harcesz, do zapytajszmer w Czy szmer planuje wspólnoty tylko dla zaproszonych tam osób?
!deleted269 avatar

Czy planuje? Od zanim powstał szmer. Jest to jednak zależne od pracy deweloperów i nie jest to proste. Z powodu złożoności potrzebnych rozwiązań konsekwentnie uciekają od kwestii od jakichś 5 lat.

!deleted2556 avatar

Czy to znaczy, że to jest bardzo pracochłonne (i czasochłonne) tak w zrobieniu, jak i później w utrzymaniu?

!deleted269 avatar

W napisaniu części oprogramowania, która by za to odpowiadała - ze względu na zdecentralizowaną strukturę platformy (tzn. że treść generalnie ma być jednocześnie wyświetlana na wielu serwerach).

absquatulate, (edited ) do games w Are there any games like Starfield?

These are the ones I’ve played over the years. Hope I’m not missing anything:

Elite Dangerous - Highly reccomend this, it’s basically a huge sandbox, with full size galaxy, “real” star distances and orbits, excellent flight model. It also has the most awesome community around it. Downsides are that while it has lore and ongoing background story, there’s no quest, no interesting characters, no rpg elements. Also there’s quite a learning curve, and quite a grind (albeit maneageable these days). There’s also a new colonization feature in the works that will involve a lot of comunity effort. If you do decide to play it, join a group, a squad, or just buzz me so I can add you here and there. Friends make the game sooo much better.

Everspace 2 - This may be what you’re looking for, as it has story, good gameplay, arcadey flight model and lots of rpg elements. Overall a great game. Only problem with it is that it’s not particularly large. Its universe is far smaller than starfield’s.

NMS - Another one with an immense galaxy. This one has a storyline, but not a lot of rpg elements. A lot of it is procedural and after a while feels very samey and shallow. It does have crossplay and a great community as well.

X4 - Not especially large, but great single player game, with a universe that feels lived in. Also no rpg and I hear the endgame gets a bit managery.

Spacebourne - Haven’t played it long but iy gas good potential. There’s a bunch of systems, there’s quests, reminds me a bit of freelancer. The downside is that there’s a single dev, so development is slow and there’s a fair amount of jank.


ME - I feel it is still king of story driven spage-rpg even after all these years. Maybe give Andromeda a try? The story is meh, but it has great gameplay, and far fewer bugs.

!deleted6348 avatar

I always felt Andromeda got a bad rap. It’s not a great game. It’s not on par with mass effect. But it’s fine, I had fun. I never felt like it was a waste of money. Not a masterpiece, but I enjoyed it


Yeah. It had a bad launch. I wish we had gotten the expansion about the Quarian ark.

!deleted6348 avatar

Definitely, instead we only got a kinda crappy book

Vidu, do zapytajszmer w Czy szmer planuje wspólnoty tylko dla zaproszonych tam osób?

Z jednej strony fajne, ale patrząc na ruch na szmerze to jakby najbardziej aktywni użytkownicy (a widać że mniej lub bardziej się oni nawzajem znają) pouciekali do zamkniętych grup to publiczny szmer nie żyje. Chyba że taki jest cel jego rozwoju.

!deleted269 avatar

Założenie jest takie, że przyciągnąłby ludzi, którzy obecnie siedzą na zamkniętych społecznościach na fejku.

dj1936, do zapytajszmer w Dysydencko-socdemkowa społeczność - jaką nadać jej nazwę?
!deleted2556 avatar

Może po prostu “socjaldemokracja”, by ludzie wierzący w tę szkodliwą ideę mogli trafić w miejsce, gdzie będą mogli spojrzeć na nią z innej perspektywy.


W sumie dobra myśl, ale mało śmieszkowa.

dj1936, do zapytajszmer w Dysydencko-socdemkowa społeczność - jaką nadać jej nazwę?
!deleted2556 avatar

O co chodzi z tym zdjęciem?


To zdjęcie z wykładu Baumana we Wrocku sprzed wielu lat. Dotyczyło… rocznicy powstania (niemieckiej) socjaldemokracji xD

!deleted2556 avatar

Masz na myśli akcje sprzed prawie 12lat?


Tak, dalej mnie śmieszy hihi

!deleted2556 avatar

[w tym zdjęciu chodzi o to, że na wykład Baumana przyszło kilkudziesięciu kibiców Śląska Wrocław i działaczy Narodowego Odrodzenia Polski i aktywnie uniemożliwiało przeprowadzenie wykładu, przez co wstąpili do sali antyterroryści]

Od mniej więcej tego czasu (wg mnie konkretnie od 11.11.2012) naziści i nacjonaliści we Wrocławiu zaczęli słabnąć.

Ten okres to był moim zdaniem szczyt ich aktywności i siły na różnych frontach.-


Mnie śmieszy zdjęcie vs. temat wykładu. Od 2012 hihi

!deleted2556 avatar

Jaki był tytuł wykładu?

HubertManne, do games w Are there any games like Starfield?

star trek online. you could technically warp to destinations rather than fast travel but it would be hard to keep that up and ignore them. It even has a race event where the ships have to visit major planets and locations and it even allows for transwarps but because of the race nature you at best can use it for a shortcut or two to optimize the path. They used to have events with hourly rotations and just being up and watching the space map was sorta neat as you would see all these ships trying to do the race. They switched to a format where people could choose it more whenever they want though so it lost that particular community effect.

Excrubulent, (edited ) do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? avatar

My absolute favourite roguelite is Noita.

Beware though, it’s quite different to other roguelites in that the world it creates is suprisingly expansive. You can get lost in it, mentally. There are quests that can take you dozens of hours to complete, all on the same run, and even if you become so absurdly overpowered that nothing can threaten you directly, till you can fly inside the sun, you can still get turned into a sheep and die in a single hit.

Also the wand-building is complex, it’s like a programming language. People have built wands that can teleport you to parallel worlds, and the developers did not intend for that to be possible. And in a way I’ve never seen magic be done before, you can screw up and kill yourself with your wands, just like a discworld wizard. It’s so easy to do, it’s a rite of passage for any new player.

Some people don’t like spoilers on this game so here you go, but honestly getting just a little spoiled made me get properly into it to understand what the hell people were talking about.

Tap for spoilerI was maybe 8 or 9 hours into reaching the hardest boss in the game, up to NG+24 or so, just a couple of hours away from my destination. I was teleporting, had hundreds of thousands of hit points, had immunity to every kind of damage, could tear through the terrain like it wasn’t there, had weapons that would evaporate any enemy in the blink of an eye even as they became exponentially more powerful with each NG+ level, and I was being careful. I had even pacified the world so nobody would attack. Then some asshole dropped in from off-screen with a wand of transmogrification, got hit by the chainsaw on my tele wand and retaliated while something exploded nearby throwing fire over us, and I, now a sheep, flopped around impotently for a few seconds on fire then just fucking died.

I… stopped playing after that one, I’ll be honest. But I will return.

And rather than simply being repetitive, the way the world loops creates an ennui that’s kind of haunting to me. The whole game is littered with versions of people trying to achieve immortality, and if you manage to reach a point where you actually can’t die, you feel like you’ve soft-locked yourself, because dying is how you get to the end-screen. You can just end the run from the menu, but it feels fake somehow.

10/10 would try to kill god and confront my mortality again.


Thank you for the in-depth explanation! I’ve wishlisted it and will pick it up when it goes on sale. The art is absolutely beautiful, I can see how it could get haunting and lonely.

CileTheSane, avatar

People have built wands that can teleport you to parallel worlds, and the developers did not intend for that to be possible.

Alright, this has convinced me to give Noita a shot.

Excrubulent, avatar

I mean, I don’t know how much they anticipated. There are a lot of projectile path modifications that are clearly meant for tinkering, but the idea that they knew their players would do this is hard to tease out. It’s a simulation game built very much on “Things are what they are,” and they know this has deep implications.

Like when I was turned into a sheep, I wasn’t “noita (sheep)”, I was just “sheep”. The noita I had been playing as was effectively stored in a state of nonexistence until the transmogrification wore off, then the sheep was replaced with the noita. So transforming yourself - or simply causing yourself to temporarily cease to exist - can be a way to eliminate side effects of certain things.

If there is one thing that it might be worth spoiling yourself on, if you’re struggling to finish a run, is in the next spoiler.

Tap for spoilerLearn to escape the Holy Mountain without collapsing it. Being able to return to edit wands, go back up in the world, and access health is a game-changer. Finishing the game without that trick is something I don’t think I’ve ever done. All the big lore stuff is discovered after finishing your first run anyway as far as I can tell.

Other than that, I would look up how to design good wands. This can be a good thing to learn by doing for a while, but there are deep interactions that you could soend a thousand runs not learning. I think the shared science is a big part of what makes this game great.

Maggoty, do games w Are there any games like Starfield?

There’s always Star Citizen… :)

Okay but really I agree that Starfield is a mess. The thing is, nobody else has really delivered on the whole package yet. Ground and space combat, trading, and a narrative.

Mass effect and Freelancer gave two different sides of the coin and I think they’re the next closest.

ICastFist, avatar


+1 for that. One of the best space sims, despite its age, and my first contact with actual zero-g dogfighting (boost, turn off engine, rotate ship to try and hit the enemy)


I can’t believe (actually I can) that Microsoft didn’t base starfield’s space mechanics (and overall everything else) from Freelancer. The template to improve upon was right there.

ICastFist, avatar

Considering all the problems Bethesda had with simply making space work at all, I’m not surprised they didn’t even try to look into better games to copy from

jordanlund, do games w Are there any games like Starfield? avatar

If you’re into retro-gaming, Starflight and Starflight II were both excellent.


InternetCitizen2, do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions? avatar

Hollow Knight

OfficerBribe, do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions?

Slice & Dice is really good. If I play something on phone it is either that or Slay the Spire.

Squirrelanna, avatar

Seconding this. There’s so much to do and so many ways to customize how you wanna play while still unlocking new things to play with. Great, we’ll designed little game that I’ve been playing for years.

MojoMcJojo, do games w Are there any games like Starfield?

Still in early access, and not very pleasant to looking at first glance, but Ostronauts is a start from scratch go anywhere and solve problems space game. On my first play I was pulled over but the cops for salvaging without a license only for the cop to write me a ticket and then start flirting with me. I got his number. Make sure you can cover the cost of the ticket and docking fees before you dock or they won’t let you undock. Flight mechanics are very real and you quickly feel like your piloting a space jalopy. RPG system is great too. You unlock skills that level as you use them and need to repair components as they can break down. Slow development by I think one guy, but a work of love for sure.


Ostranauts looks cool as heck! I’ve added it to my wishlist.

chonglibloodsport, do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions?

You owe it to yourself to try some traditional Roguelikes:

  • Caves of Qud (Just released 1.0 a month ago. Amazing game. Unique science fiction world full of weird and wonderful characters, complex tinkering crafting system, crazy mutants and really cool cybernetics. Huge amounts of lore and a rich detailed world. I can’t stop playing it!)
  • Shattered Pixel Dungeon (Really awesome game with a friendly developer who posts on Lemmy. Extremely well balanced classes: 5 main classes with a 6th in development. Cool character customization and equipment upgrade system. Super deep alchemy system. Probably the best mobile roguelike but amazing on PC too, with a great UI for every platform)
  • NetHack (old school, developed since 1987 and still active, very tough game, might not want to try this one first. Incredibly rewarding once you learn it! Absolutely crazy amount of interactions between items, characters, and features in the dungeon. Takes its “verb-based action system” much farther than any other game, including text adventure games)
  • Dungeon Crawl: Stone Soup (very complex but not as brutal and spoilery as NetHack. Extreme replay value due to the huge number of species, backgrounds, skills, and gods)
  • Tales of Maj’Eyal (not as many races as DCSS but still a huge variety of character builds. Great music as well)
Bamboodpanda, do games w Any Roguelike/Roguelite suggestions?

I will share my personal favorites:

Faster Than Light, Into the Breach, Inscryption (don’t look up anything just buy and play it)


For those who fondly remember FTL and think they got everything out of it; I highly, HIGHLY, recommend getting the Multiverse mod. It’s essentially FTL 2 and adds an absolutely insane amount of content. Seriously, it’s like 10x bigger than the base game. Dozens of new ships and equipment, several new races, hundreds of new events, new paths, new victory conditions. It is amazing and has really breathed new life into such an awesome game.


Oooooo I didn’t know this! I’m gonna give it a try tonight!


Definitely do! If anything, I’m underselling just how much content it adds. It’s even set a few decades after the base game so it really is like a full sequel.

CileTheSane, avatar

Seconding Inscryption. Excellent game. Read nothing about it and explore it on your own.

Sonotsugipaa, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of January 12th avatar

Chromehounds, trying to squeeze as much nostalgia fun out of it to compensate not having been able to play more than three times online (as the game was intended).

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