cows_are_underrated, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

I am Not even close to 1000h but devinetively Factorio. Be aware, this game is a massive time sink and makes you play for way longer than you want. Especially with the new expansion you can spend enormous amounts of time in this game.

crestwave, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Don’t Starve Together scratches the MMO itch for me. It’s not an MMO, but there are public servers where you can hop in and hang out, raid bosses and whatnot. I have ~4k hours in it now.

therealjcdenton, (edited ) do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

FFXIV, the campaigns alone are roughly 500 hours long and then Team Fortress 2

therealjcdenton, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value.

So true, Cyberpunk can’t be fixed because it’s story is so bad, it has some cool scenes when johnny and v go into the dimensional merge, but that’s about it

CheeseNoodle, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value.

I agree the main story isn’t that re-playable, though I’d say phantom liberty is worth 2 playthroughs because the endings diverge pretty heavily and actually have gameplay to go with them. I find the best way to play it is to do minnimal main story, crank up the difficulty, maybe install some mods and then play it as an rpg with all the side gigs.

My mod list: `_----Cyber Engine Tweaks----

----Dependancy Mods----

----Overhaul Mods----
Responsive NPCs
Night City Alive…
Random Netrunners

Immersive First Person
Virtual Atelier…
Virtual Atelier all clothes…
Browser Extension`

Installed just using Vortex Mod Manager, played on very hard and trying to pick the stats and gear that I think I would pick if I actually got isekai’d into cyberpunk or something, also no crafting guns except when home at my apartment.

Mechaguana, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. avatar

Tbh once i got through the boring introduction, I spent more time ffing around than actually progressing the story. If you do jobs instead of the main story, and consider that as the main gameplay loop the replayability is insane.

The real problem is how the game tries to funnel you into finishing the game, like the main quest is always there occupying the quest log when you open it, everytime you do a gig it defaults back to it etc…

Honestly the game is more fun imo when you are just running/driving around interacting with the world and accidently doing gigs rather than bee lining the story.

I really hate that there isint any new game + and that they cap levels. They should add a bigger spike of difficulty too.

Brumefey, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?

Dark age of Camelot. 6000 hours on my main character. I prefer not to think about how could life be different now if I had not started this game…

DuckWrangler9000, avatar

I prefer not to think about how could life be different now if I had not started this game…

I used to think like this. It took me a while to realize it wouldn’t be different at all. You gotta take care of yourself in life and that includes your mental health and well-being. Sometimes that’s playing a game you love


That’s true. Thank you for sharing this.

quinkin, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games?


_Lory98_, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 17th

I’m still playing Triangle Strategy and played a bit of Granblue Fantasy Vs Rising, but I’m on pad as I didn’t have my hitbox with me so I’m trying to relearn the controls.

I’ve been also playing a bit of Genshin Impact and while I don’t like the monetization and think it hurts the game even if you don’t interact with it, it’s still enjoyable to play and the exploration is quite relaxing.

I’ve also been playing Etrian Odyssey which I had put on hold for a few months because I had gotten stuck on a certain floor, but now I figured out where to go. I am really enjoying it, it does feel a bit old, but it probably enhances how hostile the dungeon feels.

sic_semper_tyrannis, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 17th

Just finished Battlefront 2 and am now playing the original Yakuza (Restored patch) for PS2 for the first time.

carl_dungeon, do games w Is a Quest 3 really worth it?


mox, (edited ) do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value.


To the people who come into point-of-view threads like this one and downvote what other people took the time to share, how about describing your own experiences instead? It would make Lemmy a nicer place to be, and might even add something of value to the discussion.


Yeah, well said!

I hope those bots agree with you too!

Turtle, do games w For me, Cyberpunk 2077 was uninteractive and has low replayablility value. avatar

I didn’t make it far through the game, I quit once I realised how lifeless the open “world” was.


I mean i dont think its the best game ever or anything, but compared to say breath of the wild which is celebrated for its open world for some reason but which is just 99% empty space with a thousand rocks you have to turn over, cyberpunks world is so much more dynamic and alive. There are tons of little hidden quests that you have to stumble upon or be in the right place at the right time. There are tons of little hidden easter eggs, like a dead sniper on one roof with a log entry, and on the roof opposite that a bunch of dead gang members with a corresponding log entry. You really have to search and read everything in cyberpunk to find the little gems, and by the end theres a lot of unnecessary loot and repeated data files, but when you stumble across the reallt interesting hidden bits it makes it all worth it i think. Regardless if you play for more than an hour or two and take the time to explore then its obvious a lot of care went into crafting the world, more than just creating a dumb little puzzle and then copy pasting it 50 times all over the map.


I agree with you about BoTW. I played the whole thing. It is actually overrated. Maybe I just needed to soace it out a bit since I played it a ton in college.

Xenny, (edited )

Nah you’re right. It’s overrated. It shaked the Zelda formula up and that’s all that people see in it. It has a ton of fun details in the world sure but let’s be honest BOTW has like 8 different enemies you will fight over and over. The shrines aren’t even a challenge after the first third of the game since you know the ins and outs of your abilities. Your abilities are all gained right at the start too and there’s no cool loot other than another bow or a random melee weapon.

The open world nature kills so much of the story pacing and cinematic elements we have come to expect from the series. Then there’s the whole no real dungeons thing. a Zelda dungeon used to be an all day affair. Took you hours with a challenging unique boss fight at the end. The beasts we got and the copy pasted phantom ganons were so lame.

I honestly feel like they serious took a dramatic dip in theming and focus with BOTW. It took a dramatic leap forward in innovation for the series but it really doesn’t feel like a legend of Zelda game anymore.

Tears of the kingdom is just The Legend of Zelda Nuts and Bolts. Change my mind

ExcursionInversion, avatar

Did they fix having all NPCs react the exact same (time and motions) to gunshots?

StereoTypo, do gaming w Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of November 17th avatar

Finally playing Cyberpunk. That and Webfishing.

StereoTypo, avatar

Also I too am running out of steam for Vampire Survivors. I enjoyed Halls of Torment much more.


The class with the flamethrower is so much fun in Halls of Torment.

Poopfeast420, avatar

I’m watching a streamer play through Cyberpunk right now and it looks really good. I gotta play it myself next year, when I (hopefully) upgrade my GPU.

Wahots, do games w What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? avatar

Elite Dangerous. Well over 1,000 hours, especially with friends to explore the black with. Hard to get into, but it has so much stuff to do. It made me passionate about space! (And it’s always fun reading articles about a far-flung star and thinking “hey! I’ve been there!”)

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