Along with the suggestions here can also recommend a short hike. There’s also a bunch of short, fulfilling games on and the developers see more of your cash vs steam, worth considering if you’re so inclined.
I also go through phases like this, particularly in the winter. You could be suffering from depression or if this is a more recent thing as the days get shorter maybe its SAD. Get some sunshine and a SAD lamp and see if that helps. If not, worth talking to a professional like others have suggested. Godspeed fellow gamer!
Bokura. This is a bit hard though since the Steam store page kind of spoils it but just get it and think of it as a cool short co-op puzzle platformer.
My wife and I played it. Lots of fun! Forcing ourselves not to look at each others’ screens for the puzzles and dialogue was hard, but definitely made it more enjoyable from a communication aspect!
What, and I can’t state this clearly enough, the FUCK did I just play?
I wasn’t prepared to have the history of punching explained to me on Mars in a frog platformer.
I enjoy playing older games I missed out on years ago. Recently I finally played Silent Hill 3 and 4 for instance. Now I plan on doing Resi 1-3 and games like it. Other than that my guilty pleasure is League of Legends. I have accepted that I will play it until they shut it down.
If we’re being real, there’s a chance you’re just depressed. It’s also worth noting that you don’t actually have to play video games. Sometimes I just find myself without anything good to play. It’s ok to do something else for fun for awhile.
it would be if i didnt have 3 other games i wanted to play as well 😂 already bought downloaded and collecting dust as i replay the same game over again
This happens to me when I don’t have somebody to share my progress in a game with. It’s definitely some sort of failure to achieve dopamine or something.
Having a second person to talk to about the game and your progression may help you to overcome this hurdle.
Alternatively, try some indie stuff? AAA+ games are made by soulless companies who don’t actually care about your joy. Have you ever played Stardew Valley? Made by ONE dude with love. Give that a shot.
I saw that Renowned Explorers: International Society had a pretty seriously deep sale going on right now. Only $4. It’s pretty interesting game, art styles fun, games got some interesting mechanics, overall I think it’ll scratch a turn-based strategy itch. I recommend it.