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Star Citizen's first-person shooting is getting backpack-reloading, dynamic crosshairs, procedural recoil, and other improvements to 'bring the FPS combat to AAA standard' ( angielski

Well, I mean, I would have launched it first (as an AAA game), but I’m no game developer. 🤷 And neither are they, from the looks of it. Good at perpetually raking in money for himself and his family, though!


Those are already in the AAAA standard that Ubisoft pioneered with Skull and Bones.


Flamer can now kill a charger as fast or faster than the previous railgun strategy. Just aim body, let it rip and make sure you don’t burn yourself. What you don’t have is the range of the railgun so you can’t help someone else fighting a charger in the distance.


Except people are complaining because they were having fun before and now they’re having less fun. It hasn’t affected me as I’ve replaced the railgun with EAT, but I do think the nerf was mostly unnecessary. All it did was give players less options for higher difficulties.


I played a few games after the patch and I came to a similar opinion. I don’t think the railgun was the real issue. The chargers were the issue and people were using the railgun because it was by far the best option against chargers.

I don’t think the railgun needed such a nerf. I think the flamer buff and breaker nerf together would’ve brought railgun numbers down, because flamer is now crazy good against chargers while also being good against patrols. At least you would’ve had to choose between the range of the railgun or the crowd control of the flamer. Now I’m just going to be using the flamer, which creates the same issue as before just with a different gun.


Also far cry 1 was a completely different game and a decent shooter (for 2004). Definitely worth playing for the history.


New Vegas is a true successor to the first two, it’s simply held back by a bad engine. It’s the number 1 game I would like to see a proper remake of.

GoodEye8, (edited )

That as well. There’s so much content they could’ve added to the game if given more time and less technical restrictions. That’s why I want to proper remake. Not an exact remake, but one that also has the cut content (which will make the game different from the original, because Ulysses was supposed to be a companion not the culmination of the couriers journey).


I still have the helldivers itch but bugs are starting to diminish my enjoyment. The last few days in particular have been extremely buggy. My weapons have disappeared, extraction has bugged out, side objectives autocompleting (I couldn’t activate a radar on one mission because it completed itself), lairs not completing despite destroying all the spawners, mobs spawn right next to me, I’ve gotten stuck inside terrain, kicked to orbit by poor connection, crashed the game.

The game is great when it works, but it’s definitely unstable right now.




I hope so too. It’s a great game.

How Do You Deal With Thumb Stick Drift? ( angielski

So I like to use Xbox controllers (doesn’t matter if it’s first- or third-party) because I like the layout, it’s just comfortable to me. However I’ve noticed that on all my controllers in the past few years, the left thumb stick will start to “give out” over the course of a couple months. For instance I’ll be...


but not always (see switch joycons).

And PS5 one. I’ve had a lot of controllers over the years and I’ve never had stick drift, except with joycons and the PS5 controller.

The switch pro controller is probably my most used controller, because it’s so ergonomic. I put the switch pro controller through a few thousand hours of smash bros. The stick is visibly deformed from mashing certain inputs over and over. And then a few thousand hours more playing Zelda and monster hunter (and souls games on PC). I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s had over 10 thousand hours of use. No stick drift on the controller.

I was gifted a PS5 controller because I was planning on getting the PS5. I never got a PS5, but that’s a different story. Anyway I decided to break it in to get comfortable with the layout and feel of the controller. Maybe max thousand hours of playtime which I’d consider it very light usage. And the left stick started to drift left. I’ve looked into it. It might just be an unfortunate speck of dust interfering with the sensor, but cleaning it requires almost complete disassembly and quite frankly it wasn’t that good of a controller anyway so it’s just collecting dust.

Borderlands players - what is your opinion about the new movie trailer? ( angielski

Apologies that this is not a pure gaming question, but I’d really like to hear people’s opinion on the Borderlands movie trailer and especially from people who have played the games. That’s why I’m asking here, I hope that’s ok.


Had to check if it’s not made by Uwe Boll. Guess in a sense he was ahead of his time as Hollywood is now doing his shtick.


Setting aside that there really shouldn’t even be an anticheat in a PvE game (unless progression allows you to unlock items that are real world currency based on which I could see why they’d want to stop people from accessing it without one of their two methods)

I can think of another reason. It’s a live service game where it’s the community vs the game masters. They want to tell a story within the game and direct us with community challenges. Right now there’s a challenge to protect planets from automaton invasions. We lost the first planet, won a few but it’s not looking as much of a clearcut victory like the first challenge was. There’s a real chance we fail this challenge and maybe that part of their plan?

So what would happen if you let cheaters run amok? Now you can’t tell a story where the community fails, because cheaters can guarantee wins. If you make it so hard cheaters can’t win you’re going to make it completely impossible for the community and that’s just not fun. So what can you do to make it fun for the community? Crack down on cheaters.

I just don’t see another rational reason to have anticheat. Even the real world currency isn’t that useful because it’s mostly for buying armors for cosmetic purposes. There’s really not much to gain from circumventing the real world currency.


Yes, it’s high time we shut down the kinder surprise gambling dens.


There are different forms of aphantasia. I have to try really hard to visualize something in my mind and often have to go into excruciating details to have a clear visualization. Something like TTRPG is unplayable for me because either I drag the entire party into mostly useless details (and we spend at least half an hour in one room) or I play like I have literally no senses. I could just be a talking head in someone’s bag.

In my case I’m pretty close to “no imagination”.


Actually it has had balance changes. Chess clock for instance is a balance update between the players, but there’s also been balancing between pieces. En passant and castling but also changing how the pieces work (for example bishop).

Despite the obvious symmetry of the game there’s still a lot to balance.


In the olden days Bishops could move only 2 squares and jump over other pieces like knights.


There’s going to be a third one? I thought the second one added nothing of value, what are they going to with the third one? Discover another ultra rare resource that is going to become the focal point of human exploitation, but this time in a creature that lives underground? And poor Jake needs to relocate his family with the mole men?


That’s a really superficial take. For instance in MTG every format has “must have” cards, like fetchlands or shock lands (or dual lands), but beyond that there’s no “best” cards. There are “meta” cards that go into a specific meta deck and when you have one meta deck playing against another that’s when skill and strategy come into play. And it’s not like you must build a meta deck to play, you can build anti-meta decks or lab out a completely new meta deck. The problem is that such a level of deck building skills go way beyond what 99% of players are capable of doing. Even some of the best players in the world suck at deck building, because is an entirely different skillset to playing the game.

But it doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. The modern meta looks very different to when I got into MTG 10+ years ago. Some are still around in some form, like regular Tron turned into mono-g tron and burn turned into boros burn. But the bans on Twin and Pod have killed those decks while Jund and Affinity have dropped out of the meta. In those place we have brand new decks like amulet titan or 5c Omnath. Somewhere in that timeframe we also got Eggs that was literally jank cards thrown into a pile of meta-defining solitaire playing, and then it got banned for being too boring.

You can get meta cards to build a meta deck but you can’t explicitly buy “best” cards because a new combination of “bad” cards can create a meta deck and then those become the new “best” cards.


The one with a better deck wins. If a homebrew deck goes against a meta deck then it’s likely the meta deck wins, but if you homebrew a deck with meta cards vs homebrewing without meta cards it comes down to how well the deck is built. A homebrew with all the meta cards but without any game plan or poor mana source distribution is going to do worse than a homebrew without meta cards, but with a clear plan and cards that support that plan.

People not building their own decks and instead just copying meta decks is another discussion.


Why be a king when you could be a queen.


The Finals. It’s a weird one for me considering I loathe free to play games. Overall it’s been a good year in gaming. I thought Totk is going to be best game of the year, then BG3 came out and I was certain that would end up being the best game of the year (and I’m certain for many it is), but then I decided to give The Finals a try. For me it felt like a fundamental shift in online shooters, like a new baseline to compare shooters to.

On paper it doesn’t seem anything exceptional. You have 4 maps with some variations on each map, 3 game modes and 3 classes each with a handful of weapons and gadgets. There’s really not much content when you lay it all out, but the replayability is insane. The destructible environment and the tools to manipulate the environment has emergent gameplay going through the roof.

You can get really creative with how you want to attack or defend and it makes each match feel fresh. Sometimes you blow up the side of the wall and defend from the building across the street, sometimes you blow the roof to attack from above, sometimes you bring the entire building down to use the chaos to your benefit. You can use jump pads for an unexpected attack angle, you can put up barricades and defenses to block attackers. There’s so much you can do within a match.

It has some flaws, but it’s the most fun I’ve had in a shooter since some of the earlier battlefield games.


I’ll believe it when I see it. I’m pretty sure during the Anthem fiasco it leaked that EA doesn’t prevent studios from using other engines, but strongly incentivizes teams to use Frostbite. For instance by taking the licensing fee out of the development budget meaning you either cut down the scope or use an engine that might not be suited for the project.

It’s very EA to say “you can use whatever you want” and then leave out the “but we’re not going to help you if you don’t do as we want”.


The balance in the Finals is a weird one. I can absolutely understand feeling like it needs some balance changes, but honestly the more I play against things I consider BS the more I feel like it’s actually pretty balanced and every class has tools that make them feel powerful. I would absolutely give it another month of no balance changes to see if something is actually too powerful. I wouldn’t want a reactionary balance because IMO each class should have something that makes them feel powerful, it makes the game more fun.

The only thing I don’t like is the countdown not stopping when someone is stealing the cashout. At a certain point you just give up trying to steal it because you just know you don’t have time to make the steal. For instance I’ve wiped at a bad time and respawned just far enough to know I won’t make it to the cashout with enough time to steal, so I just sit there for half a minute waiting for the match to end because I already know I can’t win.


It’s gone largely unnoticed on Lemmy (at least it hasn’t come up on my feed) but I’ve been playing The Finals since it launched during TGA. I don’t normally play F2P games but The Finals is made by ex-DICE employees so I had to try it out. I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say it’s the most fun I’ve had in an online shooter in almost a decade. It has pretty much killed my Satisfactory factory (because no longer remember what I was doing there) my Remnant 2 playthrough and my plans to return to Destiny before The final shape. And I don’t care about any of those other games because there’s something so addictively fun about the core gameplay of The Finals that I just can’t put it down. I’m probably going to spend the next week(s) also playing this game.

Overall, despite it being F2P game and having the obvious negatives of a F2P game I still strongly recommend The Finals. If this was a full priced title I’d buy it full price.


I haven’t noticed any clipping through the floor bugs but I know on PC there’s a weird mouse bug where your mouse input freezes and you can’t use the mouse, but it passes after a few seconds so it’s not to the extent of having to DC to fix it. There’s also no extra confirmation input needed on PC which means using weapons or tools is definitely smoother on PC.

As for the bullet sponge characters. I personally prefer more bullet sponge characters and think most other shooters require way too few hits to kill which more often than not boils the fights down to who shot first. More shots to kill lets players utilize movement or other gadgets to their advantage, which IMO makes for much more interesting gameplay. It’s also much easier to track targets on PC (though, I don’t know how strong the aim assist is on consoles) and the ability to turn faster might make the combat more enjoyable on PC compared to consoles. I don’t think the theoretical time to kill (TTK) is that much higher than other games (Except COD because COD has stupid-low TTK), if you get the drop on someone they get deleted pretty fast.

I think the game has a pretty good balance on how much effort it takes to kill others because it suits with the rest of the gameplay loop. For instance lower TTK would also have to mean lower cashout steal times and lower respawn times and the fact that one player can wipe an entire team with one mag (which is what you can’t do right now unless you use the flamethrower) and then you also have to make throwables faster to use because what’s the point of a throwable if guns can just delete people? There are so many other aspects of the gameplay that depend on the characters being a bit bullet spongy.


The movement thing is as close to a fake outrage as you can get. The developers have not slowed the game down. The thing that’s having the biggest impact on the game feeling slow is the default FOV that has been set to 70. If you played on 90 FOV (or higher) and then play on 70 FOV the game is going to feel extremely slow, but it’s a visual difference not a gameplay difference. The game feels exactly the same as it did in open beta.


Says who? Just because you (or others) don’t want it to be a show where CEOs/higher ups get jerked off doesn’t mean it’s not. The vast majority of categories are awards for games, which is an award for the game company and those companies are owned by “higher ups”. The people who end up owning most of the awards will be the CEOs/higher ups. The show is very much about jerking off those CEOs/higher ups.

Which means you can’t bring up the shitty things they do because next time Bungie will refuse to partake (not that their nomination wasn’t a complete joke because they laid off the community managers who got them that nomination). CDPR loves to crunch so they might skip it next time, which would be a much bigger thing considering they actual won something. The show will never address the big issues in gaming because that’s not what the show is about and those issues are not for the people who the show wants to impress. Kojima is a huge name in the industry and a close friend of Geoff, and you could see Keighley shitting his pants live on air trying to bring light to the shitty behavior of Konami. If such a big name already makes him shit his pants then I don’t see how him doing anything of the sorts for anyone less than Kojima.

Let’s just stop pretending like the show is supposed to be anymore more than vanity event to make important people feel like they’re important. Not to mention year after year the show feels more like a vessel to feed you ads. You can’t even give people time to give their speech, but there’s always time to shove ads down our throat?


There’s a huge indie scene with loads of ongoing games that would be far more deserving of the award than Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk literally stopped major developments with 2.0, the rest you’re going to get are easy to include content and QoL. Compare that to Dwarf Fortress that has 20+ years of development and is only 50% done with the final vision. You could probably also stick Terraria there because despite the devs saying multiple times that they’re done they’re still updating the game. I’m sure there’s more but those two were just at the top of my head.

The only merit CP77 has to be on that list is fixing a broken game. Do you think CP77 would’ve won the award if it had release in the 2.0 state and gotten 3 years of additional development? Would it even make it into the nominees list? I don’t think so.


Kojima and figuratively hour long cutscenes.


Yeah, Sony gave Bungie a pretty sick deal. Bungie gets financial backing from Sony and if Bungie doesn’t drive itself into the ground they keep their autonomy, and I guess the main benefit Sony got is/was live service expertise from Bungie (which is what Sony was focusing on when they acquired Bungie). The fact that Sony might need to step in is all on Bungie and it shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who has been keeping up with Bungie. The short gist is that the entire company is horribly mismanaged and that’s why they had to lay off and are likely to get taken over by Sony.

And if I’m being honest, I think Sony takeover might be the best thing for Bungie (assuming it doesn’t get entirely dissolved). Get rid of the shit management and then, once you’ve put some reasonable people at the helm, let them do their own thing again.


There was plenty great about Destiny, the problem is that eventually Bungie just stopped giving a shit about making a good game and focused on milking Destiny for everything they can. Like their biggest changes to gameplay they’ve done in the last 3 years is to fix the issues they themselves created on prior years. Those fixes are presented as some new cool feature when in reality they’re things they should’ve iterated upon when it was originally introduced.

For instance with armor 2.0 they added armor affinities that would indicate what kind of mods(armor perks) you can use. Dnd then each piece also needed to be upgraded to be able to fit mods into the armor. So not only did you have limited amount of mods you could have you also needed 3 different versions of an armor piece (ideally with a good statline) to fully take advantage of the new build system. They also introduced the artifact which was supposed to be horizontal progression but it contained seasonal mods that you would have to use within the new armor 2.0 system. So you would have to compromise between using seasonal mods vs non-seasonal armor mods.

The biggest feedback they got was that the system is too restrictive and some of the solutions they got was a) get rid of armor affinity and b) make artifact mods into artifact perks. Guess what they introduced this year as a part of their grand plan to shake up the game? Getting rid of armor affinity and turning artifact mods into perks (though they still somewhat act like mods), 3 years after the community told them to do it. And with it they created a new problem for them to fix down the line. They scrapped all the existing armor mods they created in the last 3 years and replaced them with the most uninteresting mods.

And what about the core gameplay loop? That has largely stayed the same for the last, well some would argue since the start of D2. Every activity for the last 3 years has been a variation of stand at a specific place, shoot at a specific thing, carry something from a to b, throw a ball or insert collected things. And obviously shoot mostly the same enemies you’ve been shooting for the past decade.

In short the game is stale and it’s because Bungie has focused on keeping the content treadmill running rather than actually improving the game.


This isn’t a case of Sony just “swallowing” a little business. As the article states Bungie board of directors is 2 people from Sony and 3 people from Bungie, which means that while Sony technically owns Bungie the Bungie leadership still makes decisions about how to run the company. Supposedly there’s an obligation on Bungie’s part to meet certain financial goals. If Bungie meets those goals Sony can’t take over the company.

The problem is that Bungie isn’t doing well financially. The Sony takeover is an outcome of Bungie not being able to stay financially independent. That means if Bungie wasn’t under Sony then under the same conditions Bungie would most likely go bankrupt instead.

Bungie as we know it being dead has nothing to do with Sony. Bungie management has essentially killed Bungie.


I get being pessimistic especially since we don’t know the details of Sony Bungie deal. But I think you’re not aware how bad it’s going at Bungie. Bungie has a huge burn rate according to Microsoft (they also tried to require Bungie and that was brought up as the biggest risk). Bungie missed their own revenue projections by 45%. When the layoffs happened some of the employees were told that the studio would be in great jeopardy if they were still independent.

Everything we know is pointing at Bungie possibly going bankrupt, if they were still independent. Sony swooping in is just Sony trying to save their 3,6 billion investment.

And I’m not sure why you’re trying to paint a small tight-knit company of Bungie? They have 1000+ employees even after the layoffs. The biggest criticism at Glassdoor is the horrible management. Bungie has been slipping into corporatism well before Sony.


Can we stop slut-shaming remakes? The main reason people hate remakes is because they confuse remake with remaster. Remaster is the same game with a new paint of coat, remake is a reimagining of the original. Music is probably the best medium for a comparison, songs get remastered all the time, but it’s very much the same song that just sounds better now. A song remake is a different take (usually by a different artist) on the same song, essentially a cover.

We tend to be more critical of covers but nobody would dismiss a good cover just because it’s a cover. So why do we do the same with games?


So if you’ve seen Fincher’s Dune then paying for Villeneuve’s Dune is not acceptable? After all they’re technically the same movie because they’re based on the same source material.

I get not liking a remake because it’s one to one to the original(edit: I’d even go as far as to say at that point it’s likely a remaster not a remake) , but I don’t get not liking a remake just because it’s a remake. System Shock remake is true to System Shock but it still feels different enough to be a separate game.


What remake? To my knowledge Quake 1 and 2 got enhanced editions, which basically a remaster that also had some additional content.


So hypothetically speaking, if there was a remake of some game and that remake turns out to be the best game ever made, then it shouldn’t be considered a GOTY contender simply because it’s a remake?


Those clickbait bot written posts have a bigger significance than your “No it’s not lmao”. I’m gonna side with the bots rather than some self-important contrarian.


Alright Mr. Important. Go on, enlighten me. Give me your top 30 greatest RPGs of all time, in any order.


Go explore what exactly? That is literally what I was asking. What are those exceptional games that I’ve missed in my 20+ years of gaming that turn New Vegas into a turd? But if you can’t be bothered then just say you have shit taste and don’t know what you’re talking about and we can end it there.


I’m doing fine. I already know you’ve got shit taste. All we can accomplish now is get you to also accept that you had shit taste.


So you’re one of those guys who has to get the last word? Somehow I’m not surprised.


Because I’m talking to an AI. No intelligent thought, just words strung together to make a sentence. Really, your last 5 comments on this thread have literally no substance. You could’ve written “Goo Goo Gaga” every time and it would’ve been just as informative as what you actually wrote.


There’s no reason to be mad so I’m not.


I just said I’m not



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