Godric, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

“Lok’tar Ogar!”

And “Get outta the DAMN WAY!”

finitebanjo, (edited ) do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

Jason but they pronounce it “Jay Sohn.”

Also “Holy shit, its snow white!” as they’re being gunned down from the brush.

EDIT: oh and of course “Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?”

nevemsenki, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

The individual desires judgment. Without that desire, the cohesion of groups is impossible, and so is civilization.

The need to be observed and understood was once satisfied by God. Now we can implement the same functionality with data-mining algorithms.

You will soon have your God - and you will make it with your own hands.

  • Morpheus from Deus Ex
nudnyekscentryk, do zapytajszmer w Stacja ładowania baterii do laptopa avatar

Jestem w stanie sobie wyobrazić takie urządzenie, aczkolwiek standardów akumulatorów do laptopów jest tak dużo, że wątpię, aby coś takiego faktycznie istniało.

biorę do pracy tylko te urządzenie + baterie do lapka, a komputera nie muszę dźwigać

Mógłbyś rozwinąć?

!deleted2556 avatar

Myślę, że istnieje - pamiętam, że kiedyś znajomy miał takie coś.

Po latach sobie o tym przypomniałem, stąd pytanie.

truffles, avatar

Ej, faktycznie jest coś takiego. Szukam pod hasłem “laptop external battery charger”.…,lenovo-thinkpad-external-batt…

!deleted2556 avatar

A czy ja Was kiedyś okłamałem? :p

Fedegenerate, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

“Had to be me.”

Also, there was a Warhammer RTS that had “AHH my spleen!!!” Which I never got over.


Warhammer Rogue trader has one character laugh and shout “haha! Reduced to dust” on a kill.

state_electrician, do games w Greatest video game ever played?

No idea. Too many to pick from.

BowtiesAreCool, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

“It’s not a lake, it’s an ocean”

Also the part where you and Pierce are singing along to What I Got by Sublime near the beginning of Saints Row The Third

Astral08, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

Blue team has the flag The enemy has your flag Blue scored Blue wins

Altair secrets are not for you

Matty_r, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? avatar

“Stay a while, and listen.”

“With my brains and your brawn, we’ll make an excellent team!”

“Stop rocking the boat, you’re making me sea sick!”


Lol. Stay a while and listen was the first thing that came to my mind. Your soul shall fuel the hellforge.

zaft, avatar

You have quite the treasure there in that Horadric cube!

Agent641, (edited ) do games w Greatest video game ever played?

Tomb Raider 1.

I’m replaying the remastered trilogy for the first time since I was a teenager. The level design is outstanding. Very clever re-use of the same areas, just at different heights.

It’s inspiration from side-scroller prince of persia (also played this obsessively as a young child) is palpable. The movement system is revolutionary.

And the enemy progression is hilarious. First you fight some bats, then you fight some wolves, then you fight motherfucking Velociraptors, then a goddamned T-Rex. And thats not even close to the weirdest enemy you’ll fight. Boss battles are evenly spaced until they aren’t. when you have two boss battles immediately one after the other.

And then eventiually, you get to the pulsating flesh caves…


Yeah. Tomb Raider is wayup there.

I remember being relieved when I survived the encounter with the bear, knowing that it was definitely going to be the scariest creature I would encounter. Lol.

WereCat, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

“Remember the Nutella” - AoE II Malian Villager

KenTheEagle, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

“Negative Ramos”

Timecircleline, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

“Hey! Listen!”

maliciousonion, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

“A right man in a wrong place can make all the difference in the world”

JovialMicrobial, do games w What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head?

The kamikazes continuous screaming from serious sam will forever be etched in my brain as a part of my childhood.

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