Coskii, do games w What games have you put the most hours into? avatar

In no particular order:

  • Ragnarok online
  • Darkspace
  • Monster hunter (multiple games)
  • Dj max (multiple games)
  • Garry’s Mod
  • Aliens VS predators 2 (1998)
  • Halo
  • Warframe Phantasy star online (and 2) Path of Exile Morrowind probably.

I was wondering if PSO (and/or PSO2) would get mentioned. PSO2 is my most played by far. Probably my most consistently played game too. Played off and on since 2012.

Coskii, avatar

I dumped 8k hours into it once it came west within a year and a half but have since stopped. The NGS changeover was so poorly handled that it really hurt my enjoyment of the game significantly.


Yeah I hopped on global and played a bunch but dropped it for a while after I learned that NGS sucks. Been playing it again, just sticking to base PSO2 and popping over to NGS for login bonuses and only the dailies that have the highest reward to clear time ratio. Base game is still great, but the playerbase tanked since there’s no new content being made. Ngs has fundamental problems that no amount or quality of content will fix, and it’s getting extremely half assed content anyway.

I honestly can’t wait until SEGA just drops the game altogether so I can hope that private servers start popping up like Ephinea and a few others did with PSO Blue Burst (which is still active if you’re looking for that old school PSO grind).

bjoern_tantau, do games w What games have you put the most hours into? avatar

Probably 2048 which is just a fidgeting toy for me.

TimeSquirrel, do games w What games have you put the most hours into? avatar

KSP. I colonized almost the entire system on chemical rockets alone with bases and ISRU fuel depots orbiting the smaller moons (I'd have to go to each base, do some mining, and refill the orbiting tanker station before every long mission so it's ready when I got there). I'm not at my PC but last I checked it was a couple thousand hours.

olafurp, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

League of legends, Counter Strike and Warcraft 3 custom maps are waaaay up there.

Factorio is catching up though

NeryK, do games w What games have you put the most hours into? avatar

Guild Wars 2 has been my theme park MMORPG of choice on and off for the last 12 years, with >2500h. I have also spent ~1000h on Elite Dangerous.

iAmTheTot, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

Maplestory and Warcraft 3 almost certainly hold the first two places from an age gone by, but I don’t have numbers for those.

For games that I do have numbers for, Anno 1800, Stardew, and Total War Warhammer (especially if you combine the trilogy).

spankmonkey, do games w What games have you put the most hours into? avatar

Probably counterstrike back in the day, possibly battlefield 2 including the Project Reality mod. That was back when gametime wasn’t really tracked and I had a lot more spare time Possibly WoW, but I only played for a couple of years or less and for a few hours a day at most.

Currently my highest is Forza Horison 5 with like 1200 hours. Have a few others with 500+ hours although a few are inflated at least 100+ hours because the game locked up on closing and counted as played for several days multiple times.

Blxter, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?
!deleted4407 avatar

I have over 3K hours on rust on PC. If I include all the hours on Xbox when I was younger it would most likely be either destiny 1+2 or Rianbow Six Siege but Im not sure how to find all that info since alot of R6 was on Smurfs

Rai, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

TF2, Diablo II, and Ragnarok Online. 1k-2k+ hours each.

LifeCoffeeGaming, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

Rimworld 2300 hours or so

InEnduringGrowStrong, do games w What games have you put the most hours into? avatar

I was gonna check my Steam library for the numbers, but the real answer probably is Shattered Pixel Dungeon on my phone.

2xsaiko, avatar

The only game on my phone! Great game.

Probably not nearly close to top hours though. I haven’t even beaten it once yet.


You can beat it??


25 is the lowest floor. after that, you can either choose to end the run or do an ascension


It took me 48 attempts to beat it the first time. After that it was like every five to ten tries.

Fubarberry, avatar

Great game, it and the original Pixel Dungeon were my most played phone games for years.

Another high quality mobile experience I can’t recommend enough is Slice & Dice. Gameplay is quite different from Pixel Dungeon, but it’s basically replaced all other phone games for me. Been playing it almost continuously now for the past 3 years.

Tolstoy, do games w What games have you put the most hours into? avatar
remon, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

Probably still World of Warcraft. When I quite around 2010, I had close to 700 days /played time on my main, and another 400 days between various alts.


Definitely WoW for me back in the day too, in the 400 day range across my main and alts. These days No Man’s Sky in the 400 hour category. Things change when you become a parent, but I still try to find time to play games.


Yeah, the amount of time you had as a student sure was amazing. These days it’s more like a few hours a month.


Hang on. WoW came out in 2004. So in 6 years you played 3 years in-game? 12 hours a day, every single day for 6 solid years? Were you on disability? Because after sleeping, that doesn’t leave much time for work or school.


2 of those years were after I finished school and was just living rent free at home and gaming full time. During that time it was easly more then 12h a day. Though, a lot of that was just being logged in and idle while chatting on teamspeak or doing administrative work for the guild (we ran our own webserver out of a friends house for our forum/dkp system, etc). That’s how I learned programming.

There was also some account sharing, which was literally required to get to the top of the vanialla PvP ranking. Games were built different back then.


Oh god, the PvP ranking bullshit grind. Yeah, you almost had to account share to get the top ranks. Back in Vanilla, two of my IRL buddies did the HWL grind. It was different from the Arena rankings grind, but still brutal. The last 3 weeks were nearly 24/7 to move up, and that’s only because we had an organized server that had a list of who was next in line to get HWL and enforced weekly caps to make sure someone didn’t grind 24/7 and miss a rank.

I stopped at Centurion, because fuck all that. I also wasn’t good at PvP.


that’s only because we had an organized server that had a list of who was next in line to get HWL

Honestly, I loved that kind of meta gaming, all the backdoor deals, even across factions. The drama when some group wouldn’t honour the list or agreements (Been on both sides of it).

I made rank 13, luckily I already had a better weapon from raiding, so I could skip the last one. Good times.

Vinny_93, do games w What games have you put the most hours into?

Rocket League, by far. 1500 hours or so.

Cyanogenmon, avatar

Can’t say that without saying your rank.


Champ 2 in 2s currently, it’s pretty much the only thing I play.

Actually I’ve only been playing casual of late, I find the toxicity a bit lower there. You might actually have a couple of decent games with a nice team mate.

But I’ve been playing since it wad kinda new, I was among the ones who had to pay 20 euros just to buy the game on pc. I played it with a DualShock 3 with an XInput wrapper. When I started I didn’t even have a DualShock so I played mouse and keyboard. And I think some of the hours are just having the game open but not playing.


I just uninstalled rocket league.

After 9 years and 4200 hours, it just feels like its time. No hard feelings at all. It was a great game and I enjoyed the first 4100 hours. Im just not improving anymore and don’t want to sink more time into learning mechanics.

Ive peaked 1605 MMR (GC2) but its tough to stay motivated enough to continue at that rank.


Oh yeah I never got into things like tracking my MMR or trying to learn all the crazy stuff that goes on just above my rank. I’m perfectly okay with keeping the ball low and passing to my teammates and having a good game like that. I get super annoyed if my team mates try for the 7th time in one match to do a flip reset and not rotating ever.

If I even play now, I just play a couple of casual games with rando’s or ranked with a friend. After 10 to 15 games I’m completely done.

t3rmit3, do gaming w What's your favourite it's all in the gameplay game?

This (sandbox games that are all about “pure” gameplay, where the narrative is made by the pseudo-random events) is my bag!

In no particular order except for #1, these are my top-10:

  1. KenshiPost-apocalyptic alien planet sandbox that can be a colony simulator, a faction-combat game, an exploration and boss-fighting game, and so much more. This is by far and away my TOP recommendation.
  2. RimworldDwarf Fortress-like colony simulator set on proc-gen alien planets. Supremely mod-able.
  3. StarsectorSandbox space game with a bit of everything. You can play it in so many ways, and there are so many encounters and missions and things to do. Tons of mods.
  4. Mount and Blade: WarbandA medieval-combat “simulator” where you lead a… Warband of soldiers around a faux medieval world. First-person combat with a lot of great complexity. Supports mods.
  5. Derail ValleyA train-driving simulator, where you just take contracts to haul stuff between towns/stations/etc. Multiple engines to drive, and a lot of cool physics to contend with.
  6. Project ZomboidZombie apocalypse survival simulator, with multiplayer. Lots of mods.
  7. SporeA sandbox classic, where you usher a species as it evolves from protozoa to being an interstellar species.
  8. The Sims 3Playing house for adults (and kids). Build a house, decorate it, get a good job, have kids and pets. The unattainable Millennial fantasy.
  9. StarboundUniverse exploration sandbox, with a bunch of humanoid aliens you have to ally with to defeat a big monster thing. Moddable.
  10. X4: FoundationsEconomic simulation sandbox set in space. Build stations, ships, influence wars between empires using economic sway… Very very slow, but fulfilling.
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