rysiek, do zapytajszmer w Duplikujące się posty. avatar

To są prawie na pewno posty cross-postowane do wielu społeczności. Jak ktoś wrzuca to samo w kilka miejsc, to niewiele z tym można zrobić. Może kiedyś jakieś filtrowanie tego się pojawi?

ghost03080, do games w Aliens: Dark Descent - Looking for the best Playthrough

If you find one let me know I own the game but to many games to play so doubt I’ll ever get back to it

Ilikecheese, do piracy w How to pirate ESPN+?

You know, most questions have question marks. Might be helpful in preventing other people from thinking this was a guide thread and not a question.

Mdotaut801, do games w I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3

My sister keeps telling me to get it. Our Mom is currently in town and staying with me. Unfortunately, my office doubles as a spare bedroom so I can’t play rn. I don’t want her to leave, but I also want her to leave haha.


Aaaah I feel that. I’ve been sitting on it trying to make time to play it. It’ll be great once you get the chance!

CosmicSploogeDrizzle, do games w I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3 avatar

There is !baldurs_gate_3


Thanks for the heads up, I’m currently avoiding the main community for spoilers but I plan to join and communicate when I get farther in

reverendsteveii, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.

I used to like to get gently stoned, fire up GTA 5, put on FlyLo FM in the car and just drive around. My brother and I would sit for hours, and it was basically like we were in a real car. I didn’t drive super fast, took most reasonable precautions against wrecking and killing people. It was just…nice. A sort of cut-rate flow state where the thing I’m doing is something that I have to pay attention to, but not something I’m occupied by to the point of not being able to bs with somebody.

ricecake, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.

With the spiderman games, I almost always swing around instead of using fast travel. I’ll do the little tricks and stuff too.

They did such a good job making the basic traversal mechanism satisfying that it’s almost weird they included fast travel.

Kolanaki, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.
!deleted6508 avatar

Man, I have a buncha people giving me shit on my thread for BG3 asking if one of the encounters can be cheesed because the way it would be cheesed is hilarious. It’s a clone fight and I was curious if you could make the clone spawn naked and make the fight a non-issue. Now some people are upset and tell me I should just “play the game.” Is that not what I am doing? I was gonna do it anyway, I just wanted to know if I should save before hand if it fucked me over completely.

I like breaking games. It’s fun. I’ll play them the way they were “intended” once or twice; but after that I’m doing everything but that. Just to see what I can actually get away with. I thought that was the point of an interactive experience. Why the hell would I want to just do the canned ‘canon’ shit? I want to do all the things you can’t do in reality because they would hurt yourself or others. I want to test the limits of the game designer’s imagination. If I can think of it and they missed it or if they actually put that little detail in.


While I do enjoy cheesing fights in BG3, I’ve run into a few which seemed impossible if I didn’t find a way to cheese it, which is kind of a bummer. Shoving the big bad off a cliff should be a strategy, but shouldn’t be the only one.

!deleted6508 avatar

I don’t even really want to push the BBG off a cliff. I can’t loot him if I do that!


You may already know this because it's a big and recent game, but you can do this exact thing to a clone fight in Elden Ring

!deleted6508 avatar

That was what gave me the idea. I love Fromsoft games. :)

BigBananaDealer, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good. avatar

going from reverse into forward with a 180 turn in stuntman ignition felt so fucking good to pull off

Adramis, (edited ) do gaming w The Steam Deck is changing how normies think of gaming PCs.

Post: Uses the word normies in a positive sense and literally says it’s great that gaming is more accessible

Fediverse: Is this a neckbeard?

It’s amazing that a non-slur single word can get y’all so fucking bent out of shape. It was worth a double take, but not shitting on the entire post. It’s literally a post about a non-traditional gamer / not-power-user / etc person finding a sense of community and fun because of the rise of handhelds. Is shutting down that discussion over one word worth more than seeing the good in recent trends?

I hope we continue to see more good handhelds get made - I’d personally love a Steam Deck, but seeing Valve get some good competition would be good for the technology (not you, Apple / Meta). Maybe I’m just too old, but I’d love to see slide-out keyboards again…


I’m glad that somebody said it. Lemmy is becoming quite a shit show in this regard. These FOSS enthusiasts and Linux master race people are really starting to deter me from the platform.

I love FOSS software! I love Linux! I hate people telling other people how to think or what to spend their time with. Most of the people in this thread can fuck right off.


Post: Uses the word normies in a positive sense and literally says it’s great that gaming is more accessible

Fediverse: Is this a neckbeard?

The reaction is a bit more like

“B-B-B-BUT THE CONNOTATIONS!!! Bro you just LITERALLY used a word that has PROBLEMATIC CONNOTATIONS because it’s ALSO USED by PEOPLE I DON’T LIKE, and that makes you GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION!!! I am PROUD of how I combine purity testing and code switching into a DEFINITELY accurate litmus test, because I think I’m a character from Dune!! I don’t know what the FUCK ‘context’ is but it SOUNDS like something the ALT-RIGHT would care about!!!”

If I ever caught myself taking an obvious self-effacing remark seriously, I would be so ashamed. Anyone coming into this thread with hurt feelings about the word “normies” is a huge dork and needs go outside.

Evergreen5970, (edited )

I would really appreciate if we stopped doing the “if you disagree with my opinion you’re an [insult] and also must be out of touch with reality so I will say you need to go outside” thing. It’s really exhausting. This is Beehaw, the be(e) nice server and I’m kind of getting sick of seeing this kind of snark on a server where the expectation is people being nice to each other.

I was skeptical at “normies” but the overall tone of the post is inclusive, so I’m not the target of your rant because I figured it out. I was able to figure it out because I’m terminally online and have the experience with online posts to know that some people use it as a pejorative and some people use it as a self-deprecating catch-all for people who aren’t too into their hobby.

I also have autism and some people with the condition aren’t as good as me at putting together the connotations of words AND the overall post to figure out the poster’s intentions. And some people aren’t terminally online and have less exposure to seeing this word used. They’ve likely overwhelmingly seen it used as a pejorative, and end up very skeptical of this post. I don’t like the idea that people like me, or that people who might have reasonably arrived at a different conclusion about this, are being told that they’re huge dorks who need to go outside.

Really starting to feel like Beehaw is just like any other online space. I see the same amount of snark and negative assumptions of people who didn’t see something the commenter’s/poster’s way. Sure, it’s free of bigotry, but all the spaces I occupied were already bigotry-free. Even back when I was on Reddit, because in the small subreddits I looked at the few bigots were downvoted to hell and had their comments hidden. (I’m aware that not everyone was lucky enough to only be interested in topics that had easily accessible bigotry-free areas so Beehaw still serves a useful purpose for them.)


Yeah, I get it. Here’s the thing though, this specific part:

I also have autism and some people with the condition aren’t as good as me at putting together the connotations of words AND the overall post to figure out the poster’s intentions. And some people aren’t terminally online and have less exposure to seeing this word used. They’ve likely overwhelmingly seen it used as a pejorative, and end up very skeptical of this post.

Those people all have one thing in common: nobody put a gun to their head and said “what’s going on with this post? Make the call and post your comment NOW”. One thing all we here on the internet do all have in common is the ability to read, and to use our sapience to make decisions about what we read. To say “this seems out of line. Could it be what I think it is, or am I assuming?” By process of elimination, a person either chooses to do that, or chooses to be assumptive. And also:

I don’t like the idea that people like me, or that people who might have reasonably arrived at a different conclusion about this, are being told that they’re huge dorks who need to go outside.

There is no reasonable way to get to the wrong conclusion.
If you’re being reasonable, you either find the right conclusion beyond all reasonable doubt, or you concede that you don’t have enough information and then move on with your life. The only way to get to the wrong conclusion is to jump to conclusions, because being reasonable requires you to start from the point of “there may be no answer I can find”. The people in this thread who got it wrong made assumptions, jumped to conclusions, and defended themselves by being belligerent. That is a fundamental lack of respect for others’ intelligence that goes beyond being rude to people and using mean words.


To say “this seems out of line. Could it be what I think it is, or am I assuming?” By process of elimination, a person either chooses to do that, or chooses to be assumptive.

I’m assuming you’re human right now, even though the possibility exists that you are an alien who hasn’t revealed themselves as such and that your alien self prioritizes engaging here instead of talking to the world’s governments. I’m choosing to be assumptive because I don’t care to track you down and try to match your identity to a human person in real life, because I find doing that distasteful even if I never end up exposing your identity to anyone else in the world, and because I am extremely confident that this assumption is correct. But it is still an unproven assumption.

Should I hold the possibility that on the internet, nobody knows you’re a dog or alien or something in my head because it’s an assumption? Probably not. I should probably assume you are human. People will make assumptions they believe to be reasonable, and people will also call out what they believe to be bad behavior even if they’re wrong.



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  • The_Hunted_One, avatar

    You’ve already been asked to be nice yesterday. It’s not about “suffering fools”, its about working to make Beehaw a positive space, and acting in good faith, even when you disagree with other users. Resorting to insults is not in line with that.


    That really just went right over your head, huh? I really thought anybody would be able to make the connection. Pro tip: being nice, acting in good faith, and insulting people are all matters of intent, not just action. If you’re going to moderate based on peoples’ intent, that I’d think it’s probably pretty important that you actually be right about it in the first place. Wouldn’t you agree?

    The_Hunted_One, avatar

    Here’s my perspective on how I’ve viewed this exchange:

    In response to your initial comment, Evergreen expressed their opinion on how people might have interpreted a comment to be more literal than it was intended. They also expressed their desire for Beehaw to try and move away from the type of dismissive “go outside and touch grass” type of argument many of us were accustomed to seeing on Reddit. They provided examples of where the use of “normies” has previously been a negative connotation, and how someone might arrive at that conclusion based on prior experience, even if it was not accurate

    From my perspective, your response to that comment boiled down to 2 points: -No one is obligated to respond -It doesn’t matter what your previous experience is, it is wrong to assume that an interaction might be playing out like previous times it played out.

    If it were worded less aggressively and more cooperatively, I believe this could have been a very constructive conversation about social expectations and assumptions.

    Evergreen then responded with a list of reasonable assumptions that we make based on previous experience.

    You responded with an insult.

    Its pretty clear with that last message, and your responses to moderators that your intent is not to have constructive conversations and make an effort to make Beehaw a better space.

    Please take some time to read the Beehaw Core Principles section:…/beeple-code-of-conduct/

    TheRtRevKaiser, avatar

    Hi, please remember to Be(e) nice. I also think it’s a little silly to get in a huge flap about the headline of this article, but I’d ask that you also remember to be kind to other users.


    I applaud your ability to suffer fools, but it’s not one I share.

    comic_zalgo_sans, (edited ) do games w Apex Legends is, yet again, falsely banning linux players


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  • sp6,

    Apex is listed as Steam Deck Verified. Since Steam Deck and desktop linux use the same compatibility tool, Proton, that means both should be supported.

    Additionally, the last time this happened, Apex unbanned all of the desktop linux users, which is at least a soft-confirmation that it’s supported.

    TigrisMorte, (edited )

    Not remotely how it works.

    edit: as per requested; There is far more to any system than just the OS or a single piece of software. Simply because both systems use the same core, the OS isn't a copy and paste. Additionally, the varied components result in very different results. tldr; Linux != steam OS despite being built on the same core.


    I hope you understand that you’re getting downvoted because your reply is very low-effort that refuses to go into any detail. Therefore, it comes across as malicious, arrogant, and dismissive.

    please explain


    Why use many words, when few shall do?

    ugo, (edited )

    “Unsupported” (or “your mileage may vary” as you put it) means it lacks support. As in, if you try to contact support they are totally in their right to answer “sorry, this platform is unsupported, you’re on your own” if something doesn’t work or is buggy.

    “Unsupported” does not mean that it’s a bannable offense.

    Given that, let me ask you: why do you think trying to run software on an unsupported platform without malicious intent should be banned, as you seem to imply?

    comic_zalgo_sans, (edited )


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  • Dark_Arc, avatar

    You’re pretty misinformed here. EA (or rather the internal studio, Respawn) had to include the EasyAnticheat .so file (which is specifically designed to allow EasyAnticheat to function under Linux – .so files are the Linux equivalent of Windows .dlls) in their Apex Legends builds to begin with. Otherwise, EAC will not run on Linux, period. This developer opted-in to EasyAnticheat running, and has continued to opt-in to this.

    This isn’t Valve “tacking on” support, the presence of that file is an explicit “we’re permitting this to work” (even if they don’t “officially” consider it supported).

    tabular, avatar

    If they want money from from Linux users then they need to do better. If they don’t then offer out refunds.


    They don’t want money from linux users. They never wanted money from linux users (to my knowledge).

    If you buy a bunch of apple peripherals and then switch to linux, you don’t get a refund from the apple store.

    tabular, avatar

    I think it’s fair to assume shareholders want money from anyone who will give it to them.

    Local laws determines if you can get a refund so I can only argue I think you should get a refund if a product stops working due to the manufacture.

    Personally I’d rather not buy from them in the first place but there is likely a benefit to showing Linux users will buy it if you treat them right.


    I think it’s fair to assume shareholders want money from anyone who will give it to them.

    By that logic, McDonald’s is accountable for not serving lobster. I mean, I want lobster and I might be dumb enough to give McDonald’s money for it.

    tabular, avatar

    A closer analogy might be selling uncooked food that is safe for people with a peanut allergy and then one day adding peanuts as an ingredient after they’ve paid for a shipment. [It should go without saying avoiding a peanut allergy reaction is more important than preventing a company locking you out of entertainment software you paid for]

    It’s my hope that corporations will learn it’s a dumb choice to needlessly cut off their Linux users but a better choice would be to not play video games where a company can arbitrarily lock you out in the first place. I hope someone is working on a libre version of Apex.

    frippa, avatar

    So if I try to run the game on hardware that doesn’t meet the requirements and I get it to run (like a pentium IV) I should be banned?

    AMillionMonkeys, do games w I am LOVING Baldurs Gate 3 avatar

    I’m not sure if I’m enjoying it yet. I’m only 4 hours in and it feels like Divinity Original Sin 3 and not a Baldur’s Gate game. Maybe that’s fine, but it’s not what I was expecting.
    The combat seems more complicated and I’m having to rest after even basic encounters, but I guess that’s the way BG1 was too.
    Still messing with the graphics settings to get it to look decent and run ~60FPS on my creaky old Vega 56.


    I’m 65 hours in, I’m on act 1.

    Amir, avatar

    The combat becomes much better when you gain some levels. Early you only have few spell slots and cool bonus actions. I can assure you it gets better the longer you keep going, especially if you loot all the usable consumables (scrolls, arrows, etc)

    beefcat, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good. avatar

    Running over pedestrians and crashing motorcycles in Sleeping Dogs.

    I completed every mission with an insanely low cop score because I killed so many civillians. This game is the poster child of ludonarrative dissonance in 7th gen AAA games.

    The game tracks how many people you run over in a “combo” and assigns a high score. Mine is 647.

    sp6, do games w Apex Legends is, yet again, falsely banning linux players

    Gaming on Linux now has an article about this:…/linux-players-getting-banned-…

    We’re up to 12 linux users banned in the past ~day

    GrayBackgroundMusic, do gaming w Doing things in games because it simple felt good.

    Risk of Rain 2: Get 5 to 10 movement items and just zoooooooom around.

    Deep Rock Galactic: Drill thru the walls even when it’s not the best idea, because I just like the idea of destructible terrain and navigating in 3d.


    Seconding the movement. Everyone wants at least one feather and a handful of hooves and energy drinks but if you stack up you can literally just fly around the map. It’s even more fun with movement utilities like the commando’s slide, you can launch jump like crazy.


    DRG has a whole list of things that just feel good:

    • Fucking obliterating one grunt with your biggest gun or explosive as you board the drop pod
    • Going back to rescue your teammate that didn't make it to the drop pod even though it technically barely matters as long as one person makes it back alive
    • When building liquid morkite pipes that run parallel for a while, lining the support points up
    • Using a bulk detonator to kill a dreadnought
    • Mining a crassus detonator gold sphere by drilling all of the surrounding terrain away so that the entire sphere pops at once and collapses in to a neat pile
    snowbell, avatar

    Using the exterminator device event to kill a dreadnaught

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