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Makes sense. The world moved on from Unreal Tournament for better or worse. You can’t just release and leave an online-only game any more. It has to be supported with years of content, or it’s never going to be popular and make it’s money back.

I’m going to guess it was always a small team ticking over in the background of Naughty Dog anyway. Their minute to minute gameplay is solid, but their stories and bombastic set-pieces are much more interesting and separate them from a crowd of pretenders.


Even most console games run at 60 now, with an option to turn on some RT graphical wankery and run at 30.

I often turn it on to see what it looks like, and then decide it’s not worth it. Ratchet and Clank actually played decently at 30, and one of the Ghostwire Tokyo options allowed you to have RT and decent framerates with a minor hit to resolution.

Gsync/Freesync/VRR is a game changer for lower end hardware, because then all those dips below 60 get smoothed out to an even 45 or so. I’ve spent a lot less time fucking about with setting on PC since getting a monitor that supports that.


For games like that it doesn’t matter so much.

If Call of Duty ran at 30 they’d never hear the last of it.

Recommend a game for me to play with my partner angielski

My partner and I occasionally play games together, but they pretty much only play word puzzle games on their own. I’m not very good at word games though, and they don’t have very good spatial skills, so we frequently find ourselves mismatched. We have a switch and a single decent gaming pc, and a pretty old laptop....


That’s a one player game.


It’s not the controls that are the issue. It’s literally a single player game, designed for one person to play.

Have you actually played it to the end? It’s only a couple of hours, tops.


Does it? I did like the first main bit of the story and Lizzy was already to bounce on it.

Everyone else seems to take a lot longer to get cooking.


The best rejection is still from Asto.

“It’s not you, you understand. It’s me… I have standards.”


So? I play on console anyway.

Maybe by skipping PC, the loading will be nice and fast. Actually take advantage of superior console tech.


I think this gen is good for a while yet.

We’ve only just got to the point where games don’t run on PS4 any more.

Current gen has good SSDs, 16GB RAM, fast CPUs and 4K (or at least scale to 4K acceptably) graphics. Most stuff runs at 60fps (with an option to turn on the graphical wankery and drop to 30-40), and when it doesn’t there’s VRR to paper over the cracks.

The only area it’s really lacking is RT performance, and only nVidia are there right now. The pricing for cards capable of dropping old lighting paths entirely (e.g. for Cyberpunk Overdrive mode) is obscene. Frame generation is a red herring. It won’t make games feel more responsive. Only real frames can do that. We’re a long way from dropping traditional lighting.


I’ve no doubt that Steam, PSN, etc can avoid complying with the spirit of the law on this, but the writing is on the wall as far as subscription services go.

Since I got my PS5 just over a year ago, I own 2 games for it. GoW Ragnarok that came with it, and BG3 that was only available digitally. PS+ has provided all the rest. I’ve spent the last week playing Teardown which is great. If this law actually happens, then all devs, not just indie ones, will be relying on game subscription service revenue.


Take-Two are be pretty scummy (especially the sports game division), but Rockstar don’t miss.

Expect evolution not revolution, but we’re going back to Vice City, so count me in.


They didn’t for Red Dead 2. I don’t see why they would for this.

I’ve haven’t touched the multiplayer player content in any of their games, and never felt short changed by what I got.


The inventory management in the game is shockingly bad.

“Oh, I got a new companion. I wonder what I can equip them with.”

Good luck, because the gear is scattered among your inactive companions, or the chests that might be locked to you in co-op.

“I need to take a potion mid combat”

It’s somewhere in those 20 inventory wheels!

The whole inventory weight is kind of pointless as well, since you can send to camp at any point, and there’s very few places where you can’t just go back and get something. It’s just inconvenience kept for the sake of following some arbitrary rules.

Gear especially should just be kept in a separate place from consumables and quest items, with maybe some quick swap wardrobe feature for e.g. switching to a bludgeoning weapon for smashing walls.


At one point something started making a sound like a passing train in our playthrough, which somehow got louder during conversations.

Had to reboot the console to get rid of it. Still have no idea what it was. Just Act III things I guess.


I can only assume that you never touched co-op, or started playing in the last week, because that absolutely was not the launch experience for me and many others.

It is much better now, but it’s clear it was rushed out with a few months of development still to go. Which allegedly they did because they were worried about Starfield.

Even broken it’s probably the GOTY, but it did make certain things a lot more frustrating than they should have been and we spent a lot of time doing saves and waiting for the save to finish before continuing such was the prevalence of crashes to PS5 desktop. There was more than one fight we had to do from scratch because the following cutscene shat the bed.



This ROBERTS SPACE INDUSTRIES. You game locked for virus and crime.

Please send further $3.5 MILLION USD in iTunes GIFT CARDS to further unlock services and ships in the future maybe.


The world is now full of technology that used to have real names, but is now called AI so that investors spunk themselves as they high five each other in shareholder meetings.


All those Humble Bundles for a start.


Isn’t Android very heavily based on Linux too (even if a lot of it is hidden at the surface level)? I can’t think of anything more mainstream than that.

I’m old enough to remember the Phantom Console bringing PC gaming to the masses too. Safe to say the Steam Deck is quite a lot more successful than that, given the only part they ended up making was a keyboard and mouse you could use from the sofa.

GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour ( angielski

While Take-Two is riding high on their announcement that a GTA 6 trailer is coming, its CEO has some…interesting ideas on how much video games could cost, part of a contingent of executives that believe games are underpriced, given their cost, length or some combination of the two.


There absolutely can be a market like that. We’re in a digital utopia where we don’t actually own anything. You could even have a cutoff, where playing more doesn’t charge you more. Gamers might even accept that, in a weird way. You rent it per hour up to 70 hours, and then you just “own” it.

But I suspect most of his stats show that there’s a huge number of people out there who will spend $70 on a game on day one, play it for 10 hours and never touch it again. RDR2 for example has a 30% completion rate on PSN. 31% didn’t even finish the first chapter. And he certainly doesn’t want to say goodbye to that money.

I don’t want a market like that because it will lead to even more time-wasting and busywork in games than there already is. But maybe that would backfire. If you played 10 hours of a game and it was mostly trudging about doing nothing, would you pay to play more of it?


That didn’t even get a PS4 Pro patch.

I don’t think any game has been as well received and simultaneously neglected as Bloodborne.


Uncharted 4 is so much better than the TR reboot trilogy that it’s not even funny. That last one was especially bad.


Idris Elba doesn’t work for free.

Marketing isn’t cheap either. Can’t rely on word of mouth when that word is “shite”. Fixing the code would have been relatively cheap compared to fixing their reputation.


It was OK when the games were a bit smaller (and also makes more sense when played in the right order).

Going from 1 to 2 was a huge improvement, as 1 felt more like a tech demo. Then they added two more 2’s, and frankly they were the exact same.

3 was a bit shit, and lost the city charm. It doesn’t really work in the countryside.

Black Flag was massively popular at the time, because the pirate ship stuff was cool, and it also featured the least amount of Assassin’s Creed gameplay. I think the more recent games still haven’t matched that feel with any of the ship gameplay.

Unity shoehorned in multiplayer, and managed to annoy both single player fans (who don’t want multiplayer) and multiplayer fans (because there’s like 4 missions you can do in co-op).

I didn’t play Syndicate because I was bored to fucking death of AC by this point.

Origins tried turning it into a massive RPG, with levels and choices that don’t really do anything, and stopped assassinations from actually being a guaranteed kill if your stats weren’t high enough.

Odyssey did more of the same, added the boat back in, and made the whole game ridiculously big. Like, there’s good stuff in there (the Minotaur tourist trap is a favourite, along with some of the fantasy elements), but you’ve genuinely seen most of the gameplay the game has to offer before you’ve even got off Tutorial Island. It doesn’t even really get harder. There’s just more of it. It was in serious need of an editor to bring it down to about a third of the size.

I’m still so burnt out on finishing that like 3 years ago, that I’ve not played Valhalla either.


I played it obsessively for the first season and got pretty decent at it.

The second season started, I got disconnected from my first four games about 3 rounds into each. Played it once more on the day that you could cheese the Infallible achievement by running Hoverboard Heroes over and over.

Never played it again. Certainly never touched it since it went “free”.


Sunk cost fallacy at this point.

Paid too much to stop playing and paying. You can buy second hand cars for the price of some of that shit.


They were a lot cheaper to make back then too.

Rare spent 18 months developing Donkey Kong Country from an initial concept to a finished game, and according to product manager Dan Owsen, 20 people worked on it in total. It cost an estimated US$1 million to produce, and Rare said that it had the most man hours ever invested in a video game at the time, 22 years. The team worked 12–16-hours every day of the week.

These days that’s indie game territory.


I think the subscription based stuff is decent value for now. Run 2 years behind the current and you hardly have to buy anything.

The only games I have for my PS5 that I “own” are God of War Ragnarok that came with it, and Baldur’s Gate 3.


Not surprising for the man who thinks an iPhone port of an 18 year old GameCube game should cost $60.

‘Call of Duty’ Doesn’t Just Depict Bad History—It’s Pro-War Propaganda (

I just started playing COD Black Ops Cold War because I got it through my PlayStation Plus subscription and wanted to try it out. I’ve previously played some others like Modern Warfare (1 and 2) and WWII. While it always felt a bit over the top and propaganda-ish, I really liked it for the blockbuster feeling and just turning...


I mean, yeah. CoD has always glorified it. Even more so in recent years as they push for multiplayer and the massive payday that came with that. The earlier games often had a “war can be bad too” bits. The Russian bit in CoD1. The nuke. “No Russian”. But otherwise it’s a Michael Bay movie in game form.

Spec Ops The Line was the only game I can think of that bucked that. Even the publishers had no idea what it was, despite the antagonist literally being called Konrad.


Yeah, that bit.

Even though it was based on events from WW1, stolen under cinematic license for use in WW2 by Enemy at the Gates, and then subsequently stolen again by Infinity Ward.

But hey, it looks good.


They’re not selling large amounts of either.

MS is in the subscription selling business now. Their entire gaming future hinges on GamePass, and while I like the idea of games on tap (I’ve basically bought BG3 for my PS5 and nothing else in the year since I bought it, enough on PS+ to keep me going and I can barely catch up let alone keep up), I suspect the big devs that spend hundreds of millions on making AAA games are less than enthralled with the idea and if GamePass and day one “free” games win, the outcome will be more games that I’m not really interested in.

PS+ is not as good a product as GamePass, but I believe it’s healthier overall for the gaming industry.


The higher tiers. Not sure about the top one (Premium) any more. I got it because I thought I might want to play the older games, but it turns out there’s plenty of PS4 and PS5 games to keep me going, and frankly not enough choice of PS1 and 2 games to tempt me. A more complete library would have made sense, but I’ve literally got more on my shelf than they’ve got on PS Plus Premium.

And my internet is too rubbish for me to want to stream the handful of PS3 games either. It hasn’t even got MGS4 which would be the one interesting thing that hasn’t been anywhere else.


I’d rather play great games 18 months after they come out, than mediocre games on day one. What’s hard to understand here?

The industry needs that day one £60 a box money, the same way the film industry can’t do without cinema takings.

If it doesn’t get it, we devolve further down the predatory DLC route.


They take so long between entries that there’ll be adults with a PS5 who don’t even know what The Elder Scrolls is, let alone get excited for it.

We’ve had The Witcher 3. We’ve had Baldur’s Gate 3. Another clunky Bethesda “RPG” isn’t going to get the juices flowing like it did… fucking hell, 12 years ago.

The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 18-09-2023 ( angielski

Have you been spending hours trying to pass a level? Or maybe you are completely addicted to a newly bought game. Do you have a question about a game or would like to share something else? In the Weekly Discussion Thread, you can do it all!...

Blackmist, (edited )

Baldur’s Gate PS5. Co-op.

Currently takes about 6 seconds to swap between characters. Every time. Every turn. Click, clunk, click, clunk.

Playing really thoroughly, we’re up to 60 hours, level 7, and just starting Act 2.

It’s bad design that part of Act 1 is behind the exact same prompt as the end of Act 1. I nearly missed a whole zone there, as well as an awesome weapon.


We already had TR1 Remastered, it was called Tomb Raider Anniversary.

TR2 was the best of the originals.

TR3 had limited saving and way too many bullshit instadeaths.


Surely the best way was to just jump left and right while shooting constantly.

So, Unity is charging game developers per video game install now... ( angielski

So today Unity announced changes in how they are going to monetize their game engine, and it is, rightfully might I add, poorly recievedHere is how much youtuber Dani would have to pay unity if they consider his games to gain over $200k in revenue Dani’s hypothetical unity payments...


Doubt it. They’ll go to Unreal.

Godot needs console support if it wants to displace Unity. Open source is a noble goal, but it’s going to lock you out of certain markets.


No, I mean that they legally can’t support say PS5 and still be 100% open source. There would need to be a closed source wrapper, and that’s what they don’t want.…/godot-consoles-all-you-need-kno…

Which is fine, they can do what they want, but it means they can never be the choice of a developer that wants to put their game on as many platforms as possible.


Yeah, I’m not sure how consoles avoided that.

It would sure be nice to run whatever I wanted on my consoles. Top of my list would be SteamLink for Switch.

Avoiding piracy is a thorny one for them. They’ve really locked that shit down in recent years. The last time I saw any was for the Xbox 360, where everyone at work had their drives altered and laughed at me for being a mug that still bought games, and then I laughed as they all got banned at once during the Great Purge of 2009. I think piracy was one of the reasons that the PS3 Linux thing was discontinued as well.


That patent doesn’t sound like it’s to eliminate drift. Besides, how would you patent something that people already do and have a name for?

It sounds more like force feedback for sticks.


This is how games and drivers have been for decades.

There are huge teams at AMD and nVidia who’s job it is to fix shit game code in the drivers. That’s why (a) they’re massive and (b) you need new drivers all the time if you play new games.

I read an excellent post a while ago here, by Promit.…/5215019/

It’s interesting to see that in the 8 years since he wrote it, the SLI/Crossfire solution has simply been to completely abandon it, and that we still seem to be stuck in the same position for DX12. Your average game devs still have little idea how to get the best performance from the hardware, and hardware vendors are still patching things under the hood so they don’t look bad on benchmarks.


Bethesda the publisher and Bethesda the developer are different things.

The publishing arm seemed to know what they were doing, certainly enough for MS to buy them.

The developing arm is nothing if not consistent. You know what you’re getting into. An RPG, with lots of character build possibilities (even if a particular build overpowered enough for 90% of players to accidentally stumble across it, like Skyrim’s stealth archer build), a handful of memorable NPCs, no real character development, so-so performance, and a shitload of bugs.

If people are still buying them and still not enjoying them I don’t know what to say. It’s like watching Fast and Furious 10, and going “well that’s fucking dumb”.


I watched the first one many years ago, which appeared to just be Ocean’s 11, but for people who think putting blue lights under your car makes it go faster.

Then I watched F&F9 on Netflix the other month. I don’t remember any of the plot. At one point a car did a Tarzan rope swing.


Given that I remember none of it, I’ll give it a resounding no.

Save yourself many hours of wondering what the fuck you’re doing with your life and just watch that one scene on YouTube.


I love couch co-op, but BG3 has all manner of bugs in co-op on PS5.

Your PSN name and a “mute” icon is overlaid at all times in the top corner of the screen where your rolls and character approval/disapproval information should appear.

From about halfway through Act 1, swapping characters (which you do all the time) triggers multi second pauses for both players.

Cut scene bugs, like invisible characters, no lip sync, no voice acting, voice acting only on alternate lines, one cut scene didn’t actually load at all, just leaving me with the text and a screen full of fog.

We also had no tutorials, but this does appear to be rectified now via a patch released yesterday.

Not sure what happened to the horn-fest other players got, but I suspect that co-op players aren’t getting full “reputation” with NPCs, as this appears to be tracked individually.


Series S performance with it like this would have been something to behold.

I’m not sure why “performance mode” is disabled in co-op either. In single player it runs at a decent pace. It’s just as soon as player two joins that it starts to feel like a PS3 game.

I mean, it’s still fun, the underlying game is clearly good, and occasionally the hitching stops for a few minutes and it’s less frustrating, but it soon comes back again. It’s like it’s doing something daft like reloading the zone between characters.

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