Cowbee, do gaming w What order should I play the Halo series in? avatar

1, 2, 3, 3: ODST, Reach. That’s the most important order.

Bogusmcfakester, do gaming w What order should I play the Halo series in?

Just play 1, 2 & 3 chronologically and if you want more play odst. I, personally, wouldn’t recommend halo 4. They’re also great games for co op if you have a friend you can convince


Pretty much this.


Thanks. What’s so bad about 4? Everyone talks bad about it.


This video goes over it fairly well (note that this video does contain minor spoilers): video that goes over only the gameplay with no spoilers:

Spoiler-free TL;DW: Halo 4 was controversial because this was the first new mainline Halo game by 343 Industries, who changed things up from previous Halo titles.

But aside from questionable changes to the franchise in order to appeal to the CoD audience, there were a few genuine issues with the campaign (in my opinion, as a player who never finished Halo 4’s campaign).

In terms of gameplay:

  1. The sandbox was absolutely destroyed through many changes to older weapons, to encourage you to use the new 343 weapons. The weapons were either nerfed into the ground to make them unviable, greatly reduced in ammo/availability, or outright removed. This meant that you would constantly be forced to replace your weapons, or you’d have to use the newer weapons, which still ran out of ammo. This greatly limited your options when playing the game.
  2. The enemies would act in a way that greatly limited your options when fighting them. The most common weapons (plasma pistols and needlers) were both were used in a way that forces you to methodically take them out from a distance. Melee attacks were undodgeable instant deaths, forcing you to take them out from a distance. Then, the Promethian knights have stupid health, shields that recharge almost instantly, and the ability to fucking teleport to recover their shields (or hit you with an undodgeable melee attacks).

The result is that you are basically limited to only using long-range weapons to take out enemies. Hope you enjoy hours of Light Rifle gameplay!

In terms of other parts of the game, this is more subjective but:

  1. The story felt incoherent, especially considering that it is a sequel to Halo 3
  2. The sound design completely changed the iconic sound effects, and the music felt off
  3. The characters were bland and forgettable, only Master Chief and Cortana were anywhere near fleshed-out

Overall just a poor experience compared to older Halo titles.

obinice, avatar

I agree but also how the heck did you forget Reach! 😅

What an absolutely phenomenal single player game in the series, and absolutely fantastic multiplayer to boot! :-D

Gosh the Reach score lives rent free in my head all these years later… ♥️

PM_Your_Nudes_Please, do games w What game surprised you with their length?

Okami. Every time I finished an area, I thought I was nearing the end of the game. And every time, I was presented with a new, even larger area.

VindictiveJudge, avatar

Even if you notice that your brush techniques an inventory screens don’t look complete, it really does feel like the end. Then when they do look complete and you’re sure you’ve finally finished it, there’s one more region and some upgrades.


So pleased about the sequel coming! Loved that game.


There’s like three different points in the game that look like the end before revealing more. It’s a chunky game. If it was paced slightly better and the dialogue trimmed (by a lot) it would be perfect. But it’s close enough

AceFuzzLord, do games w What game surprised you with their length?

Beyond The Edge of Owlsgarde. No spoilers, but despite playing it for plenty of hours (don’t have an exact count), I felt it was short. Pretty cool enough of a modern point and click adventure game, though.

pyre, do gaming w Inspired by another post

dude some even said they made her ugly … she looks like fucking Tricia Helfer!

Stalinwolf, avatar

The ugly comments are fucking hilarious. She’s a perfectly attractive older woman at this point, and quite honestly, if I’m going to be forced to take up her mantle as the player character, I’ll have a much easier time identifying with a hardened older woman as a Witcher than a young adult girl with perpetually running mascara.

I didn’t enjoy playing the Ciri bits at all in TW3, but this version of Ciri is about as palatable as it could have been, and I’m open to it. Especially if I can customize her playstyle like I could Geralt, so that it’s not just fast, whippy, lightning zippy-zappy whatever-the-fuck that was in TW3.

manicdave, do gaming w Inspired by another post

I hate how everything has to be stupid culture war nonsense these days.

I’ll probably get the game but be disappointed I don’t get to play as Geralt.

I’d also be disappointed to get a new Horizon game where I don’t get to play as Aloy. Does that make me a misandrist?


No, but being disappointed you don’t play as Geralt means you missed half the point of 3.

Let the dude retire to his life of cheating on his girlfriend, damn

uis, (edited ) do gaming w Inspired by another post


EDIT: guessed it.

greedytacothief, do gaming w Inspired by another post

I read this and all I can think of is that voice line from the first area (outside visima) where the little girl asks “can girls become witche’s too?”

I guess it doesn’t really fit within the story of the original, but if they make a new story with new themes I don’t see much of a problem. But no one really likes ret-cons


The canonical answer to “can girls become witchers” is no one properly knows. Citi was raised and trained by them but they didn’t do the other stuff (the mutagens, trial of grasses or special diet) because they both didn’t know what it would do to a girl because it had never been done to a girl and because even if it worked exactly like it would for a boy it causes sterility and she’s the last member of the royal line of Cintra.

But the time of The Witcher 3, she’s already older than it’s normally done, so any attempt to do it would additionally have unknown results because presumably they usually start changing them from childhood for a reason, rather than taking in adult trainees.


I think in the first game they said it would kill a girl but the game got details wrong semi-frequently

Console_Modder, do games w What game surprised you with their length? avatar

Nier Automata actually kinda pissed me off the first time I played it. Thought I was finished with the game and was confused by the ending, turns out that was just ending A. Gotta play again for B, and then C, and can’t forget D and E for the full picture.

Had to take a break from the game but I went back for the rest of the endings and they’re worth it. Also they cut out a lot of the side quests and grinding after ending A. Getting that first ending is actually like 50% or 60% finished. But yeah, at first I was getting flashbacks to the PS2 games that tell you the true ending can only be seen by playing again on the newly unlocked ‘Very Hard’ difficulty


Ending B was absolutely just padding.

There’s maybe a few segments where it’s interesting to see 9S’s perspective, but so many other scenes that weren’t bot-specific.

blarth, do gaming w Inspired by another post

No no you see it is because I have dedicated the last 20 years of my life to Witcher lore and have memorized not only every line but every plot in the series and books, and you see, Ciri is supposed to be much [choice: less/more] powerful than this trailer makes her appear! I’m boycotting this game and recommend everyone else does too! I’m tired of them shitting on lore with woke propaganda!

Anyway, I think that covers it.

!deleted6348 avatar

Ah I see you too are a “true” gamer

drunkpostdisaster, (edited ) do gaming w Inspired by another post

How come how the absolute worst men are allowed to represent the entire gender?


A chain is not stronger than its weakest link or something


actually pretty good analogy. like, whole generations of fucked up men come from the idea that if you just give up on the bad ones they disappear and nothing will come of it

starman2112, avatar

That doesn’t really work though… You could say the same thing about any demographic, and it would be correctly called out as racist/sexist/homophobic/etc


Being loud and offensive attracts more attention than being normal


I feel like the left should know better though

Edge004, do games w What game surprised you with their length?

Celeste. I was not expecting the core and farewell

porotoman99, do games w What game surprised you with their length?

The Talos Principle. After a short bit in the game, you go to a hub area that goes to other areas like the one you just came from. Eventually, you find out that there is another hub area above this which leads to other hub areas. I didn’t remember if there is another layer on top of that, but either way, once I hit that second hub layer, I remember realizing that the entire game was multiple times larger than I had thought, and I had no way to know if it would expand again when I made it to the next area.


The Talos Principle was such a great game! I think I’ll play it again before buying part 2


There’s a remaster coming out early next year! I’m planning on doing the same when that comes out

inb4_FoundTheVegan, avatar

My wife and I each 100%'d Talos 2 and it was abundantly amazing. It had been years since either of us completed 1 but the way the story is structured you hear about the events of the first game in detail pretty regularly. I’m trying to be vague for spoilers. And of course I’m not trying to talk out of replaying 1, but just know you don’t have to, understand 2, and in my opinion it might be a touch tedious to do them back to back.

Both fantastic games tho that started a lot of good conversations between us.

curiousPJ, do games w What game surprised you with their length?

Drakenguard 3, Nier.

Grangle1, do games w What game surprised you with their length?

The only time I was really caught off guard by a game like that was Darksiders II. I went into the final area expecting a gauntlet of challenges, beat the first big boss enemy in there… And final cutscene and credits. That guy was the final boss. Made me literally put down the controller and say “That was it?” I’ve always known long games were going to be long going in to them.

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