"I don’t know if I’m good or evil. Stupid words, anyway… But I’m trying to be gentle to others and hard on myself. I know how to sympathize and not judge. I try to love whoever I touch. That’s the only answer I have."
i agree i tried getting into this game but ultimately did not really care for it. might try again someday but i got a backlog of other stuff i want to play first
i remember at the beginning, when that guy teams up with you and hypes you up to a bunch of shit you’ll be doing, i got super excited “oh finally this game is gonna really start! fuck yeah!” and then its just a fuckin cutscene
“I led them to the light. I alone.” I’m getting goosebumps just writing that down. The moment you finally hear him say it in-game after reading it on the loading screens all the time. It all comes together in the end.
I’m on my fourth playthrough right now, Enderal is my favourite video game ever I think.