I literally just opened Geometry Dash and was met with a terms of service pop up.
"…Why are they showing me this? Did my data get wiped or something?"
And then I see the Tower and realize that 2.2 just released.
Glad to finally see it here. Played through Dash (which is really easy for an insane imo, beat it much more quickly than usual), and it was mostly great! Only issue is that I REALLY don't like the swing copter. It's not fun to use at all.
Can't say I'm great at it either. Honestly, platformer game type is a weird concept for Geometry dash, but I don't mind it. The way different game modes are incorporated into it is really fun though
Dzisiaj było na tyle ciepło, że mogłem urządzić rowerową myjnię i w końcu wszystkie maszyny na ścianie są wolne od błota. Tylko na chwilę, co prawda, ale zawsze :)
Would've been a good time to test how far I can ride Grey ⚫🚲⚡. The plan was to ride to #BarasoainChurch and back, which would've been ~45km each way.
But the people I was going to ride back with decided they'd take the bus back. The wiser choice would be to join them. Especially with the scorching heat that day.
@evelyn@bikes I made a similar choice last week: orchestra was 24km from home, and finished at 9:30pm. I took my ebike on the train part way home. It still took 90 minutes, but I didn't feel like doing a long ride at the end of the day.
Studio Ghibli's new movie, The Boy and the Heron, prominently places quite a few traditional Japanese knives, including kitchen knives, a sword, and the boy's pocket knife, a Higonokami. They're a carbon steel friction folder. I just thought it was a vibe seeing it in the movie.
If you want to buy one, fuck Amazon and Chinese copies, go directly to the source!
Edit: higonokami-knife.com may be less legit than others. See comment
I see you updated the post to say that site might not be quite legit. I got mine today and visibly, it’s as advertised, however I have no clue how to authenticate any other claims they’ve made, such as the source and exactly what it’s made out of. Any ideas what I could look at to verify?
Either way, I’m happy with what I got for the price even if the story is bullshit. I was able to use PayPal properly (no “gift to a friend” bs I’ve seen on other scammy sites). The price on the site is the price, no additional shipping cost (it did ship from Japan), no tax (that might be a bit sus). It got here in 2 weeks, and it’s as sharp as a thing can be as far as I’m concerned. My only complaint is it’s really stiff out of the box (I was afraid I was going to slip and cut myself trying to open it) but after watching a few videos talking about them, I think that might be by design as they seem to be applying about the same amount of force I am. Also, I’ve never had a knife that opens like this so it’s probably mostly just my fear of the unknown, and I’m already getting used to it.
@ssamulczyk@cycling@rower During the summers here, the heat at home is nowhere near as bad as the heat outdoors, even in my unconditioned garage (where I have my erg).
@adamrice Oh there is no way I’m doing trainer in the summer… I ride at home only in winter and only when it’s unbearably wet. Cold doesn’t bother me, freezing rain does… As soon as it’s acceptable, I choose to ride outside… @cycling@rower
Wczoraj odkryłem, że zniszczona droga kilkanaście kilometrów od mojej wsi nie tylko doczekała się nowej nawierzchni na połowie (na razie) długości, ale także powstaje wzdłuż niej elegancka, szeroka i asfaltowa droga dla rowerów.
Nie do końca jestem przekonany, że budowa DDR akurat tam jest konieczna, bo ruch samochodów i traktorów nie jest tak duży i można było zużyć te fundusze na bardziej potrzebną infrastrukturę. Ale skoro udało się przy okazji remontu drogi dołożyć DDR, która ułatwi dojeżdżanie z kilku wsi do miasteczka, to pozostaje się tylko cieszyć.
@LukaszHorodecki@rower Na mojej wsi nawet przejście pieszo wzdłóż pobocza to wyzwanie. Jakiś tłuczeń po którym się nie da iść. Ile się da trzeba asfaltem - słychać auto - uciekać na pobocze. Tam czasami widuje jako kierowca rowerzystów i to czasami pijanych ale sam bym sie nie odważył. Ja tylko po ścieżkach w lesie jeżdżę. Jak bym miał takie cudo do miasteczka to bym nawet samochodu nie odpalał :)