portal (and Portal 2).


If I can throw in a movie too:

Willy’s Wonderland. It’s a Nicolas Cage movie and that’s all I’ll tell you. DO NOT LOOK UP THE TRAILER. I wouldn’t have watched it if I hadn’t seen the trailer, but the trailer also has huge spoilers. I’m not a huge movie person and I had to watch it after seeing the trailer, but again the trailer has spoilers. It is on my top-10 movies list now.

p03locke, avatar

Portal 2 has, hands-down, the most hilariously-written dialogue I have ever seen in a video game. That alone is worth playing the game, but it’s also a fun puzzle game to boot.


I was gonna mention Bugsnax, but you beat me to it. That game starts so innocent.

anomaly, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? avatar



Yeah, got it for free on epic, assumed it was a game on dictatorship for reason… What a trip it turned out to be

inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

Great combat, graat atmosphere, great story. Definitely worth your time.


It’s on sale on Steam for $7, just got it!


The DLC for that game was a trip too. Highly recommend checking it out as it really added to Alan Wake 2 for me.

leftzero, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?


I mean, it's a 22 year old game, but since you asked nicely... 🤷‍♂️Seeing that silt strider just outside Seyda Neen after the intro to what looked like your run of the mill D&D style fantasy RPG was a surprise, to say the least…

… and it was just the beginning.

It’s a real shame later Elder Scrolls games mostly lost that otherworldly feel.


What they did to The Summerset Isles in ESO is a crime against Auriel and the 9 divines. I was expecting mushroom houses, and they made rivendell.

I’m not salty and bitter. Bethesda is salty and bitter.

ZC3rr0r, (edited )

It’s almost impossible to have not been bombarded with the main story and setting of Morrowind by this point. But when this game came out, it was an experience and a half. Unlike anything I had seen before at least. Sure, Ultima, TES 2, etc all existed. But none of them had never sold their world so effectively if you ask me.

Crashumbc, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?


TBH though, most if not all games are better blind.

Menschlicher_Fehler, do games w What are your most recent games played? avatar

A ton of Darktide.

fsxylo, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?

BioShock. It really depends on playing it blind in order to have an impact.

VindictiveJudge, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? avatar

The Xenoblade games. Probably Xenogears and Xenosaga, too, but I haven’t played those yet.


Partially agree. The series as a whole fully agree, game by game is iffy

XC1 can absolutely stand alone and really needs you to go in blind

XCFC doesn’t make sense without having played XC1

XC2 again can stand alone but you’ll catch some story stuff sooner if you’d played XC1

XCTTGC makes no sense without XC2

XC3 is this bizzaro mess I’m still not sure what the fuck happened but I think it does need XC1 and 2 background knowledge

XCFR retains XC3 heavy reliance on the previous games, but cranked up to levels that makes the Star Wars sequels seem almost reasonable

swordgeek, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

The Bethesda RPGs: Skyrim, Morrowind, Fallout series (although most of the hours probably into NV, which wasn’t actually Bethesda).


I have crazy high hours on Skyrim because I replayed it in French and Spanish. It is a very fun way to get the cheapest language immersion ever (though your vocabulary becomes a little, um, specialized)

FenrirIII, avatar

Votre français est très bon, mais vous avez un accent étrange. D’où venez-vous ? (“Your French is very good, but you have an odd accent. Where are you from?”)



Je parle aussi dragon. Foos!

AngryCommieKender, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?

Factorio and Dyson Sphere Program. At least don’t watch people like Nilaus and Dosh Doshington play the game until you’ve tried to make your own solutions first.

rikudou, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games? avatar

The Walking Dead by Telltale.

Walk_blesseD, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?

In Stars and Time

bitcrafter, do astronomy w DESI confirms Einstein's model of space-time, limits alternative explanations

Curses, foiled again!

chaos, avatar

Conspiracy theorists: “scientists know it’s all wrong but they’re preventing the truth from coming out to protect their precious ‘theories’”

Actual scientists: “crap, our theories were dead on yet again, damn it, will someone please finally blow even a tiny hole in this thing so we can move forward”

chryan, do games w What are your favorite "gotta go in blind" games?


A recent and lesser known game - unique turn-based tactical combat, and a heart-wrenching story.

mumblerfish, do astronomy w DESI confirms Einstein's model of space-time, limits alternative explanations

preference of the data for dynamical dark energy

That is a quite weak statement, I presume it implies that this result has not excluded a cosmological constant by a long shot, bacause that would have been huge.

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