I’ve got over a thousand in Space Engineers, although some of that is from leaving it on overnight to refine materials. Or possibly exiting the game, but forgetting to actually leave the main menu. Does Steam track time when the computer is asleep?
But I’ve likely got close to ten times that number in Dwarf Fortress. I’ve been playing it off and on for close to a decade and a half now, and when I get into it whole days can just fly by.
Ok, so I’m 44, and my parents literally played D&D and video games with us growing up. I literally don’t remember a time in my life that I wasn’t gaming.
That being said.
According to Steam:
Factorio: 4,330 hours
Dyson Sphere Program: 2,506 hours
Skyrim: 2440 hours
Stellaris: 2,237 hours
Dungeon Defenders: 1644 hours
Terraria: 1630 hours
Fallout 4: 602 hours
Also I probably have well over 10,000 hours in 2.5 edition, 3.0, and 3.5 edition D&D. Only counting actual tabletop time.
That’s also not counting a fuckton of games that I have played on various consoles starting with a TI-99/A and and Atari 2600 as well as most of the early Nintendo consoles. I branched out once I got to college.
My numbers are actually quite low. I know multiple people that have 20,000+ hours in their favorite games.
Satisfactory scratches that same itch, in a totally different way. Adding that third dimension throws a lot of Factorio people off, because it makes it ‘too easy’- if you build it wrong, it’s fine, just go up a level.
Nah fam, play some more. Just going over the top song gonna cut it off the first few tiers. Especially if you want your factory to look good.
Don’t have a number for it since I have it on itch.io, but I’ve put a lot of time into Celeste. Beating everything twice (including b-sides, c-sides, and farewell) took a while, but I’ve also put a bunch of time into the amazing mods it has, like Strawberry Jam and Glyph.
Is the game data actually in the portmaster directory when you browse the SD card on a PC? I know many pm games require copyrighted data to run (half life for example)
A lot of these stock OSes are crudely translated from Chinese perhaps “ready to play” isn’t literal.
I’ve gotten several portmaster games working on ArkOS on my Anbernic devices, check their wiki it’s probably similar to the setup required on the anbernic stock OS
For the longest time, I could never understand how anyone could put more than like 100 hours into a game. The most I’ve ever gotten is 200ish, but that was from years of drunk Rocket League with friends.
Then, in the same week, I got an adderall prescription and discovered Noita. I’m sitting at around 500 hours since June. That game has my soul.
Hej, osobiście bardziej identyfikuję się z Myślą Stricte Wolnościową (gdzie przestrzeń na Lewicowość istnieje – jako Twardy Proponent UBI/Nordic-style Welfare State = mentalność “dej!”, też w wielkiej mierze realizuję – lecz nie jest obowiązkowa), czytam fenomen w kategoriach miksu:
konsekwencja w sprzeciwie wobec wolnej Wigilii (mat liberała na szach Lewicy) – “practice what you preach”,
obrona liberalizmu gospodarczego, naturalnych cykli ekonomicznych – “żadna praca nie hańbi”, “raz na wozie, raz pod wozem”, pan Biały Kołnierzyk poszedł tyrać do Biedry,
postpolityka – gesty i ustawki są równie ważne, jak nie ważniejsze, od słów/argumentów; fartuch później na WOŚP,
zdrowy dystans do siebie,
cokolwiek mogę myśleć o .Nowoczesnej, to wypychać typa z polityki (życie publiczne), bo się z Koleżanką partyjną umówił (życie prywatne), dowodzi jednoznacznie, że nigdy się nie zidentyfikuję z głównym nurtem społeczeństwa w tej części świata i dobrze mi z tym, więc też rel do Rycha.
I don’t have an exact number but it would have to be at least 5000 hours I’ve sunk into Minecraft. Been on and off the game since 2013, I’d get bored of the current version and switch to Beta (fairly sizable community on r/goldenageminecraft), I’d do some worlds where I’d obtain stuff in older versions that weren’t obtainable later (whole wiki on Discontinued Minecraft items/blocks/structures/entities), of course I’d do modded.
I think the thing with Minecraft for me is that I spent all the time learning the game back in high school when I had more free time than I do as an adult, and I can nowadays play it extremely casually (~3 hours/week).
Its hard for me to get into new games (most recent game I got was Dredge) because I have like 2 hours a session to learn it, and it might be a few days between sessions.
I feel you man. It’s few and far between where there’s a game you can easily drop / pick up on a whim with limited time. The only one that comes to mind would be Powerwash Sim but Infully realize that’s not for everyone. Wish I wasn’t so exhausted I’d go try to pull a list for you. Maybe Cult of the Lamb? Anyway, hardcore Minecraft fan myself. Consider it one of my fave zen games. Enjoy man! Merry Christmas!
1800 hours in Noita. Just last week started what’s become a perfect god run (circle of vigor and transmuted all polymorphing liquids) to get the golden necklace and consider it beaten.
Really funny that this game isn’t even on anyone else’s list. I guess I really am special, haha