Anyone running a 13x or 14x should test their PC using Intel’s stress test utility, especially if you have had crashes. It’s permanent damage and they will replace your processor....
My favorite soundtrack ever, of course, is that of The Secret of Monkey Island (MT-32) by Michael Land. A lot of nostalgia there.
I also very much like the soundtrack to Dune by Stephane Picq. There’s an edition that combines the Adlib, Adlib Gold, and MT-32 versions which is “chef’s kiss”. Alternatively, I can recommend the Space Opera edition.
Strike Commander by Nenad Vugrinec on MT-32 is also great.
For chiptunes, I really liked Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 by Alex Mauer.
Or, for a real classic, Earthbound by Keiichi Suzuki and Hirokazu Tanaka.
I (occasionally) like the frantic style of Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw’s Zero Punctuation game reviews. Together with the wacky animations, they’re quite something.
Games that restore faith in the industry?
I have been in quality the a gaming slump for a while, for various reasons....
Intel Crashes (
Anyone running a 13x or 14x should test their PC using Intel’s stress test utility, especially if you have had crashes. It’s permanent damage and they will replace your processor....
Good game soundtracks? angielski
I’ve been looking for some more instrumental music to listen to while working, besides putting FF and Stardew on loop.
Funny bad games reviews angielski
I really love watching funny bad game review videos (e.g. Civvie) and was wondering what other similar content creators you could recommend.
What are the best indie games you've ever played? angielski
Fantastic titles made by people in their bedrooms.